The new girl in Paris (Chat n...

By Kai_Hope_Strength

190K 4.6K 2.5K

COMPLETED Female pronouns, but change them if you wish. Also I am biologically female, have straight greasy... More

Chapter 1 (Introductions)
Chapter 2 (meeting the Kwamies)
Chapter 3 (first fight, stone cutter)
Chapter 4 (Starfires big meeting pt 1)
Chapter 5 (Starfires big meeting pt 2)
Chapter 6 (study time)
Chapter 7 (Pendritte)
Chapter 8 (Ladyblog updates)
Chapter 9 (the 'date')
Chapter 10 (heart broken)
Chapter 11 (heart breaker)
Chapter 12 ('forgiven')
Chapter 13 (here we go again... or not?)
Chapter 14 (birthday crashed?)
Chapter 15 (party over)
Chapter 16 (an a-maze-ing find)
Chapter 17 (what now?)
Chapter 18 (who are you??)
Chapter 19 (wait, WHAT!)
Chapter 20 (problem here...)
Chapter 21 (Black water)
Chapter 22 (Time Turner)
Chapter 23 (first photoshoot)
Chatper 24 (history lesson learned)
Chapter 25 (angel with a shotgun)
Chapter 26 (the after math)
Chapter 27 (movie night)
Chapter 28 (how the turns have tabled)
Chapter 29 (what next)
Chapter 30 (sleepover)
Chapter 31 (the station)
Chapter 32 (back home)
Chapter 33 (animals are 'fun')
Chapter 34 (????)
Chapter 35 (Back to normal)
Chapter 36 (Next 'shoot')
Chapter 37 (Pupper master or Puppet?)
Chapter 38 (major backfire)
Bonus (Night attack)
Chapter 39 (second 'shoot')
Chapter 40 (finally got here)
Chapter 41 (The Silver Shadow)
Chapter 42 (back in the ER)
Chapter 43 (surprised?)
Chapter 44 (late night dreams)
Chapter 45 (back in action)
Chapted 46 (silent screams)
Chapter 47 (A lifeline in the dark)
Chapter 48 (sleepless days)
Chapter 50 (maybe a day off?)
Chapter 51 (late night planning)
Chapter 52 (the big 'show')
A/N Homecoming
Chapter 53 (making amends)
Chapter 54 (that was unexpected)
Chapter 55 (in the dark)
Chapter 56 (weed wacker)
Chapter 57 (new problems arise)
Chatper 58 (that... wasn't supposed to happen)
Chapter 59 (a lucky save)
Chapter 60 (someone found out...)
Chapter 61 (the 'end' ?)
Guess what?

Chapter 49 (mixed reactions)

1K 35 5
By Kai_Hope_Strength

Nobody’s POV

The girl walked down the street and into an alleyway.  She pulled her hair out of its shortened ponytail. “I cut my hair, and for what?  Just so he could still ignore me?” The girl muttered. She took out a colored cube.  The girl started twisting and turning the colors in rows. She then noticed a black and purple butterfly fluttering its way closer to her.  The girl took a step back, she didn’t like any kind of insect. She threw the cube, in hopes of hitting the bug. Unfortunately for her, once the butterfly made contact with the cube: she was under Hawkmoth’s control.  “Equalizer, I am Hawkmoth. It’s sure a shame how that boy refused you. I can help you, you just have to return the favor.” Hawkmoth started. ‘Equalizer’ nodded. “I want you to get me the miraculous’ of Ladybug, Chat noir, Rena Rouge and Starfire.”  Hawkmoth continued. Equalizer nodded. “I won’t fail you Hawkmoth.” She said. The girl’s clothes changed to look like the cube’s pattern. Her hair grew longer, also adapting the colors. The cube that the girl threw appeared back in her hand, but a larger size.  Equalizer walked out of the alley. Someone rode by on their bike. Equalizer turned the cube’s top and bottom layer, resulting in a small beam hitting the person on the bike. The person froze, then broke into smaller cubes. After a few seconds the cubes had disappeared completely.

Your POV

I walked to my next class.  Unfortunately for me, it was with Adrien.  I had to apologize for snapping at him. “You can do it y/n.”  Yin said from my purse. Her small voice was just soft enough only I could hear her.  I took a breath. “I hope so…” I muttered. The teacher had only just started taking attendance when everyone had sat down.  But it wasn’t until the middle of class that I had convinced myself to actually say something. “I’m sorry…” I said softly. Adrien didn’t turn around, like he hadn’t heard me.  Maybe he didn’t, but I wanted to continue either way. I had to get this off my chest at one point… right? “You were right about earlier. Something was bothering me okay?” I took a breath.  “It’s just… so much has changed. I went from being alone and everything being simple… to having such amazing friends, my brother back and everything getting so complicated in as short as a few weeks.”  I started. There was a moment of silence. “I really didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Adrien. I’ve just been so stressed about everything lately. But… I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that… I just… I didn’t know how to keep acting anymore.”  There, I’d finally said it. I finally told someone, even if they probably weren’t even listening to me. I put my head on the desk. “Anymore?” A familiar voice asked. I looked up, slightly, sitting up again. Adrien was looking at me with a worried expression.  I nodded softly. “I’ve tried to keep you and all of the others from being worried about me again. I didn’t know what to do when you figured it out so easily.” I half explained. Adrien made a different face, one I didn’t know the meaning of. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”  He asked gently.

I shrugged.  “You already have so much to deal with.  I didn’t want to impose any more of a burden onto you than I already have.”  I said. There was another moment's silence. “You’ve never been a burden y/n.  I didn’t realize how a change this big had affected you so much.” Adrien said. I half smiled, not faking it this time.  “I know I should have asked you before my father made that decision. I hope you won’t quit.” He added in a soft tone. “That’s not it.  I do like doing photo shoots with you Adri. I just never thought my life would change so much in so little time.” I explained. Adrien half smiled.  “Still friends?” He asked. I nodded. “Always.” I agreed. ‘Even if I’d be happier with something else.’  I added silently.  The room was filled with an alarm, it had been almost dead silent.  “Okay, everyone. Don’t forget to finish your worksheets!” The teacher said as students filled out the door.  “Someone must have been akumatized…” Adrien muttered. I nodded, touching my miraculous for a moment before looking for a place to transform.  Adrien had disappeared: he must have tried to find a place to hide. I was sure Chat noir and Ladybug would be on their ways now. Ayla and I would have to act fast before any of the other students got hurt.  Students passed me on their way out. I let everyone pass, looking around the, now empty, hall. I found an empty closet. Yin and Yang come out as soon as I locked the door. “You should be more careful about finding a place to transform y/n.”  Yang warned me. “Someone could see you go in and come out as Starfire.” Yin added. I nodded. “I had to find somewhere quickly. Someone might get hurt if we take too long to show up.” I countered. “Just hurry. Rena Rouge is already there.”  Yang said. Taking a breath, nodding once. “Yin, let’s light up!” I said quickly. I left the closet quickly, and quietly, before springing down the hall. I went out the door, having to duck to avoid a beam of some kind. The ground where I just was turned into cubic particles.  “What the heck?” I muttered, looking around. “Starfire, hand over your miraculous.” A voice said. I looked around. There was a girl who looked like she was fused with a rubix cube. Even her hair looked like it. Even weirder, she was holding a very big cube in her hands.

The girl turned the cube, it opened.  A small beam shot out of the cube. I jumped over the beam.  It had the same effect on the ground as the first one. “Someone’s got some graphic problems.”  A voice said. I saw Ayla jump down, already transformed, and looking somewhat tired already. “Good to see you showed up.”  She said. I nodded. “Better talk somewhere else. Before they fire again.” I said quickly. Ayla and I got onto a roof, out of the person’s range of fire.  “Any idea what their deal is?” I asked. Rena Rouge shook her head. “Called themself ‘Equalizer’. Anything they blast with that cube just turns into pixels and disappears.”  She said quickly. I nodded, looking over the edge. ‘Equalizer’ was blasting buildings at random. “We’ve got to distract her long enough so that Chat noir and Ladybug can get here, before everything is gone.  Then we can figure out the plan from there.” I said. Ayla nodded. “Got it. I’ll head out first, to grab her attention. Then you can come out and make sure everyone is out of the way. I’ll try to hold her attention for as long as I can.  You’ll have to be quick though.” Ayla said after a few seconds. I nodded. “On it.” I said, jumping down to the other side of the building. I heard Ayla jump down from her side. “If you want a miraculous, you’re just going to have to take it!”  She said. There was a sound that said that part of the plan had worked. I looked around. Of course, Ayla had someone recording on their phone for the Ladyblog somewhere in a window or something. I looked around some more. Some students were hiding behind a car.  I made sure the akumatized person was paying complete attention to Ayla and used my whip to get across the street quickly to where the students were hiding. They turned, probably to see what I was going to say. “It’s not safe for you guys to hide here. Jog around the corner and stay there until Ladybug, Chat noir, Rena Rouge and I stop Hawkmoth this time around.  Got it?” I said quickly. Some nodded. “Thank you Starfire.” One boy said. I recognized who it was. Luka nodded once, he understood what they needed to do. “It’s my job to keep you safe.” I replied, motioning towards the corner not far away. The students quickly sprinted down. I made sure they got to the corner safely. I turned back around, just in time to avoid being hit by another beam.  Luckily, I had gotten the students to the corner just in time, there was no way they could get hit by the beams now. Until Equalizer turned the corner at least.

I jumped back, a second beam hit the car where the students just were not too long ago.  The car completely turned into cubic pixels before disappearing. I sighed. Ayla jumped back into view.  “Sorry, lost sight of her for a bit too long it seems.” She said. I nodded. “S’okay. Got those kids to safety just in time.”  I added. “Why haven’t Chat noir and Ladybug come yet?” Ayla asked. I shrugged, looking around. “Don’t know… hope they hadn’t gotten hit by one of those beams.”  I added. Rena Rouge nodded. “I’ll distract the person for now. You go see if anyone, that could get hurt, is closeby. We need to keep them busy until Chat and LB arrive.  If they ever do.” I said quickly, hoping that LB at least came. Ayla nodded. I moved out from behind the corner. Equalizer was standing there, I could see a butterfly made of light.  I took my whip out again and looked around. The butterfly must have been how Hawkmoth talked to his victims. That butterfly looked familiar though. I swore I had seen it somewhere before.  I shook my head to get back in the present now was not the time to get distracted. Equalizer took the cube out again. “Hand over your miraculous Starfire.” She commanded. I half growled. “No thanks.  You are definitely not my alpha.” I retorted. Swinging my whip to catch their left arm. Equalizer swung their arm back, grabbing my whip and pulling me along with it. I took a step back, figuring I could try to hold this for a while longer.  Equalizer pulled hard, making me lose my balance. I struggled against their pull. I let my whip go, falling back to the road. Sh*t, I needed to find a way to avoid that happening from now on. Equalizer unraveled my whip from her arm and threw it behind them, down the street even more.  “Shoot.” I muttered. I had to get my whip back, before I really lost this battle. “Give up, and I might just let you live.” Equalizer said. I growled. “Over my dead body!” I said through my teeth. Something Yin had told me one night rang in my ears. ‘You’ll get more instinctive reactions when you’re transformed, they become stronger the longer you stay like that. Ever more if you start to depend on those reactions.  You’ll start speaking more aggressively than normal. You are technically an alpha, but you can’t let that part take over. No matter what happens y/n, the consequences of that happening will be greater than you, or anyone, should be willing to risk.’  She had said.  That’s why things had been getting under my skin so much easier these past few weeks.  I shook my head lightly. “That can be arranged!” Equalizer said, firing another beam at me.  I knew Yang was closeby. Maybe this would work…

“Light beam!”  I shouted, aiming the light at Equalizer.  They took a step back, I’d hit them directly.  Fifteen seconds. “Yin, Yang combine!” I said quickly.  Silver turned to black. “Yin, dim it down.” I added softly.   Now I was using my black and silver suit. Which meant my whip had vanished from down the street.  I heard someone land behind me. I took my sword out, facing who it was quicker than was necessary.  Five seconds left, deep breath “That wasn’t very safe Loup.” A voice purred. It was Chat noir. I huffed, now my breathing was rough.  “What else was I supposed to do? You’re late!” I said. Equalizer growled, I looked in her direction. They could see again. “Well, we’re here now.”  Chat said, taking his baton out. I looked over at him again. LB had jumped down next to Chat. “That was some quick thinking Starfire.” She commented.  I nodded, taking a deep breath. I heard Ayla jump down. “The akuma has to be inside of that cube.” She said. “Good job you two.” Ladybug said. “Sorry we came late.  Couldn’t change with people nearby.” Chat explain. I took another few quick breaths. ‘Maybe that quick change was a bad idea.’  I thought.  “S’okay. Long as we get this done.”  I said, my grip on my sword tightened.  Equalizer growled again. “Four miraculous, even better!  Give up and I’ll let you all live.” They said. I growled.

Small time skip

“Miraculous Ladybug!”  LB called out. The swarm of ladybugs and ribbons fixed everything and brought back what had been pixelated.  I was back to the white and silver suit. My breathing was still pretty harsh. Ayla had left a while ago. She had used ‘mirage’ to give Ladybug some time to use her ‘lucky charm’.  It had given her another rubix cube. I had to act like the cube was something else, to distract the villain. I had to switch back to using Yin, after using ‘shadow’ to sneak away. I shook my head lightly, trying to get my breathing back to normal.  “Starfire, are you okay?” Chat noir asked. Why was he still here? I nodded. “Just- tired. Quick switching- so much- like that- was a bad- idea.” I said in between breaths. Chat nodded. I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening then again.  I grabbed my whip again. “I’ll see you next time Chat.” I said, half turning. I swung a few blocks away. “Yang, daylight.” I said once the coast was clear. “Y/n, you have to be careful when doing that.” Yin said. I nodded, opening a fruit snack and putting it in my purse.  “I didn’t know what else to do.” I explained. “Doing that too many times doesn’t only drain our power, it drains your energy y/n. If you get caught, your team may not be able to stop your miraculous from being taken off. You would de transform as soon as it was removed. Hawkmoth would then be able to use you to get to them.”  Yang warned. I took a breath. “Got it. Daybreak and a quick switch use my energy as well as your guys power. I’ll remember that.” I said, walking out slowly. I half jogged back towards the school, to make everyone was okay. Adrien was in the same room when the alarm went off. I had to make sure he really understood I was sorry.  The school came back into view again. I looked around. “Y/n!” Someone called. I recognized Ayla’s voice right away. I saw her and jogged over quickly. “Are you okay? Two of those switches must have left you pretty tired.” Ayla asked. I nodded. “I’m fine now. Just a little winded. Have to be careful with that from now on.” I said softly.  “Is everyone else okay?” I asked, at a normal level. Ayla motioned towards the group. I could see Nino, Nate and Marri. “Where’s Adrien?” I asked. “Right here.” A voice said behind us. I turned. Of course it was Adrien.

He looked fairly tired.  Maybe he went down a few blocks.  I half smiled, sighing. “At least everyone made it out of that without getting hurt.”  I said. I saw Adrien nod. “Y/n, what about you? You look tired.” Marionette asked. I took another breath.  “I went down a few blocks. I got back up here as fast as I could to make sure you guys were okay.” I lied. It was half true, I had gotten here fast.  Ayla nodded. “We ran down a few streets before splitting up. Y/n does have a ‘danger magnet’ when it comes to attracting akumatized people.” Ayla said.  I rolled my eyes sarcastically, even though that seemed to be true. Heartbreaker, Volpina, that villain during my first night patrol, Equalizer and a few others had targeted me as either Starfire or y/n.  “Maybe I should record for the Ladyblog while running for my life then. I’m sure the others would just love watching that.” I said with a sarcastic tone. Ayla and the others all got worried looks after I said that.  “What? I was kidding.” I explained.

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