Finding You Was Fate

By outlawqueen4ever

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This is an AU of Outlaw Queen! Very fluffy and romantic! Regina is a teacher and Robin owns a poetry slam bar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 13

552 12 8
By outlawqueen4ever

Robin and I have been together for two months. We spend more time together then we do apart. If I wasn't at his place, he was at mine and if he wasn't at my place, I was at his. Our two-month anniversary is tomorrow and I insisted to plan the night's festivities. I spent the morning figuring out what I would do. Last night was one of the first nights that we slept at our own homes, but we spent 2 hours on the phone before actually going to sleep, then another hour telling each other to hang up first.

            Well, I have everything ready for the evening planned with Robin. I set up a picnic in front of the fireplace with a bottle of wine, two glasses, and I cooked lasagna. Which Robin says is his favorite thing that I make. I have it all cooked and ready for when he is supposed to arrive. I was sitting on the sofa waiting for him and he was 30 minutes late. I was starting to get a little irritated. So, I decided to call him. It rang four times and then his voicemail picked up.

            "This is Robin. I'm unable to get to the phone right now so leave a message and I'll get back to you."

            "Hey, babe. It's me. I have dinner ready and it's getting cold. I wish you would have called me and said you were going to be late. I would have waited to cook. Whatever just call me when you are on your way." I said sighing.

            I hung up the phone and threw it on the sofa. I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone again. I sat there and watched it. I waited and waited. Looking at the food that I cooked get cold and the minutes on the clock just ticking away. I was pissed now. I picked up my phone and called again.

            Another four rings and his voicemail again. "This is Robin. I'm unable to get to the phone right now so leave a message and I'll get back to you."

            "Robin, you were supposed to be here over an hour ago. Where are you? I cooked dinner and had a special evening planned. I guess that's ruined. It doesn't matter just call me please." I say sighing and hanging up the phone again.

            Well, I am going to get to the bottom of this. I stood up, grabbed my purse and walked to the Lion's Den. I had a feeling that is where he was going to be.

            I don't live far from the bar, so I walked and my mind just wouldn't stay quiet. Why is he doing this? He made such a big deal about how important our anniversary was and he was late and not answering his phone. I was going to get to the bottom of this. It took me about 10 minutes to walk to his bar and I opened the door to a sight that made me want to die. He was exactly where I suspected. He was here, but he wasn't working. He was sitting at the bar with another woman. He was laughing and he was making her laugh. I thought I was going to die right there. He finally saw me and his face dropped. I didn't want to see him or talk to him, so I turned around and started running. I was already a block away when I heard him scream.

            "Regina!" He yells. I didn't stop. I just kept running and I didn't turn around. "Regina please wait!"

            I got all dressed up for him. I put on a full face of makeup and it was dripping down my face. I couldn't believe he did this. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew he didn't love me. It was all a lie to get what he wanted. I felt so used and more than anything my heart felt like it was in a million pieces. He was screaming after me the whole way to my house, but I didn't listen. I finally made it to my house and I ran into the house as fast as I could. I slammed the door right in his face. I locked the door and leaned against it. I slid to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest while the tears ran down my cheeks.

            "Regina, please let me in. Let me explain." He says trying to open the door. "Regina please. I love you so much, babe. Please let's talk."

            "Go away." I say sternly.

            "Regina, please let me in and we can talk. I'm so sorry." He says sadly. "Regina, I'm so sorry. I feel terrible."

            "Go away!" I yell. It was quiet for a few minutes then he spoke.

            "I love you." He says softly.

            That made me cry even harder. I just decided to go up to my room. I didn't bother change my clothes. I just collapsed on my bed and continued to cry.

(Robin's Pov)

            I can't believe I screwed up. More importantly, I can't believe I forgot our anniversary dinner. How stupid can I be? I felt like an idiot. I just leaned against her front door. I can't believe I did this. I made her cry and I broke her heart. I made the woman I love cry. That was the first time in about five years that I actually started crying. I can't believe I screwed this up. I sat in front of her door for about two hours because I didn't want to be anywhere else. I couldn't and wouldn't just leave her. I wanted to give her time, but I wasn't going to leave. It was about 9:30 and I was going to call her, but I knew she wouldn't pick the phone up. I happened to look at the plant on the side of the door and saw something shining inside of it. I got up and it was the key to her house. It was the one she gave me one night when she wanted me to come over. Hopefully, this wouldn't piss her off. I unlocked her door and tiptoed my way up the stairs. Not before I noticed how she had the living room set up for dinner. That crushed my heart even more. I walk across the hall and I hear her crying. I approach her room and the door was open. I walk inside and she is facing away from the door. She is still in her black dress. The one that she knows is my favorite. She still has her heels on too. The only thing that kept running through my mind was how much I loved her and how I might have just ruined everything. I walk over to her bed and crawl in behind her. I wrap my arm around her waist and she didn't move. After a few minutes, she grabbed my hand and pulled it up to her chest. The back of her dress is low cut and I could not resist placing a kiss to her shoulder blade softly. She squeezed my hand tighter and took a deep breath.

            She broke the silence after a few minutes. "How could you do that?" She asks softly.

            "Regina, I'm so sorry." I say softly. "I never meant to forget our anniversary. I feel terrible. I should have never forgotten."

            "But you did." She says softly.

            "I know and I will never forgive myself. I cannot believe I did that to you. I hate seeing you cry and I am the cause of it." I say burying my face in her hair. "Regina, I love you so much and I can't imagine life without you. Please forgive me."

            "Who was that?" She asks taking a deep breath. "Who was that woman?"

            "It was someone I went to high school with. We were just catching up. She was telling me that she's a producer and works with a lot of musicians. I just hadn't seen her in a long time and she was someone I was close with in school."

            "But why was she more important than me?" She interrupts.

            "She is not more important than you. I don't know what came over me." I say sadly. "I just got carried away. I was talking about how in love I was and that I met this incredible woman."

            "What?" She asks looking up at me. Her eyes were so red and puffy from crying that it killed me that I did this to her.

            I smiled softly. "Of course, I was talking about you. You think talking about you would have reminded me about our dinner, but apparently it did not." I say chuckling. "She mentioned something about me seeming happy and that is when you came up. I saw you by the door of the bar when I was telling her about our first date. When I took you to mini golf and she was laughing at how corny I was. I just kept talking about you. John doesn't like to talk about relationships and the mushy stuff. So, when she asked I just started talking about you and how much I love you."

            "I'm sorry." She says turning around to face me.

            "No, you have no reason to be sorry. You had this amazing night planned and I ruined it. I should not have forgotten about our anniversary dinner and I will make it up to you." I say smiling.

            "You promise?" She asks softly.

            "I promise." I say smiling. I pull her against my chest and just hold her. "I love you."

            "I love you too." She says softly.

            "Hold on." I say pulling away from her. She looks at me confused and I take my thumbs and wipe under her eyes. "I don't like to see you cry." She smiled and buried her head in my chest. "You want to go sit in front of the fire place and just talk?"

            "Sure." She says softly. I smile and get out of bed. I walk around to her side to where she is already sitting up. I grab her hand and pull her to her feet. "Do you mind if I go wash my face?"

            "No, babe, go ahead. Well, I'll come with you." I say smiling. She smiles and I follow her into the bathroom. She stands in front of the sink and takes her makeup off. While she was doing that, I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and rested my head on her shoulder. It didn't take her long and she was turning around and wrapping her arms around my neck. She kissed my cheek and grabbed my hands.

            "Let's go." She says smiling softly. We walk downstairs hand in hand and she leads me into the living room.

            "You could have taken your shoes off." I say smiling. "I want you to be comfortable."

            "I'm okay." She says smiling. "Can you start the fire please?"

            "Sure, love." I say heading to the fire place. While I put some logs in the fireplace, she spreads out some blankets and pillows. She takes off her shoes and places them next to the table. She sits down on the floor and covers her legs with a blanket. I take my shoes off and sit down next to her. I could tell she wasn't okay. I wanted her to talk to me. "You hate me, don't you?" I ask putting a piece of hair behind her ear.

            She sighs and hugs her legs tighter to her chest. "I don't hate you, Robin. It did upset me that you forgot about our date, though. You made such a big deal out of it. But I wanted to do something nice for you for a change because you always do stuff for me." She pauses and I see her eyes well up with tears. "You ruined our night." She says sadly. Her head fell into her arms and she started to cry again. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her. I just started whispering in her ear. Telling her how much I love her, telling her how beautiful she is, telling her how much I hate that I am the reason she is crying, and telling her that I will forever be hers. I just wanted her to know that I am and will always be here for her. After she cried for another 20 minutes, she turned her head to look at me. I guess she didn't realize how close I was to her because her cheek collided with my lips when she turned her head. I smiled against her cheek and kissed it very softly a few times. She looked me in the eyes with her watery brown ones. I took this opportunity to place a soft lingering kiss on the tip of her nose. She lifted her head, took both hands and wiped under her eyes, then got up off the ground and started walking away. She walked into the downstairs bathroom and stayed in there for almost 10 minutes. She came back with dry cheeks and no tears in her eyes. She sat down on her feet facing me. "Please, don't do that again." She says softly.

            "Never." I say softly and opening my arms for hug. She leans in and I wrap her in a tight hug while hers wrap around my neck.

            "I forgive you." She says softly.

            I pull away a little to look at her. "Are you sure? Cause I completely understand if you don't." I say pushing a few strands of her from out of her face.

            "I forgive you." She says again. "Just shut up and please kiss me." She says with a small chuckle.

            "Of course, anything for my queen." I say placing my lips on hers. She smiles into the kiss and I pull away just to see it.

            "What's wrong?" She asks her face immediately dropping to a frown.

            "Nothing, I just wanted to see your beautiful smile." I say rubbing my thumb across her cheek.

            "Oh." She says chuckling. "Wait, how did you get into my house?"

            "Right." I say realizing I never did explain how I just broke into her house. "I found a key in the plant next to the door. I was sitting outside for like two hours crying in front of your door and I happened to look at the plant and saw something shiny and it was a key."

            "You were crying?" She asks softly.

            "Out of everything I just said all you caught was that I was crying?" I ask chuckling.

            "Yeah." She says shrugging. "Why were you crying?"

            "Regina, it crushed my heart to see you running from me, then to hear you crying on the other side of the door. Nothing has ever felt worse than hearing you cry and seeing how much I hurt you. I never want to do that to you again." I say softly.

            "I love you." She says smiling.

            I felt so much better finally seeing that smile reach her beautiful brown eyes. "Ugh, babe, I love you, too." I say sighing contently.

            "How much?" She asks smiling.

            I chuckled and leaned in kissing her nose again. "Like to infinity."

            "That's a lot." She says smiling.

            "Well, that's because I love you a lot."

            "No, to infinity." She says correcting me.

            "Oh, and beyond." I say smiling.

            "Are you really quoting Toy Story to me?" She asked smiling.

            "Yes, because I know you love that movie." I say bopping her on the nose. "I love you to infinity and beyond."

            "I love you to infinity and beyond too." She says smiling. "Is that our thing?"

            "Mhmm." I say kissing her lips sweetly. "You are never too old for a Disney movie."

            "You're a goofball." She says pulling away from me and lying down on the pillow. I chuckle and lay next to her. 

            "I may be a goofball, but I am your goofball." I say tickling her sides. She immediately starts laughing and giggling. Normally, she begs me to stop, but she just let me tickle her. I continued to tickle her until she grabbed my hands.

            "Okay, I have to pee now." She says chuckling.

            "Well, then go ahead." I say smiling. She gets up and runs to the bathroom. She comes back a few minutes later with a t-shirt in her hand.

            "Can you unzip this for me, please?" She asks turning around.

            "Sure." I say standing up. I unzip her dress and she slips it off her shoulders, but holds it up in front of her. She slips the t-shirt on and then lets her dress hit the floor. She kicks it by her shoes and then sits down and covers her legs with the blanket. "How did I get so lucky?" I ask sitting down next to her.

            She just smiles and shrugs. "You were the one to approach me."

            "I did." I say smiling. "Nervously, but I did."

            "It was cute." She says smiling. "I loved the rose you left on the table for me when I got there. How did you even know I would show up?"

            "I didn't know for sure, but something told me to take a leap of faith and put that rose and poem on the table. I hoped you would come too."

            "Hope is a pretty powerful thing." She says grabbing my hand.

            "It really is." I say smiling and picking her hand up kissing the back of it.

            "Were you really talking about me to her?" She asks curiously.

            "Yes, I was. I talk about you to everyone." I say smiling. "She was just the first person that seemed interested and was actually listening to me go on and on about you."

            "You talk about me too much." She says chuckling.

            "I don't think I do." I say smiling. "My life got so much more exciting with you in it."

            "I doubt that." She says shaking her head. "You are so hot. I'm sure you had women all the time."

            "I really didn't. My last girlfriend was the one I mentioned last week and that was like 4 years ago. I think I went on maybe two dates after that, but that was it. Then, I saw you in my bar." I say smiling.

            "Then, what happened?" She asks smiling.

            "I didn't know what love at first sight was until I saw you." I say smiling. "My heart skipped a beat."

            "Really?" She asked smiling softly.

            "Are you crazy? You are gorgeous. Then, I got caught by John because I was at the end of the bar staring at you." I say smiling and she laughs. "Oh, and you were tapping your pen against your lip and I thought I was going to die from your cuteness. Ugh, then that sass you threw at me when I walked up to you. That was priceless." I had her laughing up a storm. "It was so hard not to just kiss you right there, but that would have been weird." I say laughing with her.

            "You are honestly the best." She says still laughing. "I have never met someone that notices my pen tapping."

            "Well, I did and I thought it was adorable." I say smiling. I lie down on my side and lean up on my elbow. She chuckles and shakes her head again.

            She lays on her back and scoots as close as she can to me. "So, pen tapping?" She asks looking at me. I smile and nod. "Where do I tap this pen?" She asks softly.

            I smile and caress her cheek with my hand. "Well, sometimes right here." I say placing a soft kiss on her chin. "Then other times it is right here." I say softly placing a kiss on the corner of her mouth. "But most of the time, it is right here." I say kissing her lips. I carefully suck on her bottom lip then bite it gently pulling away softly. I pull away and look at her. She takes that bottom lip between her teeth and opens her eyes slowly.

            "How do you notice things like that?" She asks placing her hand on my cheek.

            "When you love someone, it's the small things about them that you notice and that mean the most." I say smiling.

            "You really know how to make a girl's heart flutter." She says blushing.

            "Not just any girl." I say smiling. "Just my girl." I say bopping her nose.

            "I hate when you do that." She says placing her hands on her cheeks.

            "I love when I do that. I love when your cheeks get all red and then you cover them and then I pull your hand away and I kiss it." I say doing exactly that.

            "Of course, you love it. You aren't the one whose cheeks get red." She says chuckling.

            "You make me blush. I just don't turn red." I say shrugging.

            "When have I ever made you blush?" She asks curiously.

            "Every time you smile, every time you hold my hand, every time your name pops up on my phone, every time I look at your selfies on my phone, and every time you tell me you love me." I say proudly. "Like I said before, I just don't turn red."

            "I had no idea." She says shockingly.

            "Well, now you do." I say smiling. "You want to see the picture that makes me blush the most?"

            "Yeah." She says smiling.

            I chuckle and grab my phone from the table behind us. I open my pictures and scroll finding my favorite one. I lie on my back and grab her hand. "Before I find it, I need you to put your head right here." I say pointing to my chest. She smiles and scoots closer placing her head on my shoulder. I continue to scroll and I found it. "It's this one." I say smiling. It was a picture of us on FaceTime one night. She had fallen asleep and had the most peaceful look on her face. That picture just makes my heart beat a little faster.

            "When was this from?" She asked quietly.

            "It was one of the nights I was working late and you were grading so we couldn't see each other that night. I had FaceTimed you before bed. You were yawning the whole time we were talking, but you stayed up just to talk to me. Then, there was a little lull in conversation and your eyes had drifted closed. You fell asleep with a smile on your face and to watch you fall asleep was just beautiful and adorable. I think I watched you sleep for an hour before I finally hung up. You just looked so peaceful and I love watching you sleep. You were so content and comfortable. I look at that picture all the time."
"Your heart started beating faster." She says picking up her head to look at me.

            "You make my heart beat faster." I say softly. She smiles and kisses my lips. She deepens it, but it doesn't heat up. We both kept it sweet and slow. She pulled away slowly and rested her head back on my chest. She had her hand on my chest and started drawing patterns with her finger. After a few minutes, I grabbed her hand placing both of our hands on my chest. The only thing you could hear was the roaring of the fire. Neither of us were speaking. We were just enjoying being together. I nuzzled her head with my nose trying to get her to look at me. It worked because she looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

            "You look sleepy." I say smiling.

            "I am." She says scooting up a little burying her face in my neck.

            "Well, I can bring you up to your room and I can leave so you can go to sleep." I say softly.

            "I don't want you to leave." She says wrapping her arm around my stomach.

            "Okay, then I won't." I say smiling.

            "You're sleeping on the couch." She says softly.


            "Punishment." She says. I can hear the smirk on her lips.

            "Okay, I deserve it." I say softly and hugging her tighter.

            "It's why I'm still laying here." She says picking her head up.

            "What?" I ask confused.

            "I told you I was tired, but I didn't want you to leave. Then I told you that you were sleeping on the couch, but I don't want to get up because I know I'll want you snuggling me all night." She says sighing.

            "So, not only would you be punishing me, but torturing yourself." I say smiling.

            "Stop being smug." She says. "When I saw you with her it broke my heart, Robin. I have let you steal my heart so quickly and you talk about all the stuff you want for us, but you forget something as simple as dinner for our anniversary. This is the most serious relationship I have ever been in. I see myself marrying you one day, but after tonight all of those thoughts fell from mind. I want those thoughts back because I do love you, but you have to prove to me you are all in. No more forgetting dinner dates, please. I just want you to be there for me. Just let me calm myself down and maybe I'll let you sleep next to me again, but tonight I just want to be by myself."

            "But you don't want me to leave?" I ask.

            "Do you want to leave?" She asks.

            "No, but if you would rather be alone I would understand." I say caressing her cheek.

            "Sleep on the couch." She says softly.

            "Of course." I say smiling. She smiles and leans down kissing my cheek ever so softly. She stands up and heads up to her room without looking back. I didn't move from that spot on the floor. I wasn't tired so I just stayed there and relaxed. It was now 1:30 a.m., about 2 hours after she went upstairs that my phone rang. I picked it up and saw her picture. I smiled and answered it.


            "Hi." She says softly.

            "Can't sleep?" I ask softly.


            "Me neither."


            "Because I am too busy thinking about you."


            "Yeah, that happens almost every night."

            "Almost?" She questions.

            "Yeah cause the nights when I have you in my arms it's easier to sleep."


            "Did I make you smile?" I ask curiously.

            "Yeah." She says with a little chuckle. "You're so cheesy sometimes."

            "I love you, beautiful."

            "I know." She says softly.

            "Good because I am going to tell you all the time."


            "What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

            "Laying down and thinking."

            "Thinking about what?"


            "Oh." I say smiling.

            "I can hear you smirking through the phone." She says.

            "I am not smirking, but I am smiling. I love when my girlfriend tells me she is thinking about me. It makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside." I say happily.

            "Can you share some of that warmth?"

            "Absolutely." I say smiling.

            "Right now?" She asks.

            "Only if you want me to."


            "I'll be there in a second." I say smiling.

            "Okay." She says softly then the line went dead. I hurried up the stairs and walk into her room and she is kneeling up on the edge of the bed. I walk up to her and she jumps into my arms. I grab her around her waist as she wraps her legs around me. "I'm sorry."

            "For what?" I ask softly.

            "For being mean." She says burying her face in my neck. "It's because I love you."

            "Well, as long as you keep saying those three words, I am more than okay with you throwing me some sass." I say chuckling.

            "Okay." She says with a chuckle.

            "Come on let's get you to bed." I say sitting on the bed.

            "Okay, but take this off." She says pulling at my shirt.

            "Of course." I say smiling. She scoots off my lap and over to the pillows. I take off the pants I had on and pull my shirt off over my head. She had scooted under the covers already, so I got under them and joined her. I wrapped her up in my arms and kissed her cheek.

            "How's the warmth?" I ask smiling.

            "Perfect." She says snuggling into my chest falling asleep not even a minute later.

Author's Note: I hate writing sad parts to my stories and this was a hard chapter to write, but I hope you all enjoyed it!
Thanks for reading!!

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