Daddy's Little Girl

By BrownEyedGirl97

6.7K 171 18

Daniella Romano has it all. Money, Power, Beauty. But she would throw away her killer looks in a heart beat i... More

The Romano Family
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

326 8 2
By BrownEyedGirl97

I took my time driving there, stopping by a couple of stores and even by my office to do some paperwork before hand. It was about four o'clock when I finally rang the doorbell at the front door of the mansion. I was soon greeted with a warm smile from Gabriel.

"Hey, come on in."

he said nodding his head to come in. The mansion was very modern and the grey marble flooring made the house seem oddly cold and contradictory to his welcoming smile. Not to mention the strong scent of cologne and cigars mixed with a strange hint of pine which matched Gabe's personality. While I was noticing these minor details Gabe kissed me on my cheek before saying how happy was to was to see me. He led me to the living room where I sat on a leather couch and he sat on the other chair across from me. I was pulling on the hem of my pencil skirt to straighten it when Gabriel said

"God, I can't get over how you have grown into such a beautiful woman. Every time I look at you, you simply take my breath away."

Honestly, I was becoming tired of these compliments, but I managed a smile. There we talked for about an hour about this and that. It was nice being able to talk to him again, it's been such a long time since I have.

"I made plans for us to go out to the art gallery, but first I thought we should go to dinner at one of your favorite restaurants, Morgana's."

My eyebrow arched. Well played, Ricci. I have a passion for fine art and Morgana's is simply my favorite restaurant, but I haven't been there for ages because Gabriel owns the place and I was trying not to run into him.

"Sounds great."

I smiled and he got up to call for the preparations. He ended the call and sighed

"I forgot my watch in my bedroom. I'll be back in a minute, okay?"

before running out of the room. I stood and wondered around the room. None of the pictures in the frames were of friends or family, just landscapes or urban art. 'That's kind of weird.' I thought to myself.

"Okay, I got it. Ready?"

Gabe asked reentering the room while fastening the clasp on the large silver watch.

"Yes, let's go."

I followed him back out the house to the car where he held the door open for me before getting himself.


Eating at Morgana's was way better than having to settle for the usual take out I ordered from there. After, as promised, we went to the New York Metropolitan Art Galleria. It was very posh with servers walking around with glasses of wine and champagne and a live pianist playing in the background to set the tone. We stopped in front of a painting of a beautiful naked woman sitting on top of a hill of skulls with a cloaked Grim Reaper beside her.

"Wow, this one is pretty dark, isn't it?"

I shrugged at Gabe's remark.

"I like it. I think it is beautiful how her light meets his darkness."

Gabriel glanced at me and smirked. He then waved over one of the guys who worked there and stated

"I would like to purchase this painting."

The man quickly informed that this particular painting was for showcase display only.

"You've got to be kidding me. Go tell the artist that I am willing to pay any price asked."

He said seemingly angry at the fact that he wasn't getting exactly what he wanted. The nervous worker scurried off to get the artist; Kurtz Dulay.

"Oh, Gabe, you really don't have to get it for me."

I said once the man left.

"Of course I do. You like it don't you? And what my girl likes, she gets."

I decided to just let it go and allow him to show off his money and power just this once. It was really all just a big thing to prove that he can get whatever he wants.

A man with bleach blonde hair and tiny hoop earrings on both ears followed the employee back to where Gabe and I stood.

"I hear you are interested in buying my favorite piece."

He inquired flashing a smile of bleached white teeth.

"Yes, price is not an issue, I can assure you."

Gabriel said confidently reaching in his coat pocket for his check book.

Kurtz dramatically sighed and said

"It will be extremely hard to part with such a master piece, but I suppose I can for the fair price of-"

and he leaned in to whisper some outrageous price to Gabe. Everything about the man is fake and well... bleached. I doubt his name is even Kurtz or his German accent is even real.


He wrote a check out to the greedy man and handed it to Kurtz who took it and slipped it away into his pocket.

"Take good care of it, Mr. Ricci!"

was all he said before parting ways. The embarrassed employee cleared his throat and asked

"Where shall I have it delivered to, sir?"

"No need, I'll just have someone pick it up in an hour."

"Alright. I'll have someone take it down from the display immediately."

he said then rushed away to find some help.

"Thanks again, Gabriel."

I smiled sweetly. I'm not going to lie, it was a slight turn on that he was willing to pay anything to make me happy. This sort of power is exactly what made me fall in love with him back in my teens.

"Anything for you, sweetheart."

He said wrapping his arm around my waist and drawing me in for a kiss. It was all happening so fast that I didn't even have time to realize what was happening until our lips were already touching. His large hand on the small of my back pushed me in and I couldn't step back. My brain was screaming to leave the awkward situation before people start to stare, but my lips refused to pull away from my dream man. It seemed to last an eternity, but in reality seconds later he pulled away and went on like nothing happened. I followed him to the next painting. It was an old painting redone by Kurtz Dulay. There was a Greek god pointing down vengefully at a warrior on the battlefield. The muscular warrior reminded me of Nico's tattoo. I was taking my hand out of my coat pocket to reach for my phone in my purse to text him when Gabriel grabbed my hand. His fingers intertwined with mine and he whispered,

"Let's get out of here."

When we left Gabe's house my phone was on five percent, so its probably dead now so I probably would't be able to check on him anyway. I nodded to Gabe and we walked outside past the valet.

"Are we not taking the car?"

I asked.

"I thought it would be fun to go on a little adventure like old times."

He said with a charming smile while swinging our hands between us. I smiled and looked forward at the city lights before us. This is the Gabriel that I love so much.

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