The King's Collie

By zyxowl

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Acclaimed by anthro readers, a drama of royal proportion. • Cameron was only a peasant in the streets of... More

dedication / epigraph
Part I, Chapter 1: As It Began
Part I, Chapter 2: The Audition
Part I, Chapter 3: A Wolf At the Dinner Table
Part I, Chapter 4: Dawn of a New Day
Part I, Chapter 5: Library Mischief
Part I, Chapter 6: The Gardens
Part I, Chapter 7: Dinnertime Suspicion, Bedtime Apology
Part I, Chapter 8: Reigning In The Gutter
Part I, Chapter 9: Don't Leave
Part II, Chapter 1: A Coming Conflict
Part II, Chapter 2: Go Swiftly With You
Part II, Chapter 3: The Arrival of Sir Afon
Part II, Chapter 4: Homesick, And Sickened By Home
Part II, Chapter 5: Barrelbusting
Part II, Chapter 6: The Knight's Confession
Part II, Chapter 7: The Lusitanian Colony
Part II, Chapter 8: Nadia's Account
Part II, Chapter 9: Days of Heat, Nights of Blood
Part II, Chapter 10: A Knight's Gratitude
Part II, Chapter 11: A Hero's Guilt
Part II, Chapter 12: Sanctus
Part III, Chapter 1: Benedictus
Part III, Chapter 2: High Regard For Life
Part III, Chapter 3: Great Amount of Charity
Part III, Chapter 4: Enduring Piety
Part III, Chapter 5: Profound Gratitude
Part III, Chapter 6: Steadfast Love
Part III, Chapter 7: Unwavering Faith
Part III, Chapter 8: Felix's Decision
Part III, Chapter 9: The Accolade
Part IV, Chapter 1: May, Once Again
Part IV, Chapter 2: Twin Penance
Part IV, Chapter 3: Plans, and Advice
Part IV, Chapter 4: When In Rome
Part IV, Chapter 5: Something Impossible
Part IV, Chapter 7: Lovers In Venice
Part IV, Chapter 8: Late-Night Promises
Part IV, Chapter 9: The Vacation's Remainder
Part IV, Chapter 10: A Royal Bed, Adorned With Gold
Part V, Chapter 1: Of Jewelry and Good Fortune
Part V, Chapter 2: Of An Observant Lioness
Part V, Chapter 3: Of A Given Flask
Part V, Chapter 4: Of A Swift Change In Mind
Part V, Chapter 5: Of Wine And Murder
Part V, Chapter 6: Lux Æterna
Part V, Chapter 7: Of Requiem And Fanfare
Part V, Chapter 8: Of Doctor Scarpezo's Discovery
Part V, Chapter 9: Of Unholy Fear
Part V, Chapter 10: Of A Love Unconditional
Part V, Chapter 11: Of The First Of September
Part V, Chapter 12: Of Silent Disbelief
Part V, Chapter 13: Of Sir Afon's Visit
Part V, Chapter 14: Of Sun And Shadow
Part V, Chapter 15: Of A Dusk's Breeze
Part V, Chapter 16: Dear Valentia
Part VI, Chapter 1: Felix's Trial
Part VI, Chapter 2: A Sparrow's Just Blade
Part VI, Chapter 3: Domini Inferni
Part VI, Chapter 4: A Royal Reunion Awry
Part VI, Chapter 5: Everything To Me
Part VI, Chapter Finale: As It Begins Again
Epilogue: Odes and Blessings

Part IV, Chapter 6: Fireworks, and what they led to

611 34 11
By zyxowl

The King's ship finally docked into the bay of Venetia in the mid-morning, two days after this sudden hold of sorrow. There was much cheering amongst the awaiting crowd, but a knight informed them all that the King had been in no shape to present his own majesty, preferring to wait until there wasn't a crowd. Quite a few left, with the apparent cancellation of the King's appearance, but some stayed, knowing that Felix had to face the day one way or another.

After a time, when some convincing must have ensued, the crew walked out first, grateful that it was a fairly short distance. It at least gave Cameron time to reflect on the nights and days preceding, cooped up in his room. Indeed, the young canine had spent thinking the time away after having his share of wallowing. Stepping out from the ship, he at first shielded the light of the sun away from his face. He remembered what goodness it brought, though, and knew from his reading that he should be grateful to embrace it and be here. When he proudly let his hand down and looked around, he saw only friendly faces greet him. People called to him by name, having heard of his works and dealings, and he even had the honor of signing and dedicating a few copies of what he recognized as his own works. It was strange to receive this amount of attention, as so many people scrambled his way first, before greeting the King behind him.

He only looked back a few times at Felix, who followed quite far behind, but from what he could see, he had left him in poor shape. His hair was a mess, his mane uncombed. He was a shaggy, freshly-woken lion, excused only by his clothes in looking elegant. That wasn't true, though. Cameron realized that it was only his own fault for having said so hostile of a thing to him. He was still very handsome, too, at that, no matter how ragged he looked. He almost got lost in his own wonder of whether or not he felt the same, before keeping his own mind in check once more, knowing now more than ever that this was vain.

The lion was deaf to the joyous praise of the people around, so much within his own sorrow, but his mood lightened the slightest bit when he saw that his knight was not as distraught as him. Oh, how vibrant the dog was, and what fame he now received that he deserved. He was tempted to accompany him closer, but he knew how he felt about that now. It still felt so sharp, remembering those words.

When the party finally arrived to the small but royally prepared inn that the King and company would be staying in, Felix made no effort to look around, nor did he think it appropriate to talk to Cameron yet. All he wanted was rest, and a temporary peace of mind. He stepped into the room, admired the afternoon from his window for a bit, and then hefted himself onto his bed, sleeping for a while. He was just grateful he was on land again.

Felix woke up in the middle of the night, from the relieving slumber he'd been taking since the afternoon, hearing a sudden explosion, and sensing a bright flash. God, what was this? In his half-awake state of mind, he wondered if this was an attempt on his life. He scrambled, almost nude, out of bed, only throwing his bedsheets around himself. He looked out into the evening, from his window. All seemed peaceful, until—

Another bright flash along the horizon, with subsequent cheering. Cheering? What was the cheering for? Surely, no such explosion could bring cheering. Were these people excited for what must have been a war? Dumbfounded, the King ran to the first person who came to mind, regardless of the drama before, which he found irrelevant now.

"Cameron. Cameron!" he yowled frightenedly. "What's going on out there?!"

The collie in question was simply staring out the window he was facing, watching what he knew were these fireworks he'd read about in books. The dog gasped, and blushed, hearing the King come all of a sudden into his room. "Felix. What are you so frightened for? And I thought you weren't talking to me? After what I said to you?"

"What's happening out there?" Felix yowled.

"Your Highness, they are fireworks," the dog quickly explained. "Why the noblemen are setting them off at a time they'd be alarming to your continued sleep, I know not."

"We're being fired upon? We must—" the King hastily began.

"Fireworks, Felix. It's flashy entertainment. There's no danger, even if whoever's behind these is setting them off so uncomfortably close," Cameron assured, trying to put his enjoyment of the show above his annoyance at the time of night.

Having approached in the light of the bursts and outside streetlights, Felix could see that this collie was as nude.

"I would have gotten some clothes on, had you not barged in," the collie spoke. "I see you must have hopped out of bed, too."

"Oh, hell... I'm sorry," the King softly groaned in embarrassment, realizing he was only exacerbating the situation that Cameron had so sharply but truly brought up.

"No. You know what? It's nothing. If anything," the collie barked, suddenly turning. He meant it tenderly, but the King misinterpreted it as a tired anger. "I was going to say I was sorry for how harshly I spoke to you. I had been reading too much of this, and listening—" the collie was interrupted with another firework, "—to too much of that. What I said back on the ship wasn't truly me."

Felix was silent, staring at the golden-lit, slow-fading flashes of the bare figure in front of him. Cameron was as beautiful as he'd pictured in his unkept thoughts. "You will apologize for nothing," he retorted. "I overreacted. And now I'm intruding. I'm only further—" boom! "—proving your point."

"No, what I said was so—" then came another explosion while Cameron spoke, "—spiteful. But enough of that," the dog now chuckled, reaching for a sheet of his own, wrapping it around his waist like the King's. "Hah! There. We've both got—" boom! "—got our coverings. Perhaps you'd like to come over and see the show for yourself."

The lion made no hesitation in accepting this offer. The two stood in front of the window, and saw the plentiful rockets being set off before their eyes, not too far away from where they stood. They reached so high before bursting so loudly, then let their glowing ember-like remnants sizzle down. As much as this show was a feast for the eyes, though, Felix found his gaze soon averted from it.

Instead, he watched each time Cameron's face was freed from its prison of the dark, only softly outlined between each firework set off. He couldn't help it now.

When the dog next looked over, he saw a pair of bright blue eyes staring at him more deeply than anyone else's ever had, save for his own mother's; it was a sight that frightened him with the sudden burst of another firework.

"Oh Lord," he yapped in a frightened hush. "Felix—!"

The King turned his head away, and shivered coldly. "I'm sorry," he groaned.

"No. Felix, I can see in your face that something's bothering you," the concerned canine voiced, before another bright blast came along. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm the one in the wrong. I must go," Felix dismissed.

"Oh, no, now you have—" BOOM! "—to wait! Please!" the collie insisted. "It  must have been something urgent, with the way you looked at me like that," he told.

"And it deserves to never be said! Now leave—" BOOM! "Now leave me be!" Felix now growled, having to raise his tone a second time over the continued fireworks.

"I'm serious, Your Highness! You— ahgh, HERE!" the collie's voice broke as he angrily yelped, reaching out for the royal's hand, and grasping it tightly.

At this feeling, Felix made an unrestrained, reflexive pull of his arm, intending for it to only be rough enough that he hoped this would make Cameron let go of it. Instead, though, it brought the poor young dog tumbling quickly to the floor.

"Whuh— ah!" the dog made a squowl of pain as he faceplanted. Felix heard the thump, and the groan afterwards, and realized what he had done.

"Oh! Cameron! Oh, no, I'm sorry, I—" he gasped, and quickly bent back down to pick the now stunned collie up. "I didn't think that would..."

"Don't cast me aside!" Cameron suddenly blurted a deeply-welled fear, tears flowing from his eyes. "I know I'm just a street-dog, but I—"

"What?! Cameron, you speak nonsense!" the King tried to comfort.

Cameron took that to mean the opposite of the reassurance Felix meant, and reckoned that his nightmare of being left behind was coming true. "No! At least let me say something to change your mind, Your Highness!" he yowled, and suddenly threw himself into the arms of the lion man, of whom quickly held onto him. "Please..."


"I— Cameron! I meant to say that having you leave would be the last thing I'd consider, now, with what grace and goodness you've brought into my life," this lion elaborated, but fell silent soon afterwards.

They were holding each other closely, now, only sheets between them. Felix's stress so soon melted, and Cameron's pain so soon faded, as they looked so fondly at each other. The lion brought his other closer, and shook his head

"Now I really am sorry," Felix huffed.

"For what?" Cameron asked, unsure of what the problem was.

The royal feline shook his head, his mane shimmering along. "For being such a fool as to not say what I fear to."


"How is it so hard to say it?" Cameron asked. This made Felix pause, but he answered resolutely:

"I'm afraid, Cameron," the king answered. "Mine is a course of feelings with consequences, and they are dire."


"Are they?" the collie now shifted closer, suddenly reaching a hand up to to the lion's chest. "You can tell me anything. I hate to see you like this."

The lion held the dog closer, their bodies meeting, and Cameron realized what Felix meant by this.

"We've gotten this close already," Felix said, reaching around his trusted knight's back. "Are you really going to make me say it?"

"No. I will," the dog felt his cheeks grow hot with the intimacy. "I love you. I love you, Felix."

There were no further words. By the time the next explosion settled, the two had already gotten in fully into each other's arms. They held each other tight, with Felix hoisting Cameron off the ground and onto his lap, the smaller man's legs hanging a little before settling. And that last question was never finished, for Felix gave Cameron the deepest kiss he could muster. There sounded another loud burst, right then, but along with it, a piercingly bright shimmer. Not some gentle, still shimmer of gold; no, this was a violent shimmer, of burning gunpowder and metal. Through their window, their whole room was lit up by this show's apparent dazzling end.

Cameron looked into Felix's eyes, and the lion stared right back, disconnecting their lips. When things got brightest, they kissed each other again, firmly. Cameron turned his head as he locked lips with none other than his King. His tail wagged furiously. It took a moment to realize that their covering sheets had both so gradually fallen, but that much was more convenient than anything now.

This shimmer was the last of the fireworks that were being unloaded along the nearby street, by a noble who wanted to show his party tricks. A bear knight guarding the inn then loudly and harshly informed this nobleman that royalty was sleeping, along with the general area, and that if so much as even another Roman candle was lit, a fine would be incurred.

Felix wasn't sleeping, though. He was holding his new collie lover so close, as the both of their dreams came true.

"Cameron. I love you," he said back, between deep kisses.

"Hold me closer," the sweet canine urged, and the lion so did.

They fell to the bed, continuing their embrace. Cameron's hands explored Felix's mane, while the King pet the collie's fluffed cheek with his thumb.

That, along with the feeling of their snouts against each other, was the last thing they remembered of that night, before drifting off in each others' arms.

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