Ikemen Sengoku: A Werewolf St...

By Animefan446

21.1K 740 81

Alexandra Hinamori wasn't your average 21-year-old, she's a werewolf who lived the Alpha of the Moonlight pac... More

A Night Raid Goes Wrong
Let The Chase Begin!
Looks Like Things Are About To Get Interesting
This Is Gonna Be Hard For The Next Three Months In The Sengoku
Alex will have to choose the one who saved her and the one who is a Warlord?
A Close Encounter With The War God
Time Is Not On Our Side When It Comes To The Full Moon
I Can't Be Around Them When They See Me Become A Monster
The Full Moon Arrives
I'm Glad He Accepts For Who I Am Now
The Truth About Me Finally Comes Out
I Wonder If This Is The Feeling Of Finding Your Soul mate
What If She Does Have Feelings For Nobunaga?
I Beginning To Think Something Is Going On Between Us
I'm Not Letting You Leave My Side
Our Little Passionate Night Had Only Just Begun
The Battle Has Just Begun
A Night Raid
I Don't Want To Be In A World Where Those People Look Down On Me
The Moon Goddess, Selene
Reuniting With The Devil King
The War Begins
The Devil King Falls
The God of War Falls and The Devil King Lives
I've been tagged
The Devil King Meets The Moon Goddess
Teaching The Devil King How To Become A Werewolf

Teleported To The Sengoku And Saving Oda Nobunaga's Life

1K 41 4
By Animefan446


"Wake up...wake up, Alex!"

Shadow shouted as I slowly regained continuousness. I sat up and I looked around and I was inside the temple. 

"What in the..? where the heck am I? I thought we were outside and where's Sasuke?"

"I don't know, but, do you smell that?"

I sniffed the air and I realised this place is on fire. I quickly covered my mouth and I looked around while keeping an eye out for Sasuke but, he was nowhere in sight. I knew that I couldn't stick around here for much longer so, I had to find a way out of the building before this place falls apart. As I was looking for a way out, I spotted a man wearing samurai armour and he was just sitting there, asleep?!

'What the hell?! who sleeps through a burning building like this?!'

I shouted and then I spotted a silhouette and he had a sword with him. He slowly walked towards the sleeping man and I knew that I had to do something. I charged towards the mysterious man and I shook him to wake him up.

"Hey! hey! wake up!"

"Ugh...who are you?"

"There's no time for introductions, come on!"

I dragged the man onto his feet and I pulled him along with me to get out of the burning temple. We managed to make it out of the temple, in one piece thankfully. I released the man's hand and I coughed badly since my senses of smell was stronger and sharper than humans.

"Someone tried to do away with me while I slept. To think they manage to kill all the guards and come this close..."

I glanced at the man who I saved after getting my breath back and clearing my senses of smell. 

"It seems I owe you my life. You may be some girl the monks snuck in for entertainment, but, you have my thanks."

"He's certainly a strange guy, isn't he?"

"I'll say."

I spoke to Shadow before checking the man out. I took a closer look at him before walking around him while quietly sniffing his scent.

"What are you doing?"

"Sorry about that, I've never met someone like you before, who are you?"

"You saved me without knowing who I am? I thought you only did it for a reward."

"No, I was just there by pure coincidence besides, I couldn't exactly stand by and watch you get burnt to a crisp."

The man smirked at me and he said to me.

"Very well, I shall tell you. I am the Lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Oda Nobunaga and I am the one who is going to unify this country."

I stood there in shock when he told me who he was. I realised that this man was supposed to have died in Honno-Ji temple. I glanced at the sign that said 'Honno-Ji and that confirmed me that I had somehow teleported back 500 years into the past. I looked at Nobunaga and I asked him.

"This might be a stupid question but, what year is this?"


"Shadow, nip me right now to make sure that I'm not- ow!" I shouted in my head when I felt Star nipping my leg.

I gritted my teeth in pain and then Nobunaga asked me.

"What's with you? don't tell me you got hurt from the flames."

"No, I did not, anyway, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hinamori Alexandra, but, my friends call me Alex for short."

"Hinamori Alexandra huh? that's a nice name."

"You're not the first person to say that to me, by the way, what were you doing in Honno-Ji temple?"

"It's a long story but, that doesn't matter right now..." Nobunaga said as he walked closer to me.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I was surprised by this. 

"You're interesting and I've never known a woman to take an interest in me."

I growled in defence and I jumped away from him thanks to my wolf's reflexes. I growled quietly at Nobunaga so he didn't hear my inner wolf growling at him. He stood there with a surprised expression on his face.

"Well, that was unexpected, what are you? are you a ninja?"

"No, I am not! you just grabbed me without warning! I got a little defensive nothing more!"

I told him as I stood up from the ground. Just then, I heard something from the distance and when I turned to look, I saw a group of men approaching Nobunaga. 

"Lord Nobunaga!"

Nobunaga looked at the newcomers and he said to him.


"I came on orders from Lord Hideyoshi. I am glad you're safe..."

Mitsunari looked at me and he asked him.

"Who is this woman? Isaw you two leaving Honno-Ji together but..."

"I don't know who she is but, she woke me up and saw me to safety."

"You saved Lord Nobunaga's life?! thank you so much."

"It was nothing, by the way, the name's Hinamori Alexandra but, my friends call me Alex."

"It's nice to meet you Lady Alex, I'm Ishida Mitsunari, I serve at the side of Lord Hideyoshi, the right hand of Lord Nobunaga."

Mitsunari said as he bowed politely to me.

"Wow! what an angel!" Shadow shouted unexpectedly.

"I can hear you, you know!" I shouted back at her in my mind.

"But, why were you at Honno-Ji temple? you don't look like a nun."

"It's complicated and it'll take too long to explain."

I said as I crossed over my arms with an 'it's none of your business' look on my face.

"Well, however you got in there, you saved Lord Nobunaga's life and I am so grateful for that."

"That's true, anyway, my subordinate will give you a change of clothes."

I glanced down at myself and my modern clothes were wrecked and they were covered in sot from the fire. 

"Oh brother and I just got this hoodie as well," I mumbled quietly and then I followed after Nobunaga and Mitsunari.

Mitsunari led me to the campsite and then he gave me a change of clothes. Mitsunari had given me a white kimono with light flowers on it.

"Here you go, please change into these."

"Thanks," I said as I went into one of the tents to get changed.

I got changed out of my modern clothes and I got changed into the kimono that Mitsunari gave me. I fixed my hair into a ponytail and then I stepped out of the tent. The moment I stepped out of the tent, Mitsunari along with Nobunaga and his soldiers stared at me with shocked looks on their faces.

"What?" I asked them but then they went back to what they were doing.

"Hehe, these guys make it look like they've never seen a woman before," Shadow comment while holding back her laughs.

"Well, that was unexpected," I heard Nobunaga mumbled.

I looked at him and he said to me.

"When you were wearing that hood, I couldn't see your face properly but now..." Nobunaga looked at me up and down and I knew what he was getting at.

I blushed a little and I looked away from him.

'Oh, good grief...I guess Ayame was right, having beautiful looks can be a curse!'

"My lord, I see you are well."

"Mitsuhide?" Nobunaga spoke up as the newcomer arrived at camp.

'Akechi Mitsuhide? now I remember that name, he was supposed to be the one who betrayed Nobunaga and started a rebellion.'

I thought to myself as I stared at him up and down. 

"I hurried here when I heard about the attack, but, it seems there was nothing for me to worry about."

"You, worry? don't make me laugh. I've never seen you sweat."

As I watched Nobunaga smile at the man who I knew as his betrayer, the back of my hair stood on end and then Shadow growled a little.

"Creep...we better keep our distance from this guy."

"I know."

I told her until another person burst through the curtain. 

"Lord Nobunaga! are you injured?"

"Hideyoshi, the only injury I suffered is my pride in letting my assailant escape."

"I see."

I looked at Hideyoshi and I thought to myself.

'Toyotomi Hideyoshi, if I recall correctly, he's supposed to be Nobunaga's right-hand man or bodyguard.'

Mitsuhide looked at me and then he asked me.

"Are you the woman who saved Lord Nobunaga?"

"You could say that my name's Alex."

"I'm Mitsuhide and you're such a slender thing too but, your courage makes up for it."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Hideyoshi frowned at Mitsuhide and he said to him.

"Mitsuhide, what are you doing here?"

"I was wondering the same thing, I didn't know you were in Kyoto. What about the campaign?"

"When I heard about the threat of Lord Nobunaga's life, I dropped everything to come here, but, I never heard anything about you being in Kyoto."

"Are you implying something?"

"Can you swear before our Lord you weren't plotting anything?"

Mitsuhide didn't answer him. The two eyes locked on each other as the tension in the air fill between them.

'Oh boy, this is gonna get ugly.'

I thought to myself as I looked between the fox and the monkey. Mitsuhide smiled at Hideyoshi and he said to him.

"All men have secrets in these chaotic times. Are you saying you act with no ambition of your own?"

"Stop being evasive, confess."

Hideyoshi's eyes flared and he gripped his sword ready to draw.

"If I find out you played any part in this attack on our Lord, Mitushide, I'll show you no mercy."

"Hold it!" I shouted at Hideyoshi before he can draw his sword.

"What now?" Hideyoshi asked with a frown.

"I was there at the temple and I can tell you it wasn't Mitsuhide who was trying to assassinate Lord Nobunaga, the drape of his clothes was all wrong and he's completely spotless."

'Plus, he doesn't smell like he's been near any fires. Mitsuhide definitely wasn't there.'

"Alexandra was it? stay out of this. We'll settle things with you later and learn why you've schemed to get close to Lord Nobunaga."

"Excuse me?! stay out of it?! I was there at the temple and I know what I saw! you should be thanking me instead of accusing me!"

"Thanking you?! why should I? you're just some random woman who appeared out of nowhere and as far as I can tell, you might be a spy from another army."

"A spy?! why the hell would I be a spy when I don't know anything about you or your Lord for that matter?!"

"She has a good point, besides, I don't think I've ever met someone as feisty as her before," Mitsuhide spoke with a smirk on his face.

Hideyoshi and I glared at each other until Nobunaga finally spoke up.

"That's enough you two."

We looked at Nobunaga and then he said to Hideyoshi.

"Hideyoshi, regardless of what brings Mitsuhide here, I am alive and well."

"My apologies, my Lord."

Hideyoshi immediately let go of his sword, his hand relaxing somewhat. I smirked at Hideyoshi.

"Scaredy cat."

Hideyoshi glared at me and then Nobunaga spoke up.

"Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, leave us. I have something to discuss with Alex."

"With me?"

I asked as Hideyoshi and Mitushide stepped aside as Nobunaga approached me.

"I don't know where exactly you came from, but, you saved my life. I'm intrigued by you. You're a woman who carries fortune's favour, of that I'm certain."

"No need to go that far, Lord Nobunaga. Besides, I was just there at the right place and at the right time before you nearly got burnt to a crisp."

"Well, none the less..."


I squeaked a little as Nobunaga slipped his arm around my waist and drawing me possessively close to him.

"How would you like to rule the world at my side?"

"....Wait, what?"

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