Seven Heroic Sins (Book 1, Ri...

By Stillwell03

67.9K 1K 1K

It's been about 2,000 years since the battle of Britania and the defeat of the revived demon clans 10 command... More

Impending Doom
Character analysis
Life of the Sins
Sword in the Well
The Entrance Exam
Cold Hard Truth
Project Holy Knight and the Druid Trials
Ochako the Fox Sin
Mina the Grizzly Sin
Momo the Boar Sin
Kyoka the Serpent Sin
Himiko the Dragon Sin
Itsuka the Lion Sin
Their Return
Lust and Gluttony vs Truth and Faith
A Reason to Fight

Nejire the Goat Sin

2K 39 19
By Stillwell03

Nejire POV:

"Hello. Can anyone hear me?" I found myself alone after entering the training area in the druids realm in complete darkness. "Wish I had a light or something. This kinda feels like something out of a horror movie the way it's pitch black." I start to see a light shining and start walking to it. 'At least I can't walk anywhere else.' I start to get to the end of the light to see it was a carving of my goat tattoo. "Hm, goat carving for the Goat Sin. Guess I'm in the right place." I turn to where I was to see an amazing image.

"Wow, this library is huge. But how did it get here? Did I get teleported again? Why is it a library? If this is supposed to be my trial, why wouldn't it be in a lustful scenery like a beach, a lovely garden, or a love hotel? I mean common, wouldn't those be more understandable for the Goat Sin of lust?" 'And I'm talking to myself.' "Your accusation of what lust is isn't exactly wrong." I look around and see a person with red hair and glasses. "It is nice to meet you, I am Goather the Goat Sin of lust. Sparkle sparkle." He holds a strange pose while saying the last bit. "My name is Nejire Hado, and I'm the new Goat Sin of lust." He turns and starts walking away with me following him.

"So why are we in a library?" "Your subconscious mind had created this place. What you considered a place worthy for our interaction has been put into the scenery." "So in short, this is all in my head what I'm seeing." "Precisely. We are here to find out what made you become the Goat Sin to begin with. Holding sin is normal in humans, but to be one of the new Seven Deadly Sin's would mean you have a deep rooted genuine sin that you cannot atone for." "Your asking the wrong lady Goather. I've been trying to get that answer for years, and never got anywhere from Izuku." He ignores me and looks for a book. "To find out why 'you' are a Sin, you must look deep within your past and see for yourself why."

He grabs a book and hands it to me. 'The tale of the child of Kanashi Hado.' My eyes start to widen when my mothers name is mentioned. "Your heart rate just increased. Who is this Kanashi Hado person?" "*sigh* My mother." I open the book for there to be no pages. "The heck?" I look up and see the scene has changed to my home before the sins. "What am I-" "As I have told you, your surrounding are only a scenery that your subconscious mind created for our interaction. It is free to change because of it." 'That makes sense.'

"Mama, it's time to get up." I see a little me the age of 5 try and wake my mother up. "Go away Nejire, I feel horrible today. Just ask that kid that goes to kindergarten with you in the apartment if his mom wouldn't care about taking you." "Yes mama." I watch as I walk away and get my things to walk out. "Your mother does not seem to be very happy about being your parent." "She works the night. I didn't know what until one of the kids dads said what she was." "What was she?" "She was a prostitute. She even admitted she has no idea who my father is when I asked." "How unpleasant."

The scene changed to me sitting alone in the classroom of my past kindergarten class. Once it was told what my mom did for a living, many people avoided me and never really said anything to me until they had no choice. I tried to make the most of it by writing questions that always popped into my head in a small notebook for when they would come and talk to me. But it just made me look weirder than I already was. "You seem very lonely, why is that?" "Nobody wanted to hang out with the child of a whore when they learned about me. Things got weirder when I got a stupid idea of getting all the interaction I missed and have my questions answered about people when they came up to me."

I watched as the younger me acted out my past and felt the pain of my loneliness again. I started to think the same thoughts as I did back then. 'Why can't people just treat me normal? I won't hurt them. All I want to do is talk to them.' "This was normal for you?" "Sadly." "Did they ever actually interact with you of their own free will?" "*sigh* Not in a good way." I watch as my things I brought to school occasionally were doused with sour milk and my desk was written on with mean insults like 'unwanted child' or 'dirty freak'. The pain was not as painful now, but it hurt hearing this at the age of 5. "Why would children do such mean things to you?" "Because my mom was different. Their parents didn't want their kids around me and they weren't punished when they treated me the way they did." "I see, so they believed they were right to treat you like this because nobody told them otherwise." I take a deep exhale and nod.

The scene changed to my home next. "There is a faint creaking sound coming from the room your mother has. What is that?" "The sound of my mother doing her job." I see the younger me walk in and hear this. I leave to the kitchen to find something to eat and go to my room. "You did not wish to say hello to your mother?" "Last time I did, I cost my mother a lot of money. She told me to never interrupt her or her clients when she was working." "Don't you mean committing acts of prostitution?" "It makes what she's doing sound less disgusting saying it the way I did. It wasn't the dream job for many, but she said it payed our bills." I watched as the younger me did her homework and try to talk to a stuffed blue pig I called Bumi.

"Didn't you ever play with someone or go outside?" "With who and why would I? I was the whores daughter. The only people that would talk to me would be freaks who slept with my mom." I shivered at that thought as they had no dignity talking about everything they did to my mom to her own daughter. "Did your mother ever talk to you?" "Not more than 2 or 3 sentences in a sitting." I started to see an image of me and my mom at a table eating with her barely paying attention as I was trying to cut something with no success. "I was an unwanted child. She didn't have money to pay for an abortion at the time, so here I am."

The scene changed to a cold stormy night when I was 8. Mom had left for a job with me petrified of whats happening outside. "It seems your younger self does not like thunder." "I hated it growing up. It was loud, unwanted, and it was unannounced." '*sigh* Pity that the thunder felt like how people looked at me.' I started to hear the door open and mom screaming. From her past works, I thought this was another client. On instinct, I looked for something to cancel the noise and tried to fall asleep. "Why did you ignore your mothers cries for help?" "She had an interesting set of clients. I assumed this was one of them that liked feeling empowered. Boy was I wrong."

The day had came with me getting up and getting ready for school. Once I went into my mothers room, I saw her stripped naked and covered in blood. I went over to try and get her up not knowing if this is another part of one of her clients antics. "Mama. Mama, it's morning." I didn't get a response, so I went to nudge her to only realize what really happened to her. "She died, didn't she?" I covered my mouth and held back tears while nodding. "The police said it was a very aggressive murder. In the end, I realized that day just how alone I was. The only person at my mothers funeral that even cared this happened was me. I always looked at myself and thought if things were different, maybe she would still be alive."

I saw the room change to that of the library again with Goather putting the book back on the shelf. "So you desired the normal life of others?" I nodded. "If I didn't want that, do you think my mother wouldn't have died?" "I don't think your desire for a normal life had anything to do with it. But you feel as if your lust for normality was what drove the man that killed her to this." Goather grabs another book and hands it to me. "But your sin is greatly tied to her death because you deem yourself responsible when you were doing what you only knew to do in that situation." I read the title and get curious. 'The Doe called Nejire?'

I open it to see the scene change to the playground I was regularly on with me in the corner. Nobody even once told me they were sorry for what happened and just pretended I wasn't there. I started doing my subconscious ordeal of asking questions out loud. "You were quite the curious one weren't you?" "I still kinda am." My head drops down to know I learned nothing from my past. "Quite the lustful curiosity you have." I look up to see the day my life changed for the better. The day I met Izuku. We spoke about a few things until he finally lifted Herritt up to me and asked if I wanted to join him. I grabbed the bow and smiled while agreeing.

"It would appear the Sin's former captains grandson was quite an influence on you." "He was the first one to complement me on my curiosity that others avoided me more for." The scene turned to Izuku and me in the Boar's Hat with Inko coming up to us. "Mom, I'd like you to meet the new Goat Sin of Lust." Izuku motioned to me to introduce myself to which I tried to avoid it and wave my hand a little. "Aren't you a little shy one. My name is Inko, what's yours?" "N-Nejire H-Hado." "It's a pleasure to meet you Nejire. Why don't you sit down and we can talk.

I didn't know why, but I felt as if I could trust Inko. We began to talk about my life and my mother. Once I mentioned what she did and how she died, their faces were turned to a pained expression. "We are so sorry for your loss Nejire. I know that must be very hard on you." "...I'm used to pain." I started to say how I was avoided and picked on for my moms work and see their faces hold an even more pained expression. "So people made your life crap too huh?" In the corner was Ochako with a ladel that had stuff dripping off it. "Ochako, please be nice. She'll be your teammate in the future." "Whatever, foods ready for those that want."

While saying this, Ochako grabs two bowls of soup and passes one to me. "You look like you need this." I looked at the soup and back at her wondering why she was nice to me. "If you don't want it, I'll give it to the pig." "Yay! Ochako's scraps are way better than any of the Midoriya's." Hork was jumping for joy beside me with me turning and seeing him and smiling. "A piggy!" I wrapped him in a hug and started scratching his belly. "So cute. Aren't you the cutest thing in the world." Everyone started to smile a bit seeing me in better spirits. "When in doubt, bring in the mascot." We all were laughing at Izuku's comment before sitting down for a meal.

"So captain of scraps disposal helped you get along better with the group? An interesting incident." The scenes of my life at the Boar's Hat and with the Midoriya's started to play out in front of me. Kind memories of us laughing, getting mad, and being who we are started showing. These were some of the best memories I ever had, but I still felt like I didn't belong. In a blink of an eye, years went by with me getting into UA and wanting to ask Izuku an important question on my mind. The scene went to a night outside the shop with me finally confronting Izuku. "Izuku, why did you bring me into the Sin's?" "I assume this was what you meant earlier when you said I was asking the wrong lady?" "Pretty much."

"Why, do you not like the Sin's?" "No, it's the opposite. I love the Sin's with all my heart and think their too good for me. So I wanna know why. Why did you ask for me to join?" He thinks on it for a second before answering. "Cause you got a rockin bod." He held a goofy smile on his face while answering. "This is serious!" "Maybe cause you got some luscious melons here." He says this while rubbing my boobs in his normal pervy way. "Can't you answer my question!?" I start to cry a little. "Why did you bring the filthy daughter of a dead prostitute into a great place like this? Out of everyone here, I should've never come into the Sin's!"

Izuku started to hug me before answering. "I know you don't understand, but one day you will." He walks away with flipping my skirt up to reveal my panties underneath. "And when you do, come and tell me if you still don't think you belong in the Sin's." He smiles and walks away with me irritated by the answer. The scene went back to the library with me shutting the book and giving it to Goather. 'Now I think I see what he meant by this.'

"So do you think you know why you are the Goat Sin?" I nod thinking on my answer. "I wanted to be what I believed was normal and blamed my desire for that on why my mother died. But when I finally realized what normal felt like, I didn't understand and did the only thing I knew to do. I questioned why I was there and why I was chosen. But none of us are 'normal' by the slightest. Because of that, we clash so well. Now I have a new desire, and that's to stop the 10 Commandments and keep the people around me at all costs." Goather adjusts his glasses and smiles. "Congratulations, you passed your trial. Now it is time for the rewards." I feel a sharp shooting pain in my chest as my tattoo glows. Once it stops, I feel as if the power inside me exploded to a point I could take on all the Commandments at once.

"Take this power and hold true to that desire you have. It will be the guiding light on your path." Goather starts to vanish at this with the room changing to the inside of a tree. "Farewell Nejire Hado. May our paths cross again." A light started to shine and show the exit. I started walking out with a tear in my eye. "Now I get it Izuku. We don't choose our fate, we only travel along it unaware of what will come next. That is why I will travel this road and vow as the Goat Sin of Lust that I will fight for you and everyone else. This is what I desire most of all."

Power level 4,581-9,162

Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. Just to clear up some things, Nejire's Sin is her desire for being a normal child. Because of her being a prostitutes kid, she was socially outcasted and tried to look for interaction through her curiosity. This made her even more of an outcast. For the longest time, she thought her desire for being normal was what brought her mother to her untimely demise. Only after this test she understands that she could've done nothing to change this if she did help her. Now she desires to keep the life she has by any means and will do everything she can to help. Next one will be sloth and Mina's past before the Sin's. See you next time and thanks for reading.

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