
By beeeeeeeastt

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Eric is a 26 year old virgin who can't seem to get over his high school sweetheart, and one day when she text... More

Chapter 1: Shame
Chapter 3: No Going Back

Chapter 2: The Agreement

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By beeeeeeeastt

It wasn't strange for Aniya to send Eric a birthday text, she did it every year in fact, and the conversation was always short so Eric expected this one to be no different.

Aniya: Happy Birthday!

Eric: Thanks.

Aniya:Got any plans for today?

Eric: Not really, my birthdays aren't very important to me anymore. I'll probably just have a chill day at home.

Aniya: Oh come on, you have to celebrate! Birthdays only come once a year you know...

Eric: No one's hit me up with any plans and I don't really feel like asking, especially since it's the day of.

Aniya: Ah, you're no fun. Well hey, listen. If you're not gonna be doing anything else today, I kind of wanted to ask if we could do something together?

Eric was taken aback. He was hardly ever enthusiastic about texting Aniya, he always just assumed that she felt obligated to talk to him once in a while because she felt bad about what she did to him or something. This was definitely a different story, but it was still very strange. Eric hadn't even been keeping track of what became of Aniya after they broke up and was surprised that she still lived close enough to him to offer to hang out like this.

Eric: Wait, for real? What did you have in mind?

Aniya: Remember back in high school how you kept on texting me after we broke up because you still didn't want to let go?

Eric: Yeah...

Aniya: Remember that one conversation we had when we agreed that we'd have sex with each other if we were both single in 10 years?

Again Eric was at a loss for words. He remembered exactly what she was talking about as if it was yesterday, but he assumed that she only agreed just to get that heartbroken Eric to stop talking to her.

Eric: You're not saying you want to go through with an agreement we made that long ago, are you?

Aniya: Why wouldn't I?

Eric: And here I thought you only said yes so that I'd shut up.

Aniya: Well maybe at the time, but over the years I got to thinking...what I did to you really wasn't fair, you were never anything but good to me and I was stupid to let you go. Let me make it up to you and we can start over.

"And it only took her 10 fucking years," thought Eric, shaking his head.

Eric: So let me get this straight, you want to have make up sex and get back together?

Aniya: In essence, yeah...

Eric: So it's just that easy to you, huh? 10 fucking years of barely anything more than smalltalk and you just casually ask me if I want to fuck? I don't know what kind of hoeing you've been doing that makes you think that's how the world works, but I refuse to be one of your conquests.

Eric felt very pleased with himself after that last text, as much as he knew he still loved Aniya, she hurt him in ways only he can fully comprehend and he wouldn't let her have the satisfaction.

Aniya: Actually Eric, that's another thing I wanted to mention...I'm still a virgin. I never got back into another relationship after we broke up because I was afraid of hurting other boys in the same way.

In one conversation this same person had managed to leave Eric speechless 3 different times.

Eric: Wait, you too?!

Aniya: We're both still virgins? Wow, it's like this was meant to happen.

Eric believed her of course, if there's anything Aniya wasn't, it's a liar; but could this mean she genuinely wanted to get back together with him? No, Eric still wasn't buying it.

Eric: Okay hold on just a second, even if that's true how do I know it's not gonna end the same way as last time?

Aniya: Well as you can imagine a lot of soul searching can be done in 10 years. The truth is I really don't think I was ready for a relationship in the first place when we started dating, it was an overload of emotion and I couldn't handle it, but now I know I'm ready. I'm ready for you to love me the way you used to and to reciprocate all those feelings back at you.

Eric: It seems you still have the same way with words, but honestly none of this is new. Back then when we would flirt and I'd ask you if you loved me you'd reply "always", and clearly that wasn't true. You'd tell me all about what you're going to do to me during sex: look into my eyes as you put my whole dick in your mouth, straddle me and make out with me while you ride my dick, and wrap your legs around my waist as I tear down your walls, and none of that was true either.

Aniya: Okay look Eric, I'm telling you right now, in the present, that I still love you and I want to get back together with you. After what I did to you I'd understand if you say no, so no pressure. All I'm saying is, if you still feel the same way that I do, well, we're adults! We have our own places! There's no reason for us not to have a little fun if you accept my offer...what do you say birthday boy?

Eric was furious, he still couldn't believe the audacity of this bitch. 10 years and she wants to just waltz back into his life like what she did was nothing. Every fiber, every bone in Eric's body wanted to tell Aniya right here and right now to fuck off, unfortunately for them, the only bone Eric was listening to wasn't even a bone at all.

Eric: So what time are you coming over?

Eric, what are you doing? We're supposed to hate this whore!

"Shut up voice in my head, I refuse to be a virgin any longer."

All this time you spent resenting this girl only for you to crawl right back to her? Falling for the same trap?

"Listen to me, even if she leaves me in the exact same way...if I don't get some goddamn closure I'll be a virgin for the rest of my life, and that means your life too."

Look man I'm just a voice in your head, I'm not the one with the dick so you do you I guess. I'm just saying this goes against 10 years of suffering, but I'll just get back to narrating now.

Aniya: I'll be there in 10 minutes.

And with that it was done. Regardless of whether or not he could live with himself after crawling back to and having sex with the same person who hurt him 10 years prior, Eric was getting some pussy, and not even his own conscience could stop him.

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