Bare Knuckles ♛ lrh

By youreafakebetch

63.4K 1.7K 2.8K

in which she's dragged to an illegal boxing ring and runs into the most feared fighter there "You were never... More

01- party
03- cookies
04- drinks
05- sleep
06- project
07- hot
08- nerves
09- baseball
10- walk
11- gym
12- lilacs
13- maccas
14- meet
15- puppy
16- shots
17- date
18- interrupted
19- drywall
20- workout
21- movies

02- coffee

4.1K 102 279
By youreafakebetch

"Oh come on"

"No Finley, I told you I'm not going back to that place."

Finley groaned at her stubborn friend. She just wanted Evelynn to go with her back to the boxing ring they attended the week prior.

"I'll get you to come one day" Finley mumbled so Evelynn couldn't hear her.

Evelynn turned away from Finley who was sat at a table by the register where Evelynn worked today. The small bakery tucked away right of a main street never got much attention. The bakery racked in only a few customers because the big chain companies were, "more trendy than this dump", as a lovely group of teens once informed Evelynn.

She didn't mind too much though because she liked when it was quiet, even if it can get boring with few coworkers working the same shifts. It gives her a break from all the New York City rush.

"My break is in ten minutes if you wanna stay"

"Nah, I have class and I didn't finish my work for it so I have to get home and do that" Finley said as she stood up from the table with her coffee and threw away her muffin wrapper. Evelynn rolled her eyes at her. The year just started and she's already behind.

"Anyway thanks for the coffee and food, see you at home!" Finley shouted as she made her way to the bakery door to leave. Evelynn nodded at her friend, waiting for her twenty minute lunch break to arrive.

Evelynn sat on the stool behind the counter and pulled out the current book she was reading for her English class. She enjoyed reading and was only upset with the ten page essay she would have to eventually write about the book.

The bell above the bakery entrance rang half way through her lunch break, snapping her away from her book. Evelynn rolled her eyes as she closed her book, resting it on the counter.

She adjusted her name tag on her uniform apron, it actually said Sophia–she stole her coworker's when she lost her own–and stood up ready to talk to the custom who interrupted her reading. But she wasn't ready at all when the customer spoke to her and she looked up at their face.

He looked down at the girl behind the counter, she looked familiar.


Evelynn stopped her greeting when she looked into his blue eyes. Oh my god, she thought, trying to gather herself to properly speak. Clearing her throat she tried again,

"Hello, what can I get for you?" she asked, her voice rising in pitch because she was so damn nervous. She didn't even know the man but his presence alone would make anyone feel intimidated.

Luke was watching her as she spoke, immediately remembering where he knew her from. He remembered how nervous she was at that night he founder her wandering.

"I want a large black coffee," he paused to look at her name tag, "Sophia."

"Oh– that's not my name" Evelynn quickly and quietly spoke as she walked over to the coffee machine.

Luke raised an eyebrow at the girl, waiting for his coffee.

"I kinda lost my name tag a week ago when I was trying to stock and I couldn't find it after and my boss wouldn't–" she cut herself of realizing she was starting to nervously ramble to this attractive stranger who she was extremely intimidated by. She placed a cup on the counter and began to pour the black coffee in the cup.

"Um," she cleared her throat, "my name is Evelynn... yeah" she said almost confirming that was indeed her name to herself.

"Well Evelynn, my coffee looks a little full don't you think?" Luke tilted his head a little, arms crossed, as he leaned against the counter opposite the cash register.

"What?" Evelynn inquired, the way he said her name with his Australian accent made her want to cry. She looked away from the tall blonde and back at the coffee.

She noticed the large amount of coffee spilling over the edge of the cup and onto the workspace and floor.

"You have got to be kidding me" she mumbled, blushing bright red. She fully embarrassed herself in front of the hot, intimidating and mysterious blue-eyed man and now she wished she was anywhere but working at this bakery.

Luke watched her slightly amused as she fumbled with paper towels she retrieved from a shelf nearby. Kinda cute, he thought. His eyes widened the tiniest bit when he realized what his brain just observed.

By the time he collected himself again, Evelynn was walking back over to the register with a new, perfectly filled, coffee cup.

"That will be $2.85" she said quietly, still completely embarrassed she had just done something so stupid.

Luke handed her the money owed and grabbed his coffee. He turned and walked out of the bakery, leaving both of them to be confused on their own.

What the fuck was that? Luke asked himself as he walked away from the bakery.

Evelynn watched him walk away. Why am I so embarrassing, jesus I need a nap.

Picking her book up off the counter, Evelynn put it in her bag when her shift ended. She walked the short distance back to the apartment on campus she shared with Finley.

She was exhausted even though she had a total of 7 customers that day. I do deserve a nap after that, she rewarded herself as she unlocked the front door. She had a tiring day, mainly because she was so embarrassed with herself and the coffee mishap she encountered early in her shift.

"How was work?" Finley struggled to ask from underneath Evelynn as she threw herself on Finley's lounging body, on the couch. She was watching The Vampire Diaries for the thousandth time on Netflix.

"I mean it was fine if you don't count me spilling coffee all over the floor." Evelynn shrugged sitting up, once again blushing when she thought about that awkward situation.

Finley laughed at the girls expense, "Of course you would do that. Wouldn't expect any less"

Evelynn groaned, she knew she was clumsy but Finley always made sure to point it out any chance she got.

Getting up off the couch she looked at the time, 4:30. She figured she could just take a nap and do any homework and reading she needed to complete for tomorrow after her 'power nap'.

Not even fifteen minutes into her beauty sleep, Finley leisurely strolled into Evelynn's room and sat right on top of her.

"What now?" Evelynn asked the girl crushing her.

"We–" Finley emphasized, pointing a finger between the two, "are going to go exploring."

"What?" Evelynn asked attempting to turn over. She just wanted to sleep and wasn't up for one of Finley's spontaneous adventures at the moment.

"We aren't leaving until later so you can get your 'beauty rest' while I plan this out." Evelynn didn't see the smirk on the pale girl's face, she was already focused on sleeping again.

"Yeah, whatever." Evelynn dismissed her and began drifting off as Finley left, who was anxious to see how she reacts when informed of what their 'plans' consist of.

"Why am I seriously not surprised?" Evelynn rolled her eyes. Finley grinned at the girl. Of course we're back here, she thought as they got out of the car.

Walking towards the hidden double doors, Evelynn couldn't help but be a little curious about this place.

Opening the doors, the girls were automatically greeted with the smell of alcohol and roaring cheers.

"You know I know you're curious and wanted to find more out about this place." Finley spoke over the crowd.

"I mean... maybe a little." Evelynn said scanning the crowd, looking to see who was currently fighting up front.

The two girls walked closer to the front of the mass of bodies to observe the fights. They saw a guy being dragged away by others and assumed that match was over. Waiting for a new one to start, the crowd pushed closer together and Finley didn't even realize her and Evelynn were separated until she couldn't move in the crowd anymore. "Oh fuck", she cursed as she realized this was bad, very bad.

Evelynn looked around for the only person she knew here, but her black-haired friend was nowhere to be seen. She started to panic.

Just calm down, it'll be okay, she assured herself. But she wasn't okay. She started to panic more, the crowd felt like it was closing in on her. She wasn't aware of the fight currently happening, with a familiar blonde, or that she ran straight into someone. She was finding it harder to breathe. She had never had a panic attack but if she had to guess, that's what was happening to her.

Just. Breathe. Damn it, her attempts to calm herself down weren't working. She looked around and noticed she was just staring–still breathing fast–at the person she ran into. She looked at the curly-haired, tall guy stood there.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked the girl while putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked like she could pass out any second.

Evelynn looked around still alarmed but slightly less panicked. The guy's touch somehow made her a little more calm.

"I'm Ashton, we need to get you some water. Is that alright?"

Evelynn quickly nodded, she wanted to find Finley. She wasn't even sure why she became so scared tonight, she has never had that much of an issue with a crowd before.

Evelynn focused back on reality as she started ascending a set of stairs, then another. The 'Ashton' guy pushed her forward a little as they arrived in a small room with dark blue lighting. He directed her towards the couch and had her sit down. She was a little less disoriented and was relieved she didn't feel like she would pass out onto the floor.

"Here, take this" Ashton handed the water he took from the mini fridge to Evelynn.

As she grabbed the bottle she realized just how weird this was. I don't even know this guy what am I doing, she asked herself. But at the moment she really had no choice to leave, she felt sick.

She chugged the water like her life depended on it–which she felt it did right now–and didn't notice Ashton talking to another person.

"What–" He cut himself off as he looked at the girl sitting on the couch. How the hell was Evelynn sitting in his room right now. Luke had only just learnt the girl's name today and now he's seeing her again? He couldn't understand how he has ran into this girl so many times.

Luke looked at Ashton, waiting for his friend to explain. "I saw her in the crowd and she looked like she was about to pass out. I think she was having a panic attack." Ashton told Luke as he locked eyes with Evelynn on the couch.

Evelynn had wide eyes, tear stains adorning her cheeks, surely just as confused as the blonde stood in the doorway. She couldn't understand, how the hell is he here?

Luke looked away and slowly walked over to the other end of the couch, his body sore from fighting and winning a match just minutes ago. He tried to pretend Evelynn wasn't sitting in his room on his couch.

Ashton suddenly realized what was happening, she's definitely the girl he saw Luke talking to last week. He now stood smirking, staring at the two sitting on the couch. He could tell the energy in the room changed, the girl looked completely fine but uncomfortable and confused.

Deciding Ashton didn't want to be in the weird tension he caught on to and wanted to leave them to talk. He liked the way his friend was trying to be nonchalant, he could see right through Luke though.

"Well I think I'm gonna go. Are you good now...?" He asked the girl. Luke glared at Ashton, don't you fucking dare.

"Yes, thank you for helping me." She told him quietly. He nodded and walked over to the door.

"Bye Luke" Ashton smirked at the boy, "and..."

"Evelynn" She said glancing at Luke for a second, she thought it was sneaky but everyone in the room caught her glance.

Ashton shut the door smiling. He was proud of himself because Luke would probably be mad at him for leaving him alone with the girl.

Evelynn felt very uncomfortable. She's seen too much of this mysterious Luke in two weeks. Pulling out her phone, she decides to text Finley to let her know she's safe and wasn't kidnapped or anything.

"You should maybe ice your face" Evelynn almost whispered towards Luke. He looked at her but she had to look away, she was still embarrassed by everything that has happened today.

"What are you doing here?" He dismissed her suggestion, he knew she was probably right.

"My friend made me come tonight." She mumbled. Luke's whole demeanor instantly changed, if it was Michael he will–

"I lost her in the crowd and started to panic I'm not sure why. Sorry or intruding I'll go find h–" she said as she started getting up off the couch.

"No, just... get an ice pack out of the fridge" He sighed. He had no clue why he was telling her to stay. Because it's dangerous out there and she can't get hurt, he rolled his eyes as Evelynn made her way over to the fridge.

She could see faded bruises from other fights that he was too stubborn to help heal faster.

She grabbed the ice pack, covered it with a random shirt she found on the floor and went to his sprawled out, muscular body on the couch. He took his shirt off which Evelynn was not prepared for, at all. She looked at his torso wide eyed. She then looked at Luke and focus on making her way to his face to help the forming black eye and bruised cheek he had.

Luke was not expecting the ice pack to be pressed to his face, he was to focused on the strange feeling he got when he caught Evelynn checking him out. He winced out of surprise and because–though he won't admit it–his face fucking hurt. The dude he was fighting had gotten a few good punches in before he went down.

She whispered a 'sorry' before placing the ice pack back on his face as gentle as she cold manage. It made Luke feel weird again by how careful she was being, he could barely feel the cold on his face.

"Shouldn't you go find your friend?" Luke asked slightly startling Evelynn, she almost dropped the ice pack. He could've chuckled at how clumsy she was but he didn't.

"She got one of her friends to pick her up after I told her I was safe." She shrugged. Luke rolled his eyes, why would her friend leave her here. Evelynn saw it but said nothing, she was suddenly captivated by the color she looked at. Since she had been in this room with him, she tried to make as little eye contact as possible but now she was fully looking at his eyes, studying him.

How did someone get blessed with such beautiful eyes, she wanted to know how he was allowed to look so good. She looked to his nose, how the hell is that perfect too? She looked at his lips and wanted to kiss him, hold on what? I don't even know this guy.

Luke hadn't noticed Evelynn staring at his lips, he was too focused on staring at her own eyes. He was able to notice the tear stains from her freak out in the crappy blue lighting and that one eye was green and the other was more hazel and brown. Holy shit, he had never seen someone with such pretty eyes and he could barely even make out the different shades.

After Evelynn realized she was staring long enough she looked away from his lips and looked at his eyes again. This time he was already looking at her.

"I think I should probably get home" she said starting to remove the ice pack from his face. Luke grabbed her hand to stop her from moving away. She had to ignore the way her hand felt, she felt she needed the ice pack to cool down now. He moved her hand back to his face trying not to wince when he put too much pressure on the bruised skin.

"Didn't you say your friend left?"

"Yeah but I wa–"

"I'm bringing you home." Luke said firmly. He was just as surprised about his demand as Evelynn was.

"I was just gonna–"

"Walk home at 11:30 at night on the pitch black roads in this area?" Luke asked. He knew this neighborhood was bad, there was an illegal boxing ring there for God's sake.

Evelynn realized how stupid she sounded saying she was going to walk home, alone, in NYC. She looked at Luke still unsure.

"I mean I don't want to be a bother–"

Luke was already getting off the couch and putting his shirt back on. He wanted to stay there just as much as Evelynn wanted to, so he decided he would take her home now. He was really confused and needed to go home and have a couple beers.

Evelynn stood up and put the ice pack back in the fridge as Luke put on his leather jacket. She walked toward Luke leaning on the door frame. It made him more intimidating and all the more attractive and Evelynn felt herself blushing. She had done so well with keeping her face calm but now he was taking her to her apartment.

Evelynn followed Luke down a set of stairs that lead to a door, unfamiliar to the one she had gone through twice now to get here. He opened the door and made sure the short girl was following him. She walked into the chilled night and hugged her arms, walking to the only car parked out there which she assumed was Luke's. It didn't look too expensive but still looked shiny and new.

Luke unlocked the doors as they approached the car and got in. Evelynn had to admire how good the inside looked, she wasn't used to expensive cars. Her parents always drove old moderate cars and she shared Mr. Hadfield–Finley's dad's–old pick-up truck he no longer needed.

Luke started the car after buckling up, making sure the girl in the passenger seat did as well, and backed out of the parking lot.

Evelynn realized Luke had no idea where to go and told him the place. He knew where it was, having lived in the apartments near hers with Ashton a while back. She watched the roads as Luke took her a route she had never gone before. She panicked for a second thinking she was actually being kidnapped, until she saw the familiar lights of the campus. She had been at college for only two months and had only figured out one way to work and to campus.

Luke pulled up outside Evelynn's building and she paused while reaching for the handle.

"Thank you and that Ashton guy for uh, helping me tonight. It means a lot" she lightly smiled at him as she opened the door. Luke nodded trying to ignore how her gratitude and smile made him feel.

Evelynn walked away after closing the car door up the front steps to her apartment. She soon unlocked the door and turned around to wave at Luke but he was already driving off.

But Luke bit his lip holding back a smile, as he watched the girl trying to wave him goodbye.


in conclusion i still suck at writing but i really tried with this

not sure if it is that good i had writers block like 10 times trying to figure out how i wanted it to go

kinda all over the place but whateva

adios my dear readers

-olivia <3

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