Bird in a Lions Cage

By Ladyofshallotte

26.1K 1.5K 201

this is an Academy Fan Fiction. I've never wrote one before but i figured i would give it a go. After years o... More

A note from the Author
Chapter 2 - Ghost
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - Sampson
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter One - Intruder

4.5K 223 57
By Ladyofshallotte

"Are you sure?" Raven whispered into the phone as he tossed clothes in his bag. "Send me the details. I'm out heading in five. Tell no one." Raven slammed the burner phone shut before stuffing it in his pocket. Glancing at a sleeping Corey in his bed. He couldn't help but feel guilty for not waking him before leaving. They didn't keep secrets, not from family any way, but this was something he needed to do alone. The others wouldn't understand anyways. Hopefully he would be back before anyone noticed he was gone. 

Luke's POV
One Week Later

I have exactly 20 minutes before North and the others get home to hide my candy stash. Running quietly threw the empty house trying to find the perfect place to keep 'my precious' I almost wish kota was here to enjoy my reference. I open the door to Raven's room. It's been awhile since the Toma team merged with us. After all the missions we took on together, they were already family. For us to officially be a team was a no brainer. Most people worried about how smoothly our team would run especially since we are the biggest team in the Academy, but we are also the best. Thinking maybe hiding something in the Professional Russian's room wasn't the best idea I went to close the door before I had even turned on the light. I was getting ready to walk away when I heard a small noise. 

"Hello?" I said pushing the door back open. The large curtains blackout the sun making it impossible to see where in the room the noise came from. There is no way anyone got past the security system without one of us being notified. I must have imagined it. Right? Shaking my head I backed out the room again only to hear something or someone shift around. Now I know I didn't imagine that. I quickly pulled my phone out and sent a text to the team letting them know an intruder was in the house. Finding the light switch I quickly flipped it on. "I know you're in here." I said while my phone vibrated.

North: Pulling up now. Don't do anything stupid. 

Kota: Corner them if you can. 

Mr. Blackburn: Preceded with caution. 

Luke: In Raven's room. 

Putting my phone back in my pocket I pushed further into the room. "Come out, come out wherever you are." I paused to listen for any sounds of movement. The closet door was slightly jarred. Just as I reached for the door knob the door slammed closed. With no windows and no exit from inside the closet I knew they were trapped. Leaning against the door I waited until I heard the sound of feet rushing up the stairs. Kota, North, and Axel entered the room. Axel had a gun raised as I motioned to the closet door. "They are in there."

"You sure?" Axel asked. 

"Yeah, I didn't see them but they closed the door from the inside." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Figured I'd wait for back up." Axel nodded.

Axel turned the knob slowly before tossing the door open and turning on the light. In the far corner I could see peeking out from the clothes hanging were two child like feet. 

"What are you doing in here?" Axel said. His voice was harsh and full of authority. 

"Come on out we won't hurt you." I added before our phones started vibrating. 

Raven: Leave her alone. Don't let her out of the house. on the way. 

We all exchanged looks. 

Raven: Don't approach her. 

Axel: Why is there a girl in your closet?

Mr. Blackburn: Report!

Axel slipped his gun back into its holster before stepping into the walk in closet. Stepping in front of her, he pushed the clothes out of the way. As soon as the clothes moved a small ball of blonde flashes around us and out of the closet, darting between me and North. 

"What the hell?!" North boomed as the small person bolted out of the room. 

"Don't let her outside!" Axel demands as we rush after the small person. 

"She is a quick one." I said hardly able to contain my chuckle as we ran into the living room. She stood by the couch looking like a scared cat trying to escape a pack of dogs. Axel tried to grab her but she back flipped over his head landing gracefully on the coffee table. North followed Axel's suit and tried to grab her from the coffee table but she slipped out of his arms before he could even get close. 

I was so impressed with her ninja skills I didn't even move but I was blocking the only exit. Her Big bright green eyes met mine. All I could see was fear as she jumped for the rafter beam before hiding in the shadows of the renovated farmhouse. 

"Well at least she won't get out now." I snicker. "Did you see her moves?" 

"Where is Raven?" Axel demanded while trying to see the girl in the shadows. 

"Hey! Get down from there before you get yourself hurt!" North yelled trying to get up to her before turning to me. "Luke, get her down."

"Honestly, it would do more harm than..." I was cut off by the front door slamming open. Raven led the way as the rest of the team followed in behind him. Everyone must have rushed home. 

"Where is she?" Raven yelled before whispering in Russian to himself. I pointed up. All eyes went up to the rafters.

"Oy! what the fuck is she doing up there?" Gabriel yelled. I went to go tell them of her super ninja skills but before I could Raven hushed everyone. 

"You'll scare her more." Raven said before going below her. He spoke softly to her in Russian while we all exchanged looks. "Come, kitten, come down. We will go to room. Rest more. Da?" he paused waiting for her to move. "They won't hurt you." he waited more before speaking in Russian again. 

"Did you just say you'll spank her?" Corey asked. 


"Raven you can't spank her." Axel said crossing his arm on his chest. 

"Can and would." Raven says. "Down now kitten. I got super prize." 

"Don't you mean a surprise?" Corey asked. 

"Same." Raven said not looking down from the ceiling. 

"No, no it's not." Corey said shaking his head. Raven reached into back pocket and pulled out a candy bar. Holding it up to show her. 

"Gosh not another candy freak." North huffed.

No one moved as the small ball started to move. Gracefully she flipped down and snatched the candy bar before slipping back up the stairs. 

"Leave her." Raven said. "She'll go back to the closet. It makes her feel safe." 

"Report." Axel said as Mr. Blackburn took his position his position beside him. 

"Remember the bird Raven has been trying to find for years. The one with no records?" Corey said while everyone took a seat. 

"Yes, is that her?" Axel asked. 

"Da. Last week I got a call from a team who had broken up a small circus. They found her caged and beaten. Forced to perform after her parents sold her." Raven ranted on in Russian. 

"Mr. Ravenstahl, please calm down and explain to the team why you've been hiding a girl in your room." Mr. Blackburn said. 

"Is she here against her will?" Dr. Sean asked.

"No. She is just terrified." Corey answered. "We tried to put her in a hotel but she wouldn't stay."

"Why keep her a secret?" Brandon asked. 

"She isn't ready to meet people." Raven said. 

"Doc needs to look her over anyways." Corey said to Raven. He nodded before turning to the stairs. 

"Is she injured?" Sean asked as we all watched Raven go up the stairs. 

"I'm not sure. Raven is the only one that can get close enough to her to check." Corey said. "When he brings her down don't make any fast moves or get up. also no yelling. She will bolt and I doubt we would be able to catch her."

"You should've seen the crazy backflip she did over Axel. It was amazing!" I said. "I bet she could climb a tree better than a squirrel."

"Yeah and she hides food like one too." Corey said running his hands over his face. "I know everyone is upset about Sang but I promise he was going to tell everyone. She is fight or flight and if she is trying to flee it would take everything we have to chase her. There is no telling how long she has been in that cage. Raven just wanted her to settle down before he introduced her."

"Regardless, We do not keep secrets." Axel boomed. "We are a family."

"She could have been shot!" North yelled. "Have you at least been feeding her?" Everyone started yelling and talking at the same time. 

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Blackburn yelled over everyone instantly stopping everyone's jabbering mouths. "We will find out more about the transpiring situation after we meet Ms. Sang. Keep your voices down. Don't scare her."

Raven's POV

Walking into my room I could see her hiding in the corner digging threw a white grocery bag. 

"Where did that come from?" I asked slowly making my way over to her. 

"Luke dropped it." She whispered. I could never get enough of her angelic voice. "Candy." I chuckled at how cute she looks. Her matted blonde hair pulled up into an extremely messy bun, but her innocent green eyes inspected each piece of candy before giving me a sly smile. "Keep?" 

"I'll let you keep it under one condition." she smiled at my words. "You have to go down stairs, behave, and let the doctor check you over?" her smile instantly dropped. "You're going anyways. Willingly you get candy. I make you, I spank you and North trash candy." She put the tip of her thumb on her lip thinking for a moment. "Don't go being all cute now, kitten. Save it for them they will love you." I knew she was just scared but we've talked about the guys. She has been listening to them from under my bedroom door since she arrived here. "They aren't bad."


"Yeah, he means good." I grumbled. "Come on, let's go. You take the candy." I scooped her up as she clutched onto the bag. With each step down the stairs she gripped onto me tighter burying her face in my shirt. 

13 sets of eyes watched as we made our way back into the living room. Thankfully no one said a word. Sitting in my seat I peeled her fingers from the death grip on my shit and faced her outward on my lap.

"This kitten, is Sang." I said. Her eyes wide with fear as she hugged the grocery bag. Sean slowly made his way over before bending down in front of Kitten. 

"Hey, Sang. I'm Doctor Sean. Corey said you might have some injuries that need checked." Her eyes found mine. I gave her a nod to let her know it was okay. 

"Yes." she whispered. She clutched the bag tightly as her eyes found North. 

"Why is she looking at me like that?" North hissed threw his clenched jaw trying to control himself. 

"She is afraid you'll take her candy." I said. "Well Luke's candy."

"Hey!" Luke said. "I forgot about that." he sighed.

"Like you need more sweets! Is that how you found her! Trying to find somewhere to stash your candy!" North boomed. Before I could get my arms around her, she flipped onto the table and back into the rafters bag in hand. 

"Mr. Taylor Jr. if you can't keep yourself under control you will have to leave."

"We had an agreement, Kitten." I said. "I'll keep South away." Her head peeked out from the shadows. "Come on." she nodded before stashing her candy and coming down. I could watch her do backflips all day. she moves so gracefully and sexy. I want to smack that ass just for the hell of it. Once she is rested in my lap again. 

"Now can you show me where your hurt." Sean asked making sure to keep his distance. She looked at me again. I nodded. Looking back at Sean she turned around and tossed her shirt completely off. I couldn't help but slap my forehead as my brothers took a sharp breath. 

"Keep your clothes on. We've talked about this." 

"You Modest?" Brandon snickered. 

"Keeping her dressed has been an armful." I said picking her shirt up from the floor.

"Handful." Corey corrected. 

"Same." I said as she tried to slip of her shorts. Gosh, please be wearing underwear. "No Sang." She giggled as she tossed the pants in my face and ran away. "Damn it! Put your clothes back on. You can't run around like this." 

"But she is." Kota said breaking the other men out of their trances. 

Kota's POV

I was shocked to say the least that a girl was hiding in Raven's closet, but I never in my life would of picture the big burly man chasing a small practically naked girl around the living room while we all tried not to watch. 

"I'm going to spank you and let North take your candy." He threatened her. I was stunned Raven called North by his real name. 

"You can't spank her." Axel reminded him. Sean stood shell shocked, as the girl ran around the room before hiding behind him. 

"At least put your shirt back on" Nathaniel said as he nervously looked at anything in the room but her. Cheeks flaming red. Everyone looked around the room trying to keep their eyes off the small girl. 

Raven jumped on the small girl holding her down while he pulled the shirt over her head. She wasn't making this easy on him. 

"There, I said behave. just lift the shirt up." Raven said pulling her to her feet. "Show him."

She obeyed this time turning her back to us and slightly lifting her shirt. Sean gasped. Whip marks stained her whole back. Some newer and some scars. 

"She needs stitches. and antibiotics." Sean started digging in his doctor bag as he whispered to himself. "Pookie, do you hurt."

"Not as bad as it did. I forget they are there now." she whispered clutching onto Raven. The big man just rubbed her hair. 

"Oy! When was the last time you fucking brushed your hair?" Gabriel said standing and coming up to her. She clinched on to Raven.

"I tried to but she wouldn't let me." Corey said. Mr. Blackburn stood from his seat as Sean ready his supplies. 

"Is that a tattoo?" Mr. Blackburn whispered straightening his glasses. 

"Da." Raven said. my eyes scanned her until I could see the black words hardly peeking out of her underwear on her hip. Raven slightly pulled down the hem to reveal the five letters. My jaw fell open. 

"Why is your name tattooed on her hip, Mr. Ravenstahl?" 

"I did it when we were young. I was just starting out learning. She volunteered. I didn't want to tattoo a 10 year old but she is pretty persuasive." Raven said as she buried her face into his shirt.  

"You tattooed her when she was ten!" Brandon yelled. 

"Da. Good thing too. How other team knew to call me." Raven said proud of his work. 

"You tattooed YOUR name on her!" North yelled jumping up. He grabbed her arm pulling her so he could see the signature. She jerked slipping out of everyone grips. Everyone's out rage filled the room. Tears ran from her eyes. 

"Quiet!" I yelled getting everyone's attention. Her eyes found mine as she backed away from everyone. 

"Kitten." Raven said trying to take a step closer to her. She backed up before whispering in Russian. "You can leave but not like this. Not let you." He took another step for her. She turned running for the door. I jumped up trying to make sure she didn't get out. Sang open the door just enough to slip out closing it for us to slam into. By the time we got out the door she was clear across the driveway. Raven cased after until he pulled a gun from the back of his pants. 

"RAVEN PUT THE GUN AWAY." Gabriel Yelled. Raven ignored him pulling the trigger hitting her in the shoulder. She fell down a second before standing up then stumbling until crashing in the dirt. "WHAT THE FUCK!" 

Axel snatched the psychopath. 

"Tranquilizers. Not really hurt her." Raven said matter of fact like. North plucked the Tranquilizer from her. "She lived with lions and monkeys. I've had to use this a time or two." North scooped the limp girl up. 

"We do not tranquilize people, Raven. Are you holding this girl against her will? Where is her family? How old is she?" Axel said with full authority. 

"Mr. Ravenstahl, You have a lot of explaining to do. North take her inside and to one of the guest rooms so Dr. Green can work on her injuries. Mr. Coleman if you would like to have a go at getting that rat's nest out of her hair now looks like the best time." Mr. Blackbourne said. "Mr. Toma how would you like to handle this with the Academy?"

"No Academy." Raven barked as Corey held on to him. Marc and Nathan lingered behind them incase anything else transpired. "You may be my family but she is too. They will take her. She needs help."

"Mr. Ravenstahl why would they take her?" He sighed in defeat at Mr. Blackburn's words. 

"She is a ghost." Raven said making all of us stop in our tracks. 

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