bite me! ¤ endgame

By bruised_lilies

22.5K 794 848

[tell them i was here and that i lived. i risked so much and lost so many friends, just don't let them forget... More

[poster art]
[foreword; act three]
[00 ¤ with love, from mina]
[01 ¤ jackpot!]
[02 ¤ deadlines are for losers]
[03 ¤ blast from the past!]
[04 ¤ nice for what.]
[05 ¤ bless my heart!]
[06 ¤ bloodlines]
[07 ¤ lovely.]
[08 ¤ hey you!]
[09 ¤ watch this!]
[10 ¤ warning]
[11 ¤ room shaker]
[12 ¤ when will you come home?]
[epilogue ¤ end of an era]

[alternative ending ¤ guess what?]

991 35 82
By bruised_lilies


"HEY GRAPE BOY!" Mina shouted, hoping, praying it would grab Thanos' attention. Grab it did, as the purple Titan immediately stopped punching Tony and turned sharply to her.

"What did you call me?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Mina, her heart hammering in her chest, her stomach churning but her face set and unafraid, answered in classic, old Mina Miyazaki way.

"I said, you fucking asshole. Hey, grape boy!" She repeated and waited, hoping with all her worth her plan would work.

Tony, bleeding on the ground, already seemed to think it worked, because he shook his head vigorously. He punched the Titan's torso repeatedly and as hard as his broken hand would let him to get his attention.

Thanos ignored him, seemingly intent upon the girl and he promptly dropped Tony with a loud thunk! Mina decided Tony was correct in assuming her plan worked and unsheathed her katana, readying herself as Thanos charged at her, his beady eyes murderous.

She jumped onto and off his outstretched arm, using it as a springboard to flip and slicing at his chest, managing only to scrape against his chestplate. Mina landed on her feet, rolling as Thanos dived towards her and jabbing at him again, this time aiming for the upper arm and missing.

Unfortunately, he caught her sword with his big hand and pulled it forward, her along with it and threw both the sword and the girl onto the ground.

As she was slammed down, Mina struggled to catch her breath, holding her stomach in pain as she felt her cut rip open and begin bleeding. She looked around and immediately pushed herself up, jumping just as Thanos charged at her, his fist punching into the ground and leaving a dent in the dust.

She rolled underneath him, looking around frantically for her katana and finding it just beside the fist sized hole in the ground.

"Shit." The girl breathed out.

She ducked quickly as Thanos came at her again and yelped in pain as his fist connected with her stomach. Reaching for her belt as she sucked in air, Mina drew out two small daggers and quickly threw one at his hand.

Her spirits lifted slightly as the purple Titan yelled in agony at the six inch knife sticking out of his hand and then Tony appeared, firing his blaster at Thanos.

Despite herself, Mina let out a small laugh of relief. Maybe this was a good sign.

Boosted by her small victory, Mina ran to her fallen and discarded katana, ignoring the screaming pain in her stomach as the earlier cut skin stretched and sang with the punch. Grabbing the sword, she faced her now occupied opponent and made her move.

Using the time Thanos was knelt taking out the knife, Mina charged at him and her katanas ripped through his back, tearing the stretched and worn skin. He roared in pain, even louder so when she roughly pulled out her sword.

He lunged first at his back, searching for the weapon and then just as quickly at her. He caught her foot as she tried diving away and Mina struggled, clawing at the cold ground.

She fought against his tight grip, her eyes stinging and filling with angry tears. Her heart was beating frantically and she was completely terrified but that didn't stop her survival instincts. If anything, it only heighted the adrenaline rushing through her and she ripped into his hand with her nails, clawing at him.

Thanos again threw her against the rubble but this time he held onto her foot, keeping her from getting away. As the woman fought against the restraint, laying on the floor, he put his foot on her stomach, pressing hard and she gasped in pain.

Ignoring her desperate claws at him and Tony's cries of protest, Thanos pulled out the knife that was still in his hand with a grimace. After staring at it for a minute, he brought it down and plunged it into Mina's heaving chest.

Time stopped. Everything fell silent.

For a minute, she made no sound, just stared calmly at the little knife protruding just above her breasts. Only when he drew it out and slammed it back in, this time a little below the first stab wound, did Mina scream, louder than she ever had in her life.

Blood had only squirted out of the wound when Thanos had removed the knife but now it bubbled up and seemed to flow out of her chest. Even as she made desperate attempts to subdue the ocean of red, it did little good and Mina was left choking on it.

Tony watched in silent horror, unmoving and unthinking. He could only stand there and stare, his eyes wide and horrified.


The scream was ripped raw from an onlooking boy's throat. As he watched Mina clutch at her chest, blood seeping between her fingers, Peter Parker's world seemed to slow down.

His vision went red and then normal again, his entire body tingled and then went numb. His mouth hung open and his eyes were big, almost golf ball size.

Peter's shout was lost to Mina, who was still trying in vain to stop, even just slow down the flow of blood. But Thanos heard and as Peter shouted Mina's name again, he threw the knife away from him, looking at the struggling and panicking woman in front of him in amusement.

Thanos stood back up, Mina's blood on his face and his hands but he made no move to wipe it off. Instead, he looked straight at Peter's horrified face, straight into his terrified and grief stricken eyes and grinned.

"You're going to pay for that." Peter managed, his body filling up with rage of his own. His eyes moved to Mina before snapping back to the Titan, who was grinning at him.

Mina gasped for air, her mouth inhaling buckets and what should've been lungfuls but the rest of her body seemed to refuse it and she was left panting. Her hands were squeezing her chest tightly, slippery with her own blood.

The blood.

Why, why was there so much blood? She didn't believe it was all hers, yet it kept pouring out of her, like someone had turned on the sink and forgot to turn it off.

She was freezing.

Which didn't make any sense, because the suit Tony had given her, the one she was wearing, was able to adapt to any climate and yet she felt like she had been dunked in ice water multiple times. Her body was shivering frantically, seeking any bit of warmth but there was none. At least none that came to Mina.

She tried to take control of her limbs but they wouldn't respond.

'Move.' She thought to her legs but they kept still, the only movement their insistent shivering. Her hands were clamped to her still bleeding chest, useless and non responding.

Mina felt the cold creeping to her heart. With that, a bright flash of pain from her stabs rang throughout her, bringing tears to her eyes.

'Move!' Mina wanted to scream at her body but her mouth had stopped working, only her teeth chattered noisily. She could taste the tears sliding down her cheeks and into her mouth, leaving behind a salty, stinging taste.

She knew she would die if she lost anymore blood and as terrifying as that thought was, it was true.

Mina paid no attention to the fight happening behind her until movement caught her eye. She saw Thanos drop to his knees, holding his right leg in pain as Tony fired off a blaster and Peter swung in, punching him hard in the jaw.

Then the worst happened.

Thanos staggered up, rubbing his jaw before he charged at them. The Titan grabbed Tony first, throwing him clear across the field, then moved to Peter. Thanos grabbed his arm before Peter could jump back and brought their heads together.

Peter's head snapped back with a sickening crack and he staggered backwards, his nose most likely bleeding and more than certainly broken.

'Move, Mina! Move!' She thought to herself as Thanos advanced on the fallen Spider-Man. 'Come on Kitsune! Come on!'

Holding in her screams and ignoring the awful freezing throughout her body, Mina sat up, keeping a hand on the ground. She reached for her final, remaining dagger and tasted the blood in her mouth thoughtfully.

Her hands were slick with blood and sweat and the sharp knife nearly fell out of her hand but she tightened her grip. She would not fuck this up.

With her final ounce of strength, she ran as fast as she could at Thanos, jumping on his back. Mina forcefully planted her dagger into his neck, hearing his sharp gasp of pain and holding onto his shoulder for a second longer before she was out of strength and she hit the ground.

"性交する.(Fuck you.)"

The last words she whispered resonated in the mad Titans ear but he couldn't spare it any thought, as Tony suddenly reappeared and Peter charged at him in blind rage. Their fight was beginning again and neither would not fail Mina, not after all she done for them.

Mina, however, knew her fight was over. She knew her time had come and she was terrified and relieved. She'd fought so hard and hoped so desperately that they would win and now maybe they had a shot but at the cost of casualties.

Diana was back. Mina had Peter back.

It was worth it.

It would always be worth it, even if she would never see Diana or Shaun again or be able to hold Peter again.

As Mina locked eyes with Peter as Tony battled Thanos, she couldn't help the tears that stung her eyes and couldn't stop them from splashing down her face. She smiled sadly at Peter, her attention focused only on him as her entire body seized in pain.

"I'm sorry." She mouthing the words more than saying them and closed her eyes, defeated and exhausted.

He watched her mouth and understood exactly what she said and his heart sank. He ran to her, completely abandoning Tony but he didn't spare it a thought, his only thought was Mina.

As he raced over to her, he lifted her up gently and held her with trembling arms. His heart pounded a million beats a minute and he could hear his heartbeat in his ears.

Peter looked at the limp girl in his arms, panicked and he snapped his fingers loudly. "Hey, Mina! Stay awake! Stay awake!"

But she couldn't. She was so tired. So exhausted.

"Mina, no!"

From faraway, she could feel Peter shaking her roughly, trying to get her to sit back up, to start talking, to do anything other than lie down and die. But she couldn't and she didn't want to.

"It's okay, Pete." Mina murmured faintly, her eyelids closing for the last time. "I love you."

And then, she let the horrible, awful coldness take her away, letting her body fall limp in Peter's arms. She had done all she could, and while she wished she could do more, she couldn't stick around.

'I'm sorry, Peter. It isn't your fault.' She thought, too weak and too dead to say it aloud. She knew he wouldn't hear her but she hoped he just knew.

With that last thought, she heard the world stop and she felt it stop; an odd sensation, an odd knowledge and then she knew no more.


AS MINA WENT slack in his arms, Peter's mind stopped working.

The gears stopped turning and the messy, disorganized mind of Peter Parker went blank. Silent.

"Mina?" Peter asked, gently shaking her arm. Please let her just be knocked out. Please.

But he knew better.

He knew it. He knew she was gone but he couldn't accept it.

"Mina? Hey, Kitsune." Peter tried but he got no response. Of course not. She was-

Shut up, he told himself and he shook her limp body again. Her body was already cold and it would be a few more minutes before it would become stiff and immovable.

Her head bobbed to the side and her bangs fell in disarray. Peter hurried to fix them, brushing them straight like how he always saw them. She didn't like it when her bangs were messy, he knew that.

Emotions suddenly overtook him and he let out a sob, his chest trembling and his body shaking. He bent over Mina's colding body and held onto her tightly.

He looked at her peaceful, beautiful face, and as tears clouded his vision, he blinked them away. He stared at her, looking at her closed eyelids, her pale, blood drained face, her body a map of different injuries.

Peter drew in a deep breath and collected himself, tears still streaming down his cheeks. He bent closer to Mina, taking her face in his numb hands and he pulled her to him, placing shaking hands on her cheek.

He needed her.

Peter stared at her desperately, searching her face for any movement but she remained unresponsive and he finally broke down completely. His chest wracked with sobs, his body trembled and he rested his feverish forehead on Mina's cold one.

He felt like a failure.

He had let her die, let death take her without a fight or even an argument. He'd basically surrendered her, looked at Death, held her up and said 'Here she is. Go ahead and take her.'

Peter cried harder, holding the unmoving Mina tighter.

"Hey, kid!" He heard Tony shout and while he knew the older man was maybe a few feet away, it felt like worlds away. "Kid!"

As Tony's hand fell on Peter's shoulder, Peter didn't look up but held Mina protectively. He heard Tony's intake of breath before he felt his arm being pulled. Peter didn't fight it, too detached to do anything but clutch Mina.

"Come on, Peter. We gotta go."

"She's gone." Peter said, numb and far away. "Mr. Stark, Mina's gone."

"I know, kid. But we can't help Mina if we just sit around and cry, we gotta get up and keep fighting."

Tony didn't get it.

"Mr. Stark. Mina's gone. She's gone, she's dead. She died."

Tony hauled Peter up, turning the boy around to face him and in the process, Mina hit the ground. Her legs were bent at an unnatural angle, as was her head and her hair was once again in a disarray.

Peter lunged to fix it, to grab Mina again but Tony hurled him back, pushing him towards the fight that was happening. The man's eyes were glued to the bloodless, unnaturally pale face of Mina and he felt his heart rip in half

He forced his eyes away, blinking tears out of his eyes. Tony had to push Peter back again, as he made another desperate lunge for her.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark, she needs me. I have to be with her! Mr. Stark, she's...I...I need her to know!" Peter began, his voice trembling and cracking and Tony pushed him away. "She needs to know that I love her!"

"She knows, Pete. She knows. And she would want you to keep fighting, to beat Thanos."

"She would?"

"Yeah. So let's do it. For Mina, huh?" Tony said, his voice strained and cramped. It took all his strength not to break down, or curl up or even cry. He knew if he did any of those, he wouldn't be able to stop.

That was his kid, still and dead on the battlefield, unmoving and unliving. His kid. Tony had lost his kid, another one so soon after he just got one back.

Peter was already hysterical but even he knew what they had to do now. Peter understood everything now.

The best he could do, the only way to make sure she hadn't died for nothing, was to beat Thanos. That was the only way to honor her now.

Peter looked up, glancing around him. He saw the chaos surrounding them, Thanos' monsters attacking the Avengers and the Avengers fighting back. Screaming, shouting, crying, bleeding, dying.

The heartbroken, grieving boy forced his legs to move, to run over to the nearest bad guys and start fighting.

His face was set, his heart was numb and he launched himself into battle with only one thing on his mind.

Kill Thanos.







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