πŸ…•πŸ…πŸ…œπŸ…˜πŸ…›πŸ…¨ πŸ…‘πŸ…žπŸ…žπŸ…š 5

By bloodedge_alter_god

3.6K 255 5.4K

you know the drill...enjoy our moments and welcome to the family More

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Jason And Jenny Fact
the rising of the blood signer
the search and the blood duel
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liz new look
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the awakening
jenny new duel disks
the change
the millennium mirror
the final battle
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jason's new girlfriend and servant
jade and alter jaden duel disk
special duel
jeki fact
jeki duelist bio
jeki wallpaper
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tag duel of acient beings
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jeki,jaden and alter jaden main decks
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kyu's upgrade
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alter jaden and jade rematch
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Inside Jeki Soul
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the holy gray race
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nathan moment
jake's new girlfriends
jason new girlfriends
hisame fact
hisame and madoka kids
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liz most powerful weapon
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jojo pose
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jason with the aozaki sisters
jeki artifact
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flandre new outfit
jason with sona buvelle
jason with sarah fortune
ren's new girlfriend
ren's new girlfriend
jake's new girlfriends
ren's gift
jason's new girlfriends
jason's new powers
jason with caenis
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liz's new friend
jason with angelica
jason's new kids
jason's new girlfriend
the doom of the duelist
jason's new kids
jason's new girlfriends
Dance Time
Sports Time
Jason's New Girlfriend And An Odd Story
Jason Fact
I Did It Again
Final Chapter An Request

the duel agaist the inner seft and an dark revelation

22 2 86
By bloodedge_alter_god

jenny was an her room until an call came


ishuzu:i found the location


she tell her

jenny:thanks*ende the call an go into room where  the blade is

jenny:all right let's finish this*pull out the banbages*


leo,luna and mokuba

luna:jenny be acting distand

leo:yeah i mosty see her organize her deck

mokuba:yeah like face so big deal

luna:hey how about we hang out with her maybe that cheer up

leo:yeah that would work what you think mokuba..............*look at him*mokuba?

mokuba:guys.........*point the machine who hold the katana*

they look and turn into horror

leo:the sword is gone!!??

luna:you not think

makoba:let's chek the room

they enter room and it was empthy

luna:oh no

leo:this bad this b-a-d bad

mokuba:there must be some clue

luna:look an the bed

they look and there was an note

"if want to find jenny then go to this location better hurry the best show is gonnad happen there~"

they below and see the  location

mokuba:this is an egypt

leo:we better find


they turn aroud and see the rest


they explain

kaiba:dammit that girl oalways take risk no matter what we tell

yugi:we need to go maybe we can catch her


kaiba:we go an our jet 

jesse:you have an jet! can i use it?

kaiba:not an chance you worm


yusei:hey is not time to wasted

they nod and goes to the jet


they arrive to egytpt

jasen:we are here now what

kaiba:the location show is the north oh here i have vehicules ready to take us there


akiza:jenny will go this far?

carly:well she is not the same when part of her soul was sealed maybe she want to recover to be like before

jack:i with carly i guess i do the same

jaden:but with o without she is our friend

yugi:yeah she is still with us even an the harderst times

kaiba:.....for once i agreed

luna:then let's go


they arrive to the location

joey:soo is an caved..damm why always caves

bakuya:unleast we don't deal with traps


they enter and see ishuzu

yugi:ishuzu? why you doing here

ishuzu:i expect all you you must wonder why jenny come here

jaden:well yeah you know why?

ishuzu nod and explain about the mirror

luna:sooo let me get strainght this mirror will separete her and her blood signer side right

ishuzu nod

alexis:and then both of then will duel and who ever wins will decide the destiny of the other?


akiza:wait is that posible when they get separated jenny will have her full soul?

jaden:that must be why she need to use the blade she will make her blood signer side appear an then use the mirror to finish her off

ishuzu:it is but is not gonnad be easy i can see her battle is gonnad be hard for her

tea:then we gonnad support her

ishuzu:all right she is more foward and she is about to start i will come along

they nod and continue more futher until they met jenny with the blade on her arms but it happen the bandages

mokuba:wait why she is not turned

ishuzu:the bandages seal her opwer soo she can carried it safety

jenny:that is right*turn to then*you gonnad stop me?

yugi:no we know about the mirror just we wish you luck

jaden:i know you can


the rest support her

jenny:thanks.....all right here goes

she unrapped the blade and grab it and istanty feel the pain


and she was cover an dark aura

yugi:here goes

there was an pillar of dark frames before dissapiar to reveal her on her blood singer form

ishuzu:this...this blood lust is not normal!

kaiba:we have the same reaction from the first time

blood jenny was about to do something the millennium mirror active and she turn aroud

blood jenny:what the!?

there was an bright light and then jenny was not longer there

joey:hey where she go?

ishizu:inside the mirror look

they look an the mirror to reveal someskin an water land with an purple moon

they look up and see jenny and blood jenny fell to the water but they keep floating

yugi:there they are

joey:let's hope she can do it

jenny stand up

jenny:i...i feel i back thank god*look to blood jenny*soo you must my blood signer 

blood jenny:i don't need to answer now what you done!?

jenny:easy the mirror put us here only one of us can leave here and is gonnad be by dueling

blood jenny:i way stonger than before soo i will not lose this time*summor her blood disk*

jenny:you not the only who got an upgrade*raise her hand*restrition realise..active code pharaon

her hand start to shine

tea:that is new

mai:code pharaon? is that relate to you yugi?

yugi:i don't know about that{what you think other me}

yami:{no idea}

her jand stop shining to reveal an full set of cards

blood jenny:that energy....you have the pharaoh deck!?

jenny:with this i will beat you*put the set on her holo duel disk as the cards turn holo and goes inside*

mai:no way

jaden:how she manage to use the pharaoh deck?

yugi:i don't either she is full of suprises

joey:she have this for sure

yusei:but we don't know what deck blood jenny will use

alexis:let's cross finger 

leo:come on jenny kick her ass

luna:uhh leo both are the same thing soo you ask to kick her own ass


kaiba:it start

they look back to the mirror

jenny and blood jenny:duel!!

duel theme

jenny{yugi}vs blood jenny{zarc}

blood jenny:gahhh!!!*fell to the floor*

joey:she did it!!


izhisu:now she must choose her fate

tea:what is the choice

izhisu:destroy her,trap her inside the mirror o became one with her

alexis:i douth she pick the last one

ccarly:and the second she not that clue

yusei:i guess is destroy her

three orbs appear aroud jenny show her her options she was about to pick the first one until her body stop suddely

jenny:w w what?

joey:hey what is goin on

jaden:something is off

the dimesion start to turn dark

akiza:what is goin on?

izhusu:the mirror will reveal the past and deeper troughs

they look an the mirror and anything turn black

leo:i don't see nothing

they hear cry of an girl

kaiba:something is off 

then an girl who was on her knees was cry as her hands cover her face and she have black hair and wounds on her body

mai:oh my god

girl:..why*sniff*why everyone hate me...*sniff*i didn't nothing wrong

there was an crack on the mirror

mokuba:is it gonnad break it!?

ishuzu:no is her mild who is shatter

yugi:oh my god

girl:why no want to be near me i like an freak to then...why

the image crack more

the little girl the turn into woman this time have worse wounds 


akiza:it must be an horrible life to her

woman:and then i trough i will have hope they....they crush then

another crack

woman:they betray me

more cracks

woman:they humillated me,,,hurt me

more cracks

joey:she is reaching her limit

tea:oh god

woman:and then.....try to kill me.....i*crack*...i.....*crack*i......HATE THEN!! EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS WORLD

the image shatter into pieces

kaiba:her mild broke

jack:that must be why she do this

they see an image of the woman who have badages and show her face

woman:after i survive i went to find out why..they...they nerver wanted an the first place......they celebrate my death like the best thing of the world,..that make ralise the all the humans of the world are the worst creatures ever and ....

there was another crack 

woman:i make sure of that all then die and have the same pain and horror as me and wipe all then out

the image turn balck

kaiba:soo all this is revenge

joey:okay i get she want to do that but why all us

jaden:maybe she think all the person are like then

woman:there is something who can help me...there was an mythical demon who almost destroy the humanity but it was seal...but there is an way to release it....the blood of the people who seal him.....my.....so call "family"

mai:she is not thiking what i she about to do

jack:an this point she will do anything

the adults cover the younger ones eyes and hears as the mirror show the woman outside the house with an katana

akiza:oh god

jesse:i can't see is too much

the image turn black but then...blood spalsh on the mirror make some of the duelist scream and other make close to vomit,,but there was more....and more as they ear the sound of cutting along

joey:i gonnad vomit

yusei:god it must be really broke

carly:*have her eyes cover*is over?

the blood dissapair to reveal the girl

and below to her was the dead bodies of 2 adults,1 teenage and 3 kids

everyone was an horror with the scene

yusei:oh od

akiza:*cover her mouth*she ..she murder then even the kids!?

jaden:i know she wants revenge but that is too far

kaiba:with an girl who milde broke nothing is far

woman:this...was just hte begining of my revenge and destrotion of the humankind

the mirror turn black to only reveal thw woman inside the temple with the bags cover of blood

joey:what she is planing?

carly:*uncover her eyes*maybe use the bodies to release the beast

the woman reach an circle as she uncheat her katana and the blood drop cause the circle to glow an portal on the floor appear

???:give me the blood

the woman goes to the bags and pull out the bodies and trhow then inside the portal

mai:she does't that like nothing

jack:on this point nothing will stop her

yugi:it must be really broke to reach thoses limits and do thoses acts

the woman goes to the final body who was the adult woman but then the body start to move as the woman look to the face and see she was alive


the adutl look at her an horror and try to run away

woman:i cut you legs

the image reveal the legs be cut

jaden:i gonnad vomit*hold it*

the woman raise her blade as the dult try to scream


the image turn black onlt to then more blood start to splash on the mirror as sound of cuts goes along

mai:i gonnad have nightmare after this

the blood dissapair as the mirrow show the woman trow the rest of the adult to the portal as the portal glow red and marks of the circle appear as the woman step back then aout theportal an giant creature appear and roar

joey:oh god is super scary

jesse:i don't want to deal with that

the demon look at her

demon:soo you are the one who free me..i suprise people of you kinda want me free hafter i almost wipe out you existence

woman:i want to do that and you succend this time

demon:oh really and why is that

woman:i see the true nature of the humanity and i sick of it and have enough and i ask you help to destroy once for all

demon:i see*the demon look at her her eyes as his grow*i see even i want to destroy anything i can't toralent thoses kind of actions soo as a reward i will give you the power an together we destroy anything

woman:i wish for that i make my goal complete

mai:oh god

yubel:her hate was big enough to want to cause the doom to anything

yugi:i wonder if we could help her that change to something better

the mirror show the demon raise her hand as the woman was cover an red energy


when the energy leave she have an new form



yugi:that is the form jenny have when she bacame the blood signer

yubel:she must be the reason why she turn into that

demon:soo what is you name

woman:i never have an name an my life no one want it

demon:then you name from now on is ketsueki fukushu and from now on we become the blood signers

ketsueki nod

kaiba:that name means blood revenge

ketsueki:and since that my revenge begin

the mirror have blood

ketsueki:we start fast and simple along with nasaru the demon i summor who create the army

more blood spat

ketsueki:thoses fool try to stop us but it was pointless

more blood spat

ketsueki:i make sure..every..single...person of that...place...have..an hell like me...no one was spare the looks of horror of the people who see me as the freak....was now the demon who make they lives hell....when i kill

more blood appear

ketsueki:i don't feel happyness,just nothing......i only fill my revenge and my bloodlust..

the mirror reveal ketsueki cut someone head as he look back to seal the road of deap copsers

tea:oh my god

jaden:she kill all then!

ketsueki:and then we expand and destroy any human an our wair

the mirror have blood  along with war sounds

ketsueki:they coudn't stop us they know the weak and nothing ....thing, they believe becomen the worse nightmare until the day they manage to beat us they beat nasaru first as an last gift they give the remmain of his power and blood as me was an the final room with my weapon

the mirror show ketsueki on an big room with her katana an hand

joey.that is the katana jenny use

yusei:is right

ketsueki:i know i will not fall if i do i will rather kill my seft

she unsheath her katana as the door open

ketsueki:i will bring then with me an hell!!

the image turn back again as they hear battles sound along with cuts

ketsueki:only an few survive but they mnange to beat an seal me istead of kill me....fools...with the power of nasaru i will set free soo i wait for an long time...when i free i was an spirit, my body was destroy soo i wander around an the future even after centuries my hate was big as ever

joey:wow all the time and she not chill wow it must be big

yusei:all that hated

akiza:{it remind by myseft but i will never reach thoses limites}

ketsueki:as i was walking i notice many things change from time i was ..then..i met "her"

the image show ketsueki watch jenny

yugi:what but what she did

ketsueki:that girl...have hte best like ever have friedns,family people who support her,and even die for her becasue the good relation..she have the life

the mirror crack mutiples time

ketsueki:i never have that and i get the full oppositve istead since that i have one thing an mild aside to destroy the hunamity

more cracks

ketsueki:destroy her full life and make her feel the same pain as i did back then

mai:she did what!?

kaiba:i guess make sense someone who only met the bad things met someone who met the good things it was obvious that happen

jaden:yeah but why her she didn't nothing wrong

ketsueki:soo i enter inside her body without realise i was an shock with her great power she have it will my return much better

jaden:oh right jenny have super powers


ketsueki:i wait for an while until it happen

the mirrow reveal the moment jenny turn into the blood signer the first time

yugi:yeah that was shoking

ketsueki:she try to resting but an the end i manage to have control but i was weak soo i manage to get some blood from people while i make the way to the palace

the mirror show blood jenny on the the room the duelist find her

ketsueki:i was about to start my plan but then

her body start to freeze and as ice sorround her take the form of cristal

ketsueki:it try to stop but it only for an while

then she was inside the cristal 

ketsueki:but i will came out and when that happen i will make my plan

the image show ketsueki an the darkness

ketsueki:and maybe*tear up as an tear fall to the floor*i can find peace

the mirror stop show her and reveal back the stage where jenny and blood jenny was

yugi:sooo she did this as revenge of the poeple did to her

yusei:her mild must be soo broken to reac the point of kill and wipe out the humanity

joey:i don't blame i will feel te same with that

jaden:it remind to yubel but with an worse fate

tea:soo jenny is gonnad end her?

ishuzu:it depends jenny olso watch her memories

mai:soo maybe she can do something

back an the arena

jenny:{soo she did becasue for what they did to her}.....*look at her*

blood jenny:what you wating for end this already

jenny:no..you pass an lot of pain when you were an girl

blood jenny:you don't nothing about me!!

jenny:i know ketsueki i see all you memories you hate toward me soo i gonnad change it

jenny{jaden} ketsueki{yubel} end the video 0:54

the mirror start to glow

yusei:what is goin on?

izhusu:se choose to become one the mirror will pull out they together as one

mia:let's cross finger they will good after that

 the mirror stop glow to reveal an new girl{only the hair,eyes and mark colors}

along with an dress she wear


she nod and look back and they see the spirtis see jenny and ketsueki spirits

jenny:we now together

ketsueki:after all the things i did you still want to help me?

jenny:of course because i will help you remove thoses back memories

ketsueki tear up and cry while hug jenny as she hug her back

yugi:looks like she did it

kaiba:even what keisuke did she still want to help her

tea:she have an noble hear

akiza:wait if both became one what is gonnad be the name now?

the girl think of the name

jeki:jeki i my name is jeki bloodedge fukushu

jaden:that is kinda intimated

jeki:i could kill you if i want


jeki laugh

jeki:sorry about that

jaden:never do that you hear

ketsueki giggle

leo:wow you laugh

ketsueki:oh..god i laugh..i..never do that an my life..

yugi:olso ketsueki we all became you friends will never betray you and be there on you side


izhusu:now when both became one you accept you fate

both spirts nod

izhusu:all right

yugi:let's go back

they nod and everyone leave the place as they leave 

jenny 44 see anything

jenny:well you back to youseft now and with an new friend

jason 19 talk to her with an cuminicator

jason 19:you done?

jenny 44:yep se is back to herseft i will find the clone on this country

jason 19:you better and don't get side track

jenny:i won't jeez

they cumunication end  as jenny 44 walk away an a diferent direction

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