A New Promise Blooms | Selobe...

By SillyPetals

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Introducing a sequel to OP, yes it is like a au and it is definitely inspired by many things but especially b... More

Notice and Q&A
1. The Bloom Of A New Story
2. The Plan For A Special Night
3. The Memories Remain
4. There's Always Room For Another Memory
5. A Slice Of Apple Cake
6. Free To Be You And Me
7. Friends. Friends!
8. Unknown Future
9. Love And Trust
10. Together Forever
11. I Really Am Sorry
12. Devil May Care
13. The Message From The Devil
15. Angel Heart
16. Point Of No Return
17. Another Hotel Night
18. The Heart To Believe
19. Imagine My Thoughts
20. My Precious Caretaker
21. There's Something About Jake
22. Promise
23. The Devil You Loved And Trusted
24. The Plan To Bring Our Peace
25. The Nightmares That Never Disappeared
26. Trapped In The Abandoned Memories
27. Take My Hand
28. Out From The Dark
29. Carry On With One Secret For Me
30. Remember To Smile
31. The Suprise You've Awaited For
32. The Days You'll Appreciate
33. A World Full Of Despair
34. Talk To Me
35. His Sacrifice Won't Go Into Vain
36. Beginning Of Another Day
37. Interrogation From The Treacherous Distance
38. Reticent Despairing Heart
39. A Slice Of Life
40. The Agony Never Stopped
41. Our Collapsed Friendship
The end?
Storyline Plot

14. Smile Till You're Dead

173 3 3
By SillyPetals

[3rd Pov]
Alberts House


The three of them stare directly at Rust, horrified that he had been injured for an unknown reason. He still was bleeding endlessly. Jake especially had this look in his eyes, he felt a lot of deep emotions for him, he wouldn't be able to explain to anybody at all how it felt, not even his best friend. "We best head inside, it is not safe out here saying what happened." Rust said, his hand clutching into his arm tightly as he walked inside of the house with a bit of a limp on both of his legs. It seemed like he was enduring a lot of pain.

Albert and Selozar felt confused, having blank expressions on their faces not expecting to see their friend arrive with those bloody injuries. It was just all of a sudden too, two surprises at once. Jake didn't hesitate to let go of Alone and quickly went back inside to the house grabbing the kitchen knife. The two didn't know what to do now, but they needed to let go of the man below them to find out what had happened to Rust. At first they refused until they both realized they needed answers out of this, it could be related to Alone from his words earlier to not be alarmed. Both let go of him, letting Alone get up from the wooden floor weakly, he had struggled a little with his leg that had been repeatedly hurt by Selozar if not remembered.

Selozar had this look in his black eyes again that could not be explained, seeing that look made Albert feel uneasy and worried about him, also bringing back memories filled with dread. He didn't want his angel to feel this much anger ever again, he wanted him safe and calm from everything, keeping him happy. He didn't want him to be around someone he can get upset.

"Just wait for me in the house. Please do that for me, Selozar." Albert tells him with a sight smile on his lips, still having that trustworthy gaze in his eyes but a dark memory triggered Selozar. He couldn't do it, he couldn't leave from his side for one second when Alones around. "No!" He slightly shouts. "I am not ever leaving you alone with him again." Selozar says through a cold tone, his eyes filled with complete anger that didn't stop boiling. "He is a threat, you shouldn't be by yourself with him around." Albert nearly was about to say some words until Alone had quietly scoffed at the thing Selozar said, trying to stand up still on his own. He slowly walked inside of the house, very slowly. "And you never were a threat to Albert? Neither of us should be around him." He said before walking in the house limping, he kept on pushing onwards.

Selozar stood there in silence, looking down at the bloody wooden ground for a brief moment, thinking in his mind. "It's going to be okay Selozar." Albert tells the upset male, hiding his face away from the world. "I'll stay with you, you don't need to worry." Albert also tried to reassure him it was alright but all Selozar does is let out a heavy sigh, calming down his glare. "A-Aren't you scared?.." He asks concern for his savior, slightly gazing in the eyes. "Not really, I'm being brave for all of us. Okay?" He responded to his question, gazing back more at his eyes when he looked up at him from the ground fully.

Selozar slowly nodded his head, understanding what he was saying, but still felt uneasy about everything that just happened quickly like that. It just happened unexpectedly in his face with no warning at all. "Are you scared? You know I will protect you." Albert tells him the truth, seeing Selozar slowly nod his head again in response. "Don't worry, just remember my promise." He still smiled at him bright, which Selozar admired in silence and loved him all over again. "Let's go inside now, they're all waiting for us." Albert carefully took Selozars hand, being gentle holding it. "We will do this again, together as always. I am here for you through this, Sel." He adds in his sentence, smiling at Selozar.

Selozar took a moment to say anything back. He stared at him for a small moment, letting out a sigh after some seconds. He had his gentle smile appear on his face feeling safe and protected. "I-I love you." Selozar tells him, feeling Alberts gentle lips land on his forehead. "I love you more." Albert responded with a brighter smile this time, feeling glad that he looked calmer and less angered.

Albert did felt this deep feeling again of every single thing coming back but he stayed strong for everyone. It had happened out of nowhere and quickly which worried him that things aren't going to be 'easy' as they were before. He hoped it won't be difficult, he wouldn't want to lose anybody he loves and trusts.

The two lovebirds go back inside of the house seeing Jake and Alone standing near the front door waiting for them. After Albert closes the door and locks it, they all together walk to the living room with Alone following behind having a deep glare in his eyes. He hated coming here, he did not want to look anybody in the eyes. He avoided any gaze or stare by having his vision to the floor. There was this deep feeling in him that needed a release but he held back every piece of anger.

All of them four go to the living room standing all around Rust. Meanwhile Alone stood further away from everyone leaning against the wall, crossing his arms. Though Albert got a little close to him, making sure he does not pull anything. Rust was sitting on one of the couches, taking moments to breathe. He lets out one small heavy sigh, keeping his back on the couch and his entire body relaxed down, sinking into the cushions. He really looked exhausted from god knows what.

"Rust what happened? Why are you hurt badly?" Albert asked, filled with concern, seeing some blood drip down onto the floor and couch but he didn't care right now. He just wanted answers to the truth. Though he did hope for his two cats, that they don't go anywhere near touching the blood. The two cats were actually in another room chilling, as usual. "I was attacked." He answered through a dull tone but some emotions were hearable in his voice. His voice sounded hurt and there was a hint of sadness but he hid it away.

"I was just in my forest until these two boyfriends of his attacked me." Rust's head slightly turned over to the angered man, seeing a much more deeper glare but that same man looked away somewhere else. "Alone has no idea why they would come for me. He thinks it is because I used to work with him but had helped Albert out. Although he never gave full details to them about me, not about my forest." Rust says quietly, "The other one for some reason defended me. He doesn't know that exactly either. He thinks it's because she wants to know something from me." He was remembering when his life flashed in his eyes, every single slash, punch, kick and stab he went through very painfully. His bones felt like breaking apart, his entire body hurt when he moved a single finger. "He did send those two to hunt down that girl, but they hunted me down instead for the unknown reason."

"I ran back home in the forest with the help of my creatures, if you remember them scaring the hell out of you all." Albert felt a little surprised that Rust did live in his forest, he really is a scary man. "I was slowed down by these shit bloody injuries I have all over me." He grunts annoyed of not being able to do much. The next thing he talks about will have some of them surprised at his sentences and words. "I contacted Alone within those days of hiding and running here." He says, still remembering all those steps he took to get closer to the house to meet up with him or the other reason. "I told him to warn all of you if I didn't get there, about what had happened since I knew they were not my enemies but all of yours."

Jake suddenly excused himself to go get a glass of water for Rust, but it kept on going, his explanation of what had happened. "He told me he couldn't and refused too, he was still weak from his injuries and had send two very strong people after the girl that defended me like said. The girl that defended me from those killing machines, she's not a good person from what Alone told me." Rust took his vision back over to Alone seeing him quietly scoff, knowing he is staring at him again.

"I healed most of his injuries, I couldn't with all from how I am." Rusts head tilted a bit to the side, seeing Alone grin showing his sharp teeth, knowing what is coming for his next sentence. Rust knew he could piss him off easily, he had a wide smile behind his smiley face mask, such a creepy one. "Such a marvelous dream I gave you during your heal slumber, isn't that right Äezōre, dear." The only thing Alone said is shut up or continue on with what he has to say before he leaves them all to do on his own, meaning they could possibly die. "Basically, two teams are coming after Selozar but also want to hurt you all." Jake came back from the kitchen, giving Rust water which he took but set it aside for now.

"By the way, you shouldn't thank me for everything. Alone ran all the way here to warn you all for what's happening if I don't make it. Though we did say to meet up here for help too." Rust mentioned with a smile on him behind the white mask, leaving the three of them surprised to hear he could of have been near death. Albert looked over at Alone, still seeing his head turn around to avoid meeting eyes with anybody. He was in deep silence not wanting to talk to anybody, he hated them all.

"We're supposed to trust him?" Albert questioned Rust, taking a step back closer to Selozar, holding his hand carefully. He didn't feel safe around him from the last time he tried talking to him. "Something tells me your house would be covered in your own blood by now." Alone said, only getting Selozar much more angered than before. His two hands badly wanted to hurt him, he intended to do things, he desired, but he held back everything. "Trust is a strong word, just believe in him." Rust answered, facing back down to the floor. "Sometimes you got to work with the bad guys to get to the worse guys."

Alone quietly scoffed again, grinning more. "If you all are gonna try and beat them three, then you have to be ready to watch the people you love get hurt or even die." Alone spoke up, glaring at all four of them with pure hatred in his eyes. His hands into a tighter fist. "They're all powerful, strong, but I still don't want any of you killing the two that I know. Also the girl, she's not gonna die immediately. I need to handle her." Rust didn't seem like he cared a word he said about the last thing about not killing anyone, it seemed like he had some of his own plans to hurt them back for what they've done to him. The girl too out of fun.

Out of nowhere, Rust sat back up straight on the couch seeming alert of something. He counted the amount of people in the living room. "Where is your boyfriend?" Rust asked Jake, quickly turning around at him. That stare made him startled but then got concerned realizing his best friend isn't aware of what's happening right now too. "Adam? H-He's at his house." He just went along with it knowing there is no time for an argument about it. His best friend could be in danger. "Why isn't he with you three halfwits!" He gets up from the couch, it seemed like he was worried about him. This surprised them all, this was just new to this horrifying man.

"It's not safe here, they might know where you live including Adam. As well for the other three, none of you are safe." Rust said, taking a small sip of his water though he avoided to show his face. None of them really looked knowing he can threaten them, or maybe get murdered coldly by him. "It could lead into losing another house if you don't hide somewhere temporarily." He places his glass of water down onto a small table nearby, knowing he had pissed Alone more.

The two lovebirds had concerned looks on their faces, especially Jake, he felt so worried for everything that is happening so quickly already. "So what? We're supposed to go somewhere else right now?" Albert questioned, "There is no other place we can stay to hide besides a hotel..." He remembered the time they needed to stay in a hotel but didn't like that memory very much. "We're only staying low for a plan, we are not gonna hide." Alone spoke up, backing away from the wall with an ominous look. "You wanted in this mess, then you're gonna have to face what and who is chasing you eventually. You don't get to decide if they're gonna come or not. So you might as well act serious and stop with all these games and be ready for anything."

Albert felt upset about Alone, he wished he didn't come too but he felt very grateful for the warning. Although that didn't stop him from saying anything back at him. "I've been ready the moment I took Selozars hand." Albert said, then Rust speaking up between their little glares and argues. "Seems like you two are willing to die if you don't start moving. Though I'll be glad to do that early right here."

"So you want us to go to that hotel right now?" Albert asked curiously with a questionable look on his face. All of them see Rust nod his head slowly in response, he was being so slow in any movement made. All of them each had opinions on his answer, some really didn't want that. "This would have taken shorter if you weren't fragile as well for your other friends." Alone mentioned but Albert had ignored him not wanting to hear another word from him.

Although Albert made a strange noise like whimper, it sounded like one he would make out of fear. "Will something happen to the house?.. W-What about my two cats o-or anything else here." Albert questioned a little loud, his voice cracking a bit too. Selozar gets closer next to Albert holding his hand which had calmed him down. "They all would have been here before Alone and I unless they went to a certain someone's house." Rust said and that sentence made Jake badly worry for his best friend. The feeling of concern and worried burn in him, he did not want his best friend to be hurt at any cause. That is not supposed to happen, he can't be hurt Jake thought in silence.

Jake thought about some ideas that came to his head, strangely too quick as if he knew something like this would happen. "Why don't you take the cats to a pet daycare with Selozar in your car?" Jake says speaking out through a low tone. "Meanwhile I take those two and pick up Adam then drive to the hotel where you'll meet us? We'll inform the others so that they'll come on their own since they'll surely want to get to them too l-like Rust said." Rust gave this look behind his mask to Jake. He felt quite surprised he was fast on that. "Well somebody has too much fun in their friends house." Rust said.

"Are you sure you're gonna want to be around with him..." Selozar said, looking at Jake, having a small grin and remembering he was holding Alberts hand. "...I-It'll be fine." Jake answers after a brief moment of thinking in his head. It wasn't just any normal thought but something that had triggered him in a way. "You should go get prepared, we'll wait until you're ready. I think it's better if we all leave together." Albert and Selozar nod their head then the two walk off somewhere in the house. This shouldn't take long, they're not running away from anything this time technically and they're going to go straight to face the issue. Although Selozar had his own thoughts, he wasn't sure if he wanted to face it all over again. He thought he had gained his freedom with the help of Albert but maybe that's not entirely the case. His pain won't be over after all. All he did desired out of this mess is for his savior to help him through this once again, take him by his hand and be told everything is alright and he'll take care of him. The last thing is to get reminded of their promises made.

Meanwhile the two prepared, Alone was in his silence, standing still and glared down at the floor having many malevolent thoughts running all around his head, there was this burning feeling he felt coming here. Something that wanted a release of his negative, dangerous emotions. Anger and hatred, he felt it rising more at higher levels. The more he stared at everyone around him, the more violent they got and especially when his devil like eyes stared at those two lovebirds together. He knew his purpose to help is because it is his mess to deal with too but it felt like another reason. Not for Rust, Jake or Selozar the least but for Albert. Something told him he is grateful Albert convinced Selozar to turn around otherwise it would be the end of him and his future. Maybe there was some couple of thoughts about getting redeemed just like Albert said to him one day he took him but the question he asked himself almost every night is about really being the bad guy in this story. Does Albert see himself as the good person in this, does he really think he's done anything good.

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