The Inheritors [editing]

By fab_moon

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My flight was being called on for the last time. I turned to have one last look at Noah, or more properly to... More

First author's note evaaa!
1. Meet our Plain Jane
2. LA, here I come !
3. Meet the anonymous dude.
5. He's totally gay.
6. A day to remember
7. Goodbye it is.
8. Home sweet home
9. Good news. Or not.

4. Rachel who !?

503 77 33
By fab_moon

Ivy's POV:

    Noah insisted that he would accompany me to the coffee shop, so as to find Silver. I'd be lying if I said I was excited about it. I'm still pissed at her for stabbing me the way she did, and I defenitely hadn't gotten over yesterday's quarrel. She did take, more like steal, every penny I had. And if I was planning to return home I was going to need that money. Therefore, I had to take it back, and the only way I could do that is have a civil talk with her. 

    Together we headed to the shop. My eyes wandered the place,in vain; she was nowhere to be seen.

- "Perhaps her shift hasn't yet started." I told Noah who looked as clueless as I probably did.

Just then, my sister's boss approched us and declined my theory. He told us that SIlver has quit last night and moved out of town. As a matter of fact, she has skipped off with the money. Great!

I need to contact Jay in the near future, I thought. Otherwise, I'll be officially stuck here. God, could this get any worse ? Appearently yes. 

    Just as we were leaving the café, my sister's so called fiancé appeared out of the blue. He stormed his way through the coffee shop, dismantling everything in his path. He looked as furious as a trapped tiger and held a fearful glare . If his eyes were a weapon, the piercing look in them could have caused serious destruction. I wonder what could be the reason behind this sudden agitation.

    He was now walking towards us, his face contorted in fury and his eyes sparkled with ferocity.

  -" That bitch took my money! " He angrily shouts.

   I knew very well who was he reffering too. Noah, on the other hand, had no clue. He didn't instantly get the message, so I mouthed the word 'Silver' and that's when he got the hint.

  As if the money she took from me wasn't enough, she had to take his as well, I thought to myself.

   -" That's not our problem, man. " Noah answered on my behalf, probably apprehending my disability to talk at the moment.

   -"It might not be your problem, but it is definitely hers." The psychotic pretended fiancé declared, pointing to me. "Since you're her sister you'll have to pay me back for her behavior". He threatingly adds.

     This time it was my turn to interact. I've tried to stay calm but he has succedingly gotten to me.

    -" Oh you've got to be kidding me! How can I be responsible for something she did !? We might be blood related but we surely don't act like it, which i'm sure you're well aware of. And, as far as I know, you're the one who took advantage of her. You knew she couldn't pay the rent so you used her. And now you have the nerve to demand your money back !?"

  My voice had gradually raised and by the end I was sharply screaming. I had indoubtedly attracted an audience.

  "- You lil' bitch how dare you-"

  Before I could think of a comeback, a punch is thrown at his face, sending him flying to the other side of the room in what seemed like the speed of light. He crushes landing on a table and lied there unconcious.

    That is one heck of a blow. Whoever this knockout puncher is, he has to teach me some moves, I thought. Last I checked, there was only one person standing beside me. Could it be him ?

     I turn away forthwith and I spot Noah. His hands were tightly closed into fists, and a trail of blood sliding down his palms. I gawked at his sight. His normally calm and pleasant air had vanished. Instead, his face held a consuming anger.

   He stared right back at me with cold, unblinking eyes. 

A voice suddenly shouted, bringing me back to reality. Probably someone from the audience that had assembled around us.

  -" I called the cops. They're on the way." 

  Those words sent a chill of panick through my body. The thought of the police coming over is frightening. Noah might get in trouble. After all, there's a slight possibility that he has killed a soul. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to let that happen. 

    In a blur, I had grabbed Noah's hand and pulled him out of the coffeshop. He was hesitant at first but quickly got a hold of himself. He probably apprehended the situation. He needed to escape for his own life. Not that he was going to die but you know what I mean. Getting arrested for violence isn't a good record, either.

    We ran alongside the coast, his hand never leaving mine. This tactile connection was affecting me more than It should. It was an electrifying sensation, almost as the feeling you get when you feel someone's face close by on your cheek, or when someone softly whispers in your ear. 

  I shook my head hoping that the feeling would go away. Alas, it didn't. I simply ignored it and focused on the run, forcing my legs to push harder. My heart was beating faster and faster, pumping more blood to my body, I could feel the adrenaline flowing through it, as well. 

  A couple of minutes later, Noah stops, making me stop too since our hands were still joined. 

  -" Um.. Ivy, we can stop running now. I think we've gotten far enough." He manages to say, breathlessly. 

  -" No we can't stop yet; the cops might be chasing us. Let's carry on a little more. Look Noah, I couldn't forgive myself if you go to jail for a murder you only commited to save me."  I said with all honesty and a serious tone, looking directly into his eyes. 

  He, on the other side, was far from being serious. As soon as the words left my mouth, he roared with laughter. I raised my eyebrows, suspiciously, and glared at him. The sound of his laughter was noticeably agreeable and harmonic and I could listen to its all day, but, now was not the moment.

   I'm seriously worried sick about him and all he can do is make fun of me? That is unacceptable. 

 Once he's finally done sniggering he speaks; this time, with less humour:  

    -" Oh Ivy, you were serious." Oh so he finally noticed. -" Oh my God you seriously thought I killed the man, didn't you! " He asks.

   -" Well yes. I've seen you knock him out and the next thing I know he wasn't moving. Wait! So you mean you did not kill him ?"


   This was all so confusing to me.

  -" Of course not, silly! I might have broken his nose but he definitely isn't dead. I honestly thought you were joking. Did you really think that I would beat someone to death !?" A swell of relief  washed through me all of a sudden and the anxiety I felt earlier magically faded. At least he wasn't a murderer.  

   -" Well Noah I don't know, okay? I just thought that that punch could be the end of him. You hit him hard though."

  -" What was I supposed to do? Did you not hear what he had called you? He was totally being a dick."

  -" Yes I guess you're right. Honestly, i'm glad you beat him; he deserved it.
Oh and Noah?"

  -" Yeah?"

  -" Thank you." I said, meaning every word.

  -" No worries, Iv. Now let's head home. The night has fallen. "

  We continued to walk. Well Noah seemed to be racing, and I was struggling to follow his strides. We remained silent and listened to the resound of the pitter-patter of our footsteps against the track.

  Not long later, beads of sweat were forming on my forehead, and my throat aching for more air. I desperately needed to take a break. What? I'm not used to long walks, and especially not after having ran half a mile or so. Maybe if I get Noah to talk I could catch my breathe.

  -" Hey Noah, can I have your phone for a second? "

  -" What for? "

  -"I just really need to talk to a friend. I came here to check on my sister and well, you've seen what happened. She took the money that was supposed to get me back to Korea. Jay, my friend, could lend me money."

  -" Who buys one-way tickets anyway !?" Um, non-rich people? "Nevermind.. here." He says and hands me a cell phone. A galaxy S5 for the matter. Ugh, wealthy kids. "Do you wanna call him? "

  That's when realization hit me. How am I supposed to call him? My phone is gone and I sure as hell don't have his phone number memorized. God, I could be so dump sometimes... most of the time to be honest.

  -" Err actually I can't. I lost my phone. " I embarassingly admit.

  -" So smart, Simons." He chuckles

  -" Oh shut it, Carter." I say imitatively.

  He offers me a pleasent seductive smile, then he cups his chin with one hand, looking all pensive.

-" Hey what about facebook?" He suddenly declares.

-" What about it?" I ask immediately.

-" You could contact you friend on facebook. You do have a facebook account don't you?" I couldn't tell if he was being saracastic or real at that moment.

 -" Of course I do! Where do you think I've been living? Under a stupid rock?" I say getting a little irritated.

  -" Why so serious Simmons, I was just kidding. Here, you can log in now, I have internet."

I snatched the fancy cell phone from his hands. Once I had logged in facebook, I sent Jay a message briefly informing him about my situation; I basically asked him to get me a return ticket.

  -" Here, I haven't logged out so please let me know if he answers." I thanked him before handing him his phone back.

  He grabs it and peers at the screen, probably reading the message. At least if you're going to stalk me, do it secretely, I thought to myself.

    Once he's done snooping the guy's profile, he turns to face me and says:

  -" Is this your boyfriend?"

Jay and me? Hahahha. Brooke would slaughter my ass. 

  -" No he's not. He's a boy, and he's my friend." I quickly retort, emphasizing the word 'friend'. 

 -" Well obviously he's not a good one. Where is he anyway?" 

 -" Hey! Don't talk bad about Jay! he's the best friend ever.. And he's in my heart!" I defensively cry. He chuckles at my response. He must really enjoy annoying me. Jerk. 

  Later, we arrive home. He hands me the keys to get in, and takes a cab to go pick up his car, from wherever the hell it had been left. I took the keys, unlocked the door and rushed towards the bathroom. Mainly I needed to pee, but then I thought I could also use a shower. 

  I stood under the shower spray and let the water beat at my warm muscles. Soon my body became less tense and some more loose. My brain, however, refused to cool off and allow me some peace of mind. I kept thinking of that feeling of electricity I felt earlier, when Noah I were holding hands. It was assuredly a foreign feeling for me, one I had never sensed. I could not define it and that was ironing my head.

  I probably shouldn't be overthinking this. It must have some scientific explanation. Maybe it's some recent undetermined phenomenon that seeks some advanced research. Whoah, It's impressive how thoughtful and inventive you can get during a shower. No wonder I could spend hours in here. It's like the perfect opportunity for thinking and contemplation.  

  Once I had washed all the glow and dirt off my body, I moved towards the living room and fell on the couch. I did a long stretch and just then my stomach let out a loud growl, alerting me of my food cravings. That's when I realized that I had not eaten in ages. I'm surprised I haven't fainted of hunger.

I made my way to the kitchen. Thankfully I had memorized the trajectory. You could really get lost in this house. I haven't exactly counted the rooms, but I'd say there are around twenty. Each twice as big as our apartment. 

 The fridge was stuffed and stored with dishes I had never seen, let alone tasted. Various food of different nationalities. I opted for Italian, after I was done gawking like an idiot. I devoured a medium sea food pizza along with a coke I managed to swallow within a gulp. I almost choked right there. 

  I was making my way back to the living room when I collided with someone. Oh Noah must be back, I thought. Shortly after, I lost my balance and fell to the ground. I was puzzled and waited for a hand to be extended for help but that didn't come. I collected myself and stood up. To my surprise, the person I had hit was no Noah. In fact, It was a girl. An extremely feminine one; a womanish young girl with Asian features. She was most likely Korean too.

  She was highly dressed and exceedingly chic, resembling the girls from magazines. She was wearing a fancy dress, strapless and overly short, that matched with a pair of pumps. She has chestnut brown hair that reached her mid back, and was perfectly straighetened. Her lips were full. Her eyes were almond-shaped and a dark shade of brown. Her eyelashes were too long. Her breast seemed too big, too; compared to her small waist. Her skin was smooth and unblemished. Her cheeks were pinkish red as well as her cheekboned face. She had on make up for sure, maybe overmuch. Nevertheless she still managed to look attractively beautiful. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous at the moment. 

  -" Who the hell are you, and what are you doing here?" She rudely asks. Easy there miss. Don't go all investigator on me. 

Just when I was about to respond, Noah stepped in, his eyes looking back and forth between us. The poor kid looked as clueless as an author trying to finish his sentence. 

  -" Rachel, what are you doing here? " He sharply asks the girl. 

Seriously Noah. Now what? We're just gonna keep asking each other what are we doing here? 

 -" What? I'm not allowed to visit ?" She fights back. " Is that one of the maids?" She points at me, making a disgusted face. 

-" Such good manners you have! " I sarcastically say in response. 

-" Oh, you do have some guts to reply back." She turns to face Noah who hasn't said a word about this. " Noah dear, is this the way your fiancé should be treated?" 

Fian- what ? She's probably just being delusional. I expected Noah to deny her statement and quick her out of the house. He does none of this. Instead, he lefts his gaze and his all reddened face from the floor.

  -" Ivy, this is Rachel, my fiancé." He annouces in the most incovenient possible tone. 

              ******     ********     *****  

Hello hello guys! :D I feel like it's been a while since the last A/N :P 

How y'all doing? Oh let me guess, all stressed up bc of school and exams and similar bullshit. Well let me cheer you up: you're not the only one, i'm having a rough week as well ! :(  That didn't help did it ? :(((

Anyway, this is a chapter (obviously lol) so you should COTE ( COMMENT + VOTE) if u still haven't got that :p

Please please let me know what you think belooow (comment), and make sure u 'vote'.

Those things really make my day :( 

Good luck! Ilysm ♡

- Mouna. 




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