Saving The Bad Boy

By novelistwannabexox

19.6K 542 287

"I'm officer Benson, what's your name ma'am?" One of the officers questioned as the fireman went back inside... More

Authors Note
Character Aesthetics
•2• ZOEY
•3• ZOEY
•4• ZOEY
•5• ZOEY
•6• ZOEY
•7• ZOEY
•8• ZOEY

•1• ZOEY

2.9K 77 57
By novelistwannabexox


"Are you sure you'll be okay, Zoey?"  My mom asked for the millionth time as she stood in the doorway. 

"I'll be perfectly fine,"  I assured her.  "I promise." 

"You'll call me if you need anything, and I mean anything, right?"  She looked at me for more assurance.

"Of course.  Now get going before you miss your flight." 

"I love you," she placed a small kiss on my forehead after hugging me and began to jog to the cab my dad was already waiting in. 

I waved goodbye to the both of them as the cab pulled out of the driveway.

Alone alas. 

My parents were going on a business trip to Texas for a week and a half.  They insisted on me staying with my grandparents, but I wanted to stay home so Camila, or Mila as I call her, my best friend, could come over and we'd just have the whole place to ourselves. 

Of course, this took months worth of convincing.  I told them I'd be moving out in a year or two for college, so maybe it'd be good for me to see what it's like to be on my own.  Telling them that Mila would be with me a lot of the nights also helped put them at ease. 

I spun around on my toes to face Mila, who sat on the couch behind me, and did a weird little dance, making her laugh. 

"Well, whats first on the agenda mah lady?"  I questioned with a wink as I pulled myself up on the counter. 

"Microwave s'mores?"  Mila squealed as she ran to the pantry and pulled out all the supplies to make s'mores. 

I know, we have a house completely to ourselves and this is how we choose to spend it.  We're kind of losers. 

After going through what felt like a hundred s'mores, we sat on my bed with our infamous notebook in the middle of us. 

"Oh my gosh, look at Derek.  He was so cute back then!"  Mila chirped as she pointed to a picture of our friend Derek we had glued to a page of the notebook. 

The notebook was where we put literally every piece of our friendship.  Everything from secrets, to crushes, to inside jokes got written down and random pictures were glued in places. 

"I know," I agreed with a laugh.  "Too bad he's a totally weirdo now." 

"Oh, he is not."  Mila disagreed with me almost too quickly.  "I think he's a nice dude." 

I began to giggle as I wiggled my brows up and down at my best friend, who so clearly had a crush on my other friend. 

"A nice dude, huh?"  I teased her.  "If he's such a 'nice dude' why don't ya marry him?" 

"Do you have a death wish?"  Mila groaned jokingly as she quickly flipped the page in the notebook. 

Next was a picture of what most would classify as the 'bad boy' of the school.  Beneath his picture, which was cut out of my seventh grade yearbook, was his name. In my terrible handwriting it read 'Owen Dean Price', and of course, I dotted the 'I' with a heart.

"Ooooh," Mila cooed at me teasingly as we studied the page. "It's your little boyfriend, Owen."

"Please," I scoffed. "He doesn't even know I exist."

Owen was gorgeous, so naturally, I was practically in love with him while he continued to ignore my existence. I didn't blame him though, there wasn't much about me that stood out. Sure, we had a few classes together, but he definitely didn't know my name.

"Look what you wrote!" Mila squealed as she began to laugh hysterically.

I glanced down and began to read the words.

'Cheers to my future husband, Owen. May he one day realize that we're in love and meant to be.  He'll hold my hand and buy me ice cream. We'll have a hundred babies that all share his gorgeous blue eyes and luscious brown hair. ~Zoe Price (;'

"God that's embarrassing." I exclaimed with a laugh.

"You're cheeks are going all red, awe." Mila continued to tease me. "Someone still has a crush."

"I do not, it's just embarrassing!" I assured her with a chuckle.


I groaned loudly before slamming the notebook shut and shoving it off my bed.  I was beyond exhausted and just wanted sleep.  Not like anyone could blame me, it was nearing 2 am. 

"I'm going to bed."  I grumbled tiredly. 

"I guess I'll turn in as well then."  Mila stated as she turned off my light and jumped onto my bed.

We laid in silence, neither of us having much to say.  It was late and our brains could barely even think straight.  Little did I know that night would be the last before my entire world would be flipped upside down.

The next morning I woke up around noon like the chump I am and made pancakes - aka the best breakfast food ever.  Mila, on the other hand, had been awake hours before me.  She enjoyed waking up early for whatever odd reason. 

"Those look good," Mila piped as she eyed the mountain of pancakes that covered my plate.  "Gimme one." 

I pulled my plate away in the opposite direction as she reached her grimy fingers at my food. 

"MINE."  I hissed as I moved further away from Mila. 

I don't like sharing my food.  Actually, I hate sharing my food.  I'm stingy, so what though?  I'm generous in every other department... usually.

"How rude." Mila pouted in a joking manner. "All I wanted was a little nibble."

"Right," I snorted. "And by little nibble, you mean an entire pancake. Do you want me to starve?!"

"Oh, shut up."  She laughed. 

"I mean it Mila,"  I began to fake cry.  "Do you see how small I am?  Some mistake me for a child!  Can you believe this outrage?  I need pancakes!" 

It was true, I was mistaken for way younger than my age pretty often because of my size.  I stood a proud height of 5'2 and was often called a 'string bean' by my dad because how skinny I was.  I blame it on the fact that I was born premature, but it was honestly just my bad luck.  Not that there's anything wrong with being really skinny, it just wasn't a look I pulled off very well because how short I was... it kind of just made me look even shorter.

"Okay shorty," Mila laughed.  "You better eat all of those then.  Down to the very last bite." 

And so I did.  Needless to say, my stomach felt like it was going to explode afterwards, but I did it.  If there's one thing about me, it's that I don't turn down a challenge, especially when it involves food.


And there we have it ladies and gents, Saving The Bad Boy chapter one(;

Thank you all so much for reading, I love each and every one of you. If any of you are readers that carried over from Night Terrors and Daydreams, let me know, I love hearing how you guys found my stories(:

This story isn't as prestigiously planned out as Night Terrors, but neither was that story at this point soooo let's just hope for the best haha. Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it!

Can't wait to take you guys on another journey with yet another story(;

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