Ikemen Sengoku: A Werewolf St...

By Animefan446

21.1K 740 81

Alexandra Hinamori wasn't your average 21-year-old, she's a werewolf who lived the Alpha of the Moonlight pac... More

A Night Raid Goes Wrong
Teleported To The Sengoku And Saving Oda Nobunaga's Life
Let The Chase Begin!
Looks Like Things Are About To Get Interesting
This Is Gonna Be Hard For The Next Three Months In The Sengoku
Alex will have to choose the one who saved her and the one who is a Warlord?
Time Is Not On Our Side When It Comes To The Full Moon
I Can't Be Around Them When They See Me Become A Monster
The Full Moon Arrives
I'm Glad He Accepts For Who I Am Now
The Truth About Me Finally Comes Out
I Wonder If This Is The Feeling Of Finding Your Soul mate
What If She Does Have Feelings For Nobunaga?
I Beginning To Think Something Is Going On Between Us
I'm Not Letting You Leave My Side
Our Little Passionate Night Had Only Just Begun
The Battle Has Just Begun
A Night Raid
I Don't Want To Be In A World Where Those People Look Down On Me
The Moon Goddess, Selene
Reuniting With The Devil King
The War Begins
The Devil King Falls
The God of War Falls and The Devil King Lives
I've been tagged
The Devil King Meets The Moon Goddess
Teaching The Devil King How To Become A Werewolf

A Close Encounter With The War God

832 31 9
By Animefan446


A while had passed since I had been in the Sengoku period. I didn't think I'd actually fit in this world but, it's not that bad once you get used to it. My job as a chatelaine has gotten a bit better to now that I've got something to do other than sitting on my butt doing nothing all day. The others were a little impressed when I told them about the Hyrbids. Nobunaga wanted to look for one, well I should say Shadow, but, knowing Hideyoshi, he wouldn't allow him to go on a wild goose chase.

Right now, I was delivering some letters to the warlords and I was on my way to see Masamune but, a certain tiger cub wouldn't let me see him. Shogetsu stood in front of me hissing and growling at me.

"Will you stop hissing and growling at me and let me pass?!"

I shouted at Shogetsu as I tried to pass him for the tenth time. Shogetsu growled and then he tried to swat me. I growled annoyingly and I said to him.

"Okay, that's it!"

I grabbed Shogetsu by the scruff off his neck and he looked at me in fear when I glared at him.

"I have just about had it with your swatting and your hissing and growling!"

I told him as I headed to Masamune's room while Shogetstu tried to get out of my grip. Once I got there, Masamune looked at me surprised when he saw me holding Shogetsu by the scruff of the neck.

"Alex, what are you doing to Shogetsu?"

"Teaching him not to mess with me! Masamune, keep a better eye on him! I told you before! I hate cats! and if you don't keep him away from me, I'll use his fur for a new fluffy scarf!"

"Please don't."

"Then do me a favour, keep a better eye on him!"

I yelled before dropping Shogetsu on the ground. He scrambled to Masamune and he hides behind Masamune. I gave Masamune the envelope and then he chuckled nervously and he said to me.

"You weren't kidding when you said you hated cats."

"They're my worst enemy, I can tell you that much and as I said, I don't care if Shogetsu is a cub, I hate him."

"Oh come on, he's only a cub, he won't hurt you."

Masamune said as he stroked Shogetsu's fur but, he was hissing and growling at me again. I shook my head for no and I told Masamune.

"I don't think he and I are gonna get along. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got better things to do other than having a cat trying to attack me."

I said as I left the room. Once I had finished my work for the day, I decided to take an afternoon walk through town. The town looked busy and livelier the last time I was here aside from the little 'incident' at Shiki. As I walked through town, some of the dogs barked at me happily and one of the stay dogs ran over to me. It jumped up on me and I giggled a little before scratching its face. 

"Well aren't you a friendly, boy."

The stray dog got off me and then he wagged his tail before running off. I decided to visit the market place to see what I can buy today and maybe sneak some more sugar candy for Nobunaga.

'Wait! what's wrong with me?! why am I thinking about Nobunaga?!'

"Maybe that's because you're spending too much time with the Devil King, that's why."

"Ahh! stop reading my thoughts Shadow!"

"I'm your inner wolf, I can't help but read your thoughts."

I heard her snickering at me as I frowned a little. Just then, my ears twitched and I heard someone following me and I caught their scent in time. He smelled like Sake and death.

"Shadow, you recognise that scent?"

"Oh yeah, it's that war God the other warlords were talking about."

I was able to make out Kenshin's long strides and I decided to lure him into a trap. I walked into an ally and I leapt onto the rooftops before he could follow after me and trap me. I stood near the edge of the roof as Kenshin looked around while looking for me.

"Where'd she go?" Kenshin mumbled.

I smirked at him and then I got the jump on him. I landed on his back and I pinned one of his arms behind his back.

"Ow! what the hell?!"


"Get off me, woman!"

"Not until you tell me why you've been stalking me, Uesugi Kenshin."

Kenshin was surprised that I knew his name and then he said to me.

"Let me up and I might tell you."

"Sorry not happening, I'm the one who's got you pinned down and I'll be asking the questions, now spill it! what the hell are you doing here in Azuchi?!"

Kenshin grunted in pain as I held his arm tighter. Just then, a familiar voice spoke up.

"What the?! Alex! what are you doing to Lord Kenshin?!

I looked up and it was Sasuke and he was shocked that I had the War God pinned down.

"Oh hey, Sasuke, I caught this little rat stalking me so, I decided to get the jump on him, literally."

"Ugh, I know we haven't seen each other in six years but, that feisty attitude hasn't changed much."

"I'll be sure to take that as a compliment."

Kenshin growled annoyingly and he said to Sasuke.

"Sasuke! quit making conversations with this woman and get her off me! she's heavy!"

A tick mark appeared on my head and I whacked his head.


"I am not heavy! that's just all muscle you're feeling!"

"That's what they all say..." Kenshin mumbled.

"Alex, it's all right, Lord Kenshin is not here to cause trouble, we're only here for scouting work, nothing more."

"And you swear to me that he's not here to kill Nobunaga in his sleep?"

"No, that's not Kenshin's style."

"Fine, I'll take your word for it this time, four eyes."

I said as I got off Kenshin and then he stood up from the ground. He wipes the dust off his kimono and then Sasuke asked him.

"Are you all right, Lord Kenshin?"

"Aside from getting pinned down and a knock on the head? I'm fine."

"Why were you following Alex? don't tell me you're interested in her."

"Forget it, I'm not interested and as I told you before, I hate women."

Shadow growled loudly while I stood there with a frown on my face. I calmed myself down and I then said to Sasuke.

"Anyway, what are you doing here, War God? I haven't seen you since we met on the cliff."

"As Sasuke said, we're only here for scouting so we can be ready to attack Azuchi, not that it's any of your concern."

"I'm afraid it does, considering the fact that I'm living and working here now since my village was destroyed by bandits."

"I see, so that's why you're here but, where did you learn how to defend yourself like that?"

"A friend of my father taught me. You can never be too careful, you never know when some creep is gonna come to you and attack you from behind."

I spoke with a smirk before chuckling. Kenshin frowned at me and then he said to me.

"I see, so that explains your little performance at Shiki."

I stopped chuckling when he said this.

"How'd you know about that?"

"I was there when it happened, I was about to deal with those ronin myself for spoiling my sake but, it looked like you saved me the job."

"Uh, hehe, you're welcome?"

I spoke with a sweat drop running down the side of my head. Kenshin looked at me up and down and he then asked me.

"You mentioned you're working here now, who for?"

"Dominic works at a blacksmith and his wife was able to find some work for me but, you're not gonna like this...I've found work at the castle as Nbunaga's chatelaine."

"What?!" Kenshin frowned a little when he heard this.

"Alex! you shouldn't have told him!" Sasuke shouted.

"Why not?"

I asked Sasuke until I sensed danger in the air.

"So you work for Nobunaga huh?" Kenshin asked with a cold glare in his eyes.

I sweatdropped a little when I saw that dark aura seeping out of him.

"Uh oh."

"This is perfect, now I know you've got a connection with the Oda, I can use you as a hostage."

"Run Alex!" Sasuke shouted.

"You don't need to tell me twice!"

I shouted before dashing passed Kenshin. He tried to grab me but, I dodged his grip in time before I jumped high enough to get on top of the rooftops. I smirked at Kenshin and he looked at me surprised.

"Haha! even though I work for the Oda, you won't be able to catch me. But try not to worry, I'll keep you and your little friends a secret while you're here but, if you cross the line with me, I won't go easy on you and I hope you do the same, toodles!"

I waved bye while having a cocky smirk on my face before dashing away from Kenshin and Sasuke.


After Alex made a run for it, Sasuke sighed in relief but, Kenshin was slightly angry that she was able to getaway.

"Who exactly is that woman? she's not normal."

"Well, let me put it this way, Alex tends to be playful and cocky half of the time so, it's not surprising she was able to challenge you like that but..."

Sasuke looked away for a moment and Kenshin noticed the uncertainty in his eyes.

"But what?"

"Her personality may be the same but, I can tell she's changed and its' not because she's gotten a bit older, I know there's something about her that has changed. What that is, I do not know yet but, I will find out."

"You better do, Sasuke because that woman will make a good hostage."

"Good luck trying to catch her but, I'm telling you this now, my Lord. Alex won't get captured by the enemy that easily, she's an expert when it comes to escaping from danger."

"We'll see about that."

Kenshin spoke with a smirk on his face. 

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