Secrets- A Victor Criss fanfi...

By isleeptoomuch11

11.6K 170 121

"Emma, what are you doing?" "Finishing this off" "No, we can finish it later! Just wait!" An It 2017 and Str... More

C H A P T E R - O N E
C H A P T E R - T W O
C H A P T E R - T H R E E
C H A P T E R - F I V E
C H A P T E R - S I X
C H A P T E R - S E V E N
C H A P T E R - E I G H T
C H A P T E R - N I N E
C H A P T E R - T E N

C H A P T E R - F O U R

1K 20 4
By isleeptoomuch11

 I stare at the roof of Victor's fort, with my mind replaying what I had experienced, everytime I close my eyes for a split second, the black figure would appear, it haunts me. What would've happened if Victor didn't open that door? Would I even be alive? I sit up and crawl over Victor, hoping he wouldn't wake up. I make my way out of the fort walking to my kitchen to grab a drink. I slowly walked to the kitchen listening to the rain fall on the window. I open my fridge taking out a bottle of water. I walk over to the bay window in the dining room and sit down. Watching the rain fall down on the window. Silence filled my house, no thunder rumbling, just the sound of rain falling. Taking a sip of my water, still getting flashbacks, now and from what happened in my past. Images of Will and El, images of the underground tunnels from almost five years ago. Just remembering what happened gives me the chills, and before I knew it, I began having a small panic attack. Just the thought of it all happening again, makes me scared. I Lay my head in my hands wishing this would all end.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" A voice whispers. I look up from my place and look into Victor's eyes.

"I-I couldn't sleep" He sighs and makes his way towards me sitting down in front of me.

"Why?" He genuinely asks.

"I can't get that thing that happened to me off my mind. And my past is haunting me"

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm here now, you're going to be alright" His voice warm and calming. I give Victor a small smile. He moves his hand to mine. "Can't you just think about something better to get it off your mind?"

"Well, I've tried. And there's something keeping me from doing exactly what I want to do, because of what happened back in Hawkins"

"What happened. You never told me"

"Well, it's mostly because I didn't want it to happen again"

"Just tell me Emma, it's not going to hurt you" I let out a breathy laugh.

"Vic, you don't get it. But, I'll give you a brief overview" I take a deep breath. "I had a crush on one of my best friends, and I thought that getting in a relationship with him would take my mind off of what's happening, and well. Me confessing to him, the opposite happened. Everytime we were together it was just awkward. And don't go telling me that it's normal"

"Emma, if he doesn't like you back that's his loss. Not yours" I give Victor a wide smile.

"I don't know what I would do without you Vic. I'm glad we met"

"Same with you. If I wasn't such a clutz then I wouldn't know who the pretty girl moving into town was"


"I'm being honest"

"I really do like this necklace though, thank you so much"

"I knew you would like it" Victor jokes. I let silence fall between us before speaking.

"So why are you up?"

"Light sleeper, I felt you moving around"

"Sorry about that"

"Don't be. So tell me, what did you mean by 'I didn't want it to happen again'?" I really wished that he didn't bring this up.

"I-I uh, it's nothing"

"It has to be something" I can't tell him, I thought. At least not yet.

"I just have feelings for this one guy and I can't have the same exact thing happen again"

"Who wouldn't like you?"

"You" I mumble under my breath.


"N-nothing, I just" Victor looks up into my eyes and takes my other hand.

"You said something, I want to know what though" I bit my lip, holding myself back from saying what I really want to say. I sigh and shake my head.

"I-I can't Vic. I can't ruin another friendship of mine" Victor takes his hands away from mine and lets them rest on his legs, he stays quiet for a second.

"But I swear I heard you say, 'you'" I rub the back of my neck, in preparation for the rejection.

"Alright! You got me, I did say-" I feel two hands grab my face and Victor's lips colliding with mine. I was shocked if I were being honest. Our lips move in sync, for about a good 10 seconds he pulls away.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know what came over me"

"Vic, you're fine, I liked it" I hear Victor sigh and shift in his spot.

"Thank god, that would have been awkward"

"Oh, it would have been for sure" I pause. "I still can't thank you enough for being with me," I say, hiding my face in my hands.

"Well, I just had to talk to you more" Victor moves my hand away from my face, watching the sun slowly creep inside the window, shining a light on his face. His eyes are lit up, looking right into mine. I already feel myself going red.

"Yeah, thanks to your klutzy self"

"Hey!" Victor drags, I scrunch my nose "Take it back" He whines.

"You said it yourself"

"Take it back princess!" He whines more.

"Oh my goodness Vic"

"What, I know you like being called that" He teases. I roll my eyes.

"You're cheesy" I laugh he smiles. "I'm actually getting tired right now so, want to sleep?" He nods. We quietly make our way back to Victor's fort and we crawl inside, the light shining through the white hanging sheets. Everyone still passed out. Henry is basically taking up the entire couch. Patrick moved to my spot, and Belch is perfectly fine on the chair. "He took my spot, that fire psycho!" I whisper yell over to Victor. Victor tries to keep the laugh to himself.I sit down trying not to wake Patrick.

"You know you can sleep closer to me" I look over at Victor pulling the blankets out of his way.

"You know, you could just say, 'you could sleep with me'" I joke. He rolls his eyes and licking his teeth, oh my goodness I love it when guys do that,they just fail so hard trying not to laugh. He motions me to get under the blankets with him to get some rest. I quietly make my way under, laying my head on my pillow Patrick wasn't using. Victor adjusts himself, getting comfortable, I do the same. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer. "But what if anyone else sees?" I ask

"Blame it on Patrick over there for snatching your spot"

"I mean, you're not wrong" Iay my head in the crook of his neck.

"And if you get any nightmares or bad dreams, I'll be here for you" Victor whispers. I nod my head, slowly letting reality slip away.

"No! This can't be real" I yell to Will.

"It sure is"

"I thought that when El closed the gate everything would be over, I seen it! What happened?" I rub my head.

"I don't know maybe you mixed the scenarios wrong, maybe that happened later on"

"Sure but after El closed the gate we never agreed to never set foot on Hawkins lab again, and we haven't it's been almost a good two years Will"

"I can see your point but not every vision could be correct. Like the year where all of this started when we found El" I pace back and forth through Will's bedroom.

"But the fact that you never told me what you were feeling, it made me feel like I was going crazy, everyone was ignoring it" I argue.

"I-I didn't know what to think really" Will mumbles.

"Will, you know my past, how could you not tell me about this?" I sit on his bead hiding my head in my hands. "I just had a vision, a couple of days ago about this-this-this thing, that looked like the mindflayer but it was made out of this slime consistency, and it was real this time, it wasn't just showing itself to select people"

"Maybe you're over analyzing all of this, maybe it wasn't a vision and it was just your mind playing tricks on you because you're worried-"

"Worried? Will, this isn't just because I'm worried, you said that you felt the same way back when you were flayed"

"Exactly, you're visions are just a look into the future that can be changed with outside forces"

"Doesn't mean we can't ignore that" I sigh loudly. "I'm just scared that something bad will happen, and I mean very bad" I mumble to myself.

"I know, I am too. But you still don't know if you being scared is just what's forming the vision"

"Stop saying that Will, it's not helping" I pause standing up from Will's bed. "I'll be right back, my head hurts I'm grabbing some medicine from the bathroom" Will nods his head. I walk out and down the hall and into Will's bathroom closing and locking the door behind me. I sigh loudly sitting down on the bathtub's edge, holding my head in my hands. Closing my eyes tightly.

It's quiet, I look to my left and to my right. We're hiding behind a flipped car in some mall. Everyone's out of breath. They're all quiet, not a sound is made. I look around my surroundings looking at the smashed glass on the ground, looking up I see It. The thing I have seen in my last vision. I close my eyes tightly---------I open them back up looking around me again, watching fireworks go off around me, I'm facing the flayer standing beside El and Billy. Looking down at the ground, looking at the scattered blood and glass shards under my now dirty white converse. I'm pushed to the ground with force, falling onto the broken glass, cutting up my hands and knees. I hear Billy talk to the Mindflayer, It. It begins walking closer and closer to me, getting to my face I try crawling backwards only to be stopped by Billy. I try flipping over but I'm held to the ground by my neck by Billy. I feel my mouth move.

"B-B-Billy" I choke on my words. El begins speaking. I can't make it out. Billy looks down at me.

"I'm sorry" He chokes out, a tear rolls down his cheek falling down on my chest. He lets go of my neck, I feel a wave of air coming in my lungs. I stumble away towards Billy. What is he doing? It gets close up to-

"Hey are you doing okay in there?" I hear Will's voice behind the door.

"Oh, yeah uhm, just going to the bathroom" I make up a lie. I stand up looking in the mirror. I wipe the blood slowly dripping from my nose away. Taking a deep breath.

 A/n- woah is being cliche and giving myself powers?

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