Countryhumans: WW2

By JessicaisKool45

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In a world of newfound peace, a new threat rises. Can peace be kept before it's too late? More

File one: Austria's Fall
File Two: Accusations
File Three: Game On
File Four: Battle of France
File Six: Meetings and Volunteers
File Seven: Winter War And Building Insanity
File Eight: Phantoms of Defeat.
File Nine - The Faces of France
File Ten: An Empire Strikes Back
File Eleven: A Fatal Betrayal.
File Twelve: A Tropical Attack
File Thirteen: The Bear and the Black Eagle
File Fourteen: A Crumbled Axis
File Fifteen - D Day
File Sixteen - Kapitulation
File Seventeen - Destroyer of Worlds

File Five: Backup

200 3 0
By JessicaisKool45

"Ugh, all snow. Dunno how Canada puts up with it. I swear, a'm startin' to miss the desert-" Australia's constant complaints kept hammering into New Zealand's head. She grumbled before cutting him off "Will yeh shu' up?! You've been moaning for two hours now!" She snapped at her brother. Australia seemed confused, tilting his head. "We've only been walkin' for an hour and a 'alf." He pointed out. New Zealand let out a loud groan of annoyance. "Well it feels like two hours because you're that annoyin'!" She replied, aggravated. Australia went to reply, when Canada's log cabin crept into view, with Canada sitting on a chair outside it.

New Zealand sighed. She didn't know what she was going to say to him. France was Canada's romantic partner, and they were almost never apart. She walked closer by a few steps. Canada spotted them, smiling, he stood up, then his smile suddenly dropped at their expressions. New Zealand sighed. She walked up to Canada, who was nearly twice her size, despite this, Canada could see the sorrow in New Zealand's eyes. "What's wrong, Kiwi...?" he asked. New Zealand forced a chuckle. Her older siblings always called her that, but she shook her head and looked back up at him.

New Zealand sighed. "It's France, she-" Canada suddenly cut her off. "France?? I haven't seen her in a week! Is she back? You found her??" He asked eagerly, smiling. He looked around, calling France's name. New Zealand started to cry, she grabbed Canada's shoulders, cutting him off. "NADA! Listen...! France... Isn't... a-and won't... Be coming back..." Canada's expression slowly dropped. New Zealand trembled, slowly starting to break down. She felt Australia's soft hand on her shoulder. She closed her eyes as she heard Canada punch the wall of the cabin, letting out a slow, drawn out, agonised wail.  

New Zealand flinched; her brother's pain felt like constant rocks slamming into her chest. Once Canada had stopped his sobbing, he slowly turned to her and Australia with gritted teeth. "...What happened?" He asked after a portion of stuttering from choking on his tears. New Zealand opened her mouth to reply, but nothing. She couldn't bring herself to explain. Australia answered for her. "France was killed in a recen' battle with Germany's sister, Third Reich." He explained softly. "She went out like the strong, valiant woman she was." He assured.

Canada didn't stop crying. "A-And Dad?" He asked. New Zealand shakily replied. "He was attacked too, but 'e's alive. In hiding. We came to ask you to help us build up his side of this battle!" She declared. Canada's trembling cries were soon replaced to enraged panting as he picked up his axe from a desk outside. "If it's war Reich wants..." he then slammed his axe into a nearby tree out of rage, chopping it down. "...Then it's a war... she'll get..." New Zealand was surprised, a surge of pride for her brother had her instantly motivated once more.

Canada sighed and turned to them. "I'll get a few others. Dad won't fight this alone. I'll make sure of it." he said softly. "I'll ask America too." Canada added. Australia grumbled in response. "He didn't turn up fast enough last time..." he mumbled to himself. New Zealand glared suddenly at her brother and his slanted comment. "'E still came eventually!" she pointed out. Canada sighed. "C'mon... we need to tell the others." He said, leading the way through the snowy forest. New Zealand followed quickly. She was going to help her father. No matter what would be sacrificed. 

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