Frozen Flame (Male Child Read...

Galing kay ChrisReiniger

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Good or evil. Life or death. Light or dark. Living or dying. None of those mattered to (y/n). For as long as... Higit pa

Prologue: Meeting her
Chapter 1: New home
Chapter 2: Mother's gambol
Chapter 3: Setbacks
Chapter 4: Changes
Chapter 5: The vacation
Chapter 6: Transfer
Chapter 7: Mine
Chapter 8: Ice cold
Chapter 9: Liar liar slutty dress on fire
Chapter 10: The festival begins
Chapter 11: The fall
Chapter 12: Moving on
Chapter 13: Armed and ready
Chapter 14: My kitties
Chapter 15: Haven
Chapter 16: I like trains
Chapter 17: Advent of death
Chapter 18: Welcome to Argus
Chapter 19: The misadventure of (y/n)
Chapter 20: Atlas
Chapter 21: Choices
Chapter 22: Mommy
Chapter 23: Home
Chapter 24: Broken
Chapter 25: Is it bad to be good?
Chapter 26: Is it good to be bad?
Chapter 27: Mommy part 1
Chapter 28: Mommy part 2
Chapter 29: Blake's big day
Chapter 30: Cinder's day part 1
Chapter 32: The end
Chapter 33: Extra

Chapter 31: Cinder's day part 2

3.5K 46 21
Galing kay ChrisReiniger

Cinder POV

"Sweetie don't get too close to the fire or you'll burn yourself." I said, "Ok Mommy." (y/n) said as he sat next to me, "It's so warm." He said, "I know it feels so nice!" Sky said, "Mommy I'll be back, I have to go potty." (y/n) said as he ran off, "OK, BUT BE QUICK!" I said.

(y/n) POV

"Why hello there (y/n)." A woman said, "Who are you?" I asked, "My name is Terra Rose, and she's Amelia Blake." She said, "Wait, Rose?" I said, "I know what you're thinking, and no we are not related." She said, "Ok, but why are you here?" I asked, "Well sweetie we are friends of your mommy, and well we're here to take you back with us. Believe me, sweetie, this is for the best, so why don't you be a good boy for auntie Terra and come along alright." She said, "But Mommy will be mad if I leave." I said, "Don't worry sweetie everything will be just fine." She said as she rubbed the top of my head and smiled, "Now will you please come with us?" She said sweetly, "Ok." I said.

"Ok, sweetie want one of us to sit back here with you?" Terra asked, I nodded and pointed at her, "Ok and if you want I can show you a few pictures I have of you from when you were a baby." She said.

Cinder POV

"(y/n) sweetie, did you go to bed?" I said as I walked into the cabin and looked for (y/n). When I couldn't find him I went back outside where I thought he would be, but when I didn't see him I began to worry.

"What am I going to do!" I cried, "He's my baby! How could I lose him again!" I cried, "Cinder sweetie... shut up and let mommy handle things." Sky said, "If I wasn't so worried about my son I'd burn you to a crisp." I said, "Ok one he's my son, not yours, two if you burn me I'd just regenerate, three I'm the ultimate mother and you can't even begin to compare, and four I know exactly where my baby is and a fairly good idea of who he's with." She said.

Terra POV

"He's such a cutie. Kinda makes me wanna have one of my own!" I said as (y/n) slept on my lap, "Whatever." Amelia said, "You're just jealous that he gets the lap and you don't." I said, "Whatever, I don't wanna argue with you while I'm driving." She said, "Oh come on Amelia." I said, "Terra I said no now drop it." She said, "You're the worst wife ever!" I said, "Not yet I'm not. In a few months maybe, but I'll never be as bad as Sky." She said, "Hey we can't hold that against her and you know it!" I said, "Yeah I guess you're right hon." She said as we gave each other a quick kiss. "You're right though he is a cutie." She said, "Hey um Terra how long ago did we start dating?" She asked, "If I remember correctly we started dating a few months after Sky and Jet got married, so about six-seven years ago." I said, suddenly (y/n) woke up. He seemed scared for some reason, "Did you have a nice nap sweetie?" I asked sweetly, "She's here." (y/n) said, "Who's here?" I asked, suddenly the roof was torn open, "HERE'S MOMMY!" Sky said, "SKY!" I said in shock, "I thought you two were the fools who took my baby, now kindly hand him over before I have to kill you both. And since we're old friends I'll make it quick and painless." She said, "How about none of the above!" I said as I grabbed (y/n) and jumped out of the car with Amelia. "(y/n) sweetheart stay behind us!" I said as I drew my new odachi.

"Wait you don't..." (y/n) began to say, "Sweetie we've got this," Amelia said as she drew her sword and equipped her shield before we rushed at Sky.

(y/n) POV

"But she's immortal." I said, "Sweetheart!" Mommy said as she hugged me, "Mommy!" I said as I hugged my mother, "Sweetheart what did I tell you about talking to strangers?" She asked, "Rob them of everything on them then kick them while their down." I said, "That's right honey." She said as she teared up and kissed my forehead, " Mommy I wanna go home." I said, "I know honey and we will be going straight home once Sky finishes up." She said, "No now! I Wanna go home now Mommy! I miss Blake and Neo, and Raven. And I miss my puppy!" I said as I began to cry.


"No now! I Wanna go home now Mommy! I miss Blake and Neo, and Raven. And I miss my puppy!" (y/n) said as he began to cry, "Sorry girls my baby's upset we can finish this some other time." I said as I ran over to (y/n) knocking Cinder out of the way, "Shh it's alright Mommy's here." I said.

A/N: Well it's been a long time coming, but I finally got around to updating this, unfortunately, this was the good news. The bad news is I can't see this lasting much longer. Originally I had a much more heartwarming/heartbreaking ending in mind where (y/n) actually ended up with Winter as his mom. It was great. It would have made the top ten anime betrayals...BUT in my seemingly infinite creative and childish mind I have come up with a solution...that I'm gonna leave in your hands to determine its fate.

Would you like to see a spinoff of this story where Sky never died and everything is different?



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