The Bane of the Isis (BBC She...

By lets_have_a_kiki

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Isis: The Egyptian Goddess of Magic Isis: The Mother Goddess and Benefactress of Rivers Isis: A Section of Th... More

The Bane of the Isis (BBC Sherlock fanfiction sequel)
Chapter 1 The Revelation
Chapter 2 Surprised Face At The Ready
Chapter 3 Lots Of Catching Up To Do
Chapter 4 A Running DI Means An Important Case
Chapter 5 Data
Author's Note

Chapter 6 I'd Call It Heavy Persuasion

173 17 9
By lets_have_a_kiki

Evanna's POV

I was standing by the windowsill watching.

Just watching. Watching the busy hive that was London, with the River Thames as its principal source of nectar. Everyone had a job, a function, a purpose, and if you didn't then there was something very wrong. The city never calls for aimless wanderers.

"Is that her?" Sherlock asked.

I looked down, replying "Yes"

Molly paid the cabbie and, hauling her bags higher onto her shoulders, walked into 221B.

"Molly!" cried Sherlock as she entered the room. "Let me take those"

He grabbed her many bags from her, as well as her coat and dumped them rather ungracefully on his armchair. She didn't protest, but rather looked quite freaked out by his unnatural behaviour.

"Tea?" he asked, smiling widely and clapping his hands together.

Lost for words, Molly managed to say "No thank you" amidst a lot of urms and ahhs.

But nevertheless, with a frankly slightly scary grin, Sherlock turned to me demanded I go make Molly a cup of tea.


"Evanna" he said sternly, making strange movements with his eyes.


I walked into the kitchen, thankful for the open-plan design of the flat as I flicked the switch on the kettle and prepared to listen in.

Sherlock's POV

"Please erm... sit down" I muttered, gesturing to an empty seat.

Molly complied, removing her scarf and placing it on her lap.

"I came straight after work" she explained. "Have you got a case?"

I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from telling her how obvious that statement was, since I needed her on my side.

"Yes I do! And I need your help Molly Hooper" I cried, kneeling down in front if where she was sitting.

"Well, erm, I'd be glad to help. Go on" she smiled.

"We need," I began, cautious of how I worded my request "access to all patient files on the NHS. And clearance to visit wards. Even ones in isolation. And... two lab coats"

She didn't say, nor do, anything.

"Plus a nurse's fob watch would be nice" I added.

Her glare was as cold as ice.

"Your, erm, your hair looks nice Molly" I said, trying to win her over.

"That won't work on me, Sherlock" she ssnapped holding her chin high. "Not anymore"

Needless to say, this reaction shocked me: I had never expected her to decline. So I stood up and moved away from her.

"Do you understand that I could lose my job?" she hissed, blowing air hard out of her nose. "Does that mean nothing to you?"

"You helped me fake my death! And you've helped me out with experiments before!" I protested.

"Yes but it's not like I just steal eyeballs from the recently deceased" she shouted, standing up. "Those people donated their bodies to science!"

"But we need this" I begged, moving towards her.

"I can't break the confidentiality agreement! Sherlock I'd love to help you, you know I would. But I can't" Molly's voice softened. "I'm sorry but I can't risk it"

"First Lestrade, now you" I muttered, squatting on my armchair.

Molly sighed and asked "What do you want to do anyway?"

Evanna's POV

I finally decided to step in and save my uncle from being battered by Molly Hooper.

"We need to talk to patients affected by his plague, look at files, evidence, inside knowledge" I declared as I walked back with two teas in my hands and set them down on the table. "And we," I glared disgustedly at Sherlock "completely understand that you have limits"

Molly seemed calmer now that I was in the room, and she even managed to throw me a smile.

"Anything you can do would be helpful" I ended.

Silently grabbing a rucksack, Molly produced a white lab coat from its depths and passed it to me. She also handed Sherlock a visitor's pass, explaining how she always carried one in case she lost her own key card.

"If you're really that desperate to leave to see Tom then you really should" said Sherlock, who hasn't spoken for about five minutes.

An embarrassed Molly tried to deny it, but her red cheeks said it all.

"You don't need to be me to work that one out" he smiled, opening the door for her. "Thank you"

John arrived around 2 minutes after Molly had left, and I told him to follow me to Sherlock's room.

Piles and piles of clothing layered the floor, bed, even the lampshade. But those were no ordinary clothes.

"Is this, a sailor's costume?" asked John, holding up a striped t-shirt with his forefinger and thumb.

Not replying, Sherlock continued to rummage through his wardrobe and it was only until a filthy, brown, moth-eaten coat had been flung in my direction that I demanded his attention.

"Listen, I can tell you're a master of disguise with all these costumes, but seriously, Molly already gave you a lab coat" I told him.

With a sound of triumph he pulled out another white coat and put it on. Out of the pockets he produced a lanyard and held that out for John.

Confused and completely in the dark, John took it and read out what it said.

Dr J.H.Watson
World Health Organisation Specialist

After a brief pause and a furrow of his eyebrows, John asked harshly "What?"

"Just make sure you play the part John" Sherlock said absent-mindedly, handing me Molly's lab coat.

Putting it on and placing a stethoscope around my neck, I told Sherlock to run over the plan again for the benefit of John.

"Evanna you are a fifth year medical student writing about the endemic for a dissertation. John you are a WHO specialist coming to observe, as a spot inspection, the Health Service's response to the crisis. Don't say anything. At all. Just follow my lead" he emphasised as he pointed at John. "Evanna it might be good if you make notes in that notebook of yours, makes you look more like a keen uni student"

I nodded, pinning the visitor's badge to my coat's breast pocket.

John however was shaking his head, bearing a look of disbelief. "Sherlock I have to go. I can't do this right now, Mary's waiting for me" he whined.

"Oh come on John!" Sherlock and I simultaneously shouted.

"Just call her to say you'll be late or something! You don't need to go see her for an hour yet anyway" I said.

"How di-?"

"It's written on your hand"


Just before Sherlock could stride out of the room, John asked him "Wait, then who are you going to be?"

Looking back and wearing a smirk, Sherlock answered with a Scottish accent.

He said "I'm the Doctor"


Sherlock you bloody drama queen.

In fact, polls have suggested that the most trusted accent in the UK is the Scottish accent. So Sherlock's onto a winner here with his trustworthy Scottish doctor persona.

It's not just a rather kamikaze Doctor Who reference.

Boom I'm so good at facts.

Huzzah for I have finally updated. I am still being asphyxiated by my studies but I finally managed to churn out this chapter.

If you stuck with me throughout the massive wait then I absolutely adore you my darlings.

I want to hear your thoughts, comments and suggestions concerning this book, I cherish every single thing you guys say.

I'm going to try and upload as often as I can, but I apologise for my tardiness in advance.

Vote, comment, follow, love me.

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