Her Forever and Always (F.F...

By the-fallen-knight

315K 10.3K 2.6K

Logan and Kimberly have come a long way and are now facing the next stage in their lives. The next thing that... More

1. Where We Stand
2. Home
3. Mature
4. Some Things Never Change
5. Truth Comes Out
6. New Look?
7. Hate
8. Family
9. Decisions
10. Children
11. Makeup Or Breakup?
12. The Dawsons
13. July
14. Pictures
15. Excitement
16. Departure
17. Staying
18. Jobs
20. Time
21. Additions
Author's Note
22. Our Life Now
23. Long Awaited
24. Reassurance
25. Falling Into Place
26. A Day in the Life
27. Work
28. Meeting
29. Night Out
30. Cold Pt. 1
31. Cold Pt. 2
32. Search
33. Fault
34. Blue
35. Game
36. Her
37. Memory
38. Chloe
39. Only the Beginning
40. Epilogue

19. Which

7.6K 257 46
By the-fallen-knight


Kimberly's POV-

I'm fat.

I can feel it.

I can see it.

Logan keeps telling me that it's nothing to be so self conscious about. But that's easy for her to say. She's not the one walking around with a stomach that's starting to show. She's not the one who's eating almost everything in sight. Not even close. I eat twice as much as I used to now that I'm getting a lot of cravings. I don't necessarily mind it, but it's making me feel like a pig.

Could that be because of the pregnancy?


That's the pregnancy.

It's making me eat more than I usually do.

But it's all going for our baby, so I don't mind.

"What time is it?" I ask Logan as I try to wake up. I feel her try to lift herself up so she can see the clock without having to move from our position that much.

"It's a quarter past 8." she tells me. I hum as I snuggle into her even more.

"So, say in 30 minutes we'll get ready?" I suggest.

"Sounds good to me." she says as she kisses my forehead, making me smile.

"You're pregnant...wow..." I hear her whisper as her fingers leaves the bare skin underneath my shirt so she can place them directly onto my stomach.

"Everyday I grow more and more excited to meet you, little pumpkin." she says lovely as she gently rubs my stomach. I can't help but smile.

"You know, I love your mommy very much. I also love you just as much. Maybe even a little bit more, but don't tell your mommy that, ok?" she says joking around a little bit. I gently wack her arm.

"I'm kidding, I love you and our baby equally. Which is a lot." she corrects herself through a small fit of laughter. I end up laughing a bit as well.

After we calm down, we cuddle for a little while longer before we start moving. Today, we have another check up appointment with our doctor. I'm 16 and a half weeks into my pregnancy now and I'm really starting to show now. Logan's not the only one talking to our baby anymore either. I talk to our baby all the time. Verbally and non-verbally.

"Babe, is it supposed to be cold today?" I ask Logan as I strip down to my undergarments to look for clean clothes to wear.

When she doesn't respond, I stop what I'm doing and turn around to find her looking at me with so much admiration. It makes me a little shy and I turn around to try to hide myself from her. I hear her softly laugh and seconds later, I feel her arms wrapping themselves around my waist, causing shivers to run down my spine a little bit. She doesn't stop with that, though. She moves one of her hands up higher so she's touching my stomach.

Her hands are so warm.

"God you're so beautiful," she whispers right before she plants a kiss on my bare shoulder. Then on the side of my neck. It slightly turns me on. Especially when I begin to realize that she's just as exposed as I am right now and her bare skin is up against mine.

I finally give in and spin around to wrap my arms around her neck. She wraps her around my waist again and brings me closer to her, as close as we can possibly be. I don't waste anymore time and kiss her, passionately. She returns it.

When I pull back, she gives me another warm smile. "Yes, it's supposed to be cold today." she tells me. I raise my eyebrow at her in confusion. She softly laughs.

"You asked me if it's supposed to be cold today. Yes, it is." she tells me once more before she quickly kisses me one more time
and pulls away so she can continue to get dressed.

I do the same.

Before I even know it, we're heading out the door and towards her car. She opens the passenger door for me and waits for me to get in before she shuts it and runs around to the driver's side. Once we're both buckled up, we start heading in the direction of the hospital.

"Why don't you just take the day off?" I hear Logan ask me after we get onto the main road. I turn to face her and see her quick little glance at me before she faces forward again.

"Because. I want to work as much as I can." I tell her as I lean back.

"I understand that. But I really don't want you to push yourself too much. You're 16 and a half weeks now." she tells me softly. I sigh and shake my head.

"Yes. I'm only 16 and a half weeks. It's not like I'm about to go into labor right now. I'll stop going to work once I'm getting closer to our due date." I try telling her. She sighs and before I even know it, I feel her hand on my leg, gently rubbing my leg through my jeans.

"You know how much I worry." she mumbles, but I hear her loud and clear.

"I know baby...but there's nothing for you to be worrying about. The last time we went in for our appointment, the doctor said that everything was fine. That there's no sign of any complications or anything like that." I tell her. She slowly nods her head.

"I'm sorry. I guess it's just finally hitting me now. We're really going to have a baby. I'm thrilled, yes. But also a little worried because I don't want anything bad to happen." she tells me. It makes me smile to hear how much she cares.

To try to reassure her a little bit better, I place my hand over hers and rub her. I see her form a little smile on her face.

"Trust me Logan, there's nothing to be worried about. I'm fine. The doctor says I'm fine along with the baby. We're fine." I tell her.

The second she stops for a red light, I see her turn around and lean over to quickly kiss me. Just seconds after I begin to kiss her back, the car behind us honks its horn. Logan pulls away and laughs a little as she starts moving again. I laugh a bit as well but with a slightly red face.

After a little more ways, we finally make it to the hospital and pull into the parking lot. The second Logan cuts the ignition, she quickly hops out of the car and rushes over towards the passenger door and opens the door for me. She reaches her hand out for me to grab. I playfully roll my eyes at her childish behavior but humor her anyway and take her head.

"You don't have to do that every single time, you know?" I tell her as she grabs my hand and we start heading towards the hospital entrance. She shakes her head.

"I know I don't HAVE to, I want to." she tells me as she gives me a warm smile. I return it.

After we check in, we wait in the waiting room for us to be called. When my name gets called, Logan and I both walk into the doctors room. We're both greeted by the doctor, Dr. Wiles, and then she instructs me to sit down in the fancy looking type of hospital chair. I do so and she helps me to lower the back of the chair so I'm very close to lying down straight.

"Ok, are you two ready to see how your baby is doing?" Dr. Wiles asks us very excitedly as she gets the machine hooked up along with the cold, slimy gel that she'll put on my stomach.

"Yes," Logan and I both say. I look over towards her and find her smiling down at me.

Trying to get it through the doctors head that Logan's the father of our baby, was a real interesting conversation. Almost as interesting as it was telling my parents that I'm pregnant with her baby. My mother was hysterical and kept on asking a million questions, like usual. My dad... well...he had to have a long talk with Logan about it. I have no clue on what he told her, but it ended up with everything flying by nicely. In the end, both of them were happy about it.

"Alright, then let's see. Kimberly, you know the drill, just relax. I'm going to roll up your shirt and put some gel on your tummy." Dr. Wiles tells me. I simply nod and wait as she does roll up my shirt and seconds later, puts the cold gel on my stomach.

"Okie dokie, let's have a look." she says.

I look over towards the monitor and smile when I see our baby come into view. I quickly look over towards Logan and see her smiling as much as I am at the screen. She must have felt my eyes on her because seconds later, she looks over towards me and gives me a warm and loving smile as she reaches for my hand.

I hardly even noticed it until now, but we can even hear our baby's heartbeat. When I realize it, I quickly look back over towards the screen and melt all over again.

"Looks like everything is still looking great. The baby is developing as it should be and there are no indications of anything wrong." Dr. Wiles tells us. I squeeze Logan's hand reassuringly.

I really want her to stop worrying so much. At first, she was worrying a lot about being able to get a job. But she landed a job at her father's company a couple weeks ago as one of their web designers...developer?...I don't know. Something like that.

But now she's just constantly all over me. I mean, I'm all over her as well, but that's besides the point. At least when I'm all over her, I'm being needy or just simply want her near me. Logan does the same, but she also worries a lot.

I think it's actually kind of sweet, now that I think about it.

But that still doesn't change the fact that I want her to stop worrying. There's nothing for her to be worried about.

After exchanging a few more words with our doctor and looking at our baby, she types something on her laptop before she hands me a clean towel to get all the gel off of me. When I get my shirt back in order, I sit up and smile over towards Logan again.

"Alright...would you two like to know the sex of your baby?" Dr. Wiles asks us.

Logan and I both look towards Dr. Wiles with so much emotion all over our faces. We talked about whether we would want to know the sex of the baby the second we could or if we wanted to wait and be surprised when their born. We also talked a lot about potential names for our baby if it's a boy and if it's a girl.

I look back towards Logan again and she practically asks me the question again with only eye contact.

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes." I respond to her as I smile. She smiles back and looks back towards the doctor. I do the same.

"Yes, we would love to know." Logan tells Dr. Wiles.

She smiles as the words leave her lips. "You're having a..."

"Ms. Dawson, can you please tell Jacob to stop being such an asshole?" I hear one of my students say out of nowhere. I quickly look up and find a girl's hand up in the air with a look of disapproval across her face.

"What did Jacob do exactly, Olivia?" I ask her. She huffs and crosses her arms.

"He keeps bugging me and is really pushing my buttons." she says in annoyance.

"Ms. Dawson, please, let's be real. I'm only asking for her number." Jacob says in defense with a smirk on his face. Olivia rolls her eyes.

"That's a lie. You won't stop bugging me about how badly you want to go out on a date with me. But I have a boyfriend, you just can't take no for an answer." she spits at him. His eyebrows twitch.

"Come on, it's just one date. He doesn't even have to know about it." he tells her, trying to convince her. She glares at him.

"No way in hell would I ever cheat on Brendon like that." she tells him sternly. He shrugs his shoulders and leans back in his chair.

"Honestly. I don't see what the big deal is. It's just one date. It's not like I'm asking you for any nudes." he says without a care. She huffs again.

"Can I please have my seat changed?" she complains. I sigh and run my hands down my face.

I probably should have taken the day off. If I did, I wouldn't have to be dealing with this right now. I would be at home with Logan just chilling and possibly get some more work done because I have - yet again - a lot of work to grade. I always do.

"I'm actually glad you brought that up, Olivia. I have been thinking about doing a seat change later this week."

"Oh thank god! The sooner the better, Ms. Dawson." she tells me. I smile and nod my head.

I already gave them their assignment for the day. The rest of their class time is for trying to complete the assignment so they don't have homework for the night. And although a lot of my students are using their time wisely, there are some who are not. But that's to be expected. But that's on them if they end up having to do all of this for homework tonight.

I came in late, obviously. So this is my second to last class for that day. Now that I think about it even more, I think it was really stupid to go to work. Teaching my last 2 out of 5 classes is really just a waste of time. Not to mention, I'm exhausted.

And hungry.

When the bell finally rings, I sigh as I lean further into my desk chair and dismiss my students for them to go to their next class. I lean forward to lean my elbows on my desk surface and run my hands down my face.

"Ms. Dawson?" I hear a voice call out. I look up and see one of my students in my third hour, Sam, in front of me. I straighten up and smile.

"Sam, how are you?" I ask her. She smiles.

"I'm fine. I missed you during third hour though. Are you ok?" she asks me. I nod my head reassuringly.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just had a doctors appointment to go to."

"For the baby?" she asks me. I nod my head. Her face brightens up.

"That's so exciting. Do you know what you're expecting yet?" she asks me. I smile and nod my head.

"Actually, I do." I tell her as I lean back into my chair again.

"Please, do tell." she pleads. I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, Sam. But that's a secret. And don't you have a class to get to?" I ask her as I begin to notice my class starting to fill in again with my students in my last hour.

Sam looks around, finally becoming aware of her surroundings and laughs. She shakes it off and leaves my room shortly afterwards. Moments later, my class calms down and we begin our day. One more class and I can go home.

My class actually goes by a lot faster than I expected. Which is good for me because I can finally go home. I can go home, eat, bug Logan before I go and fill in Ellie and my parents about today's appointment, and then be done for the day. I can just forget about grading. I don't feel like doing it right now. And it's not like I have a deadline to get it done. They JUST finished it the day before yesterday. I'm not in a hurry to grade them now.

The first thing I do when I get home, is go directly towards the kitchen to dig out the jar of peanut butter, a banana, and a butter knife. After I slice the banana in half down the middle, I spread some pb on the slides and quickly eat it.

"I see someone's hungry." I hear Logan say from behind me. I jump and spin around to see her smiling like a dork.

"Well yeah, of course I'm hungry. I last ate only a couple hours ago." I tell her as I finish up the last bite.

"How was work?" she asks me as she walks over towards me and sits down at the island. I shrug my shoulders.

"It was alright. I should have just stayed home though. There was really no point in going to teach only 2 classes." I tell her.

"I tried to tell you that, but someone wasn't listening." she says very cockily. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. I have phone calls to make." I tell her as I walk past her.

Before I can get that far, she reaches for my wrist and pulls me back and catches me in her arms. I find myself leaning against her front as she rests her chin on my shoulder. Her hands find their way to my stomach and she gently rubs it.

"You're pregnant...wow..." she tells me. I smile at her words.

"I was thinking-" Logan starts.

"That's dangerous." I tell her teasingly while interrupting her. She doesn't comment on it.


I was really hoping for some sort of reaction.

"We're going to be parents. First time parents. Isn't that crazy?" she asks me. I raise my eyebrow at the question.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, like if you would have told me a few years ago, that we would be expecting a kid, I would laugh at the thought. I'd probably say something like 'no, there's no way we would think about having a kid that soon. Maybe AFTER I'm done with New York. But not THAT soon.' but no. The second you told me you were pregnant, god. I was so happy." she tells me.

"I'm glad you're happy." I tell her. She holds onto me slightly tighter.

"Of course I'm happy. I love you, Kimberly." she tells me. I smile at her words.

"I love you too, Logan." I tell her.

"And I love you too, little pumpkin." she says as she goes back to rubbing my stomach. It makes me smile.

"Alright. I'm going to go call my parents and Ellie. Say dinner around 6 ish?" I suggest. I feel her nod her head.

"Yeah, that sounds good. What's for dinner?" she asks me. I scrunch up my nose a little as I think about it.

"I don't know, maybe something a little fresh." I tell her after a second of thinking. She nods her head again.

"Want some chicken and salad? It's fresh and you can still have some sort of meat." she offers. I smile and nod my head this time.

"That sounds good to me. Really good actually." I tell her.

"Alright. Go make your calls." she tells me.

First, I ring up mom. Literally the second after I told her about our appointment today, she starting going on and on about what kind of toys and clothes she's going to buy for the baby. All I could really do, was smile at her being so happy. I'm glad her and dad have looked past certain situations between how Logan and I first met. And hey, they're getting their first grandchild. That's always exciting. Right? Right. Of course it is.

Why wouldn't it be?

Ellie had a similar reaction. I didn't even need to look at her to know that she was probably jumping up and down with excitement.

She's getting married soon. Within a couple months, actually. She wants me to be her maid of honor, which I'm for sure not turning down. She's my best friend and has been with me through a lot and has tried to be so supportive over the past few years. Of course I wouldn't say no to her. And maybe one day, she'll be my maid of honor.

It would be amazing if Logan and I can be together forever. With how things are going, that just might be the case. Even if something were to happen and we break up, we'll always be in each other's lives. We'll always have a connection.

Our child.

But I really doubt we'll break up. At least from what she tells me, she loves me. A lot. And I love her a lot too. And we're both so excited for what's to come.

Just like everyone else.

My parents.

Her parents.

The rest of my family.

The rest of her family.

Our friends.

Our coworkers...

After I finish talking to Ellie about how the appointment went, I head straight for the den, where I hear the tv running. As I walk in, I find her sprawled out on the couch with her leg hanging over the edge along with her arm. When she notices me walking into the den, she immediately sits up and moves over so I can sit down next to her. She automatically wraps her arm around me as I lean into her.

"Is there work you need to get done?" she asks me. I shrug my shoulders.

"Yes, but I think I'm going to take the rest of the day off. It's been a long day." I tell her.

"Well, you deserve a rest. So that's fine by me." she tells me as she moves her arm so that she can run her fingers through my hair. I smile and lean into the touch even more.

Later on, after dinner, I find myself relaxing in bed with my back leaning against the headboard. My hair is all wet due to just coming out of the bath. I'll dry it in a little bit. But the hot water felt really nice and comforting. It's been a long day and honestly, all I want to do now, is just read a book and lie in bed with Logan.

But she's currently in the shower.

Call me needy if you want, but I just really want to have her attention on me right now. Have her warm arms around me and possibly have her talking to our little one, which she already loves doing and does on a daily basis.

Actually...I kind of want her too. Sexually that is. I know she wouldn't mind it at all if I were to pounce on her. If anything, she'd be taken a back a little, but she'll most like just roll with it.

I get through halfway through a chapter in one of my favorite author's new books when Logan comes into our room. I look up from my book and fold the top corner of where I'm leaving off and move over just in time for her to sit down next to me.

"Hey you," she says as she leans over towards me to grab the book from my hands.

"My turn for attention now." she says as she puts the book down onto the nightstand and turns back around to face me once again and wraps her one arm around my lower back. Immediately, her other hand finds its way to my stomach and she pulls up my shirt to get a better view and places her warm hand directly on my now showing baby bump.

"We have a lot of shopping to do now." she starts. I nod in agreement.

"Yup. We surely do, now that we know what we're having." I respond to her. She nods with the same huge smile across her face. I'm the same way.

"I love you, Kimberly." she tells me.

"I love you too, Logan." I reply. She then trails her eyes down towards my stomach again.

"I haven't even held you in my arms yet, and I already love you so much." she says as she rubs my stomach. It makes me smile even more.

"We can't wait to meet you, babygirl."


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