Twisted Fate (UN-EDITED)

By sjshrksprincess

69.2K 1.5K 66

Hey guys this is my first story i have ever written so please be patient with me. Any comments and feedback t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 16

1.5K 36 0
By sjshrksprincess

Alex’s POV:

I wake up with my arms wrapped around someone and then the memories from last night come flooding back. I look at Aria as she sleeps and can’t help but smile. I finally have my mate in my arms even if she doesn’t know it yet. As I look at her I realize I need to use the bath room. Getting up as quietly as I can so I don’t wake her I hear her whimper as I leave the bed. It makes me smile even if she doesn’t realize it yet her body is already reacting to me. I can’t wait to have her with both me and Xavier, if she accepts us, we can claim her. As I walk back out of the bathroom I notice Aria is awake.

“What time is it” she asks with a husky bedroom voice sending shivers down my spine. I walk over and crawl back in bed with her pulling her close to me.

“It’s only 7 in the morning go back to sleep” I say into her hair.

“Mmm I have to pee first” she says wiggling out of my arms and walking to the bathroom. I watched her walk and stretch making my shirt that she is wearing rise up and show her lacy underwear. God this is torcher I think looking up to the ceiling. After what seems like forever she comes out of the bathroom and crawls back into bed with me. I pull her closer to me and she automatically cuddles into me.

“Why do I feel so safe and drawn to you” she asks looking up at me.

“I can’t tell you that right now but I promise I will explain everything soon okay just trust me please” I ask with pleading eyes I don’t want to lose her but Xavier has to be here too.

“I trust you but please don’t hurt me” she whispers and as I look into her eyes I see how scared and vulnerable she really is.

“I would never dream of it” I tell her honestly and kiss her forehead. After that we fell back to sleep for another hour and half.

“Come on Princess time to get up if you want those tickets” I say. With that her eyes pop open and she runs into the bathroom to take a shower. I can’t help but laugh at her excitement. After about a 20 minute shower she comes out in a towel.

“Um my clothes are in my room” she says while blushing.

“You want me to go get them or you can wear my shirt” I say looking in her eyes trying not to focus on her in a towel.

“Well will you go with me I don’t feel like walking in there by myself if Max is in there.”

“Of course just let me put on my pants.”

“Oh and I think one of the guys has some clothes you can borrow till we get yours” she says trying not to let me catch her staring. I chuckle and her face turns a darker shade of red as she looks at the floor.

“What did I tell you last night? Don’t ever try to hide your face from me you look cute when you blush.”

“Can we go get my clothes now” she asks walking to the door.

I grab her arm and stop her. “I’m sorry if I said something wrong” I say to her while she stays facing the door.

“It’s not that I just can’t seem to get anything right around you and it irritates me” she says pulling away from me and walking out the door. Now I feel like an ass because the reason she feels the way she does is because we are mates but I can’t tell her yet. I hate making her upset. We better meet up with Xavier soon or I might just have to tell her without him.

As I walk out into the hall behind her she is already at her door waiting for me. God how did I get so lucky? As I reach the door she opens it and walks in slowly and lets out a breath of relief when she notices it’s empty.

“Thank you for coming with me and I think Connor has some clothes you can wear.”

“Okay I’ll go get those and once I’m done I’ll be back for you and go with you to get those tickets.” She just nods her head and I sigh as I walk out to go get some clothes.

Aria’s POV:

As Alex walks out I can’t help but feel like I lost something. I quickly rush to get my clothes and go with black short shorts again, and a teal Sharks spaghetti strap shirt, with my black slip on Vans. Just as I’m done getting dressed and starting to figure out how I want my hair the bedroom door opens. At first I thought it was Alex but as I sniff I can tell its Max. I growl and as Max comes to the bathroom door I glare at him.

“Aria please let me explain” Max pleads.

“There is nothing to explain okay I get it you’re a guy who has needs its whatever. It’s better if we just stay friends anyway, because if I find my mate or you find yours it’ll just be heart ache later down the road okay” I say putting up my wall. His betrayl did hurt it hurt like hell because I trusted him but I guess that was my mistake. I go back to straightening my hair.

“Fine if that is what you want” he says giving up.

“Good now be ready for the game tonight it’s a pack event.”

“Okay Alpha”

“Really Max that’s how it’s going to be? I didn’t do anything wrong you did. I said I forgive you leave it in the past and you pull this bullshit really?”

“I’m sorry I’m just pissed at myself” he says defeated.

“Well it’s your problem just give me a day to get over being pissed at you alright.”

“Okay. What is everyone going to do today” he asks.

“I’m going with Alex to get his and Crissy’s things from their hotel and the tickets for tonights game, Nick and Crissy are enjoying being mates if you know what I mean, I believe Jade and Connor are also locking themselves in their room, and I don’t know about Chad and Chase” I say finishing my hair.

“Well I’ll go hang out with the guys then.”

“Yeah you do that” I hear Alex say as he walks into the room.

“Alex” Max says changing his tone.

“You two know each other” I ask confused.

“Yeah I’ll explain later I promise just trust me Princess” Alex says to me and I nod. “Can I talk to you for a sec Max alone?”

“I’ll go wait for you in lobby.

“Okay I’ll be quick I promise” he says kissing me on top of my head. I walk out and go down to lobby thinking all this is so weird. As I step into the hallway Nick stops me.

“Hey sis can you come in here for a second please” He asks me.

“Is everyone decent” I ask reluctantly.

“Yes or I wouldn’t have asked you in here duh.”

“Okay so what’s up” I ask walking into his room.

“Well first I wanted to introduce you to my mate Crissy, Crissy this is my twin sister Aria.”

“Hi” I smile at her.

“Hi” she smiles back. “I Crissy Stevenson accept you Aria Santos as my Alpha.”

I look at her wide eyed and then turn to Nick “you could have warned me.”

“Are you going to accept her or not Sis” he asks irritated because I’m imposing on their “play time”.

“I Aria Santos accept you Crissy Stevenson into the Twisted Rose Pack.” I smile when she squeals and hugs me. I hug her back and then she pulls away and starts making out with Nick in front of me EWWWW GROSS. “Guys wait till I leave the room” I complain running to the door. I hear them laugh as I run into the hallway. I walk to the elevator and go to the lobby to wait for Alex.

Alex’s POV:

As soon as Aria leaves the room Max and I are in a stare down.

“What do you want with Aria” Max asks through clenched teeth.

“First of all don’t forget who I am and secondly she is my mate.”

He looks at me with wide eyes and says “that means she is Xavier’s mate as well.”

“Yes but she doesn’t know it yet so you can’t tell her we want to tell her together and explain things to her.”

“Fine I won’t tell her but you better not hurt her” he tells me.

“I won’t you already did that” I say glaring at him again.

“It’s not like that. The woman in bed was my mate I couldn’t control myself and I feel like shit especially since she up and left first thing in the morning to go back to her betrothed” he says looking broken.

“Dude I’m so sorry. Do you know who her betrothed is?”

“Yeah but you’re not going to like it.”

“Who is it” I ask wearily now.

“She is Xavier’s betrothed and she chose him over me.”

“Fuck why didn’t you say anything before” I ask getting angry not at him but her.

“I was going to but she threatened me and besides her family is high in power they can do things and not get caught.”

“I understand and I won’t say anything but Xavier’s going to be pissed when he finds out.”

“I know but hopefully he will understand where I’m coming from. And besides I am looking for a second chance mate seeing as she completely rejected me this morning before she left because they are “soooo in love” her words not mine.”

“Well bro I hope you find her and you know after Aria calms down and you tell her she will understand.”

“I know but I don’t want her to know ok. I’ll tell her when I’m ready” he says.

“Okay well I need to get down to her we will see you tonight” I ask making sure he is coming.

“Yeah I’ll be there now go get your mate.” I smile and walk out to go get my princess.

When I get to the lobby I see Aria sitting in one of the chairs shaking her head. I rush over thinking something is wrong.

“What’s wrong” I ask checking to make sure she isn’t hurt or anything.

“Nothing just trying to get the image of Nick and Crissy half-naked making out” she whines.

I laugh and ask “why did you watch them half-naked making out?”

“It wasn’t a choice Nick called me into his room to introduce me to Crissy, then she wanted me to accept her into the pack, which I did, and then after she hugged me they started making out in front of me. And let me tell you NOT COOL!”

I just laugh and grab her hand. “Come on Princess let’s get this day started and get your mind off them with Starbucks.”

“Let’s go” she says jumping up and dragging me.

“Whoa slow down Princess, where’s the fire” I ask laughing at her. She is so cute.

“You said the magic word Starbucks” she says still dragging me. I just laugh and follow her.

“Let’s walk because we are down town and I need the exercise” she says.

“You don’t need it but if you want to we can” I say checking her out.

“Whatever come on Lover boy let’s go get my coffee” she laughs and it the most amazing sound I’ve ever heard. I smile and grab her hand. She looks at our hands and she tries to pull away from me.

“Please don’t pull away” I look at her knowing my eyes show my feelings.

“I can’t these feelings are scaring me because I don’t understand them and you can’t explain anything to me, which I don’t understand either, so please just be patient with me” she whispers to me.

“I’m sorry I’m not trying to do this to you I swear and I will explain but at the right time okay?” She nods her head and turns to walk away.

“Do you have a cell phone” she asks.

“Yeah here” I say handing her my phone. She pulls a number out of her back pocket and dials the number. The person on the other end picks up after the second ring.

“Hey Seth it’s me Aria” she says. She really just used my phone to call another guy? Really?

“Hey Little One” I hear the guy on the other end say.

“I just wanted to call and tell you we are leaving for Oregon in the morning to go to the new place but I was kind of hoping you guys wouldn’t meet us there just yet. I want to get everything set up and relax.”

“Sure Sis I understand. Call me when you get settled tomorrow okay? I love you.”

“I love you too” she says with a smile and hangs up.

“Sorry I just needed to call my brother I didn’t want him and the others to show up at the new place” she explains.

“How many brothers do you have” I ask.

“7. Well Seth, Nick, and I are triplets, Cole and Travis are twins, and Carter and Trent are twins. We were all born on January 24th, to three sets of parents” she explains. That means they have Original blood in them. Well I know for a fact Xavier and I are not related to Aria but we might be to the others.

“Wow that’s weird” I say trying to think about what this means.

“Why is that weird” she asks giggling. God I love her giggle.

“Because Twins are only known to happen if the family was from one of the Original blood lines” I explain.

“Hm that is weird” she says and I can tell she is hiding something but I won’t push her further away. She will tell me when she is ready.

We walk into Starbucks and order our drinks. As we wait I send Xavier a text telling him that we are going to Oregon, where their new house is, and I tell him what I learned about her and her brothers. After we get our drinks we walk down the HP Pavillion to get the tickets for the game.

“How can I help you” the guy behind the window asks us.

“I need 12 tickets to tonight’s game please” Aria says.

“What seats would you like” he asks.

“Upper level behind the Sharks bench if they are available please.”

He looks and says “you’re in luck we have what you want. That will be $420, cash or credit.”

“Debit please” she says handing him her card.

Damn I wonder how she has all this money I think to myself.

“I’ve invested in stocks and am really set for life and yes you did say that out loud” she says smiling at me. I can’t help but turn red with embarrassment. She grabs her card and the tickets and walks to the side of the building.

“Now where are we going” I ask her.

“To get everyone jerseys duh, I mean come on get with program.” I laugh at her craziness.

After we buy everyone a jersey we walk back to the hotel to drop off the jerseys. As we enter I notice something is off. I look around and grab Aria’s hand pulling her closer to me. Before I can react Aria pulls out of my grip and runs to the stairs running up to our floor. I chase after her my wolf and panther wanting to both come out. As I reach our floor I catch a glimpse of Aria running through the door. When I open the door I smell blood. I quickly look around and my eyes widen at the site in front of me.

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