Gay Galore Oneshots. (BXB/MXM...

By angeluslovely

478K 4.3K 1.8K

This book is a compilation of different stories with some containing multiple parts to it. Homophobic people... More

Hey everyone.
Happy Birthday?
Thou Hath Been Born Sexy.(m-preg)part 1.
Thou Hath Been Born Sexy part 2.
Raw Urges
His Game
His Game-2
Punishment...or not? (2)
Punishment...or not?(3)
Straight Up Bold - 1
Straight Up Bold- 2

Punishment....or not? (1)

34.1K 238 183
By angeluslovely

I'm Shawn. Im 19, only son to my religious parents, and I'm also gay.

This is the story of how I completely messed up in my relationship...but I kinda saved it.

So my boyfriend and I met in high school and he proposed to me as soon he found out I was gay and single. Look I don't jump into relationships but he was damn gorgeous.

He looked like Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie had a secret baby. But his beauty wasn't secret at all. In fact, the first time I got into the high school, it was him I heard about.

People couldn't have enough of him. And once I saw him, I could just see why. Leon Grayson was a thing of beauty and no one could deny that. It was, therefore, a shock when he came straight to me and asked me if I single. I was like whaaaaat.

Of course I told him yes, I mean why would I lie to this handsome.
Next thing I know he was pulling me close to his lips and whispering, "You're mine now."

I almost nut in my pants, believe it or not.

With that being said, Leon and I have been nutting on each other for 5 years now. We have been going strong without any major fights or any misunderstandings. Until I messed up.

It all started with a guy named Aaron. Aaron became a regular customer at the coffee shop that I worked at. Hot, dark, seductive and someone I'd drool over. I mean I did drool over at the very first meeting. Shit I made a fool of my self as I tripped over his table into his lap while taking his order.

He then made it a habit to chat me up on every visit and leave late past the lunch hour. I kinda got used to him and looked forward to his visits. Mind you the context was all friendly and I wasn't attracted in that manner. Until that fateful night.

It was a rainy night when I knocked off late because of customers leaving late. I just got of the phone with Leon since he was out of town and he wanted to talk before he slept. It started raining. I didn't have a car so I always flagged a cab. But this night I couldn't spot one.

Suddenly, a car just pulled up on the curb and the door opened to reveal Aaron peering from the drivers seat indicating for me to get in.

I got in the car. He took me to his place which was nearer to mine. We chatted openly and time flew by until it was time to sleep. He had only one room so we decided to share. It was a cold night, 2 guys in the same bed, under the same blanket, both of them  hot and all know what happened after that.

I left the following morning never to look back and I never saw him again. Not for 3 weeks I didn't.

Leon came barging into the coffee shop during closing time and dragged me out, bag, coat and all.

"Jesus Leon what happened?" I ask honestly unaware of the situation.

"What did you do 3 weeks ago?"

My heart stopped beating for a moment. He knows, I think to myself.
"What are you saying?" I try and play it off.

"Don't pretend you don't know Shawn, who were you with 3 weeks ago?"

Yup he knows.

"Look it wasn't anything like th-"
"What wasn't huh!!??" He shakes me and pins me to the building. "Tell me the truth."

"Spit it out!!" He growls.
"His name is was a mistake I swear-"

He didn't let me complete the sentence and shoves me in his car and speeds to a familiar house. Aaron's house.

Leon pulls me out of the car and just barges into the house, the door was open.

"Aaron!!! Get you ass down here!!!" Leon screams.

I was totally scared outta my skin. I was so dead.

The familiar face peered out of the darkness. Aaron.
He came down slowly, hands in his pocket, sombre expression on his face.

"I'm sor-" Aaron starts.
"Forget it!!" Leon spits. "So you two bang each other in my absence and not tell me thinking I wouldn't know huh?"

"How did-" I manage to voice before he gives me a chilling look.

"Aaron here is one of my customers and we became quite friendly with each other and he told me about this guy he banged one night. The guy ups and leaves leaving him feeling like a used rag. That guy was you, bitch!"

He barks out the last word and I tremble.

"Man I didn't know he was your guy otherwise I wouldn't come near him, I swear," Aaron says.

Leon turns his icy glare on me and asks,"Why didn't you tell him, and then why didn't you tell me?"

I answer after calming myself so I don't cry.
"We never flirted with each other and we never made a move so didn't think he would be interested or he might be even gay...and as for not telling....I was shit scared. I don't want you to leave me."

By the end of the sentence I feel a tear seep out. Shame.

Leon pulls up my hair and stares deep into my soul and says, "I still won't leave you....however you need to be punished."

Oh my Lord.

"Bedroom. Now."

I run up like hellhounds were on my tail.

I waited for almost 2 minutes before he came. And Aaron came in after him. I stared at both of them. Unsure of the next step.


Leon stood with his arms folded and icy glare focused at me. Waiting for me to obey.

My hands trembled as I pulled off my clothes. I wasn't sure of what he was thinking or making me do but I sure as hell wouldn't counter his decision.

I was down to my boxer briefs and I paused.


It was a command. I couldn't disobey.

I stood there trembling naked. Felt Leon's eyes on my skin and felt
goosebumps rise.

Leon turned to Aaron, who had stood rock like with his head down.

"Do him like you did 3 weeks ago," Leon says.
"Leon listen don't do this it wasn't his fault." Aaron argues.
"Just do it."

Aaron sighs and walks towards me. His remorseful looks turn to lust.

I know right then I was damned.


Shawn trembles even more as he sees Aaron stalk him. He didn't want to feel any form of arousal in this awful situation but he feels something stir inside down south. He mentally cursed himself.

Aaron didn't want to do this either. But he wasn't about to pass on the chance of fucking this nice piece of ass. That night had been one of a kind for him. He wanted to make him his. Unfortunately he was taken and he really had no idea of that. Before coming in the room Leon had told him what their punishment would be...and it had sent shivers down his back. his crotch.

Now as he nears Shawn he admires his smooth, flawless skin. He was thin, but not stick figure thin. Muscles in the right places that would define him as twink. He sees fear....mixed with desire in those green eyes. And it turns him on.

Aaron touches his forearm and traces it up his neck, jawline and holds his chin as he brings him in for a kiss.

All this while standing at the door is Leon. Not moving. Not reacting. He just watches the scene unfold. He was thinking about their punishment ever since he found out. He knew Aaron looked good and anyone would sleep with him. He just didn't think Shawn would do it. So he had to find a way to see Aaron naked (smirk) and punish Shawn. He also knew Aaron was a top. Shawn would bottom out and he found that hot.

He watched Shawn get turned on by the heated kiss he and Aaron were sharing. He felt his cock stir. Oh yes he was going to enjoy this.

Very. Very. Much.

The very hot Leon.

The amazing Aaron.

The twink, Shawn.

So there you go guys part one of punishment. Part 2 coming out a day later..coz I'm awesome.
Also I'm really sorry for the delay I had issues to deal with and myself to handle. I know every one of you have issues going on and you deal with shit daily. I hope I'm strong enough to make it through and just keep going on.

However thanks to thesavagemad for requesting this coz I wouldn't have done this.

Hope you guys enjoy...the smut in next chapter.😜 please do request more.

Thank you.

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