The Crossdressing Mate. (COMI...


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A new boy starts school his name is Louis. But Lou has a dark secret. He's not who he appears to be but under... More

History teacher
Authors Note/ Characters
Should I go to Homecoming?

Should I go to homecoming part 2

268 11 10

👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆                                                                              Glorianna came down and saw my blushed face and said " Hey boo are you OK? Your face is all hot" I just stared at her as I remember the events that just unfolded, Jason's soft plump lips smashing into my own with his hands caressing my body as a heat built up inside burning from his touch, wanting him to touch me more.

I looked up at the only friend I made at school and nodded replying to her saying " yeah I'm fine; so you ready to go ?"
" yes let's go"
    " and by the way holy shit you look fucking amazing, plus we're did you get those pumps from"
" a girl never tells, and thank you, you look good today as well. Now let's go"

Me and Glorianna walked out of her house and got into my car. We then drove down the streets of L.A. and made our way to the most popular mall in L.A. , after driving for a couple minutes.

We finally made it to South Coast Plaza. The biggest mall in L.A.

We both got out of my car. And walked into the mall. After a couple of hours of shopping. We both went to the food court to get some Chinese cuisine. But when we we're both standing in the line for our turn.

I felt a gust of wind on my back and turned around to the sliding doors then see the devil himself walk through the door.

All of a sudden I couldn't breathe and all the memories of us together when I thought he was the very first love of my life but he turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. The fights, The arguments, And his abuse where I would get a black eye and a bruise lip every day for almost two years that I spent with that animal. 

I thought I turned around fast enough  but  that wasn't the case today when he caught my eye sight and  smirked  up to me.

I turned back around and saw the line had moved up and the people  behind me were getting agitated with me.

I walked up close enough to Glorianna and just kept looking forward.  I felt a hand go up my arm then to my waist.

I was about to push the son of a bitch off me, when I caught a glance that it wasn't Drake who was touching me it was my history teacher Mr.Brouche.

What the hell??!! " Hi Mr.Brouche how did you get here, what are you doing here?" 

" Well I saw  you and I just wanted to come over here and say hi to you"  " oh ok well it's good to see you out of class, it's like you just keep getting hotter everywhere you go"

" sorry what was that" oh dear god I said that out loud he's gonna think I'm one of those whores who just want to sleep with teachers  to get a leg up in the grading system.

" oh nothing just got something caught in my throat"
" so what would you like to eat lunch's on me"
I couldn't  dare think about eating right now while I looked over Mr.Brouche shoulder there stood Drake with murder in his eyes glaring  daggers at my history teacher.

" You know what Mr.Elijah can we just skip lunch and take a walk" " yeah sure, let's go"  as I turned back around  to  glare daggers  at Drake it's like he vanished into thin air.

It's ok I'm  not going to let fear dictate  how my life is going to go, those memories are just memories and  I won't  make that mistake  again. " So what are you going to be wearing to homecoming?"

I smirked at Mr.Elijah wondering  how does he know I even want to go to homecoming.  Unless he truly wants me to be there, is it possible that Mr.Elijah  actually  might have a crush on me?

" How do you know I'll even be at homecoming huh?" " I...I....I t-thought you may it was just an educated guess" " Well I will be going I just don't have a date but I'll find someone  they may be near or far" I turned to look at his face to catch his reaction  and he's blushing like crazy.

Then all of a sudden his mood change and we were both walking towards the parking lot to our car. I see Glorianna with all the bags waving me down and now walking towards me and Mr.Elijah.

Next thing I know I'm spun around leaning against a car with a sexy ass teacher in between my legs while he lean in closer, his hands on my waist holding them still against the car as his breath coaxed my ear and he said " I do have someone in mind about 13 different people"

He leans back up and I start to close my eyes thinking that this beautiful  man is going to kiss me. When I open my eyes back up in front of me is Glorianna  panting with an angry frown on her face.

" Bitch you left me to talk to our history teacher then you see me waving at you cause I carried ALL THESE BAGS back to your car and your not there, do you know how hot it is I have been looking all over for you." " Earth to Lou what are you looking at." I didn't mean to ignore Glorianna but I couldn't stop thinking about Elijah how his breath felt on my body his hands on me. I couldn't figure out these feelings then all of a sudden my mind drifted of to Glorianna's brother and the same events that happened today.

This dress must be like my lucky charm" Sorry Glorianna I didn't mean to skip out on you let's go back to my place and start shopping online for our prom dress. If I make it up to you by letting you borrow my pumps?" " HELL YES".

Me and Glorianna got all the bags put into the back seat and started our journey back home. While I was driving I kept thinking  about the two main hot sexy big thick muscly guys in my life wondering  'Fuck, I'm screwed'.

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