SWCW: A 501st Story: Brothers...

By DefinitelyNotPearson

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This is a fan fiction made with Characters based on real players in a Garry's Mod Star Wars Server. In a war... More

Chapter 1: The 501st
Chapter 2: Operation Yeldog
Chapter 3: The 501st Finest Hour
Chapter 4: The Titan
Chapter 6: Troopers of the Round Jacuzzi
Chapter 7: A New Trooper
Chapter 8: A Legend Thought Gone
Chapter 9: The Vanguard
Chapter 10: One Step into Hell

Chapter 5: Escape of a Frozen Soldier

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By DefinitelyNotPearson

The heavy metal door slid shut behind Karno, leaving him alone with the echo of his heartbeat and the weight of Admiral Tanks' unsettling questions. Something prickled beneath his skin, a sense of being manipulated like a pawn on a holochess board. He couldn't confide in Yeldog, not yet, not until he understood the Admiral's true motives.

The restricted archives beckoned, a vault of classified intel promising answers at a dangerous price. Steel resolve settled in his gut. He'd tread the line, gather intel, and protect his brothers, even if it meant defying orders.

Meanwhile, aboard his flagship, Admiral Tanks steepled his fingers, a predatory glint in his eyes as he replayed their conversation. Karno's guarded responses, the flicker of unease beneath his stoic facade - everything confirmed his suspicions. This clone, harboring the echoes of Revan's power, was the key to tipping the galactic scales.

"Sergeant Major Karno," the Admiral murmured, his voice a silky snare. "A fascinating specimen, wouldn't you agree? Three months under Separatist control, yet untouched by their influence. Impervious to interrogation, but your eyes... they betray a flicker of something more."

Karno stood ramrod straight, his every muscle tensed. "I am loyal to the Republic, sir. Your questions were answered truthfully."

Tanks chuckled, a chilling sound that echoed in the sterile silence. "Truth is subjective, Sergeant Major. What one chooses to reveal, or omit, speaks volumes. Your silence on certain matters... intriguing."

"I have nothing to hide, sir," Karno pressed, his voice unwavering, though his mind raced to decipher the Admiral's veiled threats.

"Then perhaps you'll be equally forthcoming about your... abilities," Tanks leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "The whispers within the ranks, the rumors of your... unorthodox combat prowess. Tell me, Sergeant Major, have you ever felt the Force flow through you?"

Karno's heart hammered against his ribs. Had the Admiral discovered his secret? Or was this a calculated gamble, a trap to expose him? He feigned ignorance, his brow furrowing.

"The Force, sir? I'm just a soldier, trained to the best of my ability."

Tanks' predatory smile widened. "Denial is a curious defense, Sergeant Major. But fret not, your secret is safe with me. For now." The smile turned cold, the predator circling its prey. "But know this: your talents, your... connection, are of great interest to me. And the Republic..." he paused, his gaze heavy, "may not always appreciate such unique... gifts."

A bead of sweat trickled down Karno's temple. He understood the veiled threat, the unspoken blackmail. His loyalty, his very freedom, hung precariously in the balance.

"Then perhaps, sir," he said, his voice low and measured, "it would be wise not to test that appreciation."

Tanks laughed, a harsh, humorless sound. "Indeed, Sergeant Major. Indeed. We have much to discuss, you and I. Consider this a... test of your discretion. Fail me, and the Republic's narrow-mindedness may not be your biggest concern."

Karno saluted, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had bought himself time, but at what cost? Now, caught between the Republic's suspicion and the Admiral's manipulative agenda, he had to walk a tightrope, playing a dangerous game where loyalty, truth, and even his own identity were pawns on a galactic chessboard.

Count Dooku's pacing echoed in the dimly lit Sith sanctum, the holographic image of Viceroy Nute Gunray shimmering before him. Each flicker in the transmission fueled his frustration.

"Incompetent fool!" Dooku thundered, the force of his voice causing Gunray to cower. "He escaped? How could a single clone trooper slip through your grasp again?"

Gunray's voice trembled, tinged with desperation. "My Lord, we had him secured, but a new Republic squad, led by one called Yeldog, interfered. They were relentless."

Dooku scoffed. "Republic interference is to be expected, Viceroy. Yet, you claim this clone possesses the spirit of Revan! Such power should not be so easily subdued."

Gunray swallowed hard. "He is... different, my Lord. Unpredictable, resourceful. The droid interrogation yielded little, he seemed... immune to their methods."

Dooku narrowed his eyes, intrigued despite his anger. "Immune? Tell me everything about this Yeldog and his squad. Do they hold any connection to this... unique trooper?"

Gunray detailed the rescue mission, highlighting the bravery and unorthodox tactics employed by Yeldog and his troopers. Dooku listened intently, a smirk playing on his lips. This wasn't just a Republic rescue; it was a calculated operation, fueled by something more than blind loyalty.

"Interesting," Dooku mused, stroking his chin. "Perhaps this Yeldog possesses more knowledge than he reveals. And this 'immune' trooper... the key to unlocking our true potential, you say?"

"Indeed, my Lord," Gunray confirmed, eager to appease the Sith Lord. "But retrieving him again will be difficult. This Yeldog is proving troublesome."

Dooku considered this, his dark eyes gleaming with predatory cunning. "Leave Yeldog to me, Viceroy. You, however, have a new task. Locate this 'immune' trooper's comrades. Find their weaknesses, their attachments. Use them as leverage. Bring them to me, alive."

Gunray's eyes widened in understanding. "A brilliant strategy, my Lord! Divide and conquer. They will crumble without their precious trooper."

Dooku cackled, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the Viceroy's spine. "Indeed. With their comrades as bargaining chips, even the most 'immune' trooper will have a choice to make. And when he does, the power of the dark side will be irresistible."

The hologram flickered off, leaving Gunray trembling in the silence. He understood his mission: sow discord, exploit vulnerabilities, and bring the key to unlocking Revan's power within the clutches of the Sith.

Meanwhile, aboard the Venator, Karno grappled with the Admiral's cryptic threats. He knew he couldn't trust him, yet revealing his connection to the Force was unthinkable. He needed information, a way to navigate this treacherous game. The restricted archives whispered promises of answers, but at what cost to his loyalty, his freedom, and perhaps even his identity?

As the Republic and the Separatists converged on their shared target, the galaxy held its breath. The fate of a single clone trooper, burdened with an ancient power, threatened to ignite a conflict of unimaginable proportions. The battle lines were drawn, the game afoot, and the stakes couldn't be higher. The whispers of Darth Revan echoed in the void, beckoning the galaxy towards a destiny yet to be written.

The fluorescent lights of the 501st bunks buzzed overhead, casting a sterile glow on Karno's worried face. He had escaped Admiral Tanks' office with his secrets intact, but the encounter left him feeling like a fly caught in a web. Every fiber of his being screamed against revealing his connection to the Force, yet the Admiral's veiled threats gnawed at him.

He scanned the bunks, finding Yeldog and Tempaah playing holochess, their laughter a stark contrast to the turmoil within him. He longed to confide in his brothers, but the weight of responsibility, the fear of jeopardizing them, kept him silent.

Instead, he opted for a seemingly casual approach. "Mind if I join?" he asked, sliding into a vacant seat.

Yeldog grinned, his gaze sharp. "Thought you'd be glued to Fives' side."

Karno nodded towards the infirmary. "He's resting. Doc says he's lost a lot of blood, but he'll pull through." His voice held a conviction he didn't quite feel.

Tempaah chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Tougher than a bantha hide, that one. So, what's got you looking like you just lost a game to a squad of rookie grunts?"

Karno hesitated, then shrugged. "Just... thinking about Hakee City. Sid, Jesse... what happened to them?"

The question hung heavy in the air. Yeldog's face hardened, and Tempaah's smile faltered.

"We don't know, Karno," Yeldog said, his voice gruff. "Intel suggests they were captured, but beyond that..."

Karno felt a pang in his chest. He remembered the camaraderie, the shared laughter, the unspoken bond with his fallen comrades. Now, they were just names on a growing list of losses.

"The Admiral asked about them," Karno said, his voice barely above a whisper. "He seemed... interested."

Yeldog's brow furrowed. "What did you tell him?"

Karno recounted the conversation, omitting the Admiral's probing questions about his abilities. He saw suspicion flicker in Yeldog's eyes, but also a glimmer of understanding.

"I get it, Karno," Yeldog said, his tone softening. "We all have our secrets. But remember, we're brothers. If something's bothering you, we're here."

Karno appreciated the offer, but he couldn't risk exposing his true nature. Not yet. He needed time, a plan. He needed to understand the Admiral's motives, his connection to Dooku, and what they wanted with him.

"Thanks, Yeldog," he said, forcing a smile. "I'll be alright. Just... tired."

He retreated to his bunk, the silence suffocating. He closed his eyes, seeking solace in the rhythmic hum of the Venator, but found only unease. Admiral Tanks, Count Dooku, the whispers of Revan - the pieces were shifting, and he was caught in the center of a game he barely understood.

As he drifted off to sleep, a single thought echoed in his mind: he couldn't do this alone. He needed help, someone who understood the darkness that lurked within him, someone who could guide him through the treacherous path ahead. His gaze fell on the empty bunk next to his, the one usually occupied by a certain mischievous clone with a penchant for unorthodox tactics.

Perhaps, just perhaps, Captain Rex was the unlikely ally he needed. After all, hadn't Rex himself once walked a similar path, teetering on the edge of darkness before finding his way back to the light?

The next morning, Karno embarked on a new mission, one shrouded in secrecy and fraught with danger. His destination: Rex's training room, and the hope that a clone who had faced the darkness could help him navigate the shadows closing in around him.

This continuation adds another layer of complexity, showcasing Karno's internal struggle and hinting at a potential ally in Rex. It leaves the reader wondering what secrets Rex holds, how he can help Karno, and what new dangers await them both.

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