A Take For Two

By FluffyPieCaKe

212 13 3

It's not what you say, it's what you are. It's not what you do, it's what you don't. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Three

24 2 0
By FluffyPieCaKe

No matter how many deaths that I die I will never forget
No matter how many lives I live I will never regret
There is a fire inside of this heart
and a riot about to explode into flames


The few words he had heard about whisperers surely do not match him, and Namjoon's words are too far to grasp. "You're greatly mistaken," he replies.


"Have Seokjin ever told you about me?" He interrupts him. "I find it hard to understand that not once had he mentioned his younger brother's name." Namjoon blinks at him in confusion, but it's something Seokjin must have done. Even if he would to make them allies, the mere saying of his name brings him discomfort. Deep black memories that have grown into hatred. Ones that Jimin is dying to know, trying to see the point where their bond had broken so severely. "If I am truly a whisperer, I would still be wearing the crown on Taehyung's head, and this kingdom would have been mine still," he continues, and right before he turns to leave, he chooses to add quietly, "and you would have not been present at this moment."


Finding Yoongi is an easy task, but returning to the same place again isn't pleasant at all. The said person raises a brow at him when he sits down across the table, but really, Jimin should be the one questioning his daylight drinking habits even if he has never seen Yoongi drunk before.

"You're becoming better at being a ghost everyday, I'm impressed." Jimin frowns at him. "Are you sure it was wise of you to return here?" Jimin sighs, shoulders slumping and gaze shifting downwards, but he has no one else to talk to outside the royal circle but Yoongi, and he's glad when the latter orders a drink for him without further questions.

"What do you know about whisperers?" He decides to get to the point, and Yoongi stares at him for a long time before he's leaning back in his chair with an amused smile.

"Please tell me you didn't wake up thinking you're one."

"Just ..."

"The sole reason Coco is following you around is because Wonho treasured you and allowed no harm from anyone to reach you, and it's merely trying to fulfill the task it couldn't do to its master."

"I do not think I'm a whisperer," he replies to Yoongi's question. "But apparently Namjoon thinks I'm one."

"And you obviously believe him?" Yoongi huffs a laugh, and it irritates him. "Jimin," he leans forward and puts his drinks down. "He's clearly chatting you up, and you shouldn't fall for everything people say."

"For what reason? I offer no land or higher position he can acquire."

"You're hard to resist," Yoongi simply shrugs, and Jimin scowls at him as he leans back in his chair.

"Is that what you all think I am?! A pleasure toy?!" He doesn't wait for Yoongi's reply, storming angrily his way out.


The night breeze welcomes his lost thoughts, and he only notices Jungkook's presence in the room when the bed dips beside him and there's an arm circling his waist. It releases the tension in his body, and he relaxes more feeling the soft press of Jungkook's lips against his neck.

"Are you still upset about Seokjin?" He asks in a murmur, and Jimin knows his means are not to make him drown deeper in his sorrows, but he cannot reply with a yes or no. Seokjin's appearance is too heavy for his heart, especially with his current attitude towards him, but there is an added weight that he cannot speak of. Sure, he can tell him about how Namjoon thinks he's a whisperer, and despite knowing the fact that Jungkook wouldn't make fun of him, he's already had a taste of how his jealousy looks like, and he wouldn't be adding more fuel to the fire, so he stays silent, giving Jungkook the freedom of guessing his worries and confirming them himself. "He wouldn't touch a hair of your head," his tone has changed slightly if Jimin focuses on it. "I promise."

"I know," he replies this time, eyes still on the night sky visible from the opened window. Jungkook sighs lightly, pressing another kiss to the back of his head before he settles in a comfortable position behind him, an arm still hooked around Jimin's waist, and the latter hopes it will shut down his thoughts and lull him to sleep tonight.

After sleepless hours though, he carefully slips out of Jungkook's hold and steps closer to the window. Nothing has major changes, but they feel different to him now despite being inside the same room he'd grown up into all those years ago. He inhales deeply and closes his eyes, frowning when the wind is suddenly blocked from his face, and he reopens his eyes to be met with a large blue iris, narrowing at him with an intent to kill. A million and one thoughts run through his mind, but he's not going to place his hand in the fire one more time. The wolf's eye looks behind him, and he feels Jungkook's tight embrace from behind before the creature retreats with a silent order from Jungkook.

"Jimin?" Jungkook asks carefully, and he releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, once more aware of his surroundings. "I'm sorry, I'm sure it didn't mean any harm to you," he reassures him, rubbing at his arms. "They always wander around me to make sure I'm safe, pushing away possible threats." Possible threats. Jungkook turns him around slowly to look at his face, to make sure he's okay, but Jimin's mind only focuses on the last two words. Jungkook probably knows that Jimin can't hurt him physically, but the emotional indication is a killer, and it doesn't make it any less easier on any of them. It just hurts to know that Jungkook is hurting because of him. "Do you wish for me to close the window?" He nods as an answer, heart still beating at an irregular pace, and only when the room is totally dark does Jungkook lead him back to bed, and he stays there with his eyes opened till the morning.


He blinks his eyes open, and it's strange how the lighting in the room has changed already. He must have fallen asleep at last at some point, but his body is still tired of not enough sleep, and so he closes his eyes again. The kiss planted on the side of his neck indicates that Jungkook has been awake for a while, but he hasn't left the bed, and Jimin seeks the arm around his waist, hugging it closer to his chest.

"You're back to messing your sleeping schedule again," Jungkook comments, amusement clear in his voice with a little hint of disapproval. He knows that Jungkook means well, having been the one to wake him up at odd hours of the day because he let his thoughts get the best of him. "I don't want you to lock yourself inside your room again," he continues in a hushed whisper, sadness coating his tone accompanied with a kiss to his hair, and he knows what Jungkook means, and honestly, he's not going to argue because he is right. Seokjin still remains inside the castle walls, and Namjoon is someone he would like to avoid for the upcoming days of his visit. He hums a reply, turning to cuddle closer to Jungkook, and surprisingly, there is fabric meeting his fingertips making him open his eyes and frown. Jungkook had gotten up already and put his clothes on, and when he looks up, he's met with a soft smile on his face, but it only deepens his frown when Jungkook sits up. "I've gotten you a gift by the way," he stands up, walking away towards the door, and Jimin pouts at him when he turns to him. Jungkook struggles to react, and it's what he was hoping he does, but he doesn't give him the satisfaction of winning this round as his hand turns the doorknob. "Please feel at home," he says and goes, leaving the silence behind him.

Jimin almost laughs at the word 'Home' but he doesn't, and he snuggles into Jungkook's pillow but it offers no warmth as Jungkook himself does, and he groans, sitting up after a failed attempt in getting back to sleep. There's something folded neatly on the chair that wasn't here before, and he guesses it's Jungkook's gift, so he gets up to get a closer look at it, not getting the happy feeling he thought he would at seeing his old favorite blue silks. The fabric is so soft beneath his touch, something he's missed dearly, but the memories it brings aren't pleasant at all. He still strips out of his clothes though, enjoying the lighter garment. His reflection at the mirror reminds him that no jewels will be decorating his body no more, and he ties it as carelessly as he did all those times before, not having a servant to make him look perfect anymore, but it's fine. There are no ties on his hands, and he's able to breathe without the too many golden chains choking his neck.


Coco is lazing around in the garden. Eyes closed as it lies down on the grass, and it makes Jimin smile as he approaches the tiger, rubbing at its head and smiling wider when it nuzzles closer to his touch.

He brought him food, but the tiger sniffs at it and turns the other way making Jimin frown. In all honesty, he's never raised a pet before, so he doesn't know what the tiger usually eats, but he's been trying everything with it lately, making a mental list of all the food the tiger likes and hates.

"I sincerely hope that you're not further pursuing Namjoon's words," a voice calls from above him, and he looks up to find Yoongi.

"I'm not," he replies shortly, a glare in his eyes that Yoongi immediately recognize, raising both hands in surrender.

"You seem upset," Yoongi notes. "I'm sorry if I offended you in any way," he apologizes, but Jimin keeps his eyes on the tiger instead. Yoongi did insult him, and he's not accepting his apology. When it's clear that Jimin is giving him no reply, he sighs, and the latter sees the former continuing his way into the castle, narrowing his eyes at him.

"What business could you possibly have with the residents of this castle?"

"I'm afraid I bear bad news," Yoongi replies, stopping to turn to him momentarily.

"Bad news?"

"News about Jungkook taking over his father's place is spreading quickly, and people don't wish to face another mad king," he pauses, lips pursed. "A wolf was killed, in its giant form," he informs him, and Jimin's eyes widen as he stands up slowly. "They're strong when they're in a pack, but they don't leave the city in fear of it being penetrated when they're gone. The one Jungkook took is probably going to be one of two who ever accompanied the king outside the walls. Once they're individuals, their hunt is easier, and once the king is away, the city is facing more danger than ever," Yoongi turns towards the gates again before stopping and looking at him one last time. "Consider it your ticket out of hell. Take my advice, use whatever you have to your advantage," he tells him and leaves, and Jimin looks back at Coco who doesn't seem to be bothered by Yoongi's words. The tiger has made it clear it doesn't fancy the food he brought with him, so he neglects the plate on the ground and heads after Yoongi.

What he encounters though is unexpected, and he tries not to show his contempt much, but the annoyance is clear on his face as Namjoon stops in front of him. "I hope you've been thinking about what we've talked about," he smiles carefully, but there are more important things going through Jimin's mind at the moment, so he doesn't try to sugarcoat his words.

"I thought I've made it clear that you've chosen the wrong person," he moves to the side, but Namjoon blocks his way.

"There's no harm in trying," he tries again. "I can teach you."

"How?" Jimin crosses his arms over his chest. "Do you happen to be a whisperer yourself? Although I highly doubt it. I'd have been convinced by now."

Namjoon's smile falls, "no."

"Do you know a whisperer who can help me, if what you say is true, to discover my abilities and how to use them?"

Namjoon presses his lips into a thin line before replying, "no, but I have knowledge-"

"It means nothing," he cuts him off. "I too hold valuable knowledge about dragons, but sadly, they're not mine to use." He tries to make his way past him again, and he's stopped with a hand on his arm.


"Do you have a problem?" It's not his own voice nor his own hands that removes Namjoon's grip from him, but rather Jungkook, who Namjoon doesn't even spare him a glance, keeping his eyes fixed on Jimin.

"I guess we'll talk later then, in private hopefully, with no interruption." He turns to leave, not offering any respect to Jungkook, and he probably doesn't acknowledge him as a king yet. Jungkook turns to him with his brows furrowed when Namjoon is gone.

"What did he want from you?" His tone isn't friendly, and Jimin can't deal with a jealous Jungkook right now, so he lies.

"He was hoping I could help him with Taehyung. Unfortunately, he came to the wrong person," he turns to leave, glad that Jungkook isn't following him.

"Jungkook's departure leaves you in a vulnerable position." Jimin comes to a halt when he hears Yoongi's voice, brows furrowing when he sees the person he's with is no other than Taehyung. He takes a step back quietly, not wanting his presence known and continues to listen. "Even if he's capable enough of defending his own city, you're still powerless."

Taehyung sighs. "I still have Seokjin by my side, and if I try hard enough, I'll get Namjoon too."

"You're too naïve to actually think that Seokjin will be an ally," Yoongi replies. "And Namjoon already has someone in mind."

Taehyung scoffs. "Of course he does," he pauses, and Jimin can see how anxious he is, can hear it in his voice that he's terrified. "Well, what do you suggest?" Taehyung's eyes grow bigger. "I cannot tell Jungkook not to go back."

"No, but you can ask for an alliance."

"Jungkook is my friend. I'm sure the whole city knows by now."

"True," Yoongi hums. "But your enemies don't." There's a pause where they stare at each other before Taehyung shakes his head, but Yoongi presses, "you know it's the only way."

"He's my friend," Taehyung insists.

"Friendships can sway," Yoongi replies.

Taehyung steps back and shakes his head again. "I'll think about it."

"You don't have much time," Yoongi reminds him as Taehyung walks away, and Jimin takes another step backwards to be completely hidden by the wall, watching Taehyung's figure disappearing into a different hall before he steps out and launches at Yoongi, dragging a not very shocked Yoongi to a room nearby and pushing him roughly against the wall. "Someone is learning to be a sneaky cat," he comments with a smirk, but Jimin is fuming. He slams a hand near Yoongi's head, but the latter doesn't flinch.

"You're a malignant snake!" Yoongi fixes him with an unimpressed look, and Jimin steps back to look him down. "For how long have you been poisoning Taehyung's head with your sinister ideas? Have you been fucking him too?"

"Aren't you too riled up?" Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest, and the way he's completely calm only manages to make Jimin angrier. "Is it the fact that you're not the only one with outstanding beauty that troubles you?" His question throws Jimin off-guard, and he furrows his brows. But before he can reply with a negative, Yoongi is carrying on, "I thought you hated to be objectified." He's clearly seeking a reaction, and Jimin doesn't give him the satisfaction of earning one, so he ignores him.

"Taehyung wouldn't accept. You're wasting your time."

"He wouldn't?" Yoongi cocks an eyebrow. "You and I both know that a crown replaces the heart."

"What side are you on?" Jimin scoffs at him. "I bet this is why you're still here leeching your way into the castle. You've surely betrayed your old clan and left them to rot while none suspected you," he steps closer again. "I'm no fool to your games."

"Think rationally," Yoongi sighs and rolls his eyes. "Do you really wish to go back with Jungkook? What is it for you there?"

"Happiness," Jimin doesn't think twice before replying, and Yoongi laughs at him.

"You'll be casted aside," he shakes his head. "It's not the place you want to be at."

"You don't know what I want," Jimin glares at him.

"And here I was thinking that you might have actually grown up," Yoongi lets his arms drop by his side. "Jungkook has royal blood running in his veins that ensures him a full loyal army, but a wolf was knocked down, and others will be dead soon if he doesn't react quickly. He'll be having no allies. People haven't forgotten about his father and they won't trust him, not now, not never. The only option he has now is Taehyung, but his dragon is still growing. Once both of you are gone, surely he will be dead along with the dragon, this city will fall, and in no time, Jungkook will be next. I'm not picking sides, Jimin. I'm simply working my head. I don't wish to live my life in fear."

Jimin stares at him for a moment, and there's too much in his head. Yoongi's words make sense, but not to him. He speaks of logic that Jimin hoped he had forgotten long time ago. "You're still a snake," he tells him. "I wouldn't hesitate to kill you next time."

"I would like to see you try," Yoongi doesn't smirk at him. "You're too weak to even do that." The harsh reminder cuts through him and leaves him to bleed. He takes another step back and exits the room, his hands a bit shaky as he rushes through his steps to get inside his room.

The air is suddenly chilly on his exposed skin, and he hurries to close the window. He doesn't realize he's crying until he sees the wet patches on the back of his hands, so he sits on the bed and wipes at his eyes. It's an endless loop and he hates it. A threat is always present, and war has been approaching way back before he was even born that he's not capable of stopping it now. Yoongi isn't mistaken when he said he doesn't like the city of shadows, but it was bearable with Jungkook by his side. Now, as he looks around the walls surrounding him, they'll fall too like he once had fallen. He had no powers to support him, and even Wonho and his men couldn't escape the danger. Taehyung is no different, and it will mark his own downfall too if he let it all happen again.


Jungkook enters the room with heavy steps, leaning back on the door once it's closed, and when Jimin turns to him, he doesn't look up from the floor, sorrow evident on his features. Jimin has done crying, standing by the window now, still feeling this ridiculous chilly aura in the air as he hugs himself tightly, waiting for what's coming.

"I've received bad news," Jungkook speaks up, his voice low and quiet in the space between them, and Jimin wishes he can go to him and hug him, but he doesn't. "The killed one of my wolves," he takes a deep breath, but his shoulders slump with his exhale. "I need to go back as soon as possible."

"What about Taehyung?" He asks, because he knows they talked. Knows that Yoongi is involved and he had spoken his mind too. Jungkook looks up at him then, brows furrowed.

"He's got Namjoon with him, and Seokjin-"

"Seokjin will only save his own ass," he cuts him off, slightly confused. Had they not talked then? Is Taehyung not intending to make a move? "And Namjoon isn't interested in him."

Jungkook looks him up and down before scoffing, "of course," saying it in the same tone Taehyung did earlier. "Not when you're wandering like that." But Jimin really isn't in the mood right now to handle it, so he rolls his eyes.

"I cannot believe you're blaming me for it."

"You could've been more descent," and Jimin glares at him.

"You know what, I'm not gonna even reply to any of you anymore. Think whatever you wanna think about me. I don't care. I shouldn't have to defend myself every single time against your false accusations because maybe I thought you use your brain not your dick!"

Jungkook looks guilty, and he moves towards him with an apology. "I'm sorry." He's gently holding Jimin's arms, but the latter turns his head away. "I just can't handle the thought of you belonging to anybody else," he whispers, hands slipping to a full embrace, and Jimin feels his breath on his neck. He can't help but melt though. Jungkook had always offered a kind of warmth that no one else have. "We don't have much time," he continues. "We'll need to leave as soon as we can." And Jimin hears it, the same fear coating Taehyung's words. They're both still new to this, rising slowly on their way to power, and Jimin knows that being selfish will only cause more trouble.

"You should support Taehyung's reign."

"I do," Jungkook pulls back to look at him with a frown. "I've come here with him, offered my protection and assistance in every way possible. I believe my stay has proven that enough."

"Your enemies don't know, and they can't assume. They'll divide you apart."

Jungkook sighs and turns to pace. "They can't enter the city in a couple of days."

"They sent assassins after my father to cut out any protection, then after my mother because they thought she had the dragon egg, then after me, in a couple of days," he argues, heart clenching in his chest.

"I cannot take him too," Jungkook frowns deeper. "This is hid kingdom, he cannot leave." And it still opens a wound, how it's not his own kingdom anymore, but Taehyung. And perhaps Yoongi was right. He doesn't belong here anymore, nor does he belong with Jungkook, sadly.

"The strongest type of bond people actually acknowledge isn't friendship, Jungkook," he says in a weak voice, watching the other turning to him with furrowed brows, and his throat tightens around the words but he forces them out. "You should marry Taehyung."

The silence following is deadly, and Jimin misses Jungkook's warmth already. He tries to stay still and hold Jungkook gaze, who's been staring at him with his furrowed brows for too long now. He crosses his arms over his chest, and the look in his eyes sends a shiver down Jimin's spine.

"And whose idea is this? Namjoon? Has he been pouring nonsense into your brain and you believed him?"

"Keep him out of this," he warns. "It's the only logical way you can both be safe."

"No, it's the only way he gets what he wants!" Jungkook shouts.

"Me or him aren't even included in this!" He shouts back.

"So you wouldn't leave with him?" Jungkook challenges, and Jimin's tongue is tied. He parts his lips to reply but nothing comes out. He doesn't know yet. "I doubt it you'll want to stay here," he continues in a calmer voice. "I can already see hesitance in your eyes." Jimin darts his gaze away, and he hears Jungkook's sharp exhale. "Sometimes I wonder why you let people in so easily," he says and turns to leave, not caring to close the door behind him, and Jimin stays there with his arms around himself for a beat before he hears something breaks and he closes his eyes. Jungkook's rage shouldn't be aimed at anyone but him, and he fears he might go out of control. His doubts are clear once he hears a loud cry of pain, Taehyung's voice shouting at Jungkook to stop, and he quickly rushes out of the room towards the voices.

Yoongi is pinned down with blood drooling down his face while Jungkook is above him, a hand roughly squeezing around Yoongi's throat as the other lands a hit to his face, and his eyes widen. "Jungkook stop!" He quickly kneels next to them, grabbing Jungkook's hand with both of his own, but the latter doesn't even look his way. "I'd advise you to keep your mouth shut," Jungkook threatens Yoongi, and Jimin doesn't know how much knowledge does Jungkook own about Yoongi being an advisor to Taehyung, but he pulls his hand away and stands up, Taehyung hurries to Yoongi's side to assess the damage with a grimace on his face. "You're lucky it wasn't you in my way first," he addresses someone else, and when Jimin looks to the side, Namjoon is standing there with an unreadable expression.

"Jungkook, that's enough!" Taehyung stands and turns to him. "You shall not threaten my guests inside my castle!" Jungkook simply turns and leaves, but not without sending one last glare to Namjoon. "Please accept my apologies," Taehyung turns to Namjoon. "I'll take care of this. You needn't worry." He crouches by Yoongi before Namjoon can argue. "Can you help me get him up?" Taehyung looks at him, and Jimin nods, the both of them supporting Yoongi's weight until he's lying down on a sofa. Taehyung gets water and a cloth and hands them to him. "I probably should go after Jungkook before he attempts any irrational action."

Jimin looks at Yoongi, the bruises on his face, the blood dripping to the floor, the angry marks around his neck, and when he reaches for the cloth and the water Taehyung left behind, he lets his hand slip on purpose, and the items drop to the floor, rolling away from Yoongi's reach. The latter looks at them then back at him. "I should feel sympathy, but I don't. You brought this on yourself. I told him of your ideas. Wasn't this what you wanted?" He stands up and leaves, not wanting to hear more of Yoongi's words.

He returns back to his room, stopping right outside the door when he hears Taehyung's voice. He's dug his own heart grave, and it's what he had planned for eventually, but it hurts all the same. He walks backwards and turns on his heels, seeking the one creature that doesn't reject him nor feed him lies. The tiger is still comfortingly lying on the grass, and Jimin leans onto it, hugging it tightly and seeking the warmth it provides. It's different that Jungkook's, but it calms him down nonetheless. Coco nuzzles back at him making him smile before a pitiful whine is released from its mouth and Jimin is alarmed. He pulls back to see his hands coated with blood, and the tiger moves to take another attack instead of him, offering protection, and Jimin panics. His hands fly to the tiger's head seeing an arrow pierced deep into its skull, and another two penetrating its side, and as the weight becomes too heavy, he kneels to the ground next to the dead tiger, raising his sight to see Seokjin standing with a crossbow, aiming straight at his head.

Jimin remembers the time he and Seokjin were inside their mother's room, and they were playing around. Jimin is walking now on his own two feet, but he can't climb the bed after Seokjin. He's cried until his big brother jumped off the bed, wiping Jimin's tears with his sleeve, telling him never to cry when he's around. Jimin still remembers, but Seokjin apparently doesn't. Eyes dead and weapon raised. He doesn't know if he can still call him an older brother anymore. A loud growl comes from behind him and Seokjin stutters, eyes wide in fear as he ducks back into the castle, but Jimin barely recognizes the giant wolf standing behind him. There's blood everywhere. Coco is dead. His steps are hazy and his vision is blurry, and his tears mix with blood as he wipes at his eyes, feet dragging him away from the scene.

He doesn't stop until he's at a river, but he isn't sure which one, and his reflection in the water is reminding him again of what happened. Yoongi told him he's weak, that he can't kill even if he tried, and it hurts to know that it's true. He couldn't stand up to Seokjin, he couldn't protect the poor tiger. He just stood there accepting his fate if it wasn't for the wolf weeping after its lost friend who accompanied its long nights in the garden. He's crying again, tears blocking his view from the bloody mess his outfit has gotten. Every exposed part of his skin is tainted with his own mistakes.

There's a voice calling his name, but it's not the one he wants to hear. He's pulled into a cold embrace and he cries harder. "Stay away from me! I don't want you!" And he knows he's not really pulling up a fight, but there's ringing in his ears that mute any other voices around them and his body is suddenly so heavy to sit on his own. He faintly registers a pair of hands touching his body before he's pulled into a familiar warmth and everything turns black.


He doesn't feel the blood on his hands anymore, body nuzzled into soft pillows and sheets, and when he opens his eyes, he's met with Taehyung sitting next to the bed, and there's a tray of food and a glass of water by his side.

"Seokjin has fled," Taehyung says first. "He must've known that he was no more welcomed to stay inside this kingdom," he pauses, and surprisingly, Jimin doesn't feel too dizzy like before. He's able to see his surroundings clearly and breathe properly, but his body is so tired to move. "I cleaned you up," Taehyung informs him and stands up. "You should eat something." He looks hesitant when Jimin turns back to him, but he doesn't say anything until he's at the door. "I'm sorry."

For Seokjin? For Jungkook? For the kingdom? For the dragon? Jimin doesn't know, and the door closes before he receives an answer. He should have said it back though, he knows that much. Taehyung's life was not the happiest and he is the reason for it. If he had known before, would he had switched with Taehyung? Now that's the real question that he doesn't know the answer for. He sighs and sits up, eyeing the food tray before reaching for the water. Seokjin has fled. The sentence should ease his worries but it doubles his pain. Seokjin wanted him dead.


The king used to keep a large library inside the castle containing all kinds of books, but none of dragons. Jimin understands, as his fingers trace the covers, dust meeting his fingertips for not being used for too long. He's been fed stories and knowledge about dragons ever since he was old enough to understand. Not even Seokjin was allowed to listen, and his parents would always tell him to keep it a secret. He stops in the middle of the library, thinking how they must have seen something like this coming. Betrayal. He sees his fingers shake, hovering above the books, and is he crying again? His vision goes blurry in seconds, and just like before, he doesn't even feel the fall nor the contact his back makes with the ground.

When he regains consciousness, he's warm and content, and his eyelids refused to open to reality.

"You fainted again." Unfortunately, not everyone can get what they want, and the quiet soft voice that speaks to him confirms that Jungkook has been there the previous time too. No wonder he doesn't feel pain then. However, he shouldn't be enjoying this much, so he blinks his eyes open and pulls back, unable to steady himself for a moment, and he keeps a hand pressed to Jungkook's chest for leverage.

"I'm fine," he replies. It's just Trauma, he'll get over it. Seokjin cannot have this effect over him. Jungkook is silent, but he knows he very much doubts his answer, but Jimin manages to stand on his own, his feet a little wobbly when he moves. The shuffle noises behind him tells him that Jungkook has stood up to his feet too, and he's saying something that Jimin doesn't register. Probably because he can't see anymore.



He stares at the ceiling when he wakes, annoyed at how his body is reacting, but he's been awake for a long time now that the darkness outside is mixing with the room. When he decides to sit up, the dizziness is gone, and he prays that's it's gone forever. Jungkook isn't here, and it's understandable.

The door opens suddenly, startling him, although it's opened slowly and carefully. He sees Namjoon with a lit candle, surprise on his face when he sees Jimin awake, and he opens the door wider, standing awkwardly there. "Oh, you're awake ... I thought you were still asleep, it's why I didn't knock," he points at the door and presses his lips together. "Taehyung is rather ... busy. So I came to check on you instead. I hope I'm not a bother," he smiles sheepishly, and Jimin doesn't want to think why Taehyung is busy, so he shakes his head.

"I appreciate it," he replies. "Thank you." Namjoon smiles genuinely at that, and Jimin feels bad as he keeps standing at the door, so he offers a smile back. "You can come in, you know? I'm not gonna bite."

"Hard to tell with you," Namjoon chuckles, but he enters the room, placing the candle on the table next to the untouched food, and it makes him frown. But before he gets to comment on it, Jimin speaks up.

"I'll go with you." Namjoon stares at him for a long moment. "This place holds too many harsh memories to me."

"Alright," Namjoon says after a while. "I'll be leaving tomorrow," he announces. "If you need a couple more days to-"

"Tomorrow is fine," he cuts him off. "I barely have any belongings here to pack anyway."

Namjoon nods at him, standing up and leaving the candle behind. "I'll leave you to rest then. Goodnight."

"Night," he replies, watching Namjoon close the door behind him as he leaves, and he sighs, placing his face into his hands and allows himself to breathe for a moment. There's an ache in his heart that he doesn't wish to acknowledge, and maybe sleep will postpone thinking about his problems. He'll have plenty of time to do that during the trip with Namjoon. The cold night's air hits his shoulders and he turns to look at the opened window. After an internal debate with himself, he stands up from the bed and walks to close it, pulling the curtains tight, just the way he likes it. Perhaps he is going to miss this place just as much as he had grown to hate it.

The door opens again, and he guesses it's Namjoon forgetting to tell him something, or probably Taehyung coming in to check on him, but when he turns, he's met with Jungkook, and his heart shatters all over again.

"I don't think I'll faint again," he starts with something, because it must be the sole reason Jungkook is here. "You don't need to worry about me anymore."

"Good to hear," Jungkook nods.

And just because he wants this to be over quickly, he adds, "I'm leaving with Namjoon tomorrow." Jungkook isn't looking at him, but he nods again, like he already knows. But when he moves, it isn't to leave. Instead, he closes the door behind him and walks into the room, standing right in front of him and looking into his eyes, and Jimin doesn't want this, but he's rooted to his place, unable to tell him to leave.

"You seem to always make your decisions without telling me the reason behind it," he smiles, a small one.

"I did tell you the reason behind it," he frowns. It wasn't the most pleasant conversation ever, but he remembers vividly what he said, the anger and disbelief on Jungkook's face, and he hasn't seen Yoongi since. Taehyung probably tends to him, but even if it's in his wildest dreams, he hopes that he will be banished from this kingdom along with Seokjin. He won't be here to see it though, sadly. Jungkook looks at him like he knows there's more to it, and of course he knows. He knew about Yoongi plotting with Taehyung, he knew about Namjoon's motives, he knew back then when Jimin slept around, yet he's always waiting for Jimin himself to say it, which is never going to happen.

Jungkook lifts his chin up with a finger, and Jimin hates the soft eyes he gives him. "So this is the last time I'll see you?" Jimin parts his lips to reply, but Jungkook leans in, close enough for their noses to touch, and he's probably waiting for Jimin to push him away, to say something, but the latter's hands only stop to hold Jungkook's elbows when they near his waist, and it's the answer Jungkook needs to tilt his head and press their lips together. Jimin hates how easily he melts in Jungkook's hold, craving the way Jungkook pulls him closer until their bodies are pressed against one another.

His back is pressed against the wall next to the window, and Jungkook's hands travel lower until they can slip beneath his silks, and Jimin's never been thankful to the careless way he dresses up until now. He gasps and shudders when Jungkook trails his lips to his neck, pressing his body against him harder and managing to get a moan out of him. "We shouldn't," he exhales in a shaky breath, feeling Jungkook's tongue on his skin.

"I know," Jungkook pulls back, but he's only pulling them towards the bed until his back is hitting the mattress and Jungkook is pulling the silks off him completely, his mouth returning on his skin once more, and Jimin closes his eyes, bringing his hands up to push his hair backwards before opening his eyes again and looking down at Jungkook. Is he going to regret this? Probably. But it feels too good at the moment to tell him to stop. Besides, he doesn't trust his voice much, not when Jungkook licks over his nipples and turning him into a moaning mess.

Jungkook sits up to discard his clothes, eyes darting to the food tray and he pauses for a second before he focuses his attention back on Jimin, hands on his thighs when the latter spreads them open. He's not going for his dick though, and Jimin covers his mouth with his hands when Jungkook dives his tongue into his hole. He's felt it before for merely a few moments before his orgasm crashed down on him, but it feels heavenly now. His dick twitches against his stomach, and he brings a hand down to stroke himself, the pleasure is amazing, and Jungkook doesn't deny him anything. And just when he's about to come, his hand is pushed away, and Jungkook's tongue leaves his hole gaping, and he whines high in his throat not caring to cover it this time.

Jungkook scoots up and pushes his legs apart even more before his tip finally presses past his rim, and Jimin lets his head fall back on the pillows and his eyes close, enjoying the slow burn the stretch brings with it. Jungkook leans over him, his breath ghosting over his neck before he's pressing light kisses to his skin and he starts moving in slow circles making Jimin lips part silently before he releases a pleasant hum, sending a signal to Jungkook to start moving, and he does, thrusts beginning slow as his hands trail down his sides, down to his ass and he squeezes with a deep thrust making Jimin whine. His hips are lifted and the angle is changing, and as much as Jimin wants the blissful feeling to consume him, Jungkook seems to have other plans, continuing his deep slow thrusts to make it last longer, a finger teasing his tip before a hand tightens around the base, and Jimin has to bite his lips hard as pleasure comes and goes in sudden waves.

When Jungkook finally ends his torturous teasing, he's being bend in half, legs up to his chest as Jungkook leans over his elbows on the bed, his thrusts getting faster and deeper and Jimin can't tone down his moans. "Say my name," Jungkook whispers in his ear, hitting his prostate over and over, and Jimin can't form a coherent word, his orgasm approaching, but all he gets is a dry one as Jungkook tightens his grip around his base again, and Jimin actually cries, opening his eyes and staring up with a hazy gaze. "Say my name," Jungkook repeats, not stopping his abuse against his prostate, and Jimin does, moaning his name over and over until the hand gripping his dick is stroking him instead, keeping a finger over his slit, and it's how Jimin comes, his vision turning white for a long time before he comes down to his senses, feeling Jungkook chasing his own release and stopping once he did. He pulls out and lies down beside him, a hand slung over his waist, and Jimin is aware of the cum dripping out of him, but he can't stand, just as he is aware of the hickeys tainting his body. Sleep comes sooner than he expected.


The pain in his ass is reminding him of last night's events, and he surely smells of Jungkook and sex, but the morning light is beginning to pour into the room, and he's reminded that he must leave. Jungkook is awake beside him, his lips pressing against his neck over the hickeys he left, but Jimin has to go, so he turns to face Jungkook and leaves a lingering kiss on his lips before he's rolling to his side to sit up, almost groaning when he thinks that he'll have to sit for a very long time inside a carriage. No way in hell Namjoon wouldn't know then if he already doesn't know, given how vocal he was yesterday. He's still sticky, and he uses his clothes to clean himself up, reaching for the clothes he bought in the city of shadows to pull over his body.

He doesn't want to, but he turns to the bed, seeing Jungkook sitting up with a wretched expression on his face making Jimin's throat burn, but he can't stay.

I love you.

"Goodbye, Jungkook," he says instead, and even if he doesn't receive a reply, he knows it's there.


Taehyung is there when they leave, wishing them a safe trip, and if Namjoon notices his discomfort or the marks left behind by Jungkook, he doesn't comment on it. He rather allows the silence to fill the space between them, and Jimin closes his eyes for most of their journey even if he's not really asleep.

A gentle hand on his knee is their sign of arrival, and when he blinks his eyes open, Namjoon is smiling at him, dimples in view, and the carriage comes to a stop in front of a gigantic castle. His mind reminds him that this is where the Iron Throne lies, Namjoon's rightful throne, and he hates how he's yet going to disappoint everyone, because surely, he's not the whisperer Namjoon thinks he is. He offers a tight smile in return, hoping that Namjoon would blame it on his tiredness rather than distaste for being here, and he accepts the hand extended to him as he gets off the carriage. There are soldiers standing to greet Namjoon, and what he assumes is a general, as he glances at Namjoon and sees his smile falters.

"You can go on," Namjoon turns to him, the corners of his lips lifting up again. "I'll be taking care of some minor issues, but the servants already know of your arrival," he turns to his side, and Jimin notices a young male standing in the distance with his head bowed. "They'll lead you to your room."

"Alright," he replies, walking towards the servant who simply turns to lead him inside the castle once he reaches him. He dares to glance behind him one last time, seeing the frown on Namjoon's features appear as the general starts talking before he's completely out of sight.

The castle is different than his or Jungkook's. Less decoration hanged than his own, but the gardens are vast in space, and when he passes along to the gates, he can't help but notice a bigger castle in view, and his feet stop on their own, seeing the high tower in the middle.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice startles him, and he turns to see a young lady staring at the tower as well. She has a tanned skin with short wavy hair, and she's wearing an armor. Jimin assumes she's a soldier. "The Iron Throne," she continues, and Jimin has to turn to the tower once more. So this is where the Iron Throne lies. Far from where he's being led to, he notices. "Wouldn't you want to take a look?" She asks, and Jimin turns back to her. She's smiling, but it's not reaching her eyes. It's not genuine, and he doesn't know what she implements.

"It does not interest me."

"Of course it does," she replies instantly, keeping her fake smile, then she's turning to him, eyes scanning him from head to toe. "So my brother has finally stepped up his game, huh?" Her eyes snap to his own. She's Namjoon's sister? "I heard plenty of stories about you and can't help but wonder how a real dragon looks like," she pauses, eyes going to scan him up and down again. "So where is it? Hiding in your pocket?"

"I'm sorry to inform you that I'm not the one you're expecting," he replies, and she doesn't seem surprised by his answer, only humming as she turns to the servant.

"You're dismissed, I'll be taking him on tour myself," she orders, and the servant looks up between them, pursing his lips, and he doesn't seem like he wants to, but he obeys anyway, leaving them alone. "Come now, then," she turns towards the gates. "Whoever you are, you're still our guest," she says loudly, strutting confidently inside the castle halls. "Namjoon has been preparing a special room for you," she says once she reaches a door, opening it wide and stopping at the door to inspect it, not allowing him to enter. "My, my," she shakes her head and turns to him. "This is not the room I was expecting," she frowns for a moment, but it's all an act. Jimin doesn't know her, but he's aware now that she doesn't like Namjoon very much. "You don't seem like you have any luggage, had he picked you from the streets?" But before he can speak, she's continuing, "I don't know about you," she closes the door behind her. "But your clothes are looking a bit too heavy for the weather here," she starts walking again, expecting him to follow her, and well, Jimin is inside a foreign land, so he does.

They reach a room where a woman sits on a chair surrounded by many fabrics, and he guesses it's the tailor. She looks up with disinterest as they walk in, eyes staying on him for less than a second before they settle on Namjoon's sister.

"I thought you're busy today."

"Nonsense," Namjoon's sister replies. "I couldn't have missed this for the world." She turns to him. "This is ..."

"Jimin," he finishes for her, and her eyes spark for a reason.

"Jimin," she repeats slowly. "He's the one Namjoon brought along," she quickly turns to the tailor. "And no, no dragons, unfortunately," she informs the tailor who tilts her head to the side, eyes scanning his body just as Namjoon's sister did earlier.

"I can already see an outfit for him," the tailor stands up.

"Perfect!" Namjoon's sister grins before turning to him again. "Solar is an expert! You'll be the catching everyone's eyes if you hadn't already." There's something bothering him in the way she talks, but he doesn't comment on it. "Oh! How rude I am," she places a hand over her chest. "I haven't properly introduced myself," she smiles again. "I'm Hwasa. Second daughter. Better than Namjoon will ever be," she says the last part in a deeper voice, and it sends a shiver down his spine. Is this the reason Namjoon wanted the dragon? Hwasa holds a powerful aura around her that terrifies him.

"Wouldn't you be wearing something nice too?" Solar asks from behind him, and Hwasa turns to her.

"Of course I will! You already have my measures," she replies, looking between the two, "Well, now. I'm a busy woman, so I'll leave you too for now." She leaves without saying another word, and Solar only tells him to strip so she can take his measures, and it's the sole word she speaks to him.


Even though Hwasa didn't like the room they visited earlier, he's escorted to it when Solar is finished. It has a nice view, and it's bigger than his old room, and he doesn't understand why Hwasa wouldn't like it. It could be because she sees him as a non-royal person, unworthy of such luxury, but he quickly dismisses the thought. He'll be out in no time, and for that, he hopes what Yoongi said is true.

He has no restrictions set upon him, so he allows himself to wander around the castle when it's clear that Namjoon won't be visiting him tonight. He sees Hwasa again, this time with her sword in hand and multiple opponents surrounding her, and he watches in complete veneration how she knocks them down with her fierce strikes, standing upon them like they were unworthy opponents. Her sharp eyes snap up to him, probably had known that he's watching already, but although she doesn't smile this time, he still walks to her.

"I haven't seen someone wielding a sword like you do, and I have seen plenty," he gushes. And he doesn't know when he boosted his courage, but he asks, "teach me how to fight."

There is a long pause where she just stares at him before a smirk grows on her lips. "I do not play with toy swords," she tells him, and he smiles back.


There's a large spear piercing through the wolf's skull, body dragged out of the woods for everyone to see, blood dried and cold with snow covering the black fur. It's hard not to notice, especially when they're in their true form. They wanted him to see. It's not a simple threat. They're declaring war.

"You're back without your friends." He looks towards the forest, seeing Black Eye leaning his back on a tree, giving him an unfriendly look. Jungkook still has to work hard to prove himself worthy of being their king. He knows what he means though, news of his marriage to Taehyung must have reached here too, and seeing as Jimin was the one to approach Black Eye to gain protection for Jungkook, he must think of him as a traitor. Unworthy. If he's unable to keep those who helped him around, then how will he be trusted? But his arrival at least should say something.

"Who did this?" He asks instead.

"Your enemies, is what you'll call them," he gives a vague answer, and Jungkook is irritated, so he turns to the giant dead wolf instead, reaching a hand to its head, and once he does, the wolf is back to its smaller form, and the one that travelled with him noses along the dead body.

"If they're asking for a fight, they'll get one."

Black Eye turns and heads further into the forest, towards the city, and Jungkook follows. Once they're deep enough that no outsider is able to hear them, he speaks up. "We don't know who they are, but I've sent a spy after them to gather some information," he tells him. "You're a threat to them, whoever they may be. Your control over the wolves gives you an advantage over them, and they fear that. However, they're weak when you're not around, and it's when they strike." He stops and turns to Jungkook. "Know that the wolves are no smarter than a human, and without you leading them, they only act on instinct, which is protecting this city. They will shift to terrify their enemies, but once they're big, they're slow, and way too easy to target. The spears they used are not normal ones, but we'll know soon how they craft it, and how many exactly do they have in stock."

"So they're taking the wolves out one by one once they drag them out of the woods? That's gonna take them forever."

"Not if their numbers are greatly surpassing your assumptions," Black Eye replies and continues his way towards the city where they're met with the castle walls. Jungkook still needs to remember his way around here, which road leads where, but he guesses the wolves can be his guide as he looks around, seeing them scattered around the forest.

"You seem to be doing well even without me here," he mumbles to himself.

"We're protecting ourselves just like we kept on doing all those years this city remained with no king." Black Eye's reply is harsh, but Jungkook is willing to try.

The castle is still as dark as he remembers. Not a single soul roaming it, but he knows that some of the wolves will follow him inside just to make sure he's safe. The main hall is deserted, but there's a shadow sitting on the bottom of the stairs that Jungkook almost unsheathes his sword, but Black Eye doesn't seem alarmed, nor do the wolves. Once the shadow stands up and gets closer into the light, Jungkook can see it's a girl, body surrounded by heavy fur, but she still looks small. Her eyes are fierce as they look into his for a moment before she's turning to Black Eye.

"Their outfit is of the North," she informs him, voice deep, and Jungkook frowns. The North? Was Seokjin involved? But how? He fled the High City merely days ago, and he couldn't have planned it himself if he was planning to make allies. "Their numbers are not that great, but they're still camping nearby, most probably waiting to launch a bigger attack this time."

"Can you take them out?" Black Eye asks.

"Not alone, no."

"You won't be going alone," Jungkook speaks up, and she turns her gaze towards him. "It is my duty as a king to ensure safety inside this kingdom, and I will."

"You need an army," Black Eye tells him. "People who you trust inside this castle. You cannot risk your life each given time. I hate to say this, but we do need you for the wolves to keep protecting this city, and sadly, you're the only one remaining with royal blood."

"At the meantime, I have no one but myself."

"And us," Black Eye corrects. "This is Jennie," he motions towards the girl. "She's a good friend of mine. Someone you can trust." Jennie merely stands there, not offering anything else, and Jungkook takes it as she doesn't like him either and doesn't acknowledge him as her king. "That should change soon though, which is another thing you should consider," Black Eye continues, and Jungkook turns to him in confusion. "Your bloodline must continue." And when Jungkook opens his mouth to announce that he is already married, Black Eye seems to get the hint. "This is not a public announcement to make. If anything, this should be done in secret. People are already targeting the wolves to come after you so they end this once and for all."

"So you're free to replace me anytime you want," Jungkook replies, and it's silent for a moment.

"You do realize that we need at least two decades for that to happen," it's Jennie who speaks up. "And by that time, this city will be no longer existing," she pauses. "Unfortunately, we still need you alive.

"We're not going to kidnap the child," Black Eye tells him slowly. "We only need to hide it until it's safe."

Jungkook looks between the two before he's turning around and heading to the forest once more. "I'll think about it," is the only current reply he gives them.


Black Eye stays behind in case anything was to happen inside the city, and Jungkook takes off with Jennie towards the camp she mentioned. He hasn't seen what kind of weapon does she use, the fur covering everything from view, but Jungkook holds onto his sword as they approach closer. Like she said, their numbers don't appear too big, but they still have to be careful. There's only two of them against all of the camp, and Jungkook still needs to confirm who is attacking him.

Jennie nods her chin at one of the tents. "They swap shifts. This tent are the sleepers at the moment. If we take them out, we decrease the number by half," she whispers, and Jungkook nods. They move carefully until they're able to slip inside the tent, murdering them quietly in their sleep. One of them stirs in his sleep, waking up and releasing a noise of alarm, and Jungkook is about to take him down when Jennie launches at him, and he notices the silver claws attached to her fingers as she rips his throat apart, hands retreating back into her furs and looking around to see if anyone else is remaining. And they called his father animalistic? Jungkook shakes his head and follows her outside.

He knows now why Black Eye had sent her alone to spy. Jennie is an impressive fighter. Using only the claws on her hands and her boots, and she's agile too, despite the heavy fur covering her small frame. He stabs someone in front of him and almost gets stabbed from the back, but the loud growl notifies him that one of the wolves has followed him around. Jungkook still needs to know how to give them orders, but he's grateful for that slip right now. Another howl comes from the side, and he turns around, expecting to see another one of his wolves when he's met by white fur instead. From the corner of his eye, he sees one man escaping the scene, and he runs after him, sword piercing in the snow just next to the man's head, and he's met with wide eyes staring up at him.

"Who sent you?" Jungkook demands, and the man's eyes glance behind him when his wolf approaches. The man hesitates and Jungkook repeats his question slower, pulling his swords and pointing it to the man's neck instead.

"Kim Seokjin!" He blurts out, and Jungkook is about to slit his throat right now, but he doesn't. Seokjin apparently does not approve of him being a king either, and eliminating the threats now seems logical. His motives are still unknown. Wanting to get rid of Jimin and now himself too? But Jungkook wouldn't question this man further, he doesn't look like he knows anything if his loyalty is anything to go by. He simply follows the orders given to him, and honestly, Jungkook pities him. He leans back and straightens up.

"I'll let you run back to him, carrying the news of defeat. Just make sure to tell him that if he ever stepped near my kingdom again, I'll rip him to shreds." The man nods quickly, scrambling to stand up and run in the heavy snow. When he turns to his side, his wolf is snuggling up to the white wolf, and it seems to have gained a new ally. It makes Jungkook smile. When he turns to Jennie, she offers a smile and a bow.


Ember stands on the balcony railing seeming too interested in the game Taehyung is playing with it. He keeps throwing one grape after another, and Ember excitedly flies around to catch it inside its mouth.

"Do dragons eat fruit?" Yoongi's confused voice calls from behind him, and the smile Taehyung had on his face slowly fades.

"Ember does," Taehyung replies, throwing another grape at his dragon who happily jumps to get it. It falls off the edge, and Taehyung simply waits until his dragon comes back up flying.

"There's a message from Jungkook," Yoongi tells him, and Taehyung turns to him, seeing a letter in hand. Ember seems upset that he diverted his attention elsewhere, so it sits on Taehyung's lap instead as he opens the letter Yoongi gives him. Once he's done, he holds it up for Ember to burn it, the fire passing through his own skin for a moment before he lets it die on the floor. "Please tell me that war isn't at our door."

Taehyung looks down at Ember, stroking its head and letting his dragon enjoy the feeling. "Sadly, it is."


Jimin had stopped counting the days.

Him dwelling on the past does him no good, and he's learned in the past few years how he must move on.

"I've received some good news a couple of weeks ago." Jimin doesn't look up straight away, focuses on cutting his food first and taking a bite before he does. The weather is nice today as he sits to have breakfast in the gardens, and he allows himself to enjoy the taste of food before his eyes finally look up. Hwasa doesn't look different than the day he met her four years ago, only that she's wearing a dress now instead of an armor. She cuts her hair constantly, so it's always never really reaching her shoulders, the golden wave almost shining in the sunlight. She's smiling brightly at him as she's been doing everyday, the kind of smile that Jimin has now learned to know that it isn't genuine.

He focuses on her words, a couple of weeks ago. It's another thing that irritates him about staying here. He's never quite told about anything unless he figures it out himself, but he doesn't show it on his face. He chews slowly and swallows before saying, "really?" reaching for the glass of water as Hwasa reaches for the wine and hums.

"We're having guests today," she looks up at the sky. "They should be here any minute now." She looks back down at him, leaning back in her chair as she smiles around her glass. "You should be excited, you know them well." Her tone drops at the last sentence, but Jimin pays her no mind as he cuts into his next bite. "I know I am," she continues. "It'd be my first time seeing a dragon," she says, and Jimin pauses. A dragon. Is Taehyung coming alone? Will he be accompanied by Yoongi? Seokjin? Jungkook? He looks back to her, and she looks pleased with herself after noticing his reaction. "Oh well," she places her glass down, reaching for a napkin to wipe at her mouth. "I should be getting ready, as should you," she stands up, but before she turns to leave, she smiles at him again. "I've checked on Misty this morning," she tells him, and Jimin furrows his brows. Why would Hwasa check on his horse? "She looks absolutely dashing if you plan to take her out," she smiles wider and turns to leave, and Jimin's grip on the knife tightens. Run like a coward.

It makes his mind spin with who is arriving with Taehyung that he needs to run from, and an unsettling feeling in his gut tells him that it might be Seokjin. The incident happened four years ago, and he doesn't know if Seokjin had been playing around for them to forget. But Jimin hasn't forgotten, and if they plan to have Seokjin inside this household, then he won't hesitate to kill him no matter what people say about it. He's not the same naïve boy he was four years ago. He lost his appetite, and he looks around him at the servants that must have heard their conversation. It's another thing Hwasa does, makes sure to humiliate him in front of people. The servants will not dare speak up to him as they hang their heads down, but Jimin feels the degradation effect taking over. He reaches for a napkin and wipes his mouth calmly before standing up and leaving. A part of him wishes to go to his room to change his clothes, see who Taehyung is coming with, but the other side is nagging at him to go see Misty and do exactly as Hwasa implied, because no matter what, she still knows him best.


Travelling on top of Ember has been faster ever since it has grown up enough to carry both of their weights. The little white fur ball sleeping in his lap has been a great addition ever since the breeding season. While his own black wolves could grow in size, blending well with the shadows of the forest, the white wolves are able to shrink in size, blending with the snowy environment, and in situations like this, easier to carry around. Taehyung didn't seem to be bothered by the idea of the whole visit, and he might have been a little too desperate to see Jimin after all those years. He keeps his gaze on the passing ground beneath them, too far and blocked by the clouds as the fly higher. Taehyung knows their destination though, and even if he's quiet about it, Jungkook can tell that he's thrilled to see the iron throne. He's been flaunting Ember on every given chance, and he can't blame him for it. For all those who have been looking down on him, especially when Ember was no bigger than a cat, cannot help but shiver in fear whenever the dragon is nearby.

"We're here," Taehyung announces, and Ember starts dropping slowly, apparently aware of how they will be thrown off if it attempted a different landing, and the wolf in his lap stirs awake at the movement. When they land, Ember lowers itself for them to hop off, and the wolf immediately takes its original shape, sensing the new unusual territory. The gates of the castle are opened and aligned with guards for their arrival, and he sees the king standing along with Namjoon and a smaller woman, all eyes drawn to Ember as it spreads its wings once before following Taehyung inside the gates.

"We welcome you into our kingdom," it's the king who speaks up first, eyes barely moving from the dragon to them. "You already know my eldest son, Namjoon," he gestures towards the man. "And this is my second daughter, Hwasa," he motions to the woman who gives them a wide smile in return.

"It's an honor to witness your dragon with my own eyes," she addresses Taehyung before turning to Jungkook, eyes staying on the wolf for a minute. "It appears you've formed an unbreakable bond with mystical creatures." She bows her head slightly. Jungkook glances around, but Jimin isn't there.

"Thank you," he replies, turning to Namjoon. "I don't see Jimin around."

"Ah, the reunion of friends," it's Hwasa who replies to him, and he turns to her. "Do not worry, you will see him soon," she steps to the side. "Please come in, you must have had a long journey." Jungkook glances at the king, seemingly displeased with how Hwasa is doing all the talking, but he doesn't say anything as he gestures for them to get inside, Ember once more catching their attention as it takes off to the sky.


It's nearly sunset when a servant informs him that Jimin is most likely in the stables to his utmost surprise. Back then, Jimin hadn't learned to ride a horse, yet when he waits at the stables, he sees Jimin riding a Friesian horse gracefully. The black skin contrasting with the white shirt Jimin is wearing, and he loses his breath for a moment when Jimin notices him, smiling brightly as he comes to a halt next to him, and he doesn't even need a hand as he hops to the ground.

"Your whereabouts seems to be top secret that I have started to think that they're keeping you locked up somewhere," he glances at Jimin's outfit. "I do not think that's the case here. It wounds me that you haven't come to at least greet us upon our arrival."

"I was rather not informed that you'd be here," Jimin replies in a quiet voice, and Jungkook frowns. "But well, look at you," his tone turns up again before Jungkook can ask. "You've grown up so much, Jeon Jungkook. It must feel nice to finally be able to link your last name, doesn't it?" He's changing the subject clearly, but Jungkook will allow it this time. He takes a step closer, but Jimin takes one backwards, and his brows furrow.

"I missed you."

"We're both married to different people. You cannot say such things," Jimin reminds him harshly, even if his voice was too quiet when he says it.

"Taehyung and I have already reached an agreement that our marriage is purely political. We don't see each other this way."

"Sadly I cannot say this about mine," Jimin replies, and Jungkook pauses for a moment.

"You feel in love?!" Jungkook shouts in disbelief, and Jimin sighs as he looks around him, leaving his horse and grabbing Jungkook by the wrist, moving them away from the stables.

"I have not," Jimin replies when they're far enough, inside a covered area where no one can see them. "I could not," he looks up at Jungkook then. "But I'm a stranger in a foreign land, and Namjoon has been kind to me. I cannot risk it that anybody knows of my past, and it stays that way," his hardens his gaze, and Jungkook sighs. "Besides," Jimin lets go of his wrist. "You're only staying here for a few days. You shouldn't hold on to a false hope," he finishes and turns on his heels, towards the stable, and Jungkook stays there, watching his back until it's completely gone, heart aching in his chest.


The gardens are still filled with guards and servants to his utmost displeasure, but he dismisses the thought of that now. He feels bad for telling Jungkook off after all these years even though it was the right thing to do. His heart is doing a happy flip at the thought that Jungkook still cares for him, deeply, and if he was able to voice his feelings, he would have said that he missed him back, maybe kissed him on spot, and well, part of him still wishes to do that. He should feel comfort that Seokjin isn't the one accompanying Taehyung, but Hwasa is pressing to expose him, and Namjoon is surely having his guard up around Jungkook.

Speaking of Jungkook, he has changed so much, and Jimin allows his thoughts to stray for a while. Both he and Taehyung had grown in height, but Jungkook had gained more muscles, his shoulder are broader, hair longer, and Jimin just wants. But he can't. He sighs and almost closes his eyes when he spots Ember in the sky. The dragon had grown up a lot since the last time he had seen it, holding so much power that adds to Taehyung, and he almost laughs. He was the one to pick Jungkook and Taehyung from a near death experience, yet they are the ones who grew to have all the powers that he ever wanted. Ember starts descending from the sky, and Jimin tries to let the envy die within himself. They're his friends, even if Taehyung doesn't fully accept him as one.

Ember lands right in front of him, and Jimin can't help but get closer to the dragon who lowers its head to be petted by Jimin. When his hands touch the scales, the dragon immediately snuggles closer, and it makes him giggle a bit. Ember had always been seeking affection, and Jimin can't believe he's being this close to it. Does it still remember him? Dragons are smart creatures, so Jimin wouldn't be surprised if it does. Ember raises its head, looking at him with its bright red irises, allowing Jimin to have a good look at the dragon. He scratches at its chin and smiles. It seems that Ember is a female dragon, and in the next upcoming years, she should be able to lay eggs. He wonders if Taehyung knows of its gender.

Ember lowers itself, and Jimin is confused for a moment, glancing between its eyes and its back. Is she allowing him to ride her? When Ember doesn't move, Jimin inches closer, finding the dragon more willing to get him on her back than he originally thought. He glances around him, and he finds that the guards and the servants don't pay him much attention at this part of the garden, so he hops quickly on its back, and Ember rises. He grabs hold of its neck in fear of falling, and she spreads her wings wide before she's jumping higher into the sky, and Jimin almost falls, clutching tighter at her neck and closing her eyes as he feels himself getting higher and higher in the sky.

"Whoa ..." He tries opening his eyes and looking beneath him, and he can't believe he's riding a dragon, but the adrenaline rushing into his body is giving him a new found confidence to lean back slightly so he's able to get a better look when Ember balances herself so he doesn't stay horizontal. Is this how Taehyung feels each time he gets to ride her? Because it's a thrilling feeling, and right on cue, Ember starts dancing in the sky, turning sideways and up and down blending them with the clouds, and Jimin releases a loud yell of excitement that he hopes no one gets to hear. Well, of course no one will hear them when they're this high.

She lands near the stables, lowering herself so Jimin can get down, but his blood is still pumping and he's too giddy that he can't stand still. Ember nudges his side with her head, and Jimin laughs again. "It's like you came to make me feel better," he whispers into her scales. The horses neigh, and Ember pulls back, startled. She looks at Jimin before she takes off to the sky again, leaving Jimin alone near the horses. He stares after her for a long while until she's crossing into the clouds once more, and he pouts, wishing to have stayed for a little while longer on her back. After a long sigh, his feet carry him back to the castle.

The night is still young, and he's far from tired, so he doesn't wish to go back to his room. Namjoon won't be back until late anyway, being away with his father in the main castle, so he takes a turn into the different halls, wanting to run to get rid of this fever he's still feeling, but he can't. Not with so many people around that will surely think of him as crazy, and for a passing second, he thinks that he doesn't really care of what they'll call him. His gaze picks up on Jungkook sitting by the fountain outside, and even though he doesn't run, his steps are a bit rushed. There's this excitement and confidence in him, and it's been so long, and Jungkook is just sitting there looking perfect as he'd always been. Jimin convinces himself that he's merely human, and he's allowed to want.

Just to be extra cautious though, he glances around him, noticing the guards changing positions and it's the one and only perfect opportunity he'll have today, so he simply grabs Jungkook's hand to get him up. The latter seems to be very confused, and Jimin raises a finger to his lips. "Shhh, just follow me," he tells him and turns back into the castle and into one of the rooms that he knows are not being used before making sure to lock the door behind them. Jungkook stands awkwardly in front of him, but Jimin isn't here to waste time, so he pushes him back until he falls on the bed and he straddles him, placing his lips on top of Jungkook's and pressing himself as close as possible.

"I thought we can't do this anymore," Jungkook says between kisses, but his hands are already slipping beneath Jimin's shirt. "Why are you so pretty all the time?" He groans when Jimin presses down on him. "I don't have anything on me," he pulls away to look him in the eye, but Jimin doesn't care at this point.

"Just ..." He undoes Jungkook's belt. "Take your clothes off, I wanna see you." And Jungkook complies, taking off his shirt as Jimin stands to take off his own, having a decent mind to put them on the bed instead of throwing them on the floor before he's placing his knees on each side of Jungkook's thighs, and god had he missed him. He trails his hands slowly over his toned chest, and Jungkook's hands slide up his thighs. He takes a hold of one of Jungkook's wrist, and he has to do with what they have, so he brings it to his mouth, sucking on three of his fingers as Jungkook watches with dilated pupils, gaze trailing to the line of saliva connecting his fingers to Jimin's lips when he pulls them out. "Open me up."

"Shit," is all Jungkook says before he feels two fingers eagerly pushing up inside of him, and he holds Jungkook's face between his hands and leans forward to kiss him again, always addicted to the taste of his lips. If it's painful, he doesn't feel it, and it's not like he hasn't had sex in forever. Namjoon wants him all the time, and he doesn't have a good reason to tell him no. He moans into Jungkook's mouth when his fingers curl at the right angle, and his knees buckle slightly as Jungkook pushes harder against that bundle of nerves.

"Don't want to come on your fingers," Jimin whines, pushing Jungkook's wrist away and sitting back up on his knees. He kisses Jungkook one more time as his hand reaches behind him to get a hold of Jungkook's dick, feeling how hard it is, how thick it have become, and he swipes his thumb at the slit, using the precum as lubrication. Once he's satisfied, he positions himself, feeling the tip pushing inside before he's dropping slowly to take him down to the base. He hears Jungkook swearing, his thighs tense, hands rubbing at Jimin's side down to his thighs then back up to his ass to squeeze, and once Jimin starts lifting himself up and dropping down again, they remain on his hips. "Try to be quiet," he tells him even though he can't make sure he'll be quiet himself. "And don't leave marks," he warns when Jungkook's lips brush over his neck, feeling the disappointment in Jungkook's eyes, and he almost coos at how adorable he gets with his big eyes, but he's hard and horny, so he keeps bouncing, and soon, Jungkook's expression changes drastically.

His thigh's muscles strain, but he's so close to this feeling of ecstasy, and his breath is knocked out of him when Jungkook pushes his hips up to meet his thrusts, and after a couple more thrusts, he loses it. He might be moaning loudly, but he doesn't care, allowing Jungkook to lift him up and down chasing his own orgasm, and it feels heavenly when Jungkook comes inside of him in this position. A sad thought crosses his mind that they should try this position more often, but reality crashes down on him, reminding him that this is merely temporarily, and he wants to cry. He doesn't. Instead, he winds his arms around Jungkook's neck and stays there until both of them catches their breath.

"I missed you too," he whispers. "I missed you too much." And he feels Jungkook's arms circling his waist, holding him tightly against his chest. Jimin feels his sticky mess, but he doesn't mind it. "We should ..." He pulls back, looking into the same eyes he fell in love with. "Leave before the guards come."

And Jungkook understands as he nods, allowing Jimin to pull away from his embrace. "Let me clean this," Jungkook calls after him, using one of his own garments to wipe them off. "Taehyung already knows about us, it's no big deal." And Jimin allows him. It's for the best not to use the sheets here, and Jimin cannot go back with cum leaking out of his ass. They dress up quickly, and Jimin can't help himself as he leans to kiss Jungkook one last time. The kiss turning to two and three as his back presses against the wall next to the door where they should leave.

"I love you," he whispers it again and again against Jungkook's lips until their bodies are flushed against each other, and they can't do it again with the given circumstances, so they finally part, with so much will power to do so, and before Jimin can do anything reckless again, he twists the door knob and leaves, each of them heading a separate way, and as Jimin returns to his room, all the rush he was feeling is now gone, leaving him empty.


It's the day of their departure, and Jungkook cannot believe that he wasted his only chance at talking with Jimin to have sex. Well, he can't resist Jimin, period, and he can't deny how much he had wanted to just touch him all the years they spent apart, but he also wanted to ask if he's okay, if they're treating him well, if he's happy, if he's safe. He wanted to tell him about how his castle now is filled with people, and how the halls are not dark anymore. He wanted to tell him that he has a son now. God, he wants to kidnap him and keep him forever. How bad would it be? His kingdom is too secured that no one dares to enter it although he knows that Jimin hates the cold, and is scared of the wolves.

The king along with Namjoon and Hwasa are there when they leave, and Jungkook knows that Jimin's position should equal Namjoon and Hwasa, but he isn't present by their side, and he wonders if this is his choice or theirs. They sign a truce, and it's one kingdom off the list, and he prays for the day that he's able to get Jimin out of this place to come.

Ember takes off to the sky to bring them home.


Hwasa is unusually quiet this morning and he knows it has something to do with Taehyung and Jungkook's visit. He just hopes it's not about him and Jungkook's time together. He doesn't trigger her though, because he had learned that the fake smiles she throws his way are better than her sour moods, so he keeps his silence, focusing on his food and trying to finish it faster without her noticing so much.

"You're surely keeping powerful allies," she finally speaks up, and when Jimin glances at her, she's not smiling, merely observing him. She's not even trying to hide the fact that she's upset and moments away from throwing the knife she holds in her hand at his face. "I see now why Namjoon kept you around." Her lips tug into a tight tiny smile, and Jimin leans back in his chair, bracing himself for her comments. "But he's a fool, and you're already raised for the crown."

Uh-oh. Jimin knows where this is headed. "I'm not after the iron throne," he assures her, because he isn't. He doesn't know a thing about this kingdom nor the people inside the castle, and he's certainly not winning the people over with a dashing smile.

"Oh, but you have too much power supporting you," she cocks an eyebrow. "If you were to fall, your friends surely would come to your aid," she pauses and hums, tilting her head at him. "But I wonder ..." she leans back and stares through him, the type of stare that leaves him naked. She knows him best. Hwasa knows everything and everyone, eyes watching like a hawk wherever she goes, not to mention her other eyes scattered around the castle. How she does it, he has no idea, but she terrifies him sometimes. "You've been staying here for four years," her gaze drops to her unfinished plate. "Yet, not a single message reached you," and Jimin waits for it. "Would it take them another four years to collect your body?" Here it is.

"Shall I take this as a threat?" He tries to stay calm, glancing at the guards around him. They'll follow her orders, not his, and his anxiety kicks in.

She looks up at him, eyes sharp and smile gone. "Make of my words whatever you please." And it's his cue to leave. Surprisingly, there are no swords pointed at him when he does.


"Hwasa threatened to kill me today."

Namjoon sighs, already in his sleeping gown, but Jimin had been pacing this room for the whole day and there's no way he'll be able to get a blink of a sleep knowing Hwasa is out to get him.

"You know Hwasa. She's always a big talker, but she means no harm."

"She wants the throne and you know it." Namjoon looks at him, still fully clothed, and Jimin doesn't plan to get out of them until he's assured protection. "She feels threatened now, that making allies with Taehyung and Jungkook will further strengthen your claim."

"Jimin, she's my sister."

"So? That never stopped Seokjin from pointing an arrow to my head!"

"You and Seokjin are different," Namjoon walks past him to the bed.

"He hated me for claiming the throne as my own. You're just too blind to see it."

Namjoon looks at him for a long time, and when he's certain that Jimin is not coming to bed, he sighs again and pulls the covers over himself. "Hwasa is not going to kill you, Jimin." And in the next couple of minutes, he's out. Jimin stares at his sleeping body for a long time before he sighs as well, stepping into the balcony to get some fresh air when he hears the door being opened slowly. He pushes himself further away from view, peeking his head to see someone stepping into the room carefully, and he doesn't need confirmation to know that Hwasa sent this person to kill him in his sleep. So, as quiet as possible, he jumps over the railing and uses a small dagger he's been keeping to scale down the wall.

"Shit." He looks up, seeing the person looking down at him before they're gone, and Jimin knows that they're rushing down the stairs to get him now, so he jumps the remaining distance, wincing slightly when he hits the ground and hating how he doesn't have his sword with him at the moment. He doesn't know if Namjoon is dead or alive, but he runs for the stables, making sure to glance behind him every now and then, and surely, there are more than one person following him. He quickly gets to Misty, kicking one guard when they try to pull him down, and once he's on Misty's back, he throws the dagger to the closest guard's throat. Maybe Hwasa shouldn't have taught him how to fight, but he knows she likes to play fair. Well, as fair as it could be. But he thanks her in his mind nonetheless.

Misty is fast, and he's glad when the distance between him and the guards keeps growing apart. He has only two options, and he really wants to go to Jungkook, but he's never making it past the wolves, and there's no way he's waiting outside the forest until someone can get him in, so that leaves him heading to the High City even though he despises the mere thought of being inside that damned city once more. Taehyung wouldn't kick him out, and he can deal with Yoongi, so he makes up his mind. The castle gates are closed, and he jumps off Misty's back, landing on one guard and hitting him on the back of the head to make him unconscious, Misty knocking the other one down on the ground, and it gives him enough time to make an opening before he drags Misty out of it and climbs again on her back.


Unprepared for travel, it's harsh out there, but at least he knows the way. Misty, for her luck, munches on grass along their way while his own stomach grumbles in protest. He alternates between riding on her back and walking beside her until he can see the High City walls from afar.

When he was a child, he always thought that those high walls offer an impenetrable defense, and he smiles bitterly at the memory. He holds no weapons on him, so it's easy to pass through the gates with Misty. His hair is a mess, his clothes are dirty and torn from the unusual sleeping positions and hard surfaces, and there are a few cuts on his skin that people turn their heads to look at him before they go back to whatever they're doing. He's not bothered by their stares, and he doesn't know if it's for the best that they don't recognize him anymore, or should he feel betrayed by the same people he was supposed to rule over?

In his haste to get to the castle, he bumps by someone, and when he looks up, the stranger is big and broad, but he's not looking at him. "You have a nice horse. How much gold do you want?"

Jimin guesses it's because of his state, so he doesn't feel anger towards the stranger. "She's not for sale," he simply replies, pulling Misty close so they can go on their way, but it's blocked by the same man, and Jimin sighs, looking up at him again, and this time, the stranger narrows his eyes at him, staring for a long time, and really, Jimin doesn't want to punch him in the face, but he's dirty and hungry and thirsty, and he just wants to reach the castle.

The stranger leans back, but his eyes glisters, and Jimin is the one narrowing his eyes back. "Well, well, well! Look what we have here! I thought you were long dead by now!"

Jimin blinks at him. He doesn't recognize this person at all with his heavy long beard. He hasn't gotten the chance to even know that many people here, and for once, he's actually grateful. "I believe you've gotten the wrong person," he tells him slowly, pulling Misty to the side so they can leave, but again, the stranger blocks their way. He sighs, looking around. Did Taehyung not spread guards across the city to prevent this kind of behavior? Jimin is close to punching him in the face, and he'll give him one more minute to leave him be or he's creating a scene. But before he does anything, a large hand grips his throat, surprising him.

"I would never forget you, boy," the stranger sneers at him. And oh well, he's asking for it. Jimin lifts his leg and kicks him hard between his legs. The man doubles in pain, leaving his throat, and Jimin kicks him again on the side of his head to make him fall to the ground. He knows though, that he can't keep up the fight in his current state, and he climbs on Misty's back to leave the scene. "You son of a bitch!" The man yells at him, but by the time he can stand up again, Jimin is far gone. People are obstacles in his way, and he might have knocked down several of them, but he doesn't care.

He thinks he sees another man similar to the one he knocked down, and before he can react, a bag of sand is thrown his way and he falls off Misty's back. He barely sits up before there's something covering his mouth, and the smell is too strong that his vision blurs, and he loses consciousness.


His body aches, his limbs are tired, and there's a haziness clouding his mind. He manages to open his eyes slowly, feeling the numbness in his arms, and when he tries to move them, he finds out that they're tied together tightly at the wrists with a rope and that they're being held from above his head, and judging from the way his feet isn't touching the ground, he knows the rope is tied to the ceiling. His legs are immobile though, wrapped in heavy chains to stop his movements. He opens his eyes wider, finding three men sitting around a table, two of them he recognizes from earlier.

The man he hit approaches him, and Jimin wants to smirk at his face, but his own face feels awkward. What on earth had they given him? And who are those people? "Took you long enough," the man comes to stand in front of him and spits on his face before his knuckles hit the side of Jimin's face.

"I don't know you," he manages to get out, the room spinning for a moment before it settles again.

"Of course you don't," the man almost growls in his ear. "You couldn't see past the pretty flowers in your garden and that stinky golden crown over your face." Jimin sobers up at that and turns his head to look at the man when it clicks. "Because of you, we left our lands and came here, and for what?" he scoffs, taking a step back to look Jimin from head to toe. "Nothing but a piece of flesh."

"I didn't force you to leave your lands," Jimin replies with a frown. "I never asked you to come in the first place."

"You begged for our protection," the man steps closer again.

"What protection?" Jimin huffs. "You were a bunch of barbarians who held a sword but never had strategy. You dug your own grave."

"Barbarians," the man says in disgust. "Is that what you call us?" He steps closer so that Jimin is able to smell his awful breath. He notices the other two standing up as well, and he almost regrets speaking in the first place.

"Look, I don't know what you want from me, but I'm no longer having a crown over my head. I cannot give you anything." He pauses. "Though I suggest that you get me down. The current king wouldn't be so forgiven if he finds out I'm being held by you." The man blinks at him before he and his friends start laughing loudly.

"The current king will want you dead as much as we do," the man tells him, and Jimin wants to argue, but he doesn't. His energy is drained already. His hands come up to hold the rope, and he knows he can't pull himself up with those chains weighing him down, but if they wanted him dead, he would have been dead by now. He's yet to know their motives. The man motions for the other two as he grabs a knife, and Jimin thinks that his death will be slow and agonizing. "You know, I have always wondered," he cuts Jimin's shirt from the front. "What made Wonho so infatuated by you?" He walks behind him as the two men starts unlocking the chains, and Jimin has a mere second to think, but both of his legs are held by each man, and he's powerless against them. He now knows what they want from him. His pants are cut from behind while his legs are spread, and if they are waiting for him to show weakness, then they're dead wrong. Those past four years have made him stronger, and their attempt to humiliate him are a failure. He's going to kill them, he just needs to know how to untie himself first.

He bites down at his bottom lip when he's being penetrated roughly until he can taste blood, and he remembers all those times Hwasa threw him on the ground as she stands high and proud above him, demanding he stands to his feet so they can continue even when every limb was screaming at him to just lay down and accept his defeat.

"You're vulnerable when you show weakness."

Her words spin in his head until the pain fades away slightly. There are mumbles between the three that he can't hear, but he's left dangling in the air when two of them leave, the one who stuck his dick inside his ass remains behind. "Awww, did the baby cry?" He stands in front of him, leaning his head down to see Jimin's face. The latter's hands grip the rope, and he pushes himself up to land a side kick. It's painful to stretch his toes down to slide the knife that had fallen from the man to him, but he manages to grab it between his feet, pushing himself up again so that his hands can catch it, and he starts cutting the rope as the man groans on the ground, the side of his face hitting the floor and giving Jimin extra time on his hands.

While the man is still on the ground, he sits on top of him and slits his throat, blood splashing on Jimin's face and chest, but he's already dirty with cum slipping down his thighs. He doesn't bother to clean himself as he waits next to the door when he hears footsteps approaching, jumping at the first opportunity he gets when the door is opened, slitting the other's throat.

Maybe he should be concerned of his naked state, but when he leaves the room, climbing up the stairs to the main house from the basement, his gaze catches on the third man from the window, moving further away from the house. Jimin gets out of the door and moves behind him, the people gasping around him and clearing his way, clearly thinking of him as a mad man, and when the guy finally catches up and turns, Jimin jumps on him, sticking his dagger in his heart and watching his last moments right in front of his eyes. The people start screaming and running away, but at that moment, a wave of feelings crash upon him, and he feels the tears running down his face.

This city has taken so much of him away and keeps on doing that. His family, his throne, his dignity, his safety, his love, and had turned him into someone he doesn't want to be. He thinks he hears his name being called, but by whom, he doesn't know. He just wants to burn this city to ashes until nothing remains.

"Jimin?" His mind doesn't register Taehyung's voice and his confused stare in front of him. All he sees is fire and ashes.

"Burn it to ashes," he whispers. Taehyung kneels in front of him, but Jimin shuts his eyes tight and screams. "Burn it to ashes!"

Ember growls behind him and Taehyung watches in horror how his dragon starts blasting fire at every direction. "Ember, stop!" He shouts but to no avail as the dragon flies higher and starts shooting fire at every destination. Burning houses, people, animals, anything that comes to its way. Taehyung remembers what he saw once by the river, and the horrid reality terrifies him. "Ember!" He shouts again and tries to follow the dragon through the fire until he gets in his line and the dragon struggles for a moment before it gets down, allowing Taehyung to get closer to it. "The hell happened to you!" He then turns to Jimin. "The hell did you do?! What are you?!" He climbs on Ember's back and orders it to fly away, but Jimin only sees the fire around him, wanting to smile wide but he's unable to. Only more tears stream down his face.

The fire continues to rise, and people's screams stop, meaning they're dead. The smoke is going to choke him and the fire is trapping him here, but he's calmer than ever. He looks down at the body he just killed, the blood coating his hands, but it will soon turn to ashes as well, and finally, a smile breaks on his face. This city doomed him and it should be doomed.

"Jimin!" A yell continues to come closer, and when he looks up, Yoongi is staring wide-eyed at him. "For fuck's sake, what happened to you?! And how they hell are you here?!" He shakes his head and helps Jimin to his feet. "Do you plan to be burned to death?!" He asks in disbelief, and honestly, he thinks that yes, he was planning to stay inside until the fire burns him too. The smoke catches up to his body and he starts couching, eyes stinging and feet no longer able to carry his weight, so he falls to the ground with Yoongi still clutching on his side.

"You!" Someone shouts, and when he looks up, there are two guards approaching them. "You started the fire!"

"Get them!" The other one shouts. Yoongi curses beside him, leaving him to draw his own sword.

"Kill yourself," Jimin all but whispers, and in a swift move, the guard cuts his own head off, body dropping to the ground, rendering Yoongi speechless as he stares at the dead body in front of him. The silence carries on for more than a beat when the other guard throws away his sword and stares at Jimin with wide eyes.

"A damned whisperer!" He shrieks in fear and turns to run, and Yoongi finally snaps out of it and runs after him, digging his sword through the guard's back. Jimin thinks he sees Yoongi coming back for him, but his eyelids are too heavy to resist, and he blacks out.


His body is heavy and sore, and when he opens his eyes, he doesn't recognize the room he's in. His mind is a hazy mess, and his head throbs painfully when he tries to turn. He groans, trying to sit up without feeling too dizzy, but fails, and the pain shooting up his body when he does reminds him of the barbarians, the fire, the guards.

"A damned whisperer!"

He snaps his eyes open, looking to his side, and he sees Yoongi sitting on a chair next to him. "I had to drag you here. It's the safest place you can stay in at the moment, but not for long," Yoongi tells him and sighs, rubbing at his temples. "Taehyung has every guard looking for you, and his intent is to kill you," he looks up at him again with tired eyes and huffs a laugh. "And here I was thinking that Namjoon was dumb."

"A damned whisperer!"

"I ..." Jimin chokes on his words, Taehyung's face coming into his view.

"He's scared," Yoongi says. "You controlled Ember and almost burned the entire city down if he hadn't made the dragon come back to its senses."

"I didn't mean it," Jimin replies quietly, looking down at his lap and noticing the bandages covering his hands up to his arms. He feels more of them around his legs and feet, and there's one wrapped around his head too. He's wearing clothes now. They're not his size, and they look old and worn out, but they're covering his body. He turns at Yoongi again with wide eyes. "I didn't mean it," he repeats.

"I know," Yoongi assures him. "You looked like it was your first time knowing of what you are, but it's definitely not the first time you had used your abilities," he sighs. "But don't worry. You have no witnesses but Taehyung and me at the moment," he pauses. "Unless you did something back-"

"I didn't," he replies, looking down again. "I ran because my life was threatened. They think I'm after the iron throne," he pauses. "I don't even know if Namjoon is still alive or not." When he looks back at Yoongi, his brows are furrowed and his lips are parted, but he doesn't say anything, simply nods.

"You should leave as soon as you can," Yoongi informs him, bending down to pick up a small bag. "I've found a stray horse that people mentioned to have accompanied a disheveled looking man arriving a couple of days ago."

"Misty," Jimin breathes out of relief.

"It's sooner than later that Taehyung's men will find you," he passes the bag to Jimin. "I know you're in no condition to travel, but you should go. I've put some food and water in the bag to keep you alive until you reach the city of shadows."

"I can't," Jimin tries to protest. "If I walked into the city, I might control the wolves, and Jungkook will hate me-"

"Jungkook will never hate you," Yoongi cuts him off. "And it's better to hear it from you before Taehyung flies to him personally." He stands up and helps Jimin out of the bed. "He'll keep you safe and hidden." Yoongi reaches behind him and drapes a cloak over Jimin's body, making sure the hood covers his face. He takes him down, and Jimin notices that this small place is very far from town. He sees Misty, healthy and well, and it makes him smile. "Do not make anyone know who you are," Yoongi warns quietly, and when Jimin turns to him, he receives an unexpected hug before Yoongi is pulling back and holding his shoulders. "We're very close to the borders, you can ride with your horse with no interruption."

"If I can ride," he mumbles.

"Be safe," Yoongi tells him and steps away, waiting for him to go. And even though it's painful to drag his body on top of Misty's back, he does it anyway. The faster he's out, the safer he'll be.

"Thank you," he replies, and tugs on the bridle to get Misty going. Leaving the High City again. Running away.


Before he manages to get too far, his head feels heavy again, and he slides off Misty's back. The horse stops immediately, nudging its head at his side to get his standing, but he feels a high fever taking over, and when he blinks, the sky is changing, bloody red coating the clouds, and he tries to snap out of it, tries to sit up again, but he falls back on the ground, and his surroundings start spinning and spinning until he's seeing trees around him. There's a baby crying, and he tries to turn his head to see where it is, but he can't see anything. A woman approaches him with a knife in her hands, and when he tries to lift his own hand, he sees a chubby little hand that belongs to a baby and it makes him beyond perplexed. She's crying heavy tears, blood stains on her dress and skin.

"I should kill you too," she keeps whispering, the knife held in shaky hands, and the cries don't stop. She covers her mouth with one hand and turns her head away before she's retreating the knife and turning to look at him. She soothes a hand down his face, blood tainting him too, and the cries tone down slightly. "Live like you're never one of us," she tells him firmly before she stands up and takes multiple steps back, and then he sees her stabbing the knife into her own heart, body falling heavily on the ground.

Jimin snaps his eyes open, and he sees the night sky staring back at him. Had he been out this entire time? He looks to his side to find Misty sleeping next to him, and he reaches with a shaky hand towards the bag Yoongi gave him. He drinks much needed water and munches on the food he's given as his mind darts back to what he had just seen.

Who is this woman? Why did she kill herself? Was the baby himself? Was she his mother? One of his clan? Was she the one to kill all of the whisperers?

"Live like you're never one of us."

Jimin's head starts spinning again, so he closes his eyes, leaning over Misty and hugging the cloak over his body tighter.


I'd be smiling if I wasn't so desperate
I'd be patient if I had the time
I could stop and answer all of your questions
As soon as I find out, how I can move from the back of the line

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