SGE His Darkened Heart (A J...

Galing kay FeatherxClaw37

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CHAPTER 1 Arbed House
CHAPTER 2 Camelot's Lost King
CHAPTER 3 Blue Skies
CHAPTER 4 A Close Call
CHAPTER 5 Deserving
CHAPTER 6 The Deadly Waltz
CHAPTER 7 Lying Love
CHAPTER 9 Shattered
CHAPTER 10 The Confrontation
CHAPTER 11 The Banishment
CHAPTER 12 To Be Without
CHAPTER 13 Stranger
CHAPTER 14 Monster
CHAPTER 15 Unforgotten
CHAPTER 16 Betrayal
CHAPTER 17 Unmerciful
CHAPTER 18 The Dress
Chapter 19 All that's Left
Chapter 20 Leave Me Here
CHAPTER 21 Consumed
CHAPTER 22 Hopeful
!! Important Announcememt !!

CHAPTER 8 Confessions

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Galing kay FeatherxClaw37


The audacity Rhian had when continuing to boldly go about with Kei, telling everybody in Arbed about his claim on Camelot's throne, was beyond Japeth's understanding. It was as if Aric and Japeth had gone through all the work of insulting the two friends for absolutely nothing. It was infuriating, but Japeth would have to make due with that.

But this morning, Japeth awoke perfectly content. He'd slept like a baby and he figured his sleepless dreams were the result of his growing friendship with Aric.

Japeth couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so ecstatic before. But the feeling was euphoric. He swore he wouldn't trade that for anything. It seemed nothing could ruin the day!

With the sun as bright as it ever had been and the clear sky a consistent shade of rich blue, Japeth had plopped himself upon the steps of the school, eagerly awaiting Aric's arrival for their daily lunch time rituals.

Soon enough, Aric strolled around the corner of the building to meet Japeth on the stairs where he settled down beside him. Aric frowned at the lively look upon Japeth's face, but before he could make a comment, Japeth had thrust a fistful of blueberries into Aric's unready hands.

"What's your problem today?" Aric asked, picking up some of his fallen blueberries off the ground. "You're never this...happy. What changed?"

Japeth couldn't help the swell of eagerness that washed over him as he shimmied closer to Aric. Japeth was so excited he could feel his scims squirming anxiously beneath his clothes.

"Tonight is the perfect night to sneak out," Japeth said, tone soft so no lingering students nearby would hear his words. "Remember the day of the dance when I proposed we sneak out to the roof? We never got to do it, and since we haven't snuck out together in a while I was hoping we could do it tonight. What do you say?"

Aric nudged Japeth with his elbow in response as if he were fed up with him. But there was a familiar smirk on Aric's face that Japeth recognized as saying 'yes.'

It was in that moment that Japeth's heart fluttered in his chest. It was a foreign feeling that he'd gotten used to after a while, a feeling of belonging he'd yearned for since Rhian neglected him in Arbed. It made Japeth realize that maybe things were gonna turn out okay as long as he had Aric by his side.

And the sensation of contentment Japeth felt when he was with Aric was something he knew Rhian would never be able to take away from him.

While Japeth did share a bond with Rhian since they were twins and their relationship was more complicated than just brotherhood, what Japeth and Aric shared was something else entirely.

Honestly, Japeth barely understood half of what him and Aric shared. He was confused about some of the feelings he felt when he was around Aric, but their friendship was something he wouldn't trade for anything else in the whole world.

Before he met Aric, Japeth hadn't realized that he was alone. Sure, he'd had Rhian and was surrounded by the other boys in Arbed, but Japeth had been isolated. Rhian stopped hanging around with him after befriending Kei, and the other boys thought he was evil no thanks to his cold appearance and intimidating Scims.

It wasn't until Japeth met Aric that he found himself feeling...more human again, less monstrous. He'd hated his brother for leaving him just like Evelyn left the two of them behind when they were younglings.

It wasn't until Japeth and Aric had become friends that Japeth finally saw that he'd been blinded for too long. He could no longer pretend to be okay with Rhian's hurtful attitude and had to embrace his anger over his brother.

Aric helped open Japeth's eyes to the truth. Rhian would never change his idiotic ways. Rhian would always linger upon the past he shared with Evelyn and would continue to dwell on the hope that someday Evelyn would return and they'd rule Camelot as a happy family.

While Rhian lived in some fantasy world, Japeth was in reality. And right now Japeth's reality was being in the moment with Aric by his side, sharing blueberries and basking in the afternoon sunlight.

Indeed, it was the sweet but sour tang of the blueberry's juices spurting across Japeth's tongue as he bit into the blue fruit that grounded him in the present.

He wasn't fussing over an absent mother or dwelling on an impossible future involving Camelot and whoever it's king would be. Right now, Japeth had all he needed right in front of him; a friend who'd vowed he'd never leave him. A friend who was loyal and true. What more could Japeth ever ask for?

For in that single moment, Aric was his and his alone. Not Rhian's, not anyone else's, but Japeth's.

And maybe, just maybe Japeth was Aric's too. 

"And what will we be doing on this roof?" Aric questioned, his voice snapping Japeth from his thoughts. "More vandalizing to ruffle Dean Burnhilde's feathers I presume. Or perhaps some secretive plotting in hopes of tearing down Rhian and Kei's spirits?"

A small grin tugged at Japeth's lips as he watched Aric chew a handful of blueberries. A breeze picked up, ruffling Japeth's copper hair and undoing the top strings of Aric's lace up shirt.

Across the grass, the other students in Arbed were conversing and Japeth noticed they were at a great distance from him and Aric. This was most likely because of the uneasiness that arose from Aric and Japeth's recent activities.

After Aric and Japeth had skinned a few animals they caught in Burnhilde's Garden and nailed them to the school building, Jach and Mika had gone to tattle on them. But Aric had threatened to skin them alive too if they told anyone. Needless to say that threat was enough to make Jach cry and make Mika too cowardly to stand up to Aric.

By now, everybody in Arbed knew of Aric and Japeth's "activities" and were too fearful to intentionally go near the two boys. Rumors quickly spread that Aric and Japeth were in a cult for some reason and wanted to strike unease in Arbed. But the craziest rumor Japeth heard was that him and Aric were planning to run away together and take over Camelot to anger Rhian who had been trying to claim the throne for himself.

It wasn't a secret that there was some bad blood between Japeth and Rhian and that's why the kids in Arbed had come up with the insane theory of Japeth and Aric wanting to destroy Rhian's dreams.

And maybe part of Japeth felt that way...Maybe the thought of running away with Aric and making Rhian suffer wasn't that far fetched, because by now being without Aric felt like a curse.

For Japeth swore he'd rather spend time with Aric eating blueberries rather than hanging with Rhian for the rest of his life. If only Rhian would change his childish ways and grow up. Maybe than Japeth could actually stand being in his brother's presence and maybe than Rhian and Aric could at least tolerate each other.

"Just a well needed getaway," Japeth told Aric, referring to the roof. His hand itched to wrap around Aric's. Instead, their pinkies became intertwined like before, but Aric's slight touch was enough to warm Japeth's darkened heart for the briefest of moments. "After all the havoc we've been setting to Arbed I reckon we deserve some peace and quiet. Tonight will be a full moon and it'll be real interesting to look at, I reckon. At least we'll have some actual quiet time to ourselves in which we're sure no one will interrupt us."

Aric seemed to relish Japeth's cold touch, his pinkie tightening around his friend's. Japeth curled his pinkie in the same tight manner and it was as if the two boys' pinkies were battling for dominance.

"And Rhian?" Aric said, violet gaze flickering up to gaze upon Japeth's face.

"He won't be a problem, Aric," Japeth tried to reassure him. "My Scims and I will be sure he's asleep when I sneak out, and when you and I are up on the roof we'll be able to spot anyone coming. It'll be fine. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?"

Aric grinned at him, and Japeth was almost a taken back by the genuine smile belonging to his friend. Usually, Aric wore his trademark smirk, but this...this was something new. Seeing it, Japeth couldn't help the warmth that burst within his heart.

Somehow, Japeth and Aric helped make each other their best selves. It was their present friendship that made them forget about their harsh pasts. With each other, Japeth and Aric didn't dwell on their absent loved ones or dwell on guilt like certain people did.

"I hope it's not too quiet," Aric said, fiddling with a blueberry. There was a faraway look in his eyes like he were thinking hard about something for a moment before he turned his attention back to Japeth. "I don't like the silence when it's drawn out...Actually, I'd prefer the sound of your voice over the quiet."

Japeth felt a smile cross his face as his scims squirmed against his skin in anticipation. He playfully reached out to nudge Aric's head and the raven haired boy smacked his hand away gently.

"Than I'll gladly talk your head off," Japeth informed him, and Aric scoffed, rolling his violet eyes.

"Remind me why we're friends again?" Aric questioned, tone laced with underlying amusement.

"Because we ruined Burnhilde's garden together, remember?" Japeth answered, laughing at the memory of him and Aric's first interaction.

Aric gave him a pointed look in response and Japeth shoved him way with such force that Aric stumbled off the steps onto the grass. For a second, Aric lay flat down in the grass, unmoving, and for a fleeting moment Japeth thought he'd accidentally hurt his dear friend.

"Aric?" He called, coming to his side to inspect the damage. But that's when Aric's leg shot out and Japeth tripped over it, his forehead snapping against the ground.

"Hey!" Japeth hissed as Aric burst into a fit of laughter. Japeth whipped his head to see Aric roll over onto his back with a look of pure amusement. Seeing Aric's face, Japeth couldn't keep his own laughter at bay, knowing he could never truly be angry at Aric.

"Of course I remember. How could I ever forget?" Aric purred, reaching his hand out to touch a flower growing by his side. He plucked it from its roots and crushed the petals in his fist. When he opened his palm, the breeze carried the crushed petals away.

"I'm gonna get you back for that, ya know?" Japeth vowed, rubbing his sore forehead, but the smile remained on his face. "Just you wait..."

When Aric looked back at him, his violet gaze was alight in adoration and playfulness. "Oh I will, Japeth," Aric murmured, smirking. "I will."


The darkness seemed infinite in Arbed as Japeth made his way through the empty halls to head outdoors. He could barely see his own hand in front of his face as he silently passed the closed doors of his fellow peers, but there was a sliver of moonlight shining in through the window at the end of the hallway that provided some light.

Rhian had remained asleep when Japeth crept out of his room and by now, sneaking out of Arbed felt surprisingly easy.

Japeth was about to go downstairs when he heard the sound of scuffling. It was coming from downstairs. Curious and alert, he cautiously tiptoed downstairs and saw a shape in the darkness, huddled at the door belonging to Dean Burnhilde's office.

"What are you doing?" Japeth breathed, recognizing the flash of violet eyes.

"I wanted to see someone's file," Aric's voice was softer than usual but that was because he didn't want to awaken any slumbering people.

Japeth peered over Aric's shoulder to make out Aric's hands clutched around his dagger, the blade angled at the doorknob so that the tip of it would spear into the keyhole.

"Why?" Japeth whispered, confused. "Whose file? Trying to dig up secrets on someone in particular?"

In the darkness, Japeth saw the shadow before him stiffen as if he were uncomfortable. Japeth moved to touch Aric's back gently in reassurance, and he felt Aric's shoulder blades ease up in response.

"If you stay trying to break into Burnhilde's office, we'll miss our chance to see the moon," Japeth told him. "Come. Let's get to the roof. Whoever's file you wanted to look at I'm sure isn't important. We'll sneak in the Dean's office later."

Aric turned around and Japeth saw the blade of his dagger glinting in the shadows as Aric sheathed it at his belt. Silently, Aric followed Japeth outdoors into the night.

It wasn't until Japeth stepped outside and felt the cool air kiss his face that he realized whose file it might've been that Aric wanted to see. Was it Rhian's file he'd wanted to snoop into, or perhaps he wanted to look into his own file to see something like from his childhood.

Japeth tried to remember the little information he knew of Aric's past. He'd been trapped in a cave after his mother abandoned him, and Aric had admitted to the rumors regarding him burning down a village. Apparently, Aric hadn't burnt an entire village down, but burnt his caretaker's house down which caused his caretakers to dump him in Arbed.

Maybe Aric wanted to find out something about his mother or maybe he had meant to look into someone else's file. Whoever's file it'd meant to be, Japeth didn't care. All he cared about for now was being by his best friend's side.

Japeth led Aric around the back of the school where the brick wall was crumbling from age. Luckily, the partially damaged wall consisted of grooves and out jutting bricks, making the perfect makeshift ladder for someone to climb.

Before Japeth could speak, Aric had already came up to the wall and began to climb upwards like a skilled warrior.

Japeth could scarcely make out the Shape of Aric's body steadily scaling the wall before it disappeared over the top. Than, Japeth made out Aric's face in the darkness as the moonlight outlined his silhouette against the starry sky. Aric stuck his head out to peer down at Japeth upon the ground.

"You coming?" Aric asked, and Japeth gritted his teeth as he threw himself at the brick wall, curling his fingers around the out jutting bricks and raising his foot to nestle it in the first crevice to haul himself upwards. Soon enough, Japeth was beginning to climb the brick wall like a ladder with sickening ease. It didn't take long for him to fling himself over the top of the roof to come face to face with Aric once more.

The roof wasn't at a slope luckily. It was flat and provided plenty stability. Japeth had come up to this roof a few times before he'd ever met Aric, fascinated by the stars twinkling in the night sky. To Japeth, this roof was a safe place where he could think and enjoy the company of aloneness without Rhian's pesky behavior bothering him.

But now, Japeth was no longer in the company of aloneness, for he had Aric, a companion who he could confide in.

The tiles of the roof were old but they held beneath Japeth and Aric's weight as the two of them settled down beside each other to stare up at the starry night sky.

For a long moment, there was silence between them, and Japeth breathed in the cool night air as his Scims purred in contentment, obviously enjoying the cold as much as Japeth did. Beside him, Aric was staring up at the moon, his violet eyes reflecting the slivers of moonlight beaming down on the pair.

"Look at that view," Japeth said, elbowing Aric. "You can almost see all of Foxwood from up here."

Aric glanced outwards. Japeth could see the little pinpricks of orange light belonging to the torches that lined the main road of Foxwood, Rue du Palais. And the next few roads over was Japeth and Rhian's old street, Stropshire Lane.

"You were right, Japeth," Aric said, looking over at his friend with a pointed look. "It really is peaceful up here, isn't it?"

Japeth felt his heart swell and he felt himself inching closer to Aric as if to feel his warmth despite his love for the cold. Japeth sword if Rhian could see him and Aric now, so close to one another like family members should be, he would be losing his mind.

Despite Japeth's friendship with Aric, Japeth found himself wanting more. He wanted—or maybe part of him wanted to mend his relationship with Rhian. Japeth wished more than anything that his twin and best friend would get along, but things weren't that simple.

Besides, this wasn't some fairytale Japeth was living in. This was reality, the real world and there were no happy endings to look forward to.

"What are you thinking about?" Aric wondered, looking back at his friend.

Japeth met his violet gaze and saw himself reflected back at him in Aric's eyes. He suddenly felt a lump in his throat as if he couldn't breathe and his scims squirmed against his skin anxiously.

"You," Japeth murmured. He watched the moonlight cast shadows across Aric's features, making him look dark and mysterious. Only Aric's violet eyes were alight as Aric's lips twisted into that smirk Japeth was so used to seeing by now.

"I'm thinking that," Japeth began. Guilt pricked at his darkened heart, "You're my friend and...I'm scared, Aric. I'm scared that somehow—I—I might Lose you. And I can't have that because you and I, we're the only ones who know what's it's like to be alone and unwanted by the people we used to love—"

Japeth was silenced when Aric pressed the flat part of the blade of his dagger against Japeth's trembling lips. There was a look of impassiveness upon Aric's face.

"You won't lose me, Japeth," He persisted, violet gaze slicing through Japeth before he lowered the dagger.

For a long moment, Aric was silent, not saying anything more to back up his statement and Japeth saw the burning emotion in Aric's gaze before it was replaced by a look of anger.

Japeth watched Aric closely as the raven haired boy opened his mouth to speak.

"Boys don't cry. I learned that a long time ago in a dark part of my life when my mother first left me," Aric said, voice bitter as he reminisced about the past. Japeth's heart ached for him as he moved closer to Aric till he felt his shoulder against his own. "Crying doesn't get you what you want. Crying doesn't help you. That's why crying is weakness and dominance is far more superior. So, suck it up For me."

Japeth hadn't realized his eyes had been brimming in tears until he blinked and a single tear rolled down his cheek. He saw Aric's stern expression and quickly wiped his eyes.

Japeth knew Aric's tough exterior, his cold facade he always sometimes had on, was just a ruse—an illusion—because deep down Japeth knew Aric wasn't all that evil like people saw him as. He only wore that tough facade as a coping mechanism to keep people from seeing his true self.

But Japeth knew the truth in Aric's heart. He wasn't evil...he was just broken just like Japeth was.

"You want everybody to think you're selfish and evil, but you're Not, Aric," Japeth breathed, voice rising with conviction and passion. "Do you know what I see when I look at you? I see You, I see the same guy I met weeks ago. The same guy who showed me the acceptance and loyalty my own brother wouldn't offer me. You need to know that're my family, as crazy as that may sound. Most importantly when I'm with you, I don't wanna be anywhere else but by your side because I think this is where I belong...You're my home."

Aric was stiff as if in shock at Japeth's words. Japeth noticed his throat bobbing and saw Aric's fingers fiddling in his lap like he was caught off guard. Than, Aric raised his gaze to meet Japeth's, and Japeth lost his breath at the devotion he saw swirling in those perfectly cut amethysts.

"Japeth," Aric whispered, his voice soft. He reached out his hands and Japeth felt his fingers curl around his shoulder in a sign of obvious gratitude. Aric's touch alone made Japeth's heart skip a beat as if his skin had made contact with something extraordinary.

Japeth noticed the sudden heaviness in the atmosphere and recalling that this night was meant to be a peaceful one, he composed himself, slapping Aric on the back playfully to lighten the mood.

The faintest of smiles traced Aric's lips as he shoved Japeth away, having forgotten about their intense heartfelt conversation seconds ago, only for Japeth to grab Aric's hand to keep balanced.

For a single beautiful moment, Japeth's hand enveloped Aric's own and their fingers intertwined like a loving embrace. Their gazes remained locked on each other, blue reflecting violet and violet reflecting blue. Japeth couldn't tear his gaze away from Aric's deep violet gaze that seemed to bore into his very soul.

"Maybe you're right, Japeth," Aric said, fingers tightening, and Japeth's scims purred, wanting nothing more but to feel Aric's skin against their scales. "Maybe I'm not evil, but you can't deny that I'm just a little bit damaged. I've told myself so many times that my mother deserves to suffer for what she did to me. Sometimes I yearn for her to feel the same pain I felt when she abandoned me all alone."

Aric's free hand was clenched into a fist of frustration as he confessed to his hatred for the woman who abandoned him trapped in a cave. Japeth's heart ached for him as he gave Aric a look of reassurance.

"Whatever that little voice in your head is telling you to do, perhaps you should listen to it, Aric," Japeth told him genuinely, thinking of his own mother who'd left long ago. He struggled to push away the memories of his childhood and silently reminded himself that it was best to focus on the present. "If it'll truly make you happy, than make your mother suffer for all the pain she caused you...Just know I'm here for you to support you in whatever decision you decide to make. I am your friend after all."

Aric seemed transfixed by Japeth's words, and Japeth felt his scims tighten, their soft gurgles filling the quiet night air before Japeth drew ever so closer to Aric.

"Evelyn Sader was a good mother to Rhian and I," Japeth admitted, feeling that it only felt right to tell Aric his own thoughts on the woman who also left him behind. "But I was a terrible son...and brother. I hurt Rhian and our mother too many times before and I guess she'd finally had enough of it and left."

Japeth hated thinking about him and Rhian's mother. Evelyn Sader had been the only person Japeth had ever truly loved more than anything, but he'd get jealous if she paid more attention to Rhian than him. For a long while, His mother and Rhian were distressed, almost broken because of Japeth's erratic behavior until it came to a point that the two brothers were left in Arbed House without much of an explanation.

Japeth never believed he would ever get that love back, that contentment he'd felt when he was close with his mother. But now, gazing upon Aric, Japeth realized he wasn't broken anymore because his friendship with Aric made him whole.

When Aric opened his mouth to respond, something arose within Japeth as his scims frantically squirmed against his skin. It was a unfamiliar sense of longing Japeth had only felt a few times before, like a rose coming into bloom. The feeling was so intense that it caused Japeth to lean towards Aric, drawing closer and closer until he could feel Aric's warm breath fanning his face.

Aric didn't pull away. In fact, he seemed to suck in a breath as Japeth's gaze lingered over his lips. Japeth could hear his heart pounding against his rib cage like a drum. He knew he should've felt alarmed that he was getting this close to Aric, but that feeling of longing only urged him on, closer and closer till their lips almost collided—


The voice came from below. In the darkness, Japeth could barely make out the shadow of a boy staring up at them in utter horror. But Japeth recognized those eyes, that face awash in moonlight, and his heart lurched.

It was Rhian.

Hmmm...So what'd you guys think of the chapter? Honestly, I kinda felt like it was rushed at the end, but that was cause I was trying to update quickly cause I Hate keeping my readers waiting. Anyway, comment and vote! Sorry for the wait!

—Alexis Peters 🥰

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