I Hear Your Heart Cry For Lov...

By EmMcGuinessParker

6.9K 67 28

Lizzy is with Tom, loves Jay and sleeping with Nathan. What is a girl to do in this situation? What happens w... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 13

300 3 2
By EmMcGuinessParker


I know we made a deal to never fall in love...but you can't help what you feel. Lizzy is just amazing and she makes me feel special. I know that when we sleep together, it's something more than that but I'm not going to make her leave Tom just to make me happy.

The best I'm going to get for now is being the third wheel. Whenever I want her, she comes running and gives me whatever I want. I do use that to my advantage a bit too much sometimes which could be why I'm feeling like this. But it could just be because I actually love her and want to be with her.

Why are women so confusing?


I need time to think.

Now that I know Nathan loves me, there is no way I can keep sleeping with him. But I just can't keep away from him. Whenever he tells me that he wants me, I just go running and give him exactly what he wants. I need to stop but I don't know how to...he fills the gap that Tom leaves when he's being a twat or when he's too drunk to even care what I do. Saying that, last night when it was just me and him - Tom was the only one I was thinking off. Nathan and Jay didn't even cross my mind becasue I was having such a good time with my boyfriend.

I walked upstairs to get my phone out of my bedroom. I knew that Tom would probably ring me when he had finished with Jay just to fins where I was and to find out if I was alright. I opened the door and I found that my phone was no longer where I left it, which I thought was strange. That was until the door closed to reveal Tom stood there with it in his hand;

"I thought you and Nathan had stopped sleeping together?" he asked me with a look of hurt and disbelief on his face.

"We have Tom..." I replied.

"Don't even bother lying to me Lizzy. Why are you still sleeping with Nathan?"

"I'm not lying to you Tom, I'm not sleeping with him anymore!"

"So why is it that he text you two weeks ago saying it was the best night of his life and he couldn't wait for the next time it happened?" he asked as he shoved my phone in my face to reveal the text message that he had sent me. I deleted all the ones that he had sent me after he stopped talking to me but I guess I must have forgotten to delete that one.

"Tom, let me explain..." I said as I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the carpet, unable to look Tom in the eyes when I told him I was still lying to him.

"She doesn't need to explain anything because she's telling the truth. Me and her haven't slept together since she got back with you..." Nathan said quietly from the door as he pushed it open just enough for us to see he was standing there.

"So why did you text her that?"

"I sent it to the wrong number, I have two Lizzys in my phone and I didn't put a second name so after I realised it was slightly awkward but we got over it..." Nathan said. I couldn't believe he would stick up for me like this, he had just told me that he loved me and now here he was, saving my relationship with Tom when he had opportunity to destroy everything we had worked to build up again.

"Yeah, what he said..." I said quickly as Tom looked at me, wanting to confirm or deny what Nathan was saying. I wasn't exactly going to tell the truth and admit I was the onle lying; Nathan was only covering for me...for some strange reason.

"Well, I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating on me again!" Tom smiled at me as he handed my phone back to me.

"I have a question though..."

"What's that then?"

"Why were you going through my phone in the first place? Don't you trust me or something?" I asked as I shoved it into my pocket and looked straight at him with a look of hurt in my eyes. I mean he had every reason to not trust me, but he still had no right going through my phone the way that he did.

"I'm sorry babe. It's just that last night was too good to be true and I wanted to make sure I wasn't at risk of losing you to anyone else again!"

"Don't worry, I don't think there's any chance of that happening. You're welcome to her because I'm pretty sure none of us want someone like her ruining our lives..." Nathan muttered angrily under his breath, but he made sure he said it loud enough for Tom to hear it. Tom just glared at him and Nathan took that as his sign to leave and with one last look at me, he disappeared from sight.

"Don't listen to him. He's just in one of his moods" Tom said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"It's alright, maybe he's just lonely and he needs a girlfriend to keep him company..." I laughed.

"That's a brilliant idea. We should set him and your friend...oh what's her name-"


"Yeah her. We should set her and Nath up on a date; that would just be perfect..." why didn't I think of that idea sooner. If he gets a girlfriend then his mind will be diverted away from me which means I will have one less problem to deal with. He will be too busy loving her to remember he loves me and then I only have Jay to deal with...at least that's one problem now sorted.

"Well, she has always had a soft spot for Nathan. I mean she loves you more though..." I giggled at him as he kissed the top of my head.

"Guess you've ruined any hopes of her getting with me then"

"I doubt she'll even realise it's me and she has never opened a paper in her life so I don't think that's about to change that today..."

"Not even to see who Tom Parker's new girlfriend is. I mean she does love me the most and she'll be heartbroken when she finds out her bestfriend is sleeping with and dating the Tom Parker!" he laughed as he pulled out of the hug and looked at me.

"I think she'll be more shocked that I didn't tell of them I was with the weirdo people call Tom Parker...I don't even know what all these other girls see in him. He's not even good looking and that body they all obssess over; well I can tell them it's not even worth taking a second look at!" I joked as I walked towards the bedroom door.

"Well in that case, you don't ever need to see this body again and I guess I'll just have to wear a maxk from now on just to keep you happy. And as for being weird...I don't know who you're on about" he replied as he grabbed me and pulled me in close to him again. He had his chin on my head - god I really am short.

"I love you Tom; more than anything in this world!"

"What about sleep?"

"Well obviously I love that more than I love you..." I replied as Iooked up and saw him looking down at me, just like he always did when we were stood like this.

"I think I can live with that. I love you too Lizzy" he replied and with that he pressed his lips against mine, which surprised me a little since I wasn't really expecting it. But it was a nice surprise though.

Nathan walked past the bedroom and tutted before making his way down the stairs. If he was going to be jealous then he should at least make it less obvious than what he was doing. He was never going to have me and he was going to have to get used to that fact. As we walked out of the bedroom, I felt the vibration of my phone and had to remove myself from around Tom in order to read it. When I opened the message, I was horrified by what I read;

From Unknown Number:

I know your secret. End it with Tom or I go to the papers with everything I have...Tom always has been and always will be mine you bitch!

How the hell had they got this number? Who the hell were they? And how the hell do they know about my 'secret' since no one knew I was even dating Tom...I had no idea what Iwas going to do. I didn't want to end it with Tom, I loved him too much. But then I didn't want to stay with him because I didn't want him to end up hurt...what was I going to do?

- Just thought I'd dedicate this to Lizzie again because she's amazing and always tells me that she loves this story and yeah I love hers too because they're awesome :D -

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