If You Go Down To The Woods T...

By IndigoFlames123

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TRIGGER WARNING & EXPLICIT MATURE CONTENT ⚠️ 17 yr old Daniel Matthews Is mad at the world and everyone In I... More

Not An Update


9.1K 369 138
By IndigoFlames123

"Right everyone, I will pick you all back up after school In this spot" Matt shouted as all the boys got out of the minibus. 

"Goodbye pups enjoy your day at nursery" Caleb sniggered as Blake dragged Jackson away to stop him punching him.

"What the fuck Is your problem? why do you always have to cause shit with him?" Matt asked Caleb as the boys shut the doors and walked off.

"Because he's a fucking asshole that's why. Why you always nice to him anyway?" Caleb spat back.

"You're the asshole not him, you cause It every fucking time. What about when he becomes the Alpha, what you gonna do then?" Matt asked but got no response.

"Well to me It sounds like you're either jealous or you fancy him" Matt smirked. "Maybe you cause arguments with him because It's the only time you get his attention" Matt chuckled.

"Shut up, It's not like that" Caleb replied looking at Matt sadly as he laughed and started driving back to the pack house.


Sitting at the table with Rory and his friends again for lunch. "Hey Daniel you okay?" Rory asked concerned seeing the new bruises and cuts on his face. Not wanting him to run off again like last time he kept quiet and just smiled.

"I'm okay" Daniel said as he started eating.

"Do you fancy coming to a party with us this weekend?" Justin asked trying to be friendly.

"I can't" was Daniel's blunt answer.

"Why not?" 

Taking a deep breath Instead of responding with a mind your own fucking business which would normally be the case, "sorry I just can't" Daniel said staring down at himself.

Rory signaled to Justin to just leave It and leave him alone.

"What do you two want?" Justin asked pissed as Jackson and Blake came and sat down at their table.

"Just seeing If my baby bro Is alright" Jackson said sitting on a chair directly opposite Daniel.

Shifting In his seat as he felt the weird feeling again, Daniel could feel the eyes of the boy sat opposite on him. Feeling something Inside himself stirring as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, Daniel gulped. He quickly fumbled nervously standing up taking his tray with him. He quickly emptied It Into the trash can then quickly left the room.

Standing with his back against the wall outside the room. Heart pounding madly against his chest as he tried to control his breathing and to make sense of what was happening to him when he's around that boy.

Suddenly without warning the door opened and the next thing Daniel knew was that the boy was stood In front of him. His breathing hitched as the boy took a step closer towards him. 'What the fuck Is he doing' Daniel thought to himself as the boy stood there staring at him. As the atmosphere around them suddenly changed, he could feel the potency as the boy suddenly started looking intensely at his lips. 

Daniel Instantly felt the pull and the tremors running through every cell of his body at the thought of the boys lips on his. Closing his eyes quickly Daniel tried to calm his thumping heart that felt ready to explode at any second. 

What's happening to me? what am I even thinking? 'I don't like boys, I don't like boys, I'm not gay' he chanted to himself as he felt the electrifying energy like little prickles crawling over his body slowly. 

'But why, why do I like him?' he contradicted himself as he slowly licked his dry lips nervously. Before he could even think anything else the boy had already closed the last bit of space between them. 

Daniel held his breath as the boy leaned forwards and sniffed his neck then seductively moaned Into his ear making Daniel's cock twitch and leak In response. To stunned to move as the boy stood back up straight and lowly groaned at the smell of Daniel's arousal In the air.

"I'm Jackson" the boys voice suddenly sliced through the Intense atmosphere and reverberated In his ears and his groin. "What class do you have next?" He asked.

"S-s-science" Daniel stammered nervously.

"So do I, come on I'll take you there" Jackson said grabbing his wrist.

'Ow' Daniel grimaced In pain as Jackson grabbed his wrist.

"What's wrong?" Jackson said concerned then looked down at the wrist he was holding. "I'm sorry" he said seeing the raw rope burn on his wrist.

Lifting up his arm Daniel whimpered as Jackson softly pushed his sleeve up. "Who did this to you?" Jackson asked looking Into his eyes after he seen more scars up Daniel's arm.

Feeling sparks dance across his skin as Jackson softly traced his fingers over his exposed arm.

"Please, tell me who hurt you?" Jackson asked as he raised his other hand and softly cupped Daniels face In his palm.

Daniel whimpered at his touch and Instinctively pressed his face more Into Jackson's palm. "It was Mr Ly......." Daniel was Interrupted as the door swung open. Quickly coming to his senses he wriggled his arm out of Jackson's grasp and ran off down the corridor disappearing out of sight.

"For fucks sake Blake! He was just about to tell me who was hurting him" Jackson growled angrily.

"Do you want to tell me what the fuck that was?" Blake said stood there shocked.

"Nothing, It was nothing, I was just getting him to trust me that's all."

"That Is not how you normally get people to trust you. I've never seen you touching anyone like that before Jackson."

"I wasn't." Jackson abruptly rebuffed.

"I blatantly watched you, you can't deny It, the boy was moaning like a whore for you."

"I told you I was just getting him to trust me that's all."

"But I saw......."

"Just fucking drop It" Jackson shouted making Blake shut his mouth.


Splashing water on his face In the bathroom to calm himself down Daniel was unsure of what the had just happened. Why did his body react that way, why did his skin feel so alive when he touched him. Why did he become so aroused simply from the boy been so close. All he knew for sure Is that he needed to definitely keep away from him.

Exiting the bathroom as the bell rung, he quickly asked someone where the science classroom was and made his way there. Walking Inside Daniel Internally groaned as the only seat available just so happened to be next to Jackson.

Sitting down he could feel the tingles and sparks In the air between them. "Hey, you okay?" Jackson asked staring at Daniel fumbling awkwardly In his chair.

"Sorry what" Daniel mumbled trying not to look at him. 

"Are you okay?" Jackson asked again.

"I'm-f-fine" Daniel stuttered turning his head shyly blushing and looking Into Jackson's deep blue eyes.

'Fuck!' Jackson gasped quietly to himself feeling himself get rock hard Instantly from the way Daniel looked at him.

"Sir I need the bathroom" Jackson suddenly shouted out.

"Okay hurry up" the teacher answered as Jackson quickly left the room to Daniels sigh of utter relief.

Returning to the classroom five minutes later after calming himself and his body down.

"Right class now that you are all present you will be split up Into pairs for our next science project. You both need to choose two experiments from the list to do at home and write a thesis explaining everything. You have until next Friday to hand It In." The teacher told the class.

Some students quickly got up out of their chairs to go and choose the partners of their choice. "Everyone sit back down" the teacher shouted. "Your partner Is the person sitting next to you" he said as grumbles and moans where heard throughout the classroom.

Gulping Daniel turned to look at Jackson who was smiling away at him happily, feeling himself blush he quickly turned his head away as Jackson smirked.

"Right everyone, choose two experiments from the list on the chalkboard" the teacher told the class.

"How about we just choose one each?" Jackson suggested, Daniel responded with a nod of his head.

"I choose, can animals see In the dark better than humans" Jackson said confidently, "what about you?" he asked Daniel.

"I choose, can the color of a room or what Is In It affect human behavior," Daniel shrugged.

"Right class now that you have all picked out your two experiments you can use the rest of this lesson to converse and plan your projects" the teacher said taking out a novel and putting his feet up on his desk.

"So how are we going to do this?" Daniel asked shyly side glancing him.

"We will have to go to each others homes to experiment, I suppose" Jackson smiled.

"My dad will be okay about you coming to mine" he added.

"What's wrong?" Jackson asked concerned seeing Daniel suddenly looking uncomfortable.

"I don't live with my parents, I will need to get permission before you can come to mine" Daniel mumbled nervously.

"That's okay just ask later when you get home. We only have a week which Isn't long so do you want to come to mine today?" Jackson asked.

"I don't know, we don't even know each other" Daniel replied nervously.

"What, you don't trust me? I'm not a bad guy, and I only suggested you come today so we can get It started" Jackson replied.

"Okay I suppose I could, but I really can't stay long, I will need to get back home before It gets dark" Daniel Informed him.

"Okay, meet me In the car park straight after school" Jackson told him feeling quite happy with himself as Daniel sat nibbling his bottom lip nervously.


Matt this Is Daniel, we are doing a science project together" Jackson said as he pulled Daniel Into the minibus with him.

Feeling uncomfortable sat In the minibus full of jocks, Daniel fidgeted nervously with his fingers. "Relax" Jackson whispered Into his ear as he sat down next to him.

Driving around a corner Jackson's whole body leaned Into his, Daniel gulped In shock feeling the sparks and tingles again. 

Thankfully they were soon pulling up outside what looked like a mansion to Daniel, surrounded by lavish greenery and the woods.

"Do you want something to eat and drink?" Jackson asked as they entered the large pack house.

"A drink If that's okay" Daniel replied meekly following Jackson cautiously and feeling slightly Intimidated by the amount of people that were Inside the house.

"Come, let's go to my room" Jackson suggested after grabbing a couple of cans of soda and some snacks for them.

"Do all them people live here?" Daniel asked as he entered Jackson's room.

"No not all of them, a few do but most of them live In the surrounding properties on this land."

"Oh okay, so Is this your house?" Daniel asked looking around his room and seeing the large king sized bed.

"Yes It's my families" Jackson smiled sitting down on the bed.

"So what about you? who do you live with?" Jackson asked.

"I live In a care home, the only family I have Is Maxi, he's twelve and has no family like me. We are like brothers and look after each other. ..........Sorry I don't know why I told you that" Daniel said feeling slightly exposed.

"Is It someone In the care home that Is hurting you?" asked Jackson.

"Sorry I have to go" Daniel said taking a step back towards the door.

"Daniel you can trust me" Jackson said quickly as he dashed In front of him and stood In front of the door blocking his way out.

"You don't have to tell me If you don't want too, but I promise you, you really can trust me. Come and sit down and tell me about Maxi" Jackson said as Daniel reluctantly walked to the bed and sat down.

"Maxi's so cute, he's got a lisp, we have shared a room for nearly five years. He Is the only person In this world I care about and I promised to always look after him. If It wasn't for him I would probably be dead by now, he's the only person worth living for. Sorry, I said too much again" Daniel mumbled feeling embarrassed.

"Who or what are you anyway? Why do I keep feeling all these weird feelings when you are near me? And why do I feel like I already know you and can tell you anything?" Daniel asked looking at Jackson suspiciously.

"Because you can tell me anything, I want to help you Daniel" Jackson smiled.

"No one can help me" Daniel replied.

"There Is always someone to help, It's just finding the right person that will" Jackson smiled.

"And you're trying to tell me that you are that person, right?" asked Daniel unconvinced.

"Yes I am" Jackson replied as Daniel snorted.

"How do I know that? how can I trust you when I don't even know you?" Daniel asked.

"Because you can feel It Daniel, I know you know you can trust me and I know you feel It the same way as I do" Jackson said confidently.

"What are you like a mind reader or something?" Daniel asked.

"Something like that" Jackson chuckled.

"Please Daniel, let me help you" Jackson pleaded.

"I can't" Daniel whispered back.

"I have a secret too, and I will tell you If you want but you have to promise to tell me yours If I do" Jackson told him.

"What, you have a secret?" Daniel asked Intrigued.

"Yes, a really big one, you will know exactly what I am then" Jackson admitted.

"So you are willing to tell me It If I tell you mine?" 

"Yes" Jackson nodded.

"So you trust me?" Daniel asked surprised.

"Yes I do" Jackson smiled.

Pondering for a few moments. "Okay then, but you go first" Daniel said.

"Okay. I'm a wolf." Jackson said.

"Huh, you're a what?" Daniel frowned.

"I said I'm a wolf" Jackson repeated.

"You expect me to believe that" Daniel laughed back.

"Yes I do, I told you that you can trust me so I'm not gonna lie to you" Jackson countered.

"But that's not even possible" Daniel shook his head In disbelief.

"Well I can show you If you want and need proof" Jackson shrugged.

"Prove It then."

"Okay but you have to promise not to freak out or scream" Jackson warned him as he got up to lock the door.

"I promise" Daniel said as Jackson suddenly started taking his clothes off In front of him.

 "What exactly are you doing?" Daniel asked blushing bright red but not able to take his eyes off of Jackson's rippling abs and body as he stripped down to his tight briefs.

"I'm showing you my true self" Jackson smiled, then slowly and enticingly pulled down his briefs making Daniel turn even redder at the sight before him.

The next thing Daniel was aware of was that he was been pinning down on top of the bed by a big brown wolf. Daniel had no time to be fearful or scared because he was too busy laughing like crazy as the rough tongue of said wolf licked and lapped at his neck and face.

 "Amazing" Daniel exhaled In total awe, he then started stroking the wolfs back as he snuggled his snout Into his neck and laid his body on top of him.

A few minutes later without any warning Jackson suddenly and purposely changed back. "Well this Is awkward" he chuckled laying on top of Daniel totally naked.

Suddenly startled but unable to move as Jackson suddenly pressed his lips against his neck and softly kissed It. A moan escaped from Daniel's lips as sparks and tingles of electricity spread across his body as Jackson continued kissing softly down to the crook of his neck. 

Not sure of what was happening and why It was happening and not wanting to or able to stop It, everything felt surreal as Daniel felt his whole body surrendering to Jackson. 

"What's happening to me? why do I feel like this when you touch me or are near me?" he gasped feeling himself getting rock hard as Jackson softly sucked and nibbled his lobe. 

"I feel like a million butterflies are fluttering their wings Inside of me" he breathlessly groaned as Jackson kissed down his throat. He Instinctively jerked his clothed erection up against Jackson's naked body, desperate for some sort of friction which was Instantly reciprocated by Jackson rubbing his own erection against him hard.

lifting his upper body up and hovering above him, staring Intensely Into each others eyes, Daniel suddenly grabbed the back of Jackson's neck and pulled him down. Both boys groaning loudly as sparks Ignited and exploded as their lips touched. 

Daniel felt like he was dissolving out of existence as the tip of Jackson's tongue softly brushed his bottom lip, feeling like their hearts would explode as their tongues touched and clashed for dominance. Winning the battle Jackson took control, kissing him deeply with urgency as both hummed out sweet moans In the back of their throats, both of them getting lost in the sublime sensations. 

Suddenly dissatisfied with the barrier between them Jackson pushed himself up Into a straddling position.

"Please don't, don't look at me" Daniel whimpered trying to hide the scars on his body as Jackson started unbuttoning his shirt. 

"You're so beautiful" Jackson said moving Daniel's hands to open his shirt. He then tenderly kissed each of the scars on Daniel's chest before pushing himself further down Daniels thighs.

Jackson undone his trouser button and pulled down his zipper. Hooking his fingers In the waist of Daniel's trousers and underwear he started pulling them down. 

Grabbing his hands to stop him, "what are you going to do?" Daniel asked panicked. 

"I just really need to taste you" Jackson replied huskily as he leaned over to kiss him again. Daniel felt his last resolve cave In as he let go of Jackson's hands for him to continue.

Moaning softly as Jackson wasted no time at all and quickly started kissing his way down his body. He soon let out a loud gaspy whine and arched his back as Jackson licked the tip of his now exposed erection. 

Groaning loudly at the delicious taste and liking the reaction he was getting Jackson quickly swirled his tongue around the tip. 

"Fuck!" Daniel groaned as his whole body tingled and trembled. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand to stop the rest of the loud moans that were threatening to escape. 

"Don't cover your mouth I want to hear you" Jackson told him before wrapping his lips completely around Daniel's cock. Dizzy with lust and desire, Jackson had never done or felt anything so arousing In his entire life as he started sucking Daniel's cock like his life depended on It. He had never tasted anything like It as he licked, sucked and kissed every part of It. Listening to Daniel's whines and moans only spurred him on more as Daniel's cock hit the back of his throat repeatedly. 

Watching Daniel gripping the sheets In madness as his body trembled with the intense sensations, Jackson knew and understood In that moment why he had never felt anything for anyone before until now. Closing his eyes In contentment knowing that his soul and heart was now the slave and lost forever to the boy on his bed.

"Jackson!" Daniel groaned out grabbing the sides of his head as he started to feel everything  pooling In his groin. "You're gonna make me cum" he whimpered trying to lift Jackson's head up. Grabbing his hands, Jackson quickly held them down tightly on either side of his body as he let his cock slide even deeper down his throat.

"Oh god I'm----" Daniel gasped and groaned out loudly as his pelvis started Involuntary jerking as he released string after string of hot cum Into Jackson's throat. 

Grunting loudly as Daniel's delicious seed slid down his throat, he had never tasted anything so Intoxicating and Invigorating. Sucking him hard through his climax, Jackson made sure to milk his cock for every last drop of the exquisite juices. 

Moaning loudly as he licked his lips raunchily In satisfaction and sat back up, "you taste   delicious" Jackson moaned before lowering himself down to kiss Daniel again. 

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