European Adventure - Peter Pa...

By originiallstyles

13.8K 372 310

After the devastation of Thanos and the loss of the infamous Tony Stark, all Peter Parker wants to do is go o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

1.9K 53 29
By originiallstyles

The crowd was loud and bustling, conversations blended into one another as people mingled through the square. Your eyes peer over the tops of heads as you searched intently for a mop of brown hair. You continued to shove your way through the wave of people, desperately looking for the boy you had followed.

You reached the centre of the square, where a large metal statue stood glistening reflective colours. Well, it was the festival of lights after all.

You ran a hand across your forehead. The boy was nowhere to be seen, and now you were all alone in an unfamiliar city. Your hand rested above your eyes as you squinted, searching through the crowd when you felt heat rising up your body.

You looked down as the cobblestone beneath your shoes began to crack and splutter embers. You stumbled backwards as you watched statue erupt into flames, a large monster emerging from the smoke.

The crowd became a frenzied panic. Screams of terror and crashing sounds blended as people scurried from the square and the monster threw fiery object at... Spider-Man?

You stopped in your tracks, people bumping into you as you looked up at the figure swinging around the monster. White webs flung from the figure's wrists but that was about as much as you could really see- his body blended into the background as his suit was entirely black.

So, wait, was it Spider-Man?

Another being zoomed into the square, a trail of green, hazy smoke following him. The man known as "Mysterio" lifted his arms as he blasted at the creature.

Your feet began to pick up pace once again as you sprinted as fast you could. You could hear yourself breathing in your eyes as your feet pounded along the ground-

"Y/N!" you halted once again. You looked around trying to find the source of the voice that was screaming your name. "Y/N!" it called again, "up here!"

You looked up sharply, your eyes training in on Ned and Betty sitting in carriage on a Ferris Wheel.

"Ned, Betty!? What are you guys doing up there?"

"We snuck out of the Opera when you did but," Ned yelled, gesturing at the cabin swinging around mid-air, "now we're stuck!"

"Oh um, okay," you said looking around, desperately looking around for something to help them, "wait right there! I'm going to help you!"

You ran up the metal stairs towards the base of the Ferris Wheel. You stopped as you reached the control panel. You hand hovered over the buttons as you deliberated your next move. You could hear screams and crashes as the monster continued to wreak havoc on the square.

You face twisted with stress as you observed the array of switches. One had "Unlock" written above it. You pressed it and sighed in relief as the wheel began to spin. You stepped back and watched as Ned and Betty's carriage slowly climbed up and around. A piece of debris came hurling towards the wheel, hitting its bottom left side. It caused the wheel to lurch to a halt. Ned and Betty's screeches could be heard as the carriage rocked from side to side.

"No, no, no!" you cried, looking at buttons, trying to find a solution, knowing full well that there was nothing you could do. "I don't know what to do!" Your hands ran through your hair in frustration.


Your ears peaked at the sound. Turning on the heels of your feet you saw Spider-Man- who ever he was- swinging a large rock round before releasing it at the monster.

It stumbled backwards as the black-clad figure cheered, "Yes Beck, it's working- oh no!"

The force of the blow caused the fiery monster to fall into scaffolding, it absorbed and roared as its size doubled.

"Spider-Man!" you began to call before being interrupted by Ned's voice.

"He's not Spider-Man!"

"What?" you called up at him, seeing his body leaning out of the carriage, hands cupped around his face for you to be able to hear him.

"He's, uh Night Monkey!" He said, with slight hesitation.

"Night Monkey?" you yelled back, throwing your arms up in the air incredulously.

"Yes, Night Monkey!" Ned affirmed, "He's like a European rip off version of him!" You took a deep breath as you turned around once again to scream at the person.

"Night Monkey! Night Monkey help!"

He turned around, mechanical eyes widening as he saw you- "What!", then opening even further as he followed where your fingers pointed to Ned and Betty- "WHAT!?"

He shilly-shallied on his feet for a moment clearly pondering his next move. With one quick swift movement, a web shot from his wrist and clung to the side of the wheel. He jumped and swung in a direct line towards you. You heard the whoosh sound of the air as his body flung into yours. His arms wrapped around your middle as he hoisted you into the air. You felt yourself dropping, a curdling scream leaving your lips as the ground neared closer and closer. With a large yank, he let go of his web, slung another and grabbed onto it. You felt your stomach lurch as you were hoisted further into the air once more. The air rushed through your hair and around your ears.

Your feet felt solid ground beneath you as you were placed neatly on your feet. You observed your surroundings- you were now on the opposite side of the square, the monster still edging towards the metal wheel.

"Get out of here," 'Night Monkey' (or who ever it was) told you. You nodded, words failing to escape your mouth. "I don't want you getting hurt, Y/N." He said as he ran towards the Ferris Wheel.

Your brow furrowed in confusion. Did you tell him your name? You opened your mouth to call after him, but it fell of deaf ears- he was too far away as he lifted his wrist to propel a web at the wheel. Your mind was spinning- he was Spider-Man wasn't he? Or was he actually Night Monkey? And he knew your name? Images of Peter with a white substance flying out of him twirled in your mind, as did his stunt on the bus... Your thoughts were interrupted as you saw what was happening in front of you- The web he had shot didn't quite reach the Ferris Wheel, and it was stopped by, seemingly, nothing.

"What the hell- " you could hear him curse, as he flung his arm backwards, yanking the web. A silver object came hurtling through the air. You ducked as it swooshed passed your head. It skidded to a stop on the cobble stone. You ran towards it, delicately picking it up.

It was an unusual shape, and you had no idea what it was. However, it was covered in sticky white string in the shape of a web...

"Get out of here..." his voice echoed in your head. You turned to see "Night Monkey" crouched on the Ferris Wheel next to Ned and Betty, Mysterio still zooming around the monster.

Confident that your friends would be safe, you made your way back to the hotel, unknown silver object in hand, a faint ache in across your forehead, as your observations swirled uncontrollably in your head.


You sat in the armchair of the lobby of the hotel. Your hands were flexed across the wide arms of the chair as you watched your classmates return form the Opera. Soon after, Ned and Betty followed... but no Peter.

Mr Harrington announced that since there had been another attack, it was too dangerous and that you were all to pack your bags to leave to go home.

You were upset that your trip was over, but this was overcome by your sheer confusion. Peter was Spider-Man was the conclusion you had drawn, but your logical side was screaming that it couldn't be true. He was a kid and you had always imagined he was a man- a fully fledged adult- not the boy who sat two seats over in AP chemistry.

You hazily made your way up your stairs to your room. You weren't focusing, tripping on every third stair as you pondering your surveillances- there was Venice, and the bus, and the photo magically disappearing from Brad's phone, there was the whispering with Michelle, the suspicious disappearance, the fact he knew you na-

"You okay?" MJ's voice startled you, causing you to trip up yet another stair. You caught yourself on the railing, and once balanced, continued to walk with her.

"Yeah, of course," you said (unconvincingly), "why wouldn't I be?"

"I mean you left the Opera before it even started." MJ countered as you reached the top of the stairs, stopping to face each other outside your bedroom door.

"Oh right. I, um, felt sick?" you stumbled over your words. She raised an eyebrow at you.

"So, you're okay, but you're sick?" she quizzed, eyes looking harshly at you. MJ always spoke as if she knew everything in the world- and she probably did- and she knew you weren't telling the truth.

"Yes! No, I mean," you sighed, "I was sick but I'm better now." You said, hoping you were convincing.

She narrowed her eyes at you, "hmm, okay."

You looked at each other for one more moment before Mr Harrington's voice cut through, making you both turn to face him.

"Oh Peter! Thank God you aren't dead," he held him in a awkward half hug before telling him to pack his bags.

"What, why?" he asked Ned. Ned told him that we were all going him because of the attacks. He looked around, noticing you and MJ listening to their conversation, before leaning into him and whispering, words inaudible.

"Night," MJ said walking away, noticing you calculating Peter's every move.

"Yeah 'ight" you mumbled watching the boy. Ned walked away from him, and as Peter turned to walk towards his room, he was met with your face.

He smiled awkwardly as he walked towards you. You rocked back and forwards on your feet, arms crossed around your chest as the thoughts in the back of your mind whispered "he's Spider-Man, he's Spider-Man."

"Crazy night, hey?" he spoke. You blinked once before training your concentration onto him. You nodded.

"Yeah crazy... Shame the trip is over. You didn't get to use your plan with MJ"- at this his eyebrows pulled tightly together, and he went to open his mouth to speak but was cut off by your words- "Would've been fun to hang out more, together, too." You said. His eyes drooped at your words, clearly disappointed too.

"Yeah would've been fun." He said. His eyes gazed into yours, looking as if they were thinking deeply but also trying to remember every aspect of your face. Meanwhile, your mind was still spinning, memories of the trip clouding your eyes.

"I'm going to go to bed, night." You said, quickly opening your door and slinking inside quickly, in a bid to get away from the boy so you could think clearly.

"Oh okay," you heard his voice say as you shut the door. You heard him start a sentence, but the click of the door cut him off.

Peter huffed as his compliment fell short. His shoulders dropped as he continued to stare at your door. On the other side, you rested your head against its frame- maybe you should just ask him if he is Spider-Man. But what if he thinks you're crazy and ends up hating you? But he asked you to cover him in the bus and he said your name tonight, so maybe he wants you to know...

You opened your door and needed to stumble back immediately to avoid Peter's fist colliding with your head.

"Woah," you said as you used to the door handle to steady yourself. Peter laughed awkwardly, before pulling his fist down to his side, wiping his palms across his slacks.

"Did you wanna hang out, like right now?" you asked, fiddling with the door handle.

"Yeah," he said, "I'm not ready for this trip to be over and it would good to do something that isn't on the itinerary or with Mr Harrington hanging around... with you." He finished, tugging his backpack further up his shoulder, smiling sweetly at you.

"Okay," you said gazing at him, despite the nagging in the back of your head.

"Okay," he said, as stunned as you were. You both stared at each other for a few moments before he cleared his throat, interrupting both of your thoughts.

"Meet me downstairs in 10?" he asked. You continued to play with your door handle.

"Okay," you said, pulling your lip between your teeth. Peter swayed back and forth on is feet as a smile tugged on his lips.

"Okay," he smiled. Your heart skipped a beat. You motioned over your shoulder.

"I'm just gonna..." you trailed off

"Oh yep," he said, but made no movements away from you. You smiled shyly looking to the floor as you shut the door behind you. He let out a sigh, relaxing from your giddiness, but also from the stress of what you were about to ask Peter and not know how he was going to react.

He skipped off to his room, smile beaming across his face. He was excited to hang out with but was blissfully unaware of what revelation you were about to dumbfound him with.

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