[ help me ] Jikook FF🌙comple...

By zdcg123

78.3K 3.3K 1.1K

Jimin is an 18-year-old boy who has lost his parents due to a train accident which left him with some serious... More

Chp 2 🌙
Chp 3 🌙
Chp 4 🌙
Chp 5 🌙
Chp 6 🌙
Chp 7 pt 1🌙
No update but plz read✨
Chp 7 pt 2🌙
Chp 8 🌙
Sope special🌙
Chp 9 🌙
Final chapter 🌙
⭐️Thank you⭐️

Chp 1 🌙

7K 300 69
By zdcg123

Jimin was sitting on his bed looking outside from his window, the sun was starting to set giving all the tall buildings a nice warm glow to them, the cars below on the road looking like little stars on the ground as they drove by. Little kids with their families smiling and laughing together as they hold hands.
Jimin doesn't even remotely remember what it feels like to be happy anymore, all that happiness has faded away after that night, leaving jimin broken and cold like a shattered piece of glass.

Flashback to that night 🌟
Jimin was sitting on the train looking outside the window admiring the dark and starry night sky, observing the little starts decorating the sky along with the moon. He and his mom and dad were taking a train to go on vacation for Christmas and decided that they were going to stay in a cabin to enjoy the holiday spirit. His mom turned her head to jimin caressing his hand."are you hungry dear?" She asked with a smile."a little bit" jimin replied. His mom took out her purse digging inside searching for something until she pulls out a box of Pocky sticks then handing them to jimin."here you are darling, this should last you till we get there." Jimin took the box and gave his mom a soft smile as he started eating the chocolate treats, his father was fast asleep with his head resting against the window letting out soft snores making jimin and his mom laugh but, there laughing was soon interrupted by a loud sound coming from underneath the train scaring Jimin's dad awake as he looked around for what could be the source of the noise. Jimin grabbed his moms hand in order to calm himself down from the sudden jerk of the train. After a couple seconds the train started to move again but a little faster then normal, jimin turned to his mom to see a worried look on her face, jimin's dad also looked worried as to the loud sound they heard not to long ago. Soon the train started going faster each minute making the other passengers nervous as everyone started yelling out of panic, jimin's dad immediately got up and made his way to the front of the train to see what was going on with the train driver, jimin tried to go after him but his mom grabbed his arm."honey you have to stay here with me, I don't want you getting hur-" she was cut off by the train tilting slowly... making everyone scream to the top of their lungs. Jimin's mom got in front on jimin and embraced him protectively kissing the crown of his head. Jimin peeped out the window beside him to see the most terrifying view he's ever seen In his life. The train was on a tall mountain and because it was moving so fast it started to slip off the train tracks... before jimin knew it the train had completely slipped off the train tracks as it fell off the hill....
After that, all he saw was darkness and felt the warmth of his mother's embrace.

End of flashback 🌟
Jimin had tears falling down his now red cheeks as he remembered the dreadful night when he lost his parents, he was one of the few lucky people who survived, although he did have a broken leg and a few cuts which are now healed along with his leg. He wiped the tears off his cheeks as they kept falling down, he stood up from his bed walking in circles trying to get rid of his thoughts. soon his head started hurting as pain shot up his spine as he griped his hair sitting on the ground. His breathing quickened as his head throbbed, even more, making him scream in pain.

Jungkook was making his way to his office when he was stopped by his boss's assistant."excuse me Mr.jeon I came to inform you that today you will be assigned a new patient, his name is Park Jimin, and here is his paperwork with his information on it" she said handing him the paper.
"thank you, miss" he smiled.
"your welcome sir have a nice day." jungkook looks down at the papers he was given reading it out loud." Park jimin, born 1992 October 13, age 18 male, mental problems, anxiety attacks, self-harm, and low self-esteem, lost parents due to train accident" reading all that information made jungkook sick to his stomach, he felt horrible for this kid but was happy that he would be the one to help him.
He decided to go meet his new patient and make a first impression, he looked back down at the paper to find his room number." room 127 " jungkook made his way to the elevator since jimin's room was at the top of the building, he got off the elevator walking down the white long hallway, he could hear faint screams making him stop in his tracks to make sure he really heard screams. As soon as he heard another scream he ran down the hall to where he thinks the source of the sound is coming from, stopping at a door, he looked up and saw 127 above the door." jimin!" he quickly opened the door seeing jimin on the floor balled up, crying holding his head tightly while screaming in pain. Jungkook scooped him up in his arms rubbing circles on his back." it's ok, deep breaths, deep breaths."

"i can- can't b-breath" jimin gripped jungkook shirt out of pain from his lungs.

"yes you can, it's ok, you're just having a panic attack, listen to my voice, deep breaths" jungkook took jimin's hand rubbing it gently with care, taking his other hand and wiping the tears off of jimin's red cheeks.

Jimin slowly calmed down as his breathing went back to normal and the pain from his head slowly subsiding. He then opens his eyes as they met jungkook's.

"hello jimin, I'm Mr.jeon I will be your new doctor from now on" jungkook smiling softly as jimin slowly got out from his embrace looking at him with no emotion.

"no pressure, you don't have to respond to me if you're not comfortable, I will head downstairs to get your prescription pills and some water to ease your headache so that you won't have another panic attack, if you need anything just press the red button next to your bed" jungkook said giving jimin another smile before closing the door.

Jimin laid down on his bed staring at the white ceiling above him thinking about what just happened, he's never met a doctor so gentle before. Sure all his doctors we're nice but something about Mr.jeon was different but he didn't know what it was. His voice was so comforting and calm and the way he embraced him reminds him of his mother. Soon the door was open and Mr.jeon was back walking in with a tray with water and crackers and jimin's pills.
"here you go, I decided to bring you some crackers just in case you were a little hungry" jimin took the water and put one of the pills in his mouth swallowing it down with the water he was given, he then stared at the bowl of crackers contemplating on if he should eat it or not." I know you don't really eat but can you at least try to eat one cracker for me, please" jimin looked at jungkook then the bowl of crackers, he hasn't eaten really anything today except for banana milk and some bread. He decided that one cracker wouldn't hurt so he ate one making jungkook smile.
"good job jimin you're doing a great job, I'm very proud of you, unfortunately, I have to go since it's getting late and you need to get some rest but, I'll be back tomorrow morning and I'll walk you to your therapy session ok"
Jimin didn't reply as jungkook made his way to the door waving goodbye as he closes the door.

Jimin sure had a long evening.

As soon as jungkook closed the door to jimin's room he couldn't help but smile, he managed to make a good impression and get him to eat something on just the first day, and not to mention jimin was very beautiful, he had fluffy blonde hair and pale skin with a very small frame, and jungkook just cooed remembering how small the boys hands were. The only thing was that jungkook never head a patient with so many problems, most of his clients had mental illness but never as bad jimin. Jungkook wanted make sure that he helps jimin in anyway he can. Jungkook could actually relate to jimin in a way because he lost his father due to cancer and it crushed him for years but he stayed strong knowing that's what his father would have wanted, although he still has his mother, jimin Doesn't have anyone so it must be way harder on him but, jungkook would be there by his side at all times.

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