The Betrayed Chronicles Arc 1...

由 Galaxydragon101

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Ash has just lost in the Indigo League, due to his Charizard's disobedience. As he and Pikachu are thinking t... 更多

Chapter 1: The Betrayal
Chapter 2: Recovering
Chapter 3: On The Run
Chapter 4: Reuniting The Team
Chapter 5: Enter Professor Ivy of The Orange Islands
Chapter 6: Starting Over
Chapter 7: Enter Tracey and Lapras?! New Friends?
Chapter 8: Earning Trust, Training Time!
Chapter 9: Traitors and Allies - Interlude
Chapter 10: Fit To Be Tide
Chapter 12: The Onix of Crystal
Chapter 13: A Pink Adventure!

Chapter 11: Pokemon Re-Volts

1.3K 16 12
由 Galaxydragon101

Woo! Sorry for the long wait, schoolwork and I went on vacation with no access to my computer while on said vacation.

Anywho, here's an extra long chapter for you ladies and gents!


*Orange Islands; Mandarin Island; the docks*

It had been 3 days since Ash's battle against Cissy of Mikan island and the 10 year old and company were just swimming into shore where Lapras let off her passengers, Ash stepped onto the docks, Allena and Tracey flanking him, and Aero and Pikachu on their respective trainer's shoulders. That was when yelling and scuffling could be heard.

Allena turned and narrowed her eyes at something with Ash, Pikachu, Aero, and Tracey following her line of sight.

There were 3 trainers surrounded by a Grimer, Magnemite, and Voltorb.

"Woah, Grimer, what the hell? It's me!"

"Voltorb, don't ya recognize me!"

"Magnemite.... Why!"

The 3 Pokemon glared at their respective trainers with glassy looks in their eyes, they began to close in on their trembling partners. Ash, Allena, and Tracey (with Ash returning Lapras) are spurred on by the trainers' pleas and they rushed to help the hapless Pokemon trainers.

But as soon as they exited the docks, Pikachu and Aero stopped moving, both 'mons then fell to the ground, writhing and whimpering. Allena and Ash rushed to their partners.

The blue eyed girl picked her precious partner up and whispered sweet nothings to him and Aero - spurred by her words - snapped out of his trance, giving Allena a wide-eyed, cute look.

'That... hurt... so much, whatever it was had to be-' But the pterosaur was cut off as Ash went to grab his electric partner, whose eyes went cold with deadly intent. Pikachu turned on his trainer with sparks flying from his cheeks.

"Pi-Pikachu...?" Ash's voice trembled.

Pikachu said nothing, just stared at his trainer threateningly before he charged up and released a Thunderbolt at his own trainer!

Ash froze in place, fearful. This... this couldn't be-?!

"Aero, take it!"

Aero rushed into the path of the bolt, raised his tail where it shimmers with the power of Iron Tail, the Fossil Pokemon then proceeded to dig his tail into the concrete just as the lightning bolt struck the rock type. Dust appeared from where the Thunderbolt struck Aero, but as the smoke cleared, Aero was revealed to be perfectly fine, removing his tail from the ground. Pikachu and Aero eyed each other in a dramatic staredown before...

Pikachu turned around and rushed off, deeper into the cityspace, Grimer, Magnemite, and Voltorb trailing behind him.

Ash dropped to his knees with tears in his eyes. "W-what h-ha-happened to Pikachu?" he shook.

Allena looked at the trainer with a look of sympathy before she turned to her partner, who twitched a bit with a grimace.

'I-I think it was some sort of powerful Hypnosis attack, it had to be to afflict me like that.'

Allena closed her eyes, breathed in and out before reopening them with a look of understanding, "Yes, I can feel it, you're right, whatever psychic Pokemon is doing this... it's clearly very well trained."

Aero nodded. 'I can still feel it, Allena, it hurts so much...' Aero put his claws to his head before the pterosaur closed his eyes and breathed in and out before reopening them with newfound courage and balance. 'That feels better...' he sighed with relief.

Tracey watched the confrontation with a shocked look before he rushed to Ash, he tried to touch the boy's shoulder, but the black haired boy flinched away.

Ash turned to Allena, "So... it's a psychic type? Pikachu didn't just abandon me?" He asked hopefully.

Allena turned to Ash. "Of course! You need to have more faith in your Pokemon, if that mouse is anything, he's loyal, no something dirty is going on here..."

That was when a police bike sped up to Ash and co. and the 3 other trainers. Officer Jenny hopped out with a Ghastly at her flank.

"Oh dear, it happened again." Jenny gave a solemn look.

Ash, his companions and the 3 lost trainers looked at her. She brushed their looks off before replying. "This has been happening a lot recently. If you lost a Pokemon, please come with me."

All the trainers obliged.


*Orange Islands; Mandarin Island; Police Station*

The 3 random trainers had given the officer their stories of what happened when their Pokemon had just snapped and turned on them, with Jenny assuring them that the police of Mandarin island would get their Pokemon back for them. After all was said and done, the 3 left with hope in their hearts.

Allena then walked up to Jenny with Aero on her shoulder, Jenny eyed the rock type with surprise.

"Another unaffected Pokemon?" She asked in puzzlement.

Allena gave a look. "It's complicated, anyway Officer, do you know what's going on?" Allena needed to get a feel of what Jenny did know, did she know it was a Hypnosis attack? Or just a psychic type move in general?

Ash was sitting down, listening in, but anyone with eyes could see his crushed look. Tracey looked suspicious, he had some questions but he knew right now just wasn't the time, he'd get his answers... after this fiasco.

Jenny sighed. "For about a week now, any Pokemon within the island's borders just snaps and turns against their trainers - if they have one - that is, wild Pokemon just straight up attack anyone within their sight."

Allena, Ash, and Tracey nodded.

"The only Pokemon not affected are ghost types like this Ghastly and dark types, it's makin' me think some psychic type shenanigans are going on..." The police officer trailed off.

"Yeah, I think that too."

"What about your Aerodactyl though? It seems relatively unaffected, is it some regional variant from Alola? Or Galar? Or some other regions?"

Allena laughed. "Oh no! He's just very unique."

Aero puffed up in pride. 'Damn straight!' He smirked.

Ash spoke up then. "What are we gonna do? My Pikachu's gone! I'm not leaving this island without him." Ash spoke stubbornly.

"And we won't." Allena smirked. "I just need to grab some guys and we can get on the case."

Jenny looked surprised. "You'll help?"

Allena smiled cheerily. "Yes."

Jenny didn't like bringing children into this but she got one look at the black haired boy, blond haired girl, and headband wearing boy, and saw their unwavering stares. They were gonna help, whether she approved or not.

"I don't approve but I guess you leave me with little choice." Jenny sighed and relented.

Allena nodded with a victorious smirk.

"So, since we're dealing with a psychic type, I got some Pokemon that could help, just need to go get them." Allena rushed off to one of the phone booths at the station.

Ash turned to Jenny curiously. "So how're we gonna do this?"

Tracey spoke up as well. "Do you know where to start?"

Jenny shook her head, "I've tried, but I can't seem to find a way to track them."

Ghastly giggled. 'Well, Aura user, you should relay to my trainer that she should use another Pokemon that can be affected by psychic moves to track wherever the signal is coming from.' The ghost type finished with a tone of wisdom.

Ash gave Ghastly a look before something clicked in his mind. "We could use one of our Pokemon, when they become hypnotized or whatever, we can follow that Pokemon to wherever they go." Ash finished with a satisfied look.

"That's a good idea actually." Jenny looked sheepish while Tracey narrowed his eyes, Ash and Jenny's Ghastly...

Ash gave Jenny's ghost Pokemon a curious stare. He'd ask him later about the Aura user comment, Allena had mentioned the same thing.

Speaking of the blue eyed girl, she had returned with 4 new Pokeballs, Aero still sitting anxiously on her shoulder. "I got my guys right here." She patted her belt fondly.

The company and Jenny smiled happily. Ash then proceeded to explain the plan to her, she nodded seriously.

"Good idea."

The group left the Police station and stood around it's courtyard, Allena then pulled out some of her Pokeballs. She tossed them into the air. "Neon! Gaspar! Warlock! Vala! Shadow! Let's go!"

The 'balls opened and 5 Pokemon materialized in front of the officer, and Ash and co.

Ash and Tracey stared in awe at the new Pokemon, although Ash noticed that Shadow - Absol? - remained.

Ash turned towards the other Pokemon with his Pokedex to scan them.

[Umbreon, The Moonlight Pokemon. An evolved form of Eevee. Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon's waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack. Note: The strange coloring of this Pokemon marks it as a shiny]

Ash gave Neon a surprised look. Another Eeveelution? Another shiny as well! Sweet! Ash skipped the Gengar, he knew that one already and moved onto the crow-like Pokemon.

[Honchkrow, The Big Boss Pokemon. Evolved form of Murkrow. A single cry from this nocturnal Pokémon, and more than a hundred of its Murkrow cronies will assemble.]

Ash looked at the Big Boss Pokemon with curiosity, he'd never heard of a Murkrow, he'd have to look that up later. He moved onto the next one.

[Weavile, The Sharp Claw Pokemon. Evolved form of Sneasel. They travel in groups of four or five, leaving signs for one another on trees and rocks. They bring down their prey with coordinated attacks.]

Vala flexed her claws in a showoff-y way. She smirked at Ash. The boy returned the smirk with more curious looks.

Allena's Pokemon gave Allena their full attention. She clapped, "We got a psychic type to track down my friends, be prepared to follow the Pokemon we're about to let out, got it?" Allena and her Pokemon exchanged looks before they nodded in understanding, Tracey narrowed his eyes.

Jenny pulled out a Pokeball and opened it. A Growlithe yawned as it materialized in front of it's trainer. The Puppy Pokemon locked eyes with his trainer and woofed in happiness, wagging his tail.

Jenny rubbed the Pokemon's head, affectionately. All of a sudden, the fire type's eyes became cold and the Pokemon immediately turned around and rushed out into the streets.

Warlock crowed, spread his wings, and took to the air.

"I'll tail him from the skies, Allena!" The Big Boss Pokemon exclaimed.

Allena, Ash, Tracey, Officer Jenny, and all their Pokemon took off after the runaway Puppy Pokemon. Allena's Honchkrow, Warlock, monitoring the action below from the skies.


*Meanwhile, in another part of the island*

Team Rocket gazed in awe of Mandarin Island's steeping skyscrapers.

"Ohhhh, yeah, finally!" James exclaims.

"Let's go explore." Jessie states.

Meowth gains a tick mark and yells, "We got no time for that! We got a job to do!" Meowth finishes and then waddles away from his frustrating teammates. The Scratch Cat Pokemon then pauses.

Jessie and James were still peeved at being yelled at, "Well, Meowth, excuse us for being ti-" Jessie was cut off when Meowth turned around and gave both humans a deadly look. Meowth's eyes were clouded and unfocused, the feline hissed at them.

"What-" James didn't finish, Meowth's claws extended and glowed, before the cat unleashed a vicious Fury Swipes on the lavender haired man's face. James whined in pain.

Jessie didn't get a chance to say anything before Meowth turned slowly and dramatically to her with his attack still in use, "Meowth, what the actual he-?" Meowth slashed her face as well. Jessie became red with fury at her beautiful face being marred with scars, just as the pink haired woman was about to explode, the talking Pokemon escaped her wrath by scurrying into the city.

Jessie and James refused to lose their partner and chased the Scratch Cat Pokemon all the way to a rather large building with a towering antenna and satellite dish. The tan cat ran to a hole in the building's gate before the cat jumped right in, so his 2 teammates trailed after their strange-acting partner.

Jessie and James admire the strange building for a bit. "What is this place Jessie?"

She didn't answer.


*Inside the radio tower*

Meowth appeared from the metal tube and saluted to 2 humanoid silhouettes that were standing on a lowering platform.

"I am Meowth, ready to serve you." Meowth's voice was devoid of emotion.

"A talking Meowth?" The newly revealed golden haired woman spoke confusedly. Her green haired partner looked no better. Both were wearing black Team Rocket uniforms with the trademark red R on their chests.

"Could it be?" the man's raspy voice echoed.

Banging, swears, and grunting could be heard echoing from the pipe Meowth had slid down and them both Jessie and James appeared wedged inside the pipe, both wiggled and pushed at each other before finally becoming loose and falling unceremoniously to the ground.

"Ugh!" They both exclaimed, rubbing their aching heads.

The black wearing Rockets sneered. "Our old friends."

Jessie and James locked eyes with their fellow Rockets.

It was a dramatic stare down until...

"YOU!" they both exclaimed angrily.

"Jesse and James... hmph." The golden haired woman grunted.

"Cassidy." Jessie stated.

"And Botch!" James continued.

'Botch' gained a tick mark on his forehead. "THE NAME IS BUTCH!!"

The other 3 ignored Butch's cries. "There's only room for 1 Team Rocket." Jessie stated, matter-of-factly.

"Hmph." Bill and Cassidy grunt.

Butch starts. "Then prepare for trouble."

Jessie and James are taken aback before the pink haired Rocket regains her composure, "You're the ones who better prepare for trouble."

Cassidy huffs and crosses her arms, she glares at Jessie and James. "You two don't even know how to say the motto."

James shakes a fist at his rivals. "You've just made your trouble double."

Butch snaps back, "I'm the one who has the next line." The green haired man points at himself.

Jessie screeches back at her rivals. "To protect the world from devastation!"

"To infect the world with devastation!" Cassidy shot back.

The lavender haired male added more. "To unite all peoples within our nation!" Biffy then got in James' face.

"To Blight all peoples in every nation!" The green haired man corrected with his raspy voice.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love." Jessie's head impinged in James and Butch's space.

Cassidy then pushed her own face into Jessie's. "The goodness of truth and love!" The golden haired Rocket and pink haired one pushed against each other with growls and dark glares that promised pain.

Billy and James weren't fairing much better, they were also in each other's faces with glares of death pointed at each other. "Reach for the stars above!" James pushed his own face into Butch's.

The raspy-voiced Rocket shot back with another face shove. "Wrath to the stars above!"





"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." Jessie exclaimed as she and James glared their rival Rockets down.

"Team Rocket circling the Earth all day and night." The more competent Rockets prattled with absolute certainty.

James added another incentive, "Surrender now and prepare to fight."

"Surrender to us now or you'll surely lose the fight." Butch exclaimed with finality.

The double Js pant with exhaustion, that had been such a work out and they still hadn't fully rested from their previous ordeal. The temperamental Jessie recovered first. "W-we say it just as well as you do!"

Butch and Cassidy were in the same predicament before the golden haired woman recovered to give a smug retort. "So, Jessie, rumor has it that your being kicked off Team Rocket."

Jessie and James's jaws dropped and Jessie was at a loss for words.

Cassidy hid her mouth behind her hand in a sassy way. "Of course, it is just a rumor, after all, you are the infamous Miyamoto's daughter. Of course she'd certainly be so disappointed in having a failure such as yourself as a daughter." Butch smirked in satisfaction while Jessie's faced gained a blue shade over her head, she never liked it when her mother was brought up, it brought back very sad memories and Cassidy damn well knew.

James was practically crying. "Are there any rumors about me?!" Then the rest of what Cassidy said sunk in, "Wait ... daughter?" Jessie gave him a look that told him to drop it so the lavender haired man gulped and shut it.

Jessie shook off her sadness and exclaimed. "Aren't you supposed to be in jail after what the twerp crew did to you?"

"Oh the boss came down to the station and bailed us out." Boof's raspy voiced said, smugly.

Jessie stared, dumbstruck while James had anime tears stream down his cheeks. "The boss himself actually paid for you in person?"

"The boss never does anything like that for us."

"Oh we're on the same team, just different leagues." Cassidy said, off-handedly. The Scratch Cat Pokemon, seemingly forgotten amidst the Rockets, scurried over to the more competent Rocket's side. The feline then proceeded to rub against Cassidy's leg.

"Meow, Meow, Meow." Meowth purred.

James shouted in protest of Meowth's actions. "Meowth! Don't forget who your real friends are!"

"Oh... hehe, Meowth isn't the only new friend we made here." Butch spoke calmly. "See." The raspy-voiced man pointed to an area with several shadowed Pokemon. A spotlight lit up and showed a large group of Pokemon - including Ash's Pikachu - who were giving the Rockets dull, emotionless looks.

'They actually caught the Twerp's Pikachu?'

"Ha! You wouldn't know how to catch that many Pokemon in a million years!" The golden haired woman snarked cockily.

Jessie grumbled. "But I know how we can get that many Pokemon right now." The pink haired woman grit her teeth and turned to her male companion. "We'll steal them from them, especially Pikachu!"

James nodded in agreement.

The duo grabbed their Pokeballs and hurled them into the air. "Go Arbok! Go Lickitung!"

"Go Weezing! Go Victreebel!"

The 4 spheres popped open and their residents materialized in front of their trainers, ready for battle.

A certain Flycatcher Pokemon though, decided to munch on his trainer's head.

"Agh! Don't attack me, attack them!" James' muffled voice exclaimed. Jessie just gave a deadpanned look at her cohort while Cassidy and Butch sweatdropped.

Butch though, then smirked and snapped her fingers. Another platform lowered and a Drowzee with several wires attached to his head that were wired to a large machine was standing on it, smirking evilly.


Drowzee's platform them touched the second cone shaped platform that stood intimidatingly behind the small army of hypnotized Pokemon.

"A.... Drowzee?" Jessie said dumbly. James was prying his head from his grass Pokemon's mouth.

Cassidy and Boffy gave smug looks and the green haired man rasped. "Do it, Drowzee." The psychic type then waved its arms in eerie ways and spoke in a creepy voice.

"Drowwwzee, Droooozzzzzzeeeee."

James looked confused. "Uh, what's it doing?"

Jessie was unfazed. "Who cares what it's doing." Both appeared oblivious to their Pokemon's looks becoming glazed over.

Jessie pointed to the 4 Pokemon, "Get those 2 out of the way so we can get those Pokemon."

The 4 Pokemon did nothing though.

"Uh, there not moving even a muscle!"

Jessie was seeing red. "Move it already!"

Jessie and James' Pokemon then gained deadly looks in their eyes and began to growl aggressively at their own trainers. Jessie and James gave surprised cries.

"Using brute strength to steal Pokemon is unimaginative and not to mention, stupid giving all the veteran trainers out there. We've created a way much more creative and effective."

"This device amplifies Drowzee's Hypnosis attack and broadcasts it through the antenna on the roof." Drowzee continued to wave it's arms creepily.

"Oh, so Drowzee's controlling the Pokemon." Jessie astuted. James gave a nervous glance at his Pokemon's glares.

"So now that you know our secret, I think it's time to say goodbye."

Cassidy nodded with resolution. "Arbok... Lickitung..."

"Weezing.... Victreebel..."

"You too, Meowth."

"Get rid of those nuisances!" The yelled simultaneously.

All 5 Pokemon howled their names and charged towards their own comrades. The double Js hugged each other and screamed in fright as their own Pokemon made to attack them.

Their Pokemon charged their strongest moves and blasted the 2 through the roof. The attacks knocked both humans out and they landed with a crunch in the streets of Mandarin Island. That was when Warlock spotted them both lying on the ground.


*Back with Cassidy and Butch*

The duo smirked triumphantly as Jessie and James' Pokemon went to join the others. That's when a chuckle echoed through the darkened room. The chuckle sounded evil and sent shivers down Cassidy and Butch's spines.

"Good, good... there is no room for weaklings in our 'precious' organization now is there?" A man with slick black hair, wearing a lab coat covered with what was hopefully not blood and black glasses that glinted evilly in the light. The man had cold, dead gray eyes and a creepy sneer.

Cassidy gulped and stepped forward. "Oh... Admin Neutron...." The man gave her his classic creepy smile.

"W-well how nice of you to... drop by?" Butch whispered, scared.

"Always a pleasure, Biff." the man smirked.

Butch would have corrected him... if he wasn't so terrified of the admin.

Neutron sneered. "Enough talk... I have an old enemy to get to, the thief who stole EV-2 from one of our research facilities."

"Wait, that trainer is here?"

"Yes, she is."


"Yes, she. And she's not alone either." The man thought to himself. 'She has found the Chosen One, he is here as well...'

"Well... what about EV-1's trainer?" Cassidy asked.

"That trainer... it would be foolish to go after that trainer... he's much too strong for you."

"But not for you?" Cassidy spoke with an uncertain edge in her voice.

"Hmmm, well, I do have some tricks up my sleeve. HAHAHAHA!" Neutron cackled insanely.

Cassidy and Butch shared a look with each other, shivers going up their spines.

Neutron stopped cackling and cleared his throat. "Well I must go and wait for her, she will come to me... I know it." the man then seemingly disappeared in the shadows.

He left 2 quivering Rockets in his wake.


*With Ash and company*

Ash and company heard the Big Boss Pokemon squawk to grab the trainers' attention.

'I found something over there!' The dark type pointed a talon in the direction of the Rocket's building.

Ash and Allena nodded and Tracey rubbed his eyes when he saw them. It really seemed like they understood the Honchkrow...

"Well, we'll lose Growlithe if we stop now..."

"You're right... hey Warlock? Does it seem like a real emergency?"

Warlock puffed his feathers up as he began to fly alongside his trainer. "Not really, they were 2 humans wearing white uniforms and I think I saw some pink mixed in there somewhere, they looked to be unconscious but miraculously unharmed."

Allena cursed under her breath and told the others. "You go ahead, I'll go see to this." Ash barely listened and continued chasing Growlithe while Jenny, Tracey, and Ghastly nodded.

'Don't worry user of the Aura, we got this.' Ghastly spoke eerily.

Allena did a double take at Ghastly's words but decided she hadn't really been all that subtle with her abilities.

The girl then broke off from the others with Aero latched onto her shoulder and Warlock leading the way, Vala, Shadow, Gaspar, and Neon trailed behind their trainer.

Ash had hardly listened to the dark type bird's words and Allena proclaiming their separation. It hardly mattered what that girl did, he was only focused on one thing and one thing only. Pikachu. The 10 year old's eyes followed Growlithe to a hole in a pillar of a gate that led to a strange, creepy building with a large radio tower attached to it.

The runaway fire type leapt down the pipe opening with a growl. Ash, Tracey, Ghastly, Jenny exchanged looks.

"Do we just... go down?" Tracey questioned.

Jenny shrugged. "I guess so."

Ash wasn't willing to wait though and he slipped down the tube.

"Ash!" Tracey exclaimed and leapt after the reckless black haired boy.

Jenny sweatdropped and facepalmed. "Kids these days..." And the police officer followed the 2 kids down the hole.

Ash slid down the pipe, unfazed and with a determined look that seemed to be permanently there.

Tracey slid down the pipe, screaming. "Oh Arceus!"

Jenny was unfazed as well, she had done much crazier things.

Ash tumbled out of the tunnel with a grunt of pain before he heard his sketch-loving companions yells and somersaulted out of the boy's path. Tracey then landed in a heap on the floor with a gasp. The boy then scrambled out of the way as Jenny landed gracefully on her feet. Ghastly just phased through the floor.

"So... this must be it?" Ash spoke with a certain edge in his voice.

Jenny backed him up."Must be, Growlithe came right here.... But where is he?"

Tracey turned when he heard the sound of something clattering to the ground, the boy gained a cold sweat and spoke shakily while pointing to something, "Uh.... guys?"

The blue haired woman and black haired boy turned to their more timid companion as he spoke. "I-I think I found them...."

The 2 looked at where he was pointing and saw a spotlight bask the room in a golden glow, a whole herd of Pokemon stood in the center with dark and glazed looks in their eyes, Pikachu and Jenny's Growlithe among them.

Ash's eyes widened. "Pikachu." The electric mouse hardly acknowledged his trainer.

'He can't hear you.' A malicious voiced spoke softly.

Ash turned to eye the yellow Pokemon that stood on a platform above the small army.

"What did you just say?" The Pokemon smirked with malice.

'I think you know what I said, Aura user. How nice, I think my master would just love to meet you... well as soon as I'm done doing these 2 morons' little scheme. Ugh, can't believe my master wants me to waste my time on this...' The Hypnosis Pokemon purred with delight and finished with righteous anger.

That's when both a feminine and a raspy masculine chuckle echoed around the room.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up."

"A troublesome twerp and his posse."

Cassidy and Butch then appeared in a burst of anime dramatics.

Ash growled. "Cassidy and Biff."

Butch fell anime stype before getting right back up and yelling. "IT"S BUTCH!"

Cassidy ignored her partner and smirked. "You know, you're never getting your Pokemon back right? It's hopeless, Drowzee has got them all wrapped around his little finger."

Drowzee grumbled. 'I miss my master.'

Ash scowled before turning to look at his Pikachu, who glared right back. "Pikachu.... Come on, fight it! You're my best friend!" Cassidy and Butch gave each other a look and nodded.

"Drowzee, tell the Pokemon to attack."

Drowzee sighed but nodded, he began to chant and wave his arms around creepily. 'My servants, I command thee to attack the intruders, for the glory of Om- I mean Team Rocket!'

Pikachu and the rest of the Pokemon's eyes began to glow red with rage as they charged Ash, Jenny, Ghastly and Tracey.

Ash flinched back, terrified, it reminded him too much of when the traitors...

"Ghastly! Psywave!" A feminine voice called.

And all hell broke loose.


*With Allena and her Pokemon*

Allena followed Warlock until she and her entourage were met with the unconscious forms of Ash's stalkers.

"Team Rocket..." Allena murmured with narrowed eyes. Aero gave a hearty growl.

"Ugh, these guys." She got a grumbled agreement from Shadow and Aero.

Allena decided that while she hated Team Rocket with a passion, leaving these 2 here unconscious and defenseless would make her no better than her enemies. So the blonde walked up to them and saw their eyes begin to crack open.

"Ugh... what happened?"

"I feel hurt.... Everywhere."

The duo looked up and their blurred vision cleared to reveal Allena and Aero standing over them.

The 2 sides blinked at each other for a few seconds before...

Team Rocket miraculously recovered quickly and leapt to their feet.

"It's one of the new twerps!" Jessie screeched.

James made to grab a Pokeball but then realized that his red and white spheres were empty. His Pokemon were gone.

That's when the events from before they were knocked out came back to them.

"Oh dear! That Cassidy and Bitch took my Pokemon!" Jessie had anime tears streaming down her cheeks.

James - the ever over emotional member - was bawling. "Oh Weezing! Victreebel!"

Allena just blinked in surprise before sighing. "So the Pokemon thieves had their own Pokemon stolen from them?"

The duo looked at her and nodded, sniffling.

"Well, I guess you know how it feels then."

Jessie and James gave a confused look. Allena sighed, seeing she would have to explain.

"I mean, you feel awful and worried about your Pokemon, right?" The 2 humans nodded. "Well, that's exactly how Ash and all the other trainers you've tried to steal from feel when you take their partners from them." The duo gave shocked looks, they had never thought...

Allena turned on her heal with Aero giving the Rockets a pitying look. Allena's other 5 Pokemon stood around their trainer, eyeing Team Rocket in case they tried anything.

"Just... think about it."

Allena's eyes began to glow blue with Aero's following hers, she began to survey the street they were on, searching for Ash's blinding Aura when she felt.... Him.

Shadow felt him too and the Absol tackled her trainer to the ground as a Shadow Ball hit where Allena had once been.

The 17 year old got up with Aero hopping off of her shoulder and taking a battle stance at his trainer's feet, the stone in his harness gleamed in the sunlight. Shadow then picked herself up and glared at where the Shadow Ball had hit, it was then that Shadow was shown to have her own stone embedded in a necklace she wore.

Gaspar's usual cheery smile changed to one of utmost seriousness as he prepared for battle, another stone was shown to be trapped within Gengar's incorporeal body.

Neon's hackles raised as his ears twitched.

Vala sneered and scraped her claws together as a show of intimidation.

Warlock was hovering above his trainer, glaring at something walking towards Allena and her Pokemon partners.

"Well... so we meet again, Stargaze."

Allena narrowed her eyes. "So it seems Neutron."

The evil man cackled as a pure red Zoroark flanked the man with its own evil smirk. A shiny Gengar appeared from the man's shadow with a heavily scarred Aggron taking its place next to the man.

All 3 Pokemon looked bloodthirsty.

'Well... considering who's been training them... it's no surprise they have practically lost their minds.'

Allena's face then fell. 'Oh no, Ash, I really hope he hasn't...'

"Oh don't worry Allena, I haven't hurt the Chosen One and the rest of his little posse... yet." The man giggle with malicious glee. "Of course, it would be interesting to catch such a specimen, though I do enjoy a good hunt, HAHAHAHAHA!" The man clapped as his Zoroark giggled.

"Ahhh the thrill of the hunt! I haven't had a good one since when I was chasing your little friends? You know, that blond boy and auburn haired girl you kept close to you.... What are their names again." The man put on a mock thinking face.

Allena growled and her Pokemon - feeling her emotions - hissed with a passionate hatred. "Steven and Bea..." The girl murmured with glassy eyes.

"Ahh yes! Them, it's a shame they got away, but it was certainly fun while it lasted, woulda loved to see what made your precious Stevie squeal~!" Allena's eyes glowed with greater intensity.

"No one. Calls. Steven. Stevie. But. Me." She ground out.

The man smiled at her anger before he suddenly grew serious. "It's enough chit chat, we have a fight to bring about and as soon as I win, you'll hand over EV-2."

Allena's eyes widened. "No, I don't think I will because I'll win, you'll never hurt Eon again." Allena clenched her fists as she thought of one of her most recent Pokemon captures.

The man slid his glasses down his face. "You've named my experiment, I see." He grumbled. The red R became prominent on his blood cover lab coat.

Allena grimaced. "Team Rocket.... You're up to something if your boss feels the need for you to go undercover."

"Why but of course, my dear, but that is classified, I cannot tell you, anywho, Zoroark! Be a dear and use Dark Pulse.... On the Gengar." The blood-red Zoroark hissed with glee and unleashed a chain of dark energy at Gaspar who dodged the attack by phasing through the floor.

Allena's Pokemon then jumped in front of their trainer, ready to defend her with their lives.

Allena grit her teeth as Neutron chuckled insanely.

"Here's where the fun begins."

The man touched his hand to an eerie looking bracelet as Allena's eyes widened. She then narrowed them once before touching her finger to the rainbow stone embedded into her bracelet.

The Rocket duo had remained relatively silent as the 2 combatants just ignored them in favor of each other.

Of course what power they were witnessing now shocked them to their very cores.

All hell broke loose.


*With Ash, Jenny, and Tracey*

Attacks from brainwashed Pokemon were scattering across the room.

Ghastly and a Houndoom that Jenny had were doing their utmost best, but it was hard to fight back when most of your teammates couldn't leave their Pokeballs because then a certain insane psychic type would take control of them.

While Tracey was basically cowering behind Jenny, trying to be helpful. Jenny was fighting with everything she had. Her Ghastly and Houndoom working their utmost hardest, but they were beginning to tire.

'I *pant* don't know *pant* how *pant* long we c-can go on.' Houndoom grunted.

'This... is exhausting.' Ghastly agreed.

Ash was rushing through the chaos, trying desperately to push back the unwanted memories as he searched long and hard for Pikachu.

That's when he heard his partner's angry shouts.

'I must take out the intruders.' The mouse's robotic voice chirped as he shot off a Thunderbolt at Ash.

It struck Ash as he howled in pain. "Pikachu..." He whispered.

The fighting had actually stopped as everyone turned their attention to Ash and Pikachu.

Drowzee smirked as he commanded the Pokemon - Bar Pikachu - to stop attacking, he wanted to see the Aura user break down as his own partner continued to attack him and eventually leave him to be used in inhumane experiments. Drowzee chuckled, he loved bloodshed!

Butch and Cassidy smirked cockily, there was no way this mere child could free Pikachu. It would get him killed.

Ash - through the pain - thought of all the wondrous adventures he had with the electric type, being late to get his starter was the best thing to ever happen, He couldn't of asked for a better partner.

Pikachu. His first Pokemon.

Pikachu. Who had helped him win some of his most important battles.

Pikachu. Who stood by Ash as he was betrayed and almost murdered by his own friends and family.

Pikachu.... Who was Ash's best friend and was being used like some sort of puppet, having his emotions stolen from him by these Rockets and their insane Hypnosis Pokemon.

Ash's eyes began to glow blue as he broke free of the electric attack and grabbed Pikachu whose eyes began to glow blue as well.

The electric mouse then remembered.

He remembered when he was a Pichu and the horrible memories that told the story of just how exactly he evolved into Pikachu... why he feared evolution.

Pikachu then remembered some old guy had caught him and when he was let out of the infernal Pokeball, he was subjected to tests... horrible tests. Then he was returned to the prison again.

But then he was let out once more, only to meet a black haired boy who smiled at him and told him 'hello' and gave him his name. He called Pikachu his friend. Said he was the 'best of all'.

Pikachu knew better though, all humans were the same, they only care for themselves. All the humans he had met previously had proven that.

But then, even after being so mean to the child.... The boy still willingly hurled himself at a Spearow flock to protect Pikachu.

Pikachu - at that moment - came to understand that not all humans were evil like the old coot and.... Him. The mouse then returned the favor by frying all the Spearows and saving the boy - Ash - from being pecked to death.

When they awoke, they saw a really strange Pokemon that shined with the seven colors of the rainbow.

The boy and his Pikachu fought many battles, had countless adventures and made new friends while also suffering through the deception from those they thought had been their friends. (Except the old coot, Pikachu knew from the beginning that he was bad news).

Pikachu's eyes ceased glowing as he found himself being hugged by his trainer.

'Pikapi...' Pikachu snuggled up to his trainer, who was covered with electrical burns.

"Pikachu!" Ash hugged his Pokemon as his eyes stopped glowing bright aqua.

Jenny and Tracey gained shocked looks before they smiled softly.

Drowzee looked shocked, it had been a long time since one had broken free of his Hypnosis. (Dark and ghost types don't count). If that Pikachu could break free the way it did, it wasn't just because he and the boy had such a deep bond but...

'An Aura partner.... Just like that girl's Aerodactyl...'

Drowzee knew he would most likely lose this fight, he wasn't arrogant, blind, or stupid. Consequences be damned, he was out of here, these Rocket irritants were on their own.

'We shall meet again, Aura user, then you'll be acquainted with my master...' The Hypnosis Pokemon broke his control on the brainwashed Pokemon and with that he Teleported out of there before more hell could break loose.

The controlled Pokemon shook themselves with confused expressions on their faces before Growlithe barked happily and ran to Officer Jenny, Houndoom, and Ghastly.

"Oh Growlithe!" Jenny said affectionately.

The rest of the Pokemon looked around for their missing trainers.

Arbok, Weezing, Victreebel, Lickitung, and Meowth saw no sign of their partners but as soon as they saw the twerp, the police officer, all the Pokemon, Butch, Cassidy, and the sketching boy, they decided it would be safer to skedaddle and find their humans without too much problems.

The golden haired woman's face soured as her partner gaped. What the hell just happened?

"Drowzee!" The woman screeched before noticing the empty platform, the psychic type was nowhere to be found.

"Dammit that stupid Pokemon ditched us!"

"Well, it was never our Pokemon, Cass..." The woman smacked Butch over the head.

"Zip it, Butcher!"

"That's.... Not... my... name..."

They shake themselves out of their stupor and grab Pokeballs as the other Pokemon leave, off to find their trainers at Officer Jenny's behest.

Ash and Pikachu stare them down with Jenny and Tracey backing him up.

Pokeballs are thrown in the air.

"Primeape go!"

"Raticate, let's take down some twerps!"

"Dodrio, Marill! Let's go!"

"Arcanine, go!"

"Pidgeotto! I choose you!"

All the Pokemon popped out of their Pokeballs (with Jenny returning a exhausted Ghastly and Houndoom).

"Arcanine, Growlithe! Flamethrower!" the police officer yelled as she pointed at Cassidy's Raticate and Butch's Primeape.

Both dog Pokemon produced hot flames from their muzzles at the Rocket Pokemon.


Both enemies dodged the hot flames as Tracey called in. "Dodrio, use Drill Peck on Primeape and Marill, Water Gun on Raticate!"

The Rocket 'mons were once more on their toes as Primeape was slammed into a wall by Dodrio's flying attack. Raticate was blinded by the Aqua Mouse Pokemon's water move.

The Rockets grit their teeth in anger as Ash moved in. "Pikachu, Thunderbolt, Pidgeotto, Gust!"

Pikachu's cheeks sparked as he unleashed a devastating electric attack which shocked both enemy 'mons with painful voltage, making them howl in pain.

Pidgeotto's Gust swept up as Primeape and Raticate were slammed into the ground. Another Flamethrower from Jenny's fire dogs then struck them.

Butch and Cassidy finally realized just how outnumbered they were, they hadn't brought any of their elites with them, they were gonna lose and be arrested if they didn't retreat now!

That was when the brat's Pidgeotto began to glow white and grow large, the 2 began to sweat. The flying type was evolving!

A Pidgeot hovered where a Pidgeotto once was, cawing happily.

'Yeah! Alright, I evolved!'

Ash and Pikachu smiled and replied. "Congratulations!"

'Great job, Pidgeot.' Pikachu squeaked.

Pidgeot preened in appreciation.

The Rockets took the distracting evolution as their ticket to getting out of there, they returned their Pokemon and ran out of the building as fast as they could.

Jenny noticed it and blew her whistle. "Hey stop! You're under arrest!" The blue haired woman began chasing the runaway criminals with her 2 fire dogs flanking her.

Ash rubbed Pikachu's cheeks and Pidgeot began nuzzling him, he laughed. "Oh, I love you guys!" He hugged them.

Tracey smiled as his Marill hopped onto his shoulder and Dodrio preened himself at his trainer's side. "Congrats, Ash!"

Ash stopped celebrating and turned to the headband-wearing boy, he had honestly forgotten the guy was even there.

Ash flinched a bit and nodded with a nervous look at Tracey. The boy gave a suspicious look at Ash's back before he thanked and returned his Pokemon.

Ash began to walk out of the building with Pikachu and Pidgeot following after him, Tracey flanked from a distance.


*With Allena and her Pokemon*

Allena was tired, this battle was difficult, Neutron was insane and bloodthirsty, but he could train Pokemon!

Aero was flying above her, locked talon to talon with a heavily scarred Archeops that looked blind in one eye. Aero looked different as well, he had spikes of rock sticking out of various places on his body, he also looked bigger and had much bulkier wings.

Shadow also looked different, with a fringe of fur covering her eyes and fluffy white wings fluttering behind her, she was locked in a duel with the shiny Gengar, which also looked very different, with no feet and bulky arms.

Gaspar was like the shiny Gengar. He too had a new appearance as he was engaging the scarred Aggron that looked bigger and more menacing.

Neon was trading hits with the red Zoroark, Dark Pulse to Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball to Shadow Ball.

Vala was protecting Allena from any stray hits with Warlock engaged in a fight with a greatly scarred Staraptor.

Allena began to put her palms together when a bright flash distracted the combatants from their brutal showdown as a Drowzee appeared at Neutron's feet. The 2 eyed each other for a minute before the black haired man sighed and returned all his Pokemon.

"Well, my dear, this has been fun, but it appears I'll have to get EV-2 back another day, I have other business to attend." Drowzee lifted his hands and with another bright flash, he and Neutron vanished via Teleport.

Allena fell to her knees, exhausted. Shadow, Gaspar, and Aero changed back to their usual appearances and collapsed in exhausted, Neon, Warlock, and Vala not far behind them.

"That... was a workout." She said simply.

'Your telling me.' Aero remarked.

Everyone else chuckled.



Butch and Cassidy ran as fast as they could from Jenny, but she was catching up to them on her Arcanine when a bright flash blinded them all.

The Rocket duo saw Neutron and Drowzee staring at them before the man nodded at the Hypnosis Pokemon, who waved his arms and teleported himself and all 3 humans away.

Jenny blinked. "What just happened?" Arcanine had no answer.


*Orange Islands; Mandarin Island; Pokemon Center*

Ash returned his newly evolved Flying/Normal type and handed her Pokeball to Nurse Joy. Pikachu hopped onto the medical cart Chansey had brought out. Tracey put his Marill and Dodrio's Pokeballs on the tray as well.

"Take care of my friends, please." Ash begged.

"With mine as well." Tracey backed up.

Joy nodded cheerily. "Of course, that's what I'm here for." Chansey pushed the cart through some doors to go heal the two boys' Pokemon.

Jenny had thanked them both and their female companion - who was still missing - before heading back to the station to hunt down the escaped Rockets.

That's when the doors to the center were slammed open and Allena trudged in, looking thoroughly exhausted. She had dirt covering her from head to toe and an unconscious Aero was slumped on her shoulder.

The Nurse gasped before rushing over to her. "Oh! Are you ok?"

Allena gasped out. "Yes, just a bit roughed up, is all, my Pokemon could use some healing though..." Allena handed her Pokeballs to Joy, who took them and grabbed Aero gently off her shoulder to go heal the beaten up Flying/Rock type.

The nurse took them through the same doors her Chansey took as Ash and Tracey walked up to the wiped out blonde.

Ash said nothing, he merely stared. Tracey had no such qualms though.

"Are you ok?"

Allena looked up from the couch she collapsed on and nodded. "I just need to rest..."

Tracey nodded while Ash frowned.

They'd be staying on Mandarin Island for the night, most definitely.


*???; ???; ???*

"So his Aura has awakened?"

'Yes, it has, and of his first Aura partner as well.'

"Hmmm, interesting, most interesting...."


*Orange Islands; Mandarin Island; an alleyway*

After the blond twerpette and the crazy science weirdo's Pokemon began to change form, Jessie and James chose that moment to skedaddle before they got caught in the crossfire.

They trudged by, aimlessly, thinking...

Well, I guess you know how it feels, then.

I mean, you feel awful and worried about your Pokemon, right?

Well, that's exactly how Ash and all the other trainers you've tried to steal from feel when you take their partners from them.

The blonde twerpette's words had struck them to their cores. It hurt to have their partners snatched from them so the same must be true for other trainers as well...

Like the twerp and his Pikachu...

They had a lot to think about.

That's when Arbok, Weezing, Victreebel, Lickitung, and Meowth appeared - arguing - from around a corner.

They all locked eyes and then...

Tears were shed and happy cries were called.

"Jimmy! Jess!"

The reunion was a happy one.


So much happened in this chapter!

Admin Neutron, one of my more... weird OCs but his character can be pretty fun to write. Most bad guys are though.

Ash has his first dance with Aura and what's this about Pikachu and  Aerodactyl being 'Aura partners'

We meet more of my OC's Pokemon. Mega Evolution hits the scene for the first time.

Oh and Team Rocket are given some things to think about, now begins the TRio's own journey of self-discovery.

Oh, and Pidgeotto evolves! The mystery of the EVs has an update as well. More Aura gimmicks too!

Oh and I also gave Drowzee more depth to his character and all, I though it was awesome, Ghastly too. Butch and Cassidy have made their first appearance, now these 2 are elite Rockets so while it seems they were beaten easily here, those were newer Pokemon on their teams, trust me, it's not gonna be that easy next time.


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