Invalid Parameters

By Bright_Girl1214

570 6 18

My complaining c: More


570 6 18
By Bright_Girl1214

Okay so I noticed many people get this stupid fucking glitch, so now I'm going to complain everywhere possible.

Okay, so apparently there's a glitch on mobile version where if your trying to comment, it will sometimes say:

Invalid parameters - End must be bigger then start.

"WHAT THE SHIT DOES THAT MEAN?" Is the question everyone is asking.

So, because of this glitch, I cannot comment stuff on some books (alot of

the time, but not all the time), and that drives me nuts.

So in attempt to help everyone, I'm going to go complain on the Google Play Store, and will try not to set my phone on fire. I would appreciate if you could spread the word too.

With your help, every mobile user can get rid of this shit by donating alot of money to m- er, I mean, by raising awareness to this shit hotdog.

Ways to raise awareness:

Comment on the reviews section of your mobile store where you got this app from (Google Play Store, App Store, BlackBerry World, Mobogenie, 1Mobile Market, etc.)

Email the Wattpad staff, and ask them, kindly, if they could fix this shiet.

If you do the above, we can all work together to get this glitch to end, so we can speak our minds, and cuss out annoying bitches.... TOGETHER.


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