The Child Who Changed Tony St...

By SpiderSon-what

93.8K 2.9K 1.1K


A Night Of Snow..
The Threats Of A Father..
A Terribly Sad Goodbye..
Court ruled...
Painful Memories And Hershey's Park
The Start Of The Storm..
The Middle Of The Storm..
What Is It?
Just Call It A Hunch..
It's Me!
I Know It's Been A While..
I Know The Math!
It's All A Ruse..
Memories And Explanations..
I Know This Is Annoying..
You Can't Have It!
Why Won't You Let Me?
so.. um.. hi?
You Don't Give A Damn About Peter!
The Aftermath..
I'm Dying!
Reliving The Past

To Throw A Birthday Party..

6.9K 204 92
By SpiderSon-what

Song of the Chapter is... Endless Nightmare by Josh A. (Feat. Iamjakehill)

The story of Tony having a son was all over the newspapers and magazines, along with the story of Peter's mother and how she had been arrested. Tony, however, refused to let the reporters put a picture of Peter or his name in the newspapers/magazines for privacy reasons. After Tony had won custody of his child once more, his last name was changed to Stark in private and when he started to go to school, he would use his old name. Tony has decided not to send Peter to school till next year when he'd be in 2nd grade since his son was advanced and he wanted Peter to get used to being around new people first. Tony of course went back to spending time with his son instead of working and though it did annoy Pepper at times, she made an exception as long as Tony showed up to important meetings she didn't care. Peter and Tony were currently out of the tower, they went to the movies and are having a father-son day. 

"Miss Potts, there's a lady at the front desk asking to speak to Mr. Stark?" The receptionist for the lobby of the tower announced through the speakers in Pepper's office. 

"Tell her, he is not in right now." She continued to go through the papers on her desk, not looking up.

"She says she needs to speak to you or Mr. Stark as soon as possible. She says it's about Mr. Stark's son." Pepper's head jolted up faster than you can say, Mr. Stark. 

"Tell her I'll be there momentarily." Pepper walked out of her office to the elevator, a million thoughts flying through her mind, but one was more prominent than the others; what does this lady mean, it's about Peter? 

"Miss Potts." The receptionist greeted and pointed out a lady sitting in a chair, waiting. She had chestnut brown hair, hazel green eyes, and looked nothing over 50. Pepper walked over to her and cleared her throat.

"Hello, are you the woman looking for Mr. Stark about Peter?" Pepper asked with a forced smile and the lady smiled gently.

"Yes, I am. My name is May Parker, sister to Mary Parker and Peter's aunt." The lady introduced and Pepper raised an eyebrow, shaking the outstretched hand.

"Follow me to my office and we can talk." Pepper didn't wait for a response and walked forward, not really caring if May was following or not. When they reached her door, Pepper opened it and gestured for May to enter. Once she sat at her desk and May was across from her, she folded her hands and stared at the woman suspiciously. May shifted uncomfortably and Pepper decided to question her.

"Why are you here?"

"I want to meet my nephew." May responded truthfully and Pepper raised her eyebrow higher.

"Meet? He's 5 and you're telling me you've never met him?" May nodded, smilingly sadly and gaining a distant look as if remembering something.

"You see, when Mary said she was pregnant, she still didn't have a job and I couldn't let her stay with me in my tiny apartment; there was barely any space. I hadn't known the man she was with, kicked her out after finding out she was pregnant with Mr. Stark's baby. Mary got mad when I couldn't take her in and cut me off. I had found out from her that my nephew supposedly died and wanted absolutely nothing to do with her.

"It made me sick that she wasn't even upset when it happened and she had moved in with a new man. When I read in the papers what had happened with my sister and that Peter was still alive, I had to meet him. My.. Husband died years ago when he tried to stop a robbery and it had been disheartening to hear I had lost my nephew as well." May explained, in tears by the end and Pepper felt pity for her. She smiled softly at May and stood, giving her a hug. 

"You can wait in the penthouse. Neither Tony or Peter are home right now, but you can wait with Rhodey until they get back." May smiled and thanked Pepper as they walked to the elevator, going up to the penthouse. 

☆☆☆☆☆ Time Skip Brought To You By Pepper Stabbing Mary Mentally ☆☆☆☆☆☆

"Did you enjoy the movie, Pete?" Tony asked his excited 5-year-old, who skipped with him out of the elevator.

"Yeah! Wall-E got a girlfriend." Peter smiled and Tony looked at him fondly.
Tony was confused when his son stopped short and looked in the direction Peter was staring in. He was surprised to find his best friend sitting there with another person.

"Hey, Rhodes who is this?" Tony asked as he gestured to the female across from him. 

"This is May Parker, Peter's aunt. She wanted to meet him." Tony rose an eyebrow and looked May up and down.

"Mary's sister?" May nodded and looked down at Peter. Peter looked at May with curiosity and evaluated her. She looked a lot like Mary, and Peter wasn't sure if they were that alike.

"Hi Peter, I'm your Aunt May." May spoke kindly and gave a warm smile. She bent to Peter's height and Peter hesitantly walked forward, still gripping Tony's hand.

"Are you like mommy?" Peter asked, scared and May frowned, shaking her head.

"No. I'm so sorry. If I knew, I would've helped." May had tears in her eyes and Peter could tell it was genuine. He let go of his father's hand and hugged May tightly. 

"It's okay, Aunt May." Peter whispered and May relaxed in his arms, wrapping hers around him. 

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to meet you." May smiled and Peter pulled away, going back to his father. Tony eyed May suspiciously before smiling and sitting around with the three. The four had long conversations and at one point, Peter brought out toys to play with May. It was an interesting evening and Peter passed out around 8 pm. Rhodey brought him to his room and walked back out to Tony and May, who was just getting ready to leave.

"Thank you for letting me meet my nephew. I'd like to set it up to where I can see him regularly, and spend time with him if it's okay with you?" May asked, turning to look at Tony and he narrowed his eyes.

"You can see him Saturdays and Sundays. However, if I find out you hurt my son, in any way or have any ill intentions, it won't end well for you." Tony warned and she frowned.

"I would never intentionally cause harm to my nephew." May responded and Rhodey crossed his arms.

"Good, then we have nothing to worry about, right? The 5-year-old in that room is beyond special. His happiness is everything, if you do anything to ruin that happiness, I'll make sure you're miserable." Rhodey interjected and Tony nodded. May nodded and walked to the elevator, leaving the building.

"I don't trust her." Tony spoke and Rhodey put his hand on Tony's shoulder.

"I know Tones, but you should give her a chance. Peter seems to like her." Tony sighed and looked away.

"I'll give her a chance, but only for Peter. I swear if she hurts him-"

"We'll make sure she doesn't, Tones, but for right now; we need to give her a chance and push away the negative thinking. Pepper seemed to trust her enough to let her see Peter, and we all know how overprotective she is when it comes to her new son." Tony chuckled and nodded.

"You're right. You sleeping over again?" Rhodey smiled and shook his head.

"Nah, got a meeting with Ross in the morning, so I gotta head home. I'll be over after to spend time with my nephew." Tony put his hand over his heart in mock defense. 

"You don't even come to see me anymore, now it's all about my son. That hurts Rhodes." Rhodey rolled his eyes and lightly punched Tony's shoulder.

"Alright, I'm leaving. See you, tomorrow pal." Rhodey entered the elevator and Tony shook his head, frowning as soon as Rhodey was gone. Can I really trust her though? Tony walked to his room and stripped, before climbing into bed and falling fast asleep.

♤♤♤♤♤♤ Chapter Break Brought To You By The Foolish Best Friends ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤

It's been 4 months since May had met Peter and they got along great. She was wary about Tony having her nephew since he had a drinking problem, but she and Pepper got along great. It was only 9 days before Peter's birthday and Peter's family was planning a surprise party. He didn't have friends, so Tony invited some of his workers who had kids and some other people he wanted to introduce to Peter. Pepper was the main one in charge of the party and decided to ask Tony some questions so she knew what to do.

"Hey Tony, what are Peter's favorite colors?" She asked walking into his lab and he looked up at her from behind his table.

"Um, blue and white. Make sure there's not too much blue though." He mentioned and she raised an eyebrow.


"Sometimes he thinks he'll drown if there's too much blue. Also, make sure Captain America along with Hulk decorations are around. I don't know how- well I do- but the kid knows about a dead hero and a green radioactive scientist." He shook his head and Pepper lowered her Stark pad, peering over at him. It is truly amazing how much Peter has managed to change Tony in a matter of 8 months.

Anthony Edward Stark was always the type of person who was very predictable at times. He was assumed to be very selfish and self-centered. He was known as the multi-billionaire playboy philanthropist. Though he is still a multi-billionaire and philanthropist, he's no longer a playboy since he has Pepper and Peter, but no one else knows that. Pepper and Tony decided to keep their relationship a secret for the time being, so as to not raise questions about Pepper's position in the company; though she had her position long before they got together. Now that Peter was in Tony's life, he's taken more responsibilities than he used to. Anthony Edward Stark is now going to work more since Peter ensures he does. He also pays more attention to Pepper and Rhodey, secretly getting to know everything about the two; something he's never really bothered to do in the past, though they're his best friends. He's changed a lot since Peter and his best friends were convinced Peter was an angel sent from above.

"Did you need any help with the party?" Tony asked surprising Pepper. She raised an eyebrow and he looked up from his table. "I'm serious, Pep. This is his first party, and I want it to be the very best. He deserves it.." He whispered the last part, but Pepper heard and her heart melted. She smiled softly and walked to him.

"It will be. You can help by taking him out the whole day, then bring him back at 4 pm." Tony smiled and nodded.

"I know exactly what to do.." Pepper smiled and kissed his forehead, walking out of the lab. 


I was actually excited about Peter's birthday. It was 9 days away, but I wanted to make sure it was the best. My little angel of a son deserves nothing, but the best and as long as I can give him the best; I will. He was turning 6 and it was also important because it's been 8 months since he came into my life and changed me for the better. I already had the biggest surprise for him and couldn't wait to give it to him. I finished with the updates on some new weapons and looked to the door as it opened.

"Daddy!" Peter exclaimed running in with Rhodey right behind him, a smile on his face. I stood and picked Peter up in my arms.

"Hey, little guy! Did you have fun at the park with Uncle Rhodey?" I asked and he nodded quickly, a giant smile plastered on his face.

"Yea! We went on the swings and I went down the slide. A kid pushed me off the swing, though." He frowned and I narrowed my eyes, glancing at Rhodey.

"Did you get hurt?" I asked and scanned him for any injuries, as he shook his head.

"I'm okay, daddy. He just wanted the swing and the others were taken, so he took mine. It's okay though. He seemed happy to be on the swing and I finished swinging anyway." He replied and I smiled. This child is too nice for his own good.

"As long as you're okay." I smiled and lead him upstairs, Rhodey following as well. He adored hanging with my best friend and I was glad they were so close. It's not like I was jealous when he left with him. Not at all.

"Can we watch Finding Nemo?" Peter asked as we sat on the couch in the living area and I smiled nodding, turning it on. We all got seated and I lay with Peter. My eyes got heavier and heavier as the movie went on. I eventually fell asleep but made sure Peter was alright before doing so.

"Get some sleep. I'll make sure nothing happens." Rhodey spoke and I nodded, sending him a grateful smile as sleep took over.

◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Another Line Break From Tony Stark Himself ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

"C'mon daddy!" Peter dragged his father to the car and Tony chuckled.

"Slow down, Speedy Mcgee. You don't even know where we're going." Peter stopped short and almost caused his dad to crash into him. Tony stopped short right before running into his son and Peter looked up at him with his head tilted.

"Where are we going?" He asked and Tony smiled.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." They got in the car and Tony took off to Peter's surprise. Once there, Peter was bouncing in excitement and Tony smiled. Peter looked out the window and gasped out loud. It was a big amusement park on the pier of New York and Peter was amazed. 

"What is this?" Peter asked and Tony chuckled, unbuckling his seat belt.

"An amusement park. I thought we could go on rides and stuff." He got out of the car and unbuckled Peter from his car seat in the back seat and walked to the park holding Peter's hand. They got tickets and went on their way. They stopped at the Ferris wheel first and Peter got scared.

"What's wrong, bud?" Tony asked, noticing his son's discomfort and Peter looked up at him, before looking back to the ride.

"I-im scared of heights." He stuttered and Tony smiled.

"It's okay, Pete. Nothing will happen to you, I promise." Peter looked skeptical, but nodded and got on. They got to the top and Peter slowly smiled.

"This is fun." He giggled and Tony smiled. It was currently 1 pm and Peter was full of energy(mainly because Tony gave him cotton candy, of course). "Can we go there next?" Peter asked adorably as he pointed at the hoop on a bottle stand and Tony smiled.

"Of course." Let's just say, Tony played the game several times and didn't win. It was finally Peter's turn and he was nervous after watching his father fail several times. He watched the bottles intently and threw them carefully on the bottles, each one landing perfectly on the bottles. He looked up to his dad and Tony was wide-eyed, mouth open in shock. 

"Good job, kid. What prize did you want?" The guy at the counter asked with a smirk and Peter put his hand to his chin in thought.

"I want the... Monkey!" He giggled and the guy smiled.

"Adorable kid, Stark." The guy said handing over the prize and Tony smirked, finally composed. 

"I know." As Tony and Peter continued to walk around and play games, more people began to recognize Tony. At one of the last games, Peter got overwhelmed by the whispers and stares coming from surrounding people. Tony felt Peter squeeze his hand and looked down to see his son upset. He stopped and bent to his son's height.

"What's wrong, Peter?" He asked and Peter looked down.

"T-too loud." He whispered and Tony nodded, grabbing hold of his hand tighter. They started to walk to the car and the cameramen started coming out of every direction. In a quick action, Peter was picked up into Tony's arms and a hood was placed over his head. Tony held his head to his chest and pushed through the group. It took a bit, and by the time they were at the car, it was finally time for the party. Tony pulled Peter back and frowned when he saw his son crying.

"That was scary, huh?" Tony asked softly and Peter nodded hugging his monkey closer to his chest. Tony hugged his kid and sighed. "I'm sorry Pete. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." He whispered and Peter dropped his monkey, hugging Tony around the neck.

"I love you, daddy." He whispered and Tony smiled, pulling back.

"I love you too, Peter." He kissed his forehead and buckled him in before shutting the door. He got in his car and took off to the tower. By the time they arrived, Peter was passed out in the back and Tony smiled. He got out and gently woke up Peter. He woke up sleepily and smiled. 

"Hi daddy." He muttered and Tony chuckled. He picked his son up and walked inside. Peter got confused when they got to the penthouse and the lights were off in the living area. He heard several heartbeats and breaths, so when the lights came on he wasn't as surprised. 

"Surprise!" They whisper yelled as per directed by not only Tony but Rhodey and Pepper as well. Peter tilted his head in confusion and looked up at his father.

"Is this for me?" He asked and Tony smiled, nodding.

"Of course it is. Happy birthday Peter." Peter got excited but scared at all the new faces. Some kids ran up to him and although he was shy at first, he ran off with the other children to play. That was when the elevator opened and Peter froze in his place, looking directly at the guy exiting the elevator. No one else noticed, but May walked up to him with a smile on her face and kissed him.

"Ed, I'm so glad you could make it. Let me introduce you to my nephew." May spoke and led the guy further into the room. As they got closer to Peter, Ed smirked at the sight of the child and Peter was shaking. He looked around for Pepper, Tony or Rhodey, but was greeted with unfamiliar faces instead. He was trapped and he didn't know what to do. He refused to cry, but as they neared him, his eyes began to water. 

            Word Count: 3,217

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