Will I Live, or Will I Die?

By HerobrineGir1

73 1 0

"Will I live... Or die?" I asked. It had been a long time since the sun has actually risen. The moon onl... More


Chapter 1: Journal entries 1-5

13 0 0
By HerobrineGir1

Day one (6-16-66)

I have been running all day, hard running. It is no longer sunny, and the moon doesn't shine. I don't know what to do anymore... My hands are stained with dirt, covered in blood and scars... I'm tired, but I'm scared to sleep. I am sleeping in a tree so hopefully... The monster... Hopefully he won't get me... I guess I will see soon... I don't want to close my eyes, but I need to. My best friend, Rachel, she... Was already taken... About the time the sun should have been halfway across the sky. I tried to save her, but I was too late... I can see... Him... Watching from the foliage... So this is all I have the time for... I must try to sleep... I guess I can expect him to wake me up by driving a sword or knife through me... If anyone finds this, good luck, don't let "him" take you... -Kala

Day two (6-17-66)

I woke with a start this morning. He was nowhere to be found, but I saw him in my nightmare last night... I know he's watching. He doesn't quit. I wonder if I will be able to survive and maybe kill him... I doubt it...

Day three (6-18-66)

I didn't get to finish yesterday's. I was being chased again. He's so determined to get me... Why me?! I guess I'll learn soon enough... I met someone today, a young boy named Luke. He said his parents tried to kill him when they found a strange mark on his arm. It is a small bird that has two black eyes. I found out that this "him" is named Rokenika (rock-a-ne-ka). Strange name... His eyes are a strange green, blue, gray, red, and yellow mix, and his hair is basically fire. I was looking in a lake today, when I noticed something on my neck... A wolf... It has pure red eyes. That is the only color seen, other than the black outline and the color of my skin. Same for the boy's bird. Again, I feel a presence nearby. I know this... Rokenika is watching... Waiting... I am starting to feel more powerful... The moon is showing tonight. I wonder why... But every time I hear a wolf howl to the moon, I feel power coursing through me... And I'm not bothered by the fire, and I can also see as though it was still light. It seems to always be night, other than during the hours it would be day, it is a little lighter. Well, I am getting sleepy... Hopefully I awake in the morn. -Kala

Day four (6-19-66)

I awoke normally, with a jolt. I saw Luke sitting nearby, whistling, and to my horror, Rokenika appeared... Yeah, I screamed... Will I make it though the next night...? This is going crazy... I really don't know what to do anymore... All I ever do is run and attempt to survive. I'm tired, cold, hungry, and plants are dying. Without the sun... We won't live long...I think I'm going insane... If anyone finds this... PLEASE! I BEG of you to find a way to kill "him!" Please! I'm writing this as Luke falls asleep... I can see Rokenika in the shadows... I wonder... If I'll die... Tonight... -Kala

Day five (6-20-66)

I didn't die, but I DID get nicked by "his" arrow. I can't tell if the wound is infected yet or not... I hope not... I'm scared... I can feel Rokenika around, but he isn't showing himself. Oh well... I suspect I'll wake in the middle of the night to an arrow in my stomach and him appearing next to me... I can't take it much longer... I want to just die... Gah! Please, if I do get killed or kill myself, and anyone finds this, FIND A WAY TO KILL HIM! PLEASE!! I BEG YOU!!!! -Kala


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