Rogue To Luna

By Stella_Gordon

1.3M 33K 3.9K

Della King has been a rogue for eight years. She left her pack and family at age fifteen when she found out h... More

Rogue To Luna
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Rogue Revolution

Chapter 23

24K 649 92
By Stella_Gordon

"Della." I roll over facing away from the voice that's trying to wake me up. I feel so tired and groggy which is weird because I pretty sure I've been asleep for a while. "Della it's time to wake up." I snap my eyes open to look out the window and see it's still pretty dark outside.

"Last time I checked I didn't have to get up this early." I grumble out as I roll back over seeing Aidan sitting on the edge of the bed smiling down at me.

"I agree with you, but sweetheart it's lunch time." He snickers as he brushes my hair out of my face. I widen my eyes looking to the alarm clock, and sure as shit it's noon. "It's normal for you to need extra rest after being marked." He moves my hair to the side to look at my mark. I reach up to touch it but quickly pull my hand back when pain shots from the mark. "It is also normal for it to be a bit tender at first."

"You should have woken me up earlier. Did I miss anything?" I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom with Aidan following close behind me.

"Nothing important. The council called back last night." I stop brushing my teeth resting my hands on my hips.

"Why didn't you tell me last night? Wait what did they say?" My curiosity outweighs my anger at the moment. He crosses his arms leaning against the doorframe.

"They can't bring the case forward since there is no proof that Annabella was working directly for Blake or Raven." He gives me a sad smile. I understand why he didn't tell me last night, but it still frustrates me that he had to deal with it on his own.

"What do you want to do about it?" I wash my face waiting for him to answer. I dry my face quickly when I don't get a response. Aidan's looking off to the side at nothing in particular clearly lost in thought. I walk up to him wrapping my arms around his waist to get his attention.

"It pisses me off that they are doing nothing about it, but I know you're going to want to approach this situation in a different way."

"You're right I do want to approach this in a way that doesn't mean going down there and tearing him apart limb by limb just like I know that's what you want to do." That gets a smile on his face. "Now let's get some lunch because I'm starving and then we can deal with this shit show." I walk passed him and out of our room.

"Morning well Afternoon." I briefly glance at Fletcher sitting at the kitchen table before going to the cabinet to get a glass for water. I turn around a see Fletcher eating a sandwich casually, but it's not what he's eating that almost make me choke and die it what's on his neck.

"Is that a mark?" We both yell at each other at the same time. He must have noticed mine just as I noticed his.

"I'm assuming you won't be staying in your room anymore." I smirk as his cheeks darken with blush. He just flips me off going back to eating.

"Now you can't say much can you?" Aidan walks in purposely poking my side as he walks passed me. I turn glaring at him which he returns with a playful wink.

"When should we open presents?" I walk over and sit next to Fletcher. He gives me a questioning look tilting his head to the side. "We got you birthday presents." I clarify.

"You didn't have to do that." He wipes his mouth with his napkin before continuing. "My gift was being accepted into this pack." Of course he would consider that a gift.

"It doesn't matter because they are already wrapped. How about after dinner tonight?" I stand up and start to make a sandwich for myself.

"Sounds good." He stands up bring his dishes to the sink to wash. Aidan walks back in the room heading over to me.

"I have to go sign some papers and make a few phone calls, so I'm going to head down stairs." He leans down giving me a short peck. "Love you." He finishes heading out of the kitchen.

"Love you too." I shout so he can hear me.

"What are you up to today?" I lean against the counter facing Fletcher. I take a bite of my sandwich waiting for him to finish drying his plate.

"Ryder wanted me to come and join training today, so I'm going for the afternoon class." He checks the clock.

"Would you care if I tagged along?" I don't want to intrude on their time together, but I know there will be a lot of warriors there as well so I won't be third wheeling.

"No, I would like you to come with. Maybe we can show those amateurs how it's done." He crosses his arms accentuating his muscles. It's easy to forget that he was head warrior for Dark Mountains only a week ago. I quickly wash my dishes so we can head down there faster.

"I'm going to go change and then we can head out." He nods and I rush down the hallway to Aidan and I's room. I pick out a black athletic tank top and black legging with a blue stripe down the sides. I throw my hair up into a pony tail grabbing a light jacket since it's drizzling out, and make to the front door to see Fletcher waiting for me. We head out making our way down the stairs.

"I'm headed to the training grounds with Fletcher." Ever since the Annabella incident I like to mind link Aidan my location so if something were to happen again he know where I am.

"Once I'm finished I'll come join you."

"I can't wait." Fletcher and I talk about the party last night as we make our way down the trail. He mentions how friendly our pack is compared to Dark Mountains.

"Sleeping beauty has finally woken up." Emeric cheers when he sees us. I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm on such a gloomy day. Right now it's only drizzling, but by the looks of the clouds it won't be stopping anytime soon.

"That would require her to be a beauty." I gasp punching Fletchers arm. He responds by getting into defensive mode ready for an attack.

"That's enough you two, save it for the ring." Ryder steps in between us ending our playful fight. Emeric looks disappointed that he won't get a show while Ryder walks up to Fletcher and kisses him then pulls him into a hug. I snag Emeric's arm dragging him away to give them their privacy.

"So will I be an uncle soon?" It takes me a minute to understand where Emeric is going with this.

"Emeric!" I scold him for being so direct. He chuckles putting his hands up as if he's innocent.

"What? It's a fair question. I mean...." he moves the collar of my jacket to get a good look at my mark, so I swat his hands away.

"Well it won't be anytime soon." He huffs out frustrated.

"Just so you know I will happily babysit." He attempts to lighten the mood. It's not that I never want kids it's just the idea of it scares the shit out of me.

"Please we would have to have someone come babysit you as well." I snort at his offer. He pouts pretending to be offended while I help him set up as warriors start to show up. It's so wet and rainy out, so it's going to get messy later when everyone starts sparring.

"Attention!" Ryder's voice bellows throughout the field so everybody can hear him. "Our usual warm up path has started to flood and is too muddy to run on safely, so we will be jogging along a route on the common paths." I hear a few groans from some people because we still have to run even though the weather sucks.

"You want to take the front?" Emeric question comes out more as a plea. I sigh and agree to lead the run with Ryder.

"Keep and eye on him please." I nod towards Fletcher so he knows who I'm talking about.

"Always." He promises. I walk over to Ryder who's waiting for the warriors to finish stretching. His expression lightens up as I walk up to him.

"I would ask how your morning was but I have a feeling I already know the answer."

"Why does everyone have to point it out?" I grumble out while stretching.

"Because we all did it when Violet and Alex marked each other so we have to do it for you too. If it makes you feel any better we'll all pick on Aidan as well when you mark him." I look away to hide my blush.

"Speaking of Violet and Alex how are they? I didn't get to see them this morning." I successfully change the subject.

"They're fine. Violet had an early shift this morning so she'll be back in time for dinner tonight." We start running leading the warriors down the path.

"Good because I want Fletcher to open his presents tonight. We would have done it last night but somebody snuck off with the birthday boy." I give him and accusatory look, but he just throws his head back and laughs.

"Can you blame me? Plus it's not like you and Aidan didn't do the exact same thing." He makes a very fair point.

"Touché." We double back around the pack house to head back to the field. "I was wondering would it be okay if Fletcher and I showed the warriors an advanced sparring match?" He ponders it for a minute.

"Are you saying Emeric and I aren't advanced?" He raises his eyebrow, but when I open my mouth to clear up my words he cuts me off. "I'm kidding, and it would be good for them to see what a fight between a rogue and a head warrior looks like." I attempt to push him but he doesn't even stumble.

"Asshole." He only speeds up his pace running ahead of me by a foot or two. "Former rogue last time I checked." I yell as I sprint past him to beat him to the field. The rest of the warriors take a second to catch their breathes as they make their way onto the field.

"Alright before we get to sparring Luna Della is going to go against Fletcher to show you different tactics used by other packs and rogues." Fletcher makes eye contact with me smirking while cracking his knuckles. I shake my head at his cockiness. This will be the first time that we seriously spar against each other. Before I left I would teach him defensive techniques, but never really spared against him since he was so young back then.

"Rules are simple no killing each other." Emeric tells us as he moves to stand next to Ryder. Fletcher and I stand across from each  other in one of the marked out rings that's still visible despite all the rain. It might be a bit more difficult to fight since everyone and everything is so slippery, but luckily we've been trained to anticipate such obstacles.

"You may begin...." Ryder draws it out to create anticipation for the warriors who are circling the ring around us to get a good look. "Now"

Just as Ryder speaks a blaring ringing stops us all dead in our tracks. I freeze when I recognize it's the emergency alarm sirens, and look to Ryder for an answer. By the way his posture stiffens when his eyes glaze over I can tell this isn't a test. We are under attack right now.

"South border right now!" Ryder commands the warriors whom turn around and sprint into the forest heading south. "Rogues are breaching the borders." He informs us looking frantic.

"They're far enough right now so I want you to go to the hospital and find Violet. She'll bring you to one of the bunkers for the elderly and children." I nod my head even though I don't plan on going in any bunker. It will keep their heads clear if they think I'm going to be hidden and safe.

"Be careful please." I beg them with one last glance as all three turn shifting into their wolf forms heading in the direction that everyone else went. I turn around and start running as fast as I can to the hospital. Im still going to find Violet to make sure she is safe, but then I'm going to help fight along side the rest of them.

"Everybody go shelter yourselves now!" I start yelling at groups of people who are standing around looking confused. Their faces quickly transform to terror when they realize this is really happening.

I make it to the hospital in record time, and when I enter through the front door it's chaos. Doctors and nurses are running around moving patients to what I'm assuming are bunkers. You can feel the fear in the air.

"Violet!" I start to jog down the hallway to find her, but it's difficult due to the clogged halls. "Violet!" I yell louder hoping she'll hear me.

"Della!" I rush in the direction of her voice. She runs over to me looking me over for injuries. I shake my head taking ahold of her shoulder to get her attention.

"Ryder told me to come here and you would bring me to a bunker." She nods her head grabbing my hand to pull me in the other direction. "No Violet." I pull her back to get her attention again. "I'm going to go help them fight I just wanted to make sure you were okay first. You're welcome to come with me if you want." Tears start to fall from her eyes at a rapid pace once I say this and she shakes her head violently.

"I c-can't." She looks so scared it worries me. "I'm pregnant." She looks down at her belly setting a hand on it. She can't be that far along because she's not showing, and under different circumstances I would be congratulating her but there is no time.

"Alright well then you have a child you need to bring to the bunker, yeah?" I try my best to give her an encouraging smile, but I'm still really worried. "I promise we'll be back very soon, and until than I want you to watch over everyone in the bunker." I pull her into a hug to help calm both of our nerves but it doesn't really help. I watch her hurry down the hall until she's out of my sight and then I rush out of the hospital heading south. I don't know exactly where they are so I should probably mind link them. I can't mind link Emeric or Ryder because they would be pissed that I didn't listen to them, Alex might help me but it would still be a risk, and I sure as shit can't mind link Aidan.

"Where are you?" Fletcher is my only option.

"We are still on the southern border, but Alex and Aidan are on the eastern border. They are coming at us on all sides, and I'm not sure if this is Blake's doing." Eastern border here I come. "I know you're going to him just please be careful."

"I'll be careful as long as you're careful, and remember what I taught you." I don't hesitate to shift in my wolf form. The second my paws hit the forest floor I'm off, and the trees blur together as I pick up my pace trying to get to the eastern border as fast as I can.

"I love you." Aidan's voice invades my thoughts just as I cut through the tree line. If I was in my human form I probably would be screaming. Standing in front of a tattered Aidan is a giant grey wolf bearing its teeth. I know the stance it's taking because my father engraved the move into my mind at a young age. He's going for the kill.

I leap across the landscape takling the wolf from the side and tearing into its fur wherever my teeth can reach. It's snarls and snaps at me but I jump out of its way before it can do any damage. I take its hind leg into my mouth snapping it with a crunch. The wolf howls out but not in pain it's a signal to the other wolves. I quickly go for the kill shot so he can't communicate with anyone anymore.

"There's more coming." I don't wait for a response from Fletcher I run over to a slightly more alert Aidan. I look around to make sure there aren't any more wolves as I shift back to my human form.

"Hey are you hurt anywhere?" I start to look over Aidan's body for any serious injuries. Other than a few deep cuts and bruising he doesn't look too horrible. I can't say that about the lifeless wolves that are scattered around the clearing.

"You shouldn't be out here." Aidan's voice is weak with exhaustion. If he's the only one who has done all this damage like I'm assuming he did I'm surprised he's still conscious.

"Shut the hell up. If I didn't show up you'd be dead. Now can you stand up?" He nods his head standing up but walking with a limp.

"Alex." He points to a motionless wolf lying next to a tree and my heart stops.

"No no no no." I run over to him feeling for a pulse and almost cry out when I feel a faint one. I'm going to need someone to come and carry him back, so I open a link between all of us except for Violet. I don't want her to be anymore stressed than she already is.

"Guys I need a few warriors over here. Alex is out cold and Aidan's barely conscious. I want everyone to backup on the parameter create a tighter circle with the men and women we have. Watch for repeated techniques and weaknesses, and don't hesitate to kill because one almost got Aidan." I give the final command with no guilt. You don't hurt what is mine and get away with it so easy.

"You got it boss, and we are sending twenty warriors your way. They should be there in a minute or two."

"Take care of her Luna." It takes me a second to identify the voice, but when I do it makes my blood run cold. It's Tessa's mom, Laura, meaning they have already gotten in, and are hurting my pack.

Song: Control by Halsey

I felt really bad for not updating for a few days last time, so I wrote an extra long chapter earlier this time. I'm so excited for the next few chapters! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and if you did don't forget to vote! Until next time.

~Stella Gordon

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