Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

178K 5.5K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124

Part 62

1K 42 6
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

Hi! Sorry for the confusion of my stories disappearing! Here's another update to make up for it.. I can't thank you all for the support you give me!
enjoy xx

*Dakota's POV*

I wake to the sound of Jamie talking. I open my eyes slowly, squinting as they adjust to the light in the room. "Morning" i whisper sleepily, noticing he's laying down with his knees up and Charlotte resting against them sat up.

"Morning beautiful" he smiles at me, taking my breath away. He always looks so good in the morning. His bed head, sleepy voice, bright eyes. "We was just chatting, sorry for waking you" he continues, stroking charlotte's cheek as she grips his finger.

"It's okay.. one of the best wake up calls" I smile shyly, moving closer and resting my head on his shoulder. "What time is your flight?" I ask and he kisses my head. "Two this afternoon.." he says quietly

"Let's go for a early lunch first? And then me and the girls can drop you at the airport and say bye" I smile sadly and his smile mirrors mine as he nods. I sit up slowly and kiss Charlotte's head as she babbles to herself.

"I'm going to shower quickly" I say, kissing his lips once more before heading to our en-suite. When I come back out with a towel around me Dulcie is in our bed too. Jamie's fallen back to sleep, laid in the middle with Charlotte on his chest sleeping and Dulcie has nodded back off to sleep on his shoulder.

My heart melts at the sight of them. I change into leggings and a black sports type bra with a white off the shoulder top over it. I slide onto the bed beside Jamie and curl into him. "We should probably get up" i whisper kissing his head repeatedly. He mumbles and turns his head to me, smiling slightly.

"I'm going to miss my girls so much." He whispers, kissing me gently. "We'll miss you too" I say back, running my hand through his hair. He smiles sadly at me and kisses me once more before I sit up.

He moves slowly and passes me a sleeping Charlotte as Dulcie stirs. "Time to wake up baby" he whispers kissing her head repeatedly. She opens her eyes and smiles sleepily, yawning. "Morning daddy and kota" she says and I smile.

"Morning gorgeous, did you sleep okay?" I ask to which she nods, yawning again. "Please can I lay with Charlotte?" She asks and I grin, nodding. She slowly lays back down and I rest Charlotte beside her, she instantly wraps her arm around her sister and rests her head against Charlotte's gently.

"She loves you so much" I smile, stroking her hair out of her face. "I love her.. kota am I staying with you when daddy leaves?" She looks to me and I smile. "You are, for a few days or so I think. To keep me and Charlotte company" I smile and kiss her head as Jamie appears from the bathroom freshly showered and changed.

"I think I'm all packed.. shall we get the girls ready?" He smiles sadly and I nod, getting up. "Can I get Charlotte ready?" He smiles shyly to which I nod, watching as he lifts her. I walk with Dulcie to her room and we change her into a white top with dungaree shorts. I do her hair into two plaits and place a clip to hold her little hairs back from her eyes. She kisses my cheek when I'm done and runs off to go down the stairs.

"Be careful" I call after her before going to Charlotte's room, the doors slightly pushed over and I can hear Jamie talking to her softly. "So, you've got to be a good girl for mommy okay? She's going to need lots of hugs, daddy will make sure he's back soon I promise." His voice becomes hoarse and I clutch my mouth, tears forming in my eyes as I try to hold my emotions in.

"I love you so so much my beautiful" I hear him kissing her cheek and she giggles softly, melting my heart as he chuckles with her. I enter the room quietly, watching as he carefully gets her ready, giving her all his attention.

I walk over to them and wrap my arms around him from behind. He jumps a bit then rests his hands on my arms. "I wish you didn't need to go" I bury my face into his back to stifle my sob. He gasps and turns in my arms once he's lifted Charlotte into his arms, holding me close and kissing my head repeatedly.

"I regret taking it so bad" he whispers and I frown, wiping my eyes. "You shouldn't" I kiss him gently. "I'm just really emotional, we'll be okay.. you'll be back before we know it" I kiss him again and he smiles sadly.

"Let me treat my girls to lunch before I go" he kisses me again and hands me Charlotte, who's dressed in a pink onesie that says 'I love my mommy'. It matches the 'I love my daddy' one I got her for Jamie for Christmas.

"We'd love that" I smile, kissing him one more time before we head downstairs. Dulcie's sat on the floor with Zepp. His head is in her lap as she gently pats it. "Daddy's taking us for early lunch" I grin at her as she cheers. I fasten Charlotte into her car seat and rest it on the floor whilst I grab my purse and phone, sliding them into my bag.

I hear Charlotte giggling softly and head back to the hall, where her car seat is, to find Dulcie and Zepp sat by her. Dulcie is pretending to tickle Charlotte and Zepp has got his head tucked by Charlotte's legs. I quietly get Jamie's attention and wave him over to us.

His face splits into the biggest grin as he watches them, secretly recording it on his phone. "My two girls.." he grins, putting his phone in his jean pocket, pulling me closer and kissing me lovingly.

"I got my mama to come.. and take us to the airport with you, I'm not sure I'll be up for driving back when you leave.. " I hold him close to me. "Okay baby.." he kisses my head and we pull away, "c'mon, I'm hungry" I chuckle and he laughs, lifting Charlotte's car seat as Dulcie comes over to me.

Jamie gets his case and we lock up and head to my moms car. "Ahh mama Mel!" Dulcie grins as I fasten her into the car. "Hello angel, you okay?" My mom asks and she grins, nodding. I say hi to my mom as does Jamie, then he fastens the car seat into the car beside Dulcie and I sit the other side of Dulcie whilst Jamie climbs in the front.

He head to A steak house and my mom parks then helps Dulcie out. Jamie gets Charlotte and then takes my hand, we head into the restaurant and get a table away from the windows. "I bet you're sad about going Jamie?" My mom asks and he nods, smiling sadly.

"Even more so that Charlotte is here.. I'm going to miss out on so much" he says and I rub his thigh under the table. "You'll be back before you know it" she smiles sadly and we nod, ordering our meals as Dulcie sits and colours in the activity sheet she got when we walked in.

"Hey Dulcie, shall we go and play in the play area while we wait for dinner?" My mom asks her and she grins, nodding rapidly. My mom takes her hand and they run off to the children's play area. I rest my head against Jamie's arm and sigh.

"Want to feed Charlotte?" I ask, getting a bottle out of the bag and he nods, lifting her from the car seat. He feeds her and I watch her as she gazes up at him, her hands wrapped around his around her bottle.


We've just arrived at the airport and as we checked Jamie in online earlier, my mom can drive straight round to private parking so it's just us. "We'll be about half an hour mama" I smile slightly in the mirror at her and she smiles sadly, nodding as I get out with Dulcie. Jamie goes round to her window and whispers something to her, she nods and kisses him cheek. "You be safe out there" I hear her say and my eyes fill up.

Charlotte's asleep so he just opens the door near her and leans over to her. I'm not sure what he whispers to her but my mom chuckles at him. I see him kissing her head repeatedly before getting out and closing the door, wiping his eyes as he makes his way over to us.

He takes my hand and lifts Dulcie into his arm, taking us through to the private lounge for his flight. Luckily we're the only ones. "You've got to be a good girl for Kota okay baby?" He rests Dulcie down so she's standing, kneeling down to her level. "I will daddy" she nods, wrapping her little arms around his neck tightly. "Please don't go" she whispers and it breaks my heart.

Jamie wipes his eyes before kissing her cheek. "I'll be back before you know it baby, I promise. Dakota will take care of you, and when you go back to your mommy's you have to be good for her too" he kisses her head again and holds her close. "When daddy gets back he'll take you, Dakota and Charlotte somewhere nice for your birthday okay?" He says and she grins, jumping up and down.

She wraps her arms around his legs and hugs them tightly. "Love you daddy" she whispers. "I love you more, so much more" he leans to kiss her head. "go watch the planes at the window whilst daddy talks to Dakota" he says kissing her head again. She runs off to the window and sits watching the planes.

He comes over to me and I chew my bottom lip. "Don't.. I can't " I whisper, covering my mouth to stifle my sob. He pulls me into his arms and wraps them around my shoulders, holding me close to him. My face is in his chest and my arms around his waist, clutching onto his t-shirt at the back.

"You've got this okay, I promise you. You're amazing and I'm so so proud of you" he whispers kissing my head in between talking. I cry softly into his chest. "I don't even know why I'm so upset.." I mumble and he chuckles, causing me to giggle a bit.

"Because I'm so amazing and you're going to miss me" he teases, smirking against my hair as he takes a deep breath. "That's true" I peek up at him with wet cheeks and red eyes. "You're so god-damn beautiful" he whispers kissing me hard on the lips. "So are you" I whisper once we've pulled away.

"I'm going to miss you so much" he kisses my cheek and my forehead. "Me too" I snuggle into his chest, closing my eyes. "Message me, whenever you can please?" I ask and he nods, wiping his tearful eyes. "Of course I will" we kiss again and again.

We soon hear them calling his flight and I tighten my grip on him. "What am I gonna do without you?" I whisper looking up at him with my eyes full of tears. "You're going to be absolutely fine" he takes my face between his hands and kisses me, long and hard but lovingly.

Dulcie wanders over to us and he lifts her onto his hip, hugging us both tight. "I really need to go now" he says when we hear them call his flight again. I nod and take Dulcie from him, I kiss him once more and he places a kiss on both of our heads before grabbing his bag and walking to the door, taking one last look at us.

"Don't go daddy" Dulcie reaches for him and bursts into tears, causing me to cry more. I hold her tighter and he blows us kisses before disappearing. I sit and try to calm Dulcie down but it's no use. Neither of us can stop crying.

"It's okay, I've got you" I kiss her head, wiping my tears away. "Why can't we go with daddy?" She cries, her head buried into my shoulder. "I wish we could baby.." I sigh, sliding my sunglasses over my eyes and holding Dulcie close before walking out to my moms car.


I thank my mom for dropping us back at ours and she leaves. "How about we get Charlotte settled for the night and then me and you get takeout pizza and watch films in mine and daddy's bed?" I suggest to Dulcie and she nods, pouting. "Yes please" she says softly. I kiss her head. I hate seeing her so sad.

"It's gonna be okay" I kiss her head again and lock up. I phone a takeout for pizza and fries and some ice cream, before heading upstairs with her and Charlotte. We get her and Charlotte changed into their pyjamas and as we head to mine and Jamie's room there's a pile of his t-shirts folded neatly and a note that reads;

'in case you miss me or need comforting one night, wear these.
they'll smell of me.
I love you x'

My heart melts and tears threaten to fall. "Daddy forgot his tops!" Dulcie gasps and I giggle, wiping my eyes. "He left them for me to wear, in case we miss him too much" I giggle and she grins. "Can i have one?" She smiles shyly at me and I nod, passing her one. I change into my pyjamas and feed Charlotte, letting her pass wind before settling her to sleep in her bassinet.

I run down to collect our pizza and fries, putting the ice cream in the freezer and getting us both a bottle of water before heading back upstairs. "Hey that's my side missy" I giggle as she's rearranged the pillows and is sat against the headboard waiting for me.

"You can have daddy's side" she grins shyly, helping herself to a slice of pizza as I get comfy beside her, sat up too. I help myself to a slice too as we find a film to watch. We settle on watching the new Dora film, Dulcie curls into my side as we watch the film and eat our food.

Once we've done I take the rubbish downstairs and hear my phone ringing from my bag. I dash over to it and see it's Jamie FaceTiming me. "Hey" I smile shyly when it's connected. "Hey beautiful" he smiles, he looks so sleepy it makes my heart full.

"I'm just waiting for my connecting flight, did you all get home okay?" He asks and I grin, walking back upstairs. "We did.. we ordered takeout pizza and we're watching a film in our bed" I smile and he chuckles.

"Look it's daddy" I grin showing Dulcie the phone as I sit on the bed. "Daddy!" She grins, her face lighting up. They speak for a while and Jamie asks me questions in between. "Hey.. when I get back, we're getting married okay? I can't wait until next year" he looks at me through the screen and my eyes well up. "Really?" I whisper grinning. He nods and his grin matches mine.

"I might even take this one dress shopping" I nudge Dulcie and she gasps. "Yeah let's go shopping!" She cheers and I put my finger against my lip. "You'll wake Charlotte" I chuckle and she covers her mouth giggling. "They're calling my next flight. I'll let you know when I'm at my dads" he says.

"Tell grandma and grandpa I said hi" Dulcie blows him a kiss before heading to the bathroom. "I will baby.." he watches her go then gazes at me. "I mean it, I'm not waiting until April or May to marry you" he smiles shyly. "I don't wanna wait either" I whisper grinning. "Don't miss your flight.. we'll talk to you tomorrow?" I say and he nods.

"You look so beautiful. I love you so much baby.." "I love you too" I grin and we blow kisses before ending the facetime. Dulcie comes back out the bathroom and we curl up in bed, my arm under her head and her head rests against it gently.

"Night night kota, love you" she smiles shyly, curling into my side, her little arms around my waist. "I love you sweet girl, goodnight" I whisper and kiss her head, watching her fall to sleep clutching Jamie's top.

Comments are appreciated as always ❤️

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