Poems or songs

By Snowpetal113

74 9 21

Just poems I like to right and songs I like to write More

The mental world
my deppreso rap

The half blood

28 1 3
By Snowpetal113

A she-fox and a wolf fell in love once

love so pure and light

3 pups were born from that love 

The last pup like her father she was, happy and bright

long ears  and the looks of her wolf father she had

eyes so blue like ice.

The middle pup beauty at sight, but a trickster she was

fur shining like the leaves at fall

small ears with a long tail and emerald eyes

but a white mussle she had.

The oldest pure at heart and smart of kind but not for the one's who are around

fur grey and light, eyes teal like the water at a lake

tall round black ears, and black fured legs.

The youngest and the middle one, wolves and foxes loved them but for a reason the oldest was despised by wolves

she was a different kind of mind, the kind that they hated

she grew up to be the fastest and strongest of her pack but still was neglectec by the ones around

oh the poor half blood they said,

her mind different from ours

but the pack had a closed mind while the oldest half blood had an open one

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