Contract Agreement With My Be...

By reader_010

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My life used to be simple. I got normal problems like everyone else. I got everything planned out. After grad... More

Chapter 1: Not so bad coming back home
Chapter 2: My stolen first kiss
Chapter 3: Contract?
Chapter 4: College Party
Chapter 5: Making it Official
Chapter 6: Back to School?
Chapter 7: Can I really do it?
Chapter 8: Festival
Chapter 9: Spin the bottle
Chapter 10: Miss being Me
Chapter 11: Weekend with Tyler
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter: 13 Preparing the Party
Chapter 14: Lacey's Party
Chapter 15: Back to LA
Chapter 16: Burnt Turkey
Chapter 17: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 18: The Deal
Chapter 19: New Year
Chapter 20: Four of us
Chapter 21: Date with Tori
Chapter 22: Paint
Chapter 23: Masquerade Ball
Chapter 24: Weekend with Sarah
Chapter 25: Amusement Park
Chapter 27: No Luck
Chapter 28: Wade
Chapter 29: Hate The Rain
Chapter 30: What About Now?
Chapter 31: Hot Spring
Chapter 32: Little Miss Temptress
Chapter 33: Summer Break
Chapter 34: This is Peaceful
Chapter 35: Not Worth It
Chapter 36: Hotel Party
Chapter 37: Favor
Chapter 38: Lunch
Chapter 39: Dance
Chapter 40: Celebrity Crush
Chapter 41: It Was Us
Chapter 42: Mr. Wilter
Chapter 43: Thailand
Chapter 44: Nothing Happen
Chapter 45: Miss You
Chapter 46: I Can't
Chapter 47: It's Just A Kiss
Chapter 48: Take Me Now
Chapter 49: Still Want Her
Chapter 50: Ivan Greyson
Chapter 51: It's A Date
Chapter 52: Tyler's Birthday
Chapter 53: Photos
Chapter 54: All Ever Wanted
Chapter 55: Breakfast
Chapter 56: Not A Dream?
Chapter 57: As Friends
Chapter 58: In The Past
Chapter 59: Promise Me
Chapter 60: That Simple
Chapter 61: Sister I Wish I Had
Chapter 62: Wedding
Marriage Contract

Chapter 26: Make A Wish

74 7 0
By reader_010

Few weeks later,

Tomorrow will be Sarah's birthday.

I'm planning to surprise her tonight.

I didn't tell anyone I was coming home.

I'm very excited to see her.

I already bought her a gift. I saw this really cute stuff toy when I was shopping a few days ago and it reminded me of her so I bought it.

Good thing, Sarah was never picky.

I guess there were just instance when she hates it when I give the same gift to other people.

I hope she's not busy today.

I know she's back home since I checked her social media and kept updates.

I'm now walking on the streets carrying my bag and a banner in my hand.

I reach our house. I don't think my mom is at home. All lights are still off.

I kept walking and stop at Sarah's front door.

The lights are on so I knew she's inside.

I unfold the banner and rang the bell.

"Who is it?!" She said quite irritably.

I chuckle upon hearing her voice.

I yelled surprise as soon as she open the door.

"Surprise!!!" I said with a big smile.

She rub her eyes and started pinching herself.

"Great! I'm hallucinating now too." She said

It's very cute.

I pulled her into a hug.

"Advance Happy Birthday Sar!" I said gleefully.

That's when she realize that I was really in front of her.

She push me a little to face me.

"O!! You're really here?! I'm not imagining it?" She asked in disbelief.

I raise the banner above my head.

"See, I even made you this!" I said smiling.

"How could you! You didn't even contact me for a whole week and now you decided to show up unannouce?!" She argued.

"That's why it was a surprise! C'mon, I know you're happy to see me." I said while poking her playfully.

She let me in.

"You didn't tell your mom you're going home or did you?" She asked curiously.

I shook my head.

"Thought so.. she's not coming home tonight so I guess you'll be staying over." She mentioned.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Out of town.. I heard she's training new employees." She said while sitting on her couch.

My eyes landed on a bucket of beer on their table.

"Are you celebrating with your friends tonight? Why are there so many booze in here?" I asked curiously.

"Nah, just me.. I'm drinking right now." She replied casually.

I frown..

"Are you really celebrating or drinking your problems away?" I asked suspiciously.

"What? I just want to drink. You're free to join me if you want but I know you stopped a long time ago and I'm not going to force you if you don't want to." She replied while openning the bottle.

This is very unsual of her.

She's usually more responsible.

I sat next to her.

I turn my attention to the screen.

"Are you watching your normal sappy sad movie collection right now?" I asked while checking it out.

I knew it..

Something was not right with her.

"What happen? Did you and Oli fight or something?"

I waited until she stop drinking her bottle.

"We always fight.. nothing new. Is there something wrong if I feel like rewatching my old collection? If you came here to lecture.. I don't need it." She said while leaning her back.

Woah.. that was quite cold. I totally didn't expect this from her.

I open my bag and took out my gift for her.

"Sar, I got you something. I'm actually planning to give it to you tomorrow but oh well. I think I should just give it to you now." I said while showing the box.

She glance at the box and snatch it on my hand.

"What is it?" She asked smiling while shaking it.

"Go on.. open it." I replied energetically.

She unwrap the box and then proceeded to hug me

"This is so cute! How adorable.. Thank you!" she mentioned.

"You're welcome. Maybe you should name it." I replied suggesting.

"Hm.. yeah, what do you suggest?" She asked.

"Um.. I don't know.. maybe Sarri?.. or Sar-Sar? Hehe.." I said.

"Not bad.. but I think I'll just name it Olive." She replied softly while hugging the soft fluffy stuff toy.

"Olive?" I asked again.

"Yeah short for Olivia.. like you." She said while pointing at me.

She hug it one last time before she brought it into her room.

She went to the kitchen and check out her fridge.

"Have you eaten?" She asked curiously.

My stomach began to make a loud growl..

She giggle when I covered my face.

"Sorry.. I was too excited to see you and forgot to eat dinner." I replied honestly.

She smiled and started taking out some stuff out of the fridge.

"No worries.. sorry too. We only have chicken. Is that okay?" She asked.

I nodded and smile.

After thirty minutes,

We started eating while watching a movie.

"I'm sorry earlier.. I was really in a grumpy mood." She said apologetically.

"Why? It's your birthday tomorrow. Shouldn't you be happy and excited?" I replied asking.

She shrug her shoulder.

She was about to open her third bottle of beer.

"Can I have some?" I asked.

She was confused.

"I thought?.." before she could finished what she had to say, I already took it from her hand.

"It's your birthday.. I can make an exemption. Besides, I feel like drinking tonight. It's okay as long as I'm with you right?" I replied while taking a drink.

She nodded and said no more.

I happen to glance at her elbow and saw some bruises.

"What is that?!" I said almost panicking.

I immediately grab to see how deep it was.

She just pull her arm back.

"It's nothing.." she replied.

"What do you mean nothing? Did Oli hurt you?" I asked sternly accusing Oliver.

"No, Stella and I got into a fight. That's how I got this." She replied casually.

"Fight?? Why? Did she do something to you too??" I asked continuously.

"No.. I just confronted her and one thing led to another and then I started attacking her." She explained.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes as if she couldn't believe why I even ask that question.

"Because of you.. because of what she did. Until now, I still can't forgive myself for not being there for you. I hate her.. I hate her so much.. I hate how she just got away with it just like that!" She explained with frustration.

"I'm fine Sar.. Just ignore her. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." I replied while consoling her.

"Besides, Like I mention before.. Tori stopped her before she could have done anything to me." I explained.

"Yeah I know.. that's why I feel worst." She mumbled but I heard her enough.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I'm suppose to be the one helping you that night.. not Tori." She said in a low voice.

I can sense her feeling ashamed of admitting how she feels.

"I'm sorry.. What I mean is.. I feel so useless." She said while trying her best not to get so emotional.

I hug her tight.

"Stop thinking like that Sar.. You're not useless. Promise me you will never do something like this again. Just stay away from Stella." I said while patting her back.

She pull away and start drinking again.

"Sar.. do you promise?" I asked again.

Instead of answering me, she just changed the topic.

"Is that how you and Tori started bonding and fell for each other? After helping you?" She asked casually while eating some chicken and drinking beer.

I looked away and stared at the tv screen.

Should I just tell her the truth?

She nudge my arm.

"Geez O.. Stop being so secretive. At least be more open with me."

"What do you want to know?" I asked while my focus was on the movie.

"I don't know.. anything.." she replied.

"It's true.. after she helped me, I didn't have to hide anything from her anymore. I guess that's how it started. We became such great friends after that." I explained.

She just nodded in understanding.

"I see..." She replied.

"You and Tori look good together. I bet you two don't even fight." She said casually.

I chuckle when I heard her say that.

"It's kinda hard to tell when we don't see each other that much." I replied.

"Don't worry, Tori really loves you." She said confidently.

I smiled not knowing what to say.

"How are you and Oli?" I asked curiously.

She was quiet for a little while.

I didn't push the question anymore.

We are currently watching 500 days of summer.

"I don't think I've appreciated this movie enough." She said while chuckling.

Is she already drunk?

"Oh yeah? This movie is quite depressing though. They don't even end up together. I don't know why you want to watch this again when you already know how it ends." I replied.

"Well I guess now I can totally relate to this movie.. The whole reality vs expectation and how things don't always go the way we want." She replied while leaning her head on my shoulder.

She glance at me for a second.

"Well anyway.. I think this movie is really good." She said while laughing.

I finished drinking my beer.

She was about to get another one.

I held her hand to stop.

"What's really going on? What's the problem Sar?" I asked softly.

"It's nothing.. I just think Oli and I are not a good match after all." She replied sadly.

I caress her shoulder while consoling her.

"What made you say that?" I asked.

"It's just a feeling.." she replied in a low voice.

She move my hand away and open another bottle.

"You already had enough.. I think it's time to stop." I said.

"It's already open.. I'll just drink this last one." She replied casually.

"No, let me have it instead." I replied while taking it from her.

I made sure to drink it fast.

"Hey! Slow down..." she said with concern.

I wipe my mouth with my hand when I was done drinking.

She was dumbfounded.

"Woah, are you gonna be okay? We both know how easily you get drunk." Sarah said while scooting closer.

I think she might be right. I'm starting to feel the beer kicking in. My head is getting dizzy.

I lean back and let my head rest for a bit.

"I'm okay.." I replied not wanting to worry her

She turned off the tv.

"I think we should rest now." She said while she stood up and clean up the living room.

After a few minutes, she went back to me.

She was shaking me lightly.

"O, wake up.. let's get to my room." She said.

I slowly open my eyes.

She was on top of me while kneeling on my side.

I was silently gazing at her.

This feels like I'm dreaming.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" I asked in a low voice.

She gulp down once.

"Like.. you're about to kiss me." The last part was mostly a whisper.

I lean forward to her.

"Is this a dream?" I asked in a husky voice.

That caught her off guard.

"D-dream??" She repeated stuttering.

I nodded.

This feels like one of my dreams.

"Maybe.." I heard her whisper.

She was leaning in to me when I suddenly black out.

The next time I open my eyes, I'm already comfortably lying on the bed.

I was facing Sarah.

To my surprise, she was looking back at me.

I flinch involuntarily.

For a moment, I wonder if I'm still dreaming.

"Am I still dreaming?" I asked quietly.

She just giggle at me.

"I think it is.." she replied softly.

"It's officially your birthday.." I mention.

"Yeah.. I know." She replied smiling.

"Make a wish.." I said as I giggle softly.

She raised one of her eyebrow.

"Do you think you can grant my wish?" She asked challenging me.

"Anything is possible in a dream right?" I replied confidently.

No sound came out from her.

She was only mouthing every word.

"What?" I asked

She mouthed the words again.

"What is it? I can't hear you." I replied.

She scoot closer and blow my ear.

I felt goosebumps in my whole body.

"Sarrrrr!" I whine calling her name.

She chuckle loudly.

"This is not a dream. Go to sleep." She said as she turn around and pulled up the blanket.

"Hey!" I said while poking her back.

"I said go to sleep O! I already got my wish." She replied giggling.

"And what is that?" I asked curiously.

She turn around again.

"You.." she replied.

I blink a few times.

"Me?" I asked again blushing.

"Yes you.., You are so loud. Let's get some sleep and stop asking me questions okay." She added while pinching my nose.

I fake a smile.


How did I even came to think that Sarah was about to confess to me.

I'm so stupid to think that there's any possibility for us to be more than friends.

I said good night and turn around to the other side while forcing myself to sleep.

She hug my back as she sleep.


The next morning,

I woke up on an empty bed.

I heard the shower inside Sarah's bathroom running.

Sarah must have woken up early.

I pull the blanket and nap for a little while.

After a few minutes, I heard some foot steps approaching.

I peek my one eye open.

She was almost naked while her loose towel is barely covering her body. She was about to change in front of me.

I squeal and throw the pillow in embarrassment.

"What the hell Sar! I'm still in the room." I whine while covering my face.

I can feel the heat in my face rising.

She chuckle softly.

"I didn't know you were already awake. I forgot my clothes. 😅" she reasoned.

She casually grip her towel tighter.

I think I'm burning up.

"W-well.. I'm awake!" I said a little louder.

"Geez O! It's fine. I'm not even naked. And so what if I'm changing in front of you? Should that be a problem at all?" She asked teasing me.

I moved my hand a little just to check if she's already decent.

To my surprise, she's not there anymore.

I was confuse for a second,

"Boo!" She yelled while she blew air not too far from my ear.

I became all jumpy. My whole body shaken in surprise.

"Wtf Sar! You scared me." I complained frowning.

"You're sitting on my shorts." She said while showing it to me.

I looked away in discomfort when she casually wear it in front of me.

I fan myself while staring at the ceiling.

"Are you teasing me on purpose?" I asked.

She giggle at me.

"Teasing you? How?" She asked playfully.

I shook my head..

"Nevermind.. I need to use the rest room." I replied ending the topic.

She chuckle lightly.

I frowned.

She just giggle and threw the towel in my arm.

"I want to go shopping." She mentioned.

She went downstairs while I was taking my bath.

After almost an hour, I finished taking my bath and quickly dress up for shopping.

I heard Sarah talking to someone.

I continue walking downstairs to see who it was and stop midway when I saw my brother.

They stop talking for a second and they both look at me.

"Oops.. Sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you guys. Don't mind me." I said while waving my hand politely as I turn around.

"V.. Why are you here?" He asked curiously.

I turn my head to face my brother.

"Oh just stopping by for Sarah's birthday. I'll be back in LA soon." I replied casually.

"Just go Oli." I heard Sarah sighed in a low voice.

I can feel my brother glancing at me so I walk fast to the kitchen to give them some privacy.

"You seriously asking me to leave?.. On your birthday? C'mon Sarah.. Can we atleast talk about us?"

I got to admit. I feel bad for Oli. What happen to these two?

In attempt to help my brother, I decided to excuse myself and give them some alone time.

"Oh guys, I need to go for a minute. See you later." I said while tapping their backs.

"What no!" Sarah was quick to answer.

She grab my arm and pull me backwards.

"We're shopping today remember?" She stare at my eyes. Her tone with a little authority.

"We got plently of time." I said smiling while taking her hand off me.

She reluctantly lowered her hand to her side.

Oli smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"See you guys later?" I said before shutting the front door.

So I went to the mall on my own and ended having my breakfast at Mcdonald's.

I wonder how long it's going to take before those two fix whatever problems they have.

I got a text from Sarah not long enough. Whining about how I shouldn't have left her alone with my brother.

It took her about half an hour when she came to meet me up.

"Not cool O!" She said with a grumpy tone.

"Oh c'mon, don't tell me you're giving my brother a hard time. You haven't made up yet?" I said while offering her some fries.

"Can we please not talk about him." She replied while taking a sip of my coffee.

I secretly look at her as she took a drink from my cup.

She eyed me suspiciously when she caught me staring.

"What??" She asked annoyingly.

I shook my head and smiled innocently.

"You're weird you know that?" I said jokingly.

"Oh am I?" She asked while bringing back my coffee on my side.

"Remember the time when you are so obsess with my brother? That wasn't long ago actually." I said.

She shook her head.

"I was never obsess with him okay!" She was being defensive now.

"Okay whatever you say weirdo.." I said teasing further.

She lean back and took oit her phone.

"So what's our plan for the day?" I asked changing the topic.

"Shopping.." she replied.

"No, I mean after.." I clarified.

She look upward thinking of something.

She smiled from ear to ear and flash a cheeky smile.

Oh boy, I think she's thinking of something crazy.

"I'm feeling kinda naughty today." She said while raising her eyebrow.

"Naughty?" I repeated unsure of what she meant by it.

"Come on, let's go shopping then I'll explain later." She said as she grab my arm up.

Excitement written all over her face.

We were shopping the whole day.

"You could practically buy the whole mall if you want." I mention.

Like seriously, she's buying anything that she sees.

"How are we gonna carry these things?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I already book a delivery." She said casually.

"Now, come and try those dress." She said while pointing at the clothes she picked.

"Nah, I'm good." I refused while waving my hand.

"It's my birthday so you can't say no today." She said while shutting me a warning glare.

"I don't need anyone buying clothes for me." I whined.

"You're really gonna upset me over some clothes?" She asked in disbelief.

Okay, if I didn't knew Sarah.. I would have tried harder.

"Fine okay.. you win." I said while following whatever she wants.

After shopping, we went to a salon.

We got ourselves pampered.

Getting our hair and nails done.

We even had a body massage.

"Are you sure it's not my birthday?" I said to Sarah.

"Mhmm.." she hummed while enjoying the back massage.

She was laying on a table next to mine.

After a few more hours, we left the mall and drove around.

"That was amazing." I said while stretching my arms.

"Yeah, but we're not done yet." She said giggling.

I turn my attention to her.

"Really? There's more?" I asked.

"Yup.." she said while nodding her head.

I realize where we were heading.

She park a few meters away from our old school.

"Are we here to reminisce?" I asked in confusion.

She bump my shoulder while playfully giving an eyeroll.

"Cause, I don't have a tissue right now." I joked.

"Remember when I said I was feeling naughty? Well.. we're here to trespass so.. Ready?" She replied with a huge smile.

"This is crazy!" I said.

Breaking and entering in our old shool in the middle of the night? Is she serious??

"C'mon, don't be a chicken.." she teased.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Is this your plan all along? Getting me pampered and buying me dress so I would go along with trespassing school property?" I asked suspiciously.

She chuckled loudly.

"Maybe?" She replied with a goofy smile.

I facepalm myself.

"Oh my God! What the hell got into you?" I asked in disbelief.

She just laugh hysterically.

"Breaking some rules is one of the most exciting thing to do. Trust me O, we're gonna have so much fun." She said winking.

She drag me to the back of the school.

She climb up the tree and cross to the other side as I watch her.

"You coming or not?" She yelled cheerfully.

"Um.. Sar c'mon, are you for real?" I replied quite loudly.

"Yes, so come and join me or you can just wait in my car. Your choice." She replied.

I heard her step getting further.

"No.. no, wait, here I'm climbing up." I replied.

She gave me a light pat in the shoulder once I cross to the other side.

"Good decision." She said.

"I can't believe we're doing this." I said concerned.

"Ssh.. just follow me. You don't want to get caught right?" She whispered.

I follow her reluctantly. We reached our old gym.

"We use to hang out here all the time." She mentioned.

"Yeah.. that mini olympic pool where we use to race. Do you still remember?" I asked while pointing at the pool.

"Yeah of course.. you always lose." She tease.

I shook my head.

"You sure? Maybe I just let you win." I replied smiling.

"Nah, don't think so.. want to make a bet?" She challenge while taking off her shoe.

I was in great shock.

"No, you're not suggesting to.." I paused while turning my attention to the pool then back to her.

"Are you scared to lose?.. again.." She stuck her tongue at me while taking off her top.

I turn around hastily.

"We didn't bring anything. Not even towels." I replied.

I heard a splash of water.

I turn around again.

She's already at the pool.

"I'm sure there are still spare towels inside the shower room." She said and pointed to the shower area.

I nodded my head. She has a point.

I went to the shower room and check if there were towels in the cabinet.

She was right.

I took two and went back to Sarah.

She chuckled when she saw me holding the towels.

"See, told you.. towels won't be a problem at all. Now come and enjoy the water with me."

"You should have just told me that you wanted to swim." I said frustratingly.

She suddenly splash water in my direction.

"Sarah!!" I said quite loudly.

She just laughed at me.

"I'll get you wet if you don't start undressing."

I felt my face blush at the way she worded her sentence.

She get up from the pool and smirk at me as she was about to run after me bringing her hands forward.

I gulp once and started running away from her.

"Hey no.. no.. Stop! Don't even think about it!" I said as I start removing my pants then my shirt.

I toss them on the bench when she was getting closer. She wrap her cold wet arms around my bare stomach.

I flinch at the sudden contact of our skin.

"Gotcha!" She said in triumph.

She lift me up with all of her force.

"Put me down!" I said whining.

But she didn't listen.

I could have gotten away if she didn't caught me off guard.

She immediately tighten her grip and push her body closer to me.

I can feel her chest on my back.

I can't think properly.

Later did I know, we are now standing beside the pool.

She let me go then slightly push my back as I fell on the pool.

She jump on the pool after I fell.

"You're such an assh*le!" I complained while trying to hold myself from smiling.

She chuckle loudly and splash me some water.

"Your fault for giving me such a hard time. C'mon, we both know you're actually starting to enjoy this. Am I right?" She said casually while raising her eyebrow.

I shook my head and splash back.

We got into splashing water battle.

I happen to splash the water so hard that Sarah cough getting some of the water on her nose.

I stop immediately and check if she was okay.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to.." I said while patting her back.

She suddenly started splashing water again.

"Just kidding!" She said.

Nice one fooling me.

"Okay.. okay, enough.." I surrender.

She lift her hands in victory.

"You always fell for my tricks." She said laughing.

I shook my head.

"How about we race instead?" I said while pointing at the other side of the pool.

She smile while nodding.

"Sure.. how about adding a bet to make it more fun?" She replied.


She swam and stop in front of me.

"Scared?" She asked playfully

I'm feeling uncomfortable with the way she's staring at me.

I look away for a second.

"Oh okay.. so the winner gets what?" I asked.

"Well, whatever she wants. The loser will have to comply at all cost." She said.

I gulp nervously.

"Are you gonna get me in trouble if I lose?" I asked reluctantly.

She gave me a playful smile.

"It depends.." she said while moving to my right side.

I stretch my arms.

She went off the pool and extended her arms to pull me up.

She set the timer for our signal.

"Ready to lose?" She teased while getting ready to dive in.

"Don't be so sure.." I replied as I get ready.

Few seconds later, her phone starts ringing signaling both of us.

We dive in and start racing to the other end of the pool.

I stroke as fast as I can.

I'm not planning to lose at all.

Good thing I have longer arms.

I ended up winning as expected.

"That was close.." she mumble to herself.

"I won.." I said smirking.

"I was just warming up. Lets make it best of three." She countered.

I shook my head in disapproval.

"That's not part of the deal. I already won." I said.

"C'mon, that was just a warm up. Lets race again!" She argued while shaking my shoulder.

"No, it's final. I won. Time to give me the price." I said laughing.

she place her palm together.

She started pouting which I find really cute.

"Please..." she said still pouting.

Here she goes again..

She's not going to stop until I changed my mind.

"Okay fine.. I'll still win anyway." I replied confidently.

"Yesss! I won't go easy on you anymore." She replied

We got out of the pool and started a new countdown.




We dive in once again and started racing.

I slow down my strokes giving her the advantage.

I stop midway when I suddenly heard distant voice not too far from our location. Sound of footsteps is also heard.

I look at Sarah but she was still busy swimming.

I tried to catch up to her.

She won this time.

She was very happy. She lift her hands on the air.

I rush to her side.

" We're even. I won this time!" She said.

"I think someone's here." I said almost whispering.

"What?" She asked again.

"Duck down quick!" I said as I place my hands on both side of her shoulders.

I push her down with me.

She was stun.

I held her tight on her place.

And just as I thought, the security guard starts walking inside and brought the flashlight while checking.

I can see the light flashing above the pool.

Lucky enough, he didn't find anything suspicious. He left and didn't stay too long.

Sarah started coughing when she lift her head up.

"That was too close.." I said.

She slap my shoulder.

"I drank a lot of water. You should have warn me." Shw complained.

"Sorry.. I did say ducked down. We almost got caught." I reasoned.

"Yeah.. nice save." She said while getting out of the water.

"We should leave." I replied while I follow her out of the water.

She turn around to face me.

"We are yet to settle who the real winner between us." She reminded me.

She pointed at the pool.

"Last round?" She said smiling.

I heard another sound approaching us.

I immediately grab her hand and lead her to the shower room.

She was leaning on the wall while I was facing her.

"Ssh.. I think the guard is coming back." I whisper.

We both stay quiet in our place.

A strayed cat suddenly appeared.


Sarah chuckled softly.

"You're being paranoid." She said while she slightly push me away.

"Seriously, it doesn't matter who wins. Lets just get out of here." I said while grabbing towels.

"I win by default then." She said smiling.

I scratch my head.

"Okay fine.. whatever." I replied.

We changed back to our clothes and climb back again to get to her car.

"That was awesome!" She said while turning the music on as I drove us back to her house.

"Well I'm glad you're having a great time." I said.

"I'm starving." She mention while rubbing her stomach.

"Me too." I said laughing.

"Okay, let's grab something to eat first." She said.

I disapprove.

"We're still kinda wet you know." I said.

"Fine, let's head back to my house then after we wash up, we'll eat dinner outside okay?" She replied with a huge smile.

I nodded in approval.

In took half an hour to reach to her house.

We both saw Oli standing and waiting outside while holding a bouquet of flowers.

I look at Sarah.

Her attention was at him.

"Hey, what happen to you two?" He asked while staring at us from head to toe.

"We went swimming.." I replied.

"What are you doing here? We already talk this morning." Sarah asked instead.

"I know.. I just came to give you this. Happy Birthday Sarah." He said greeting her warmly as he gave the flowers to her.

"Thank you. Is there something else? Because O and I still have a lot of things to do." She said coldly.

I'm feeling awkward for them.

"Sarah can you just spare me some of your time? I won't bother you again after this. I promise." He said softly

Sarah glance at me.

"O you can go inside and wash up. Oli and I will just talk for a few minutes." She said smiling.

I nodded and smile to my brother showing respect to him.

"Sarah I just.." it was my brother.

I didn't hear the rest of their conversation.


When I finished taking a bath, she was already inside and choosing her outfit.

"Hey.." I started

She turn around to look at me.

"Where's Oli?" I asked.

"He already left." She replied casually.

"So you two still..?" I paused not really knowing how I should start my question.

"Relax.. we already made up." She said while closing her closet.

"That's great.." I said

"Sure." She replied shortly.

"Is he going to join us tonight? I mean dinner?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"No, he is going to attend band practice." She replied.

"That's too bad." I replied.

"It's fine. I actually kinda want today to be just a you and me thing." She said.

That made me smile.

"I'm just gonna have a quick shower then we're ready to leave." She replied before walking out of the room.

After a few minutes, we went to a nearby diner.

"I like this place. It's less crowded." I said.

She agree with me.

My phone started ringing.

I took it out of my bag.

"Is it Tyler?" She asked curiously.

"It's Tori. I'll just take it outside for a bit." I said.

"Sure. I'll just order for both of us?" She asked.

"Okay." I replied.

The truth is that I just needed an excuse to step outside. I'm planning on buying her a birthday cake.

The cake shop is just nearby.

After I bought the cake, I gave it to the waiter so he can prepare it later after we finish eating.

I sat back to my seat.

"Wow, they sure are fast here." I said when I saw that our food was already serve in the table.

She put down her phone and smile back at me.

"How was Tori?" She asked.


"I thought she called you?" She asked confused.

Oh right.. I did tell her that.

"She's just checking up on me. Lets eat?" I said while handing her the spoon and fork.

We started eating in silence.


"Um.. I'm glad that you and my brother finally made up." I said.

I just want to start a conversation.

"Yeah, you already mention that awhile ago." She said while taking a bite of pizza.

I guess I'm not too good in starting a conversation.

She must be really starving. She's usually talkative.

"This pasta is really good." I said.

"Want to try?" I offer.

She nodded.

I move my plate closer to her.

"Ahh" she wants me to feed her.

So I did.

She nodded in approval.

"Hmm, yeah it is indeed." She smiled sweetly.

We ate plenty of food tonight.

I signal the waiter to bring out the cake after we finish eating.

"I got you your favorite strawberry cheesecake." I told her.

She was a bit surprise.

"When did you even have the time to buy this?" She asked.

I just laughed.

"Well, you still need to make a wish" I said.

I lit the candle and sang a birthday song as I took a video of her.

"Make a wish.." I said before she close her eyes and blew the candle.

"Yey!" I said while clapping.

Both of us had a one slice of cake.

"Thank you." She said.

"You're welcome." I replied.

She stood up from her seat.

"Let's take a photo together." She said while sitting beside me.

She took quite a lot.

"What did you wish for?" I ask curiously.

"Hm?" She hummed while scanning on her phone.

"I said what did you wish for your birthday?" I repeated.

"Why?" She asked instead.

Does she not want to tell me?

"Um.. I just.. I'm curious. By the way, since you won earlier on our bet. What do you want?" I replied asking.

She shook her head.

"It's okay. I didn't even win." She said while taking the last bite of cake.

"You won by default." I mention.

"I was just joking. If I'm going to win, I want to win fair and square."

"Shall we do another round then? You can pick the game." I replied laughing.

She narrow her eyes and look at me for a few seconds without blinking.

"Nah, you're good at everything. I'll lose. There's only one thing you're bad at." She said casually.

"And what exactly am I bad at?" I asked.

"Drinking game." She replied as a matter of fact.

I nodded involuntarily.

She's not wrong though.

"Okay, I admit. I'm not really good at that." I replied.

"I know.." she said shortly.

After a few more minutes, Sarah and I went back to her house.

We lie down on her bed comfortably.

"Thank you so much for today O!" She said while turning her head to my side to face me."

I smiled widely.

"You're welcome. I'm your bestfriend. It's kind of my job to make sure you'll have a great time." I said winking.

She reach for my hand. I just look at her as she turn her attention to the ceiling before closing her eyes.

We were both exhausted.

I felt my eyes getting heavy.

I was really tired and sleepy.

"I wish you were m.... mmm" she mumbled.

I peek my one eye open.

"Sar?" I said on my sleepy voice.

"Mmmm.." she was still asleep.

I thought she was saying something.

It was probably just my imagination.

I pull the blanket as I drift to sleep.

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