Can You See Me?

By SahauraArmstrong

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A girl is born with a rare gift. she can appear to others at what they think is perfect. everyone sees her di... More

That Damn Crow
Possessive Much?
Big Baby
Revolting Psycho
Letter from a Demon
Objectivo Uno
Good News and Bad News
Cray Cray
The Letter
What am I to you?
Reunion & Departures
Lies, Lies and More Lies
Game Day
Oh baby
Last Mission


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By SahauraArmstrong

   "Awww they're so cute! I wish I had my phone on me." A squeal erupted through the room.

   "Dustin shut the fuck up and let them be."

   "Oh hell no. They better get their ass up to eat breakfast."

   "Ok when Chris wakes up and puts a bullet in your head don't start crying. Oh wait you can't. You'll be dead."

   "Hardy har har." I feel a slight shake on my arm and the warm body next to me jolts up. A scream echoed throughout the room and I decided to open my eyes. Christian had Dustin pinned to the floor with a hand gun to his head.

   "So help me God if you wake up Emily I'll have your head. Plus you guys are loud as hell. You better pray your loud mouth didn't wake her up." Chris whisper yells. Dustin looks at me and pales.

  "Christian? What happened?" Christian turns and looks behind me.

   "E check your person just don't turn around." I lift the blanket and quickly covered myself up. My shorts were shredded and a note was in between the waistband of my panties.

   "Get. Out." Fear no longer coated my emotions just pure anger. The rage begin boiling and they sat there which fueled it.

   "GET OUT ALL OF YOU!" They scurried out like scared mice. I run to shut and lock the door. The window tarp was ripped into a smiley face and I nearly threw up. I tore the tarp off but the window was still nailed down. How did he get in?

   I grab a pair of leggings and a sports bra. I toss the shredded shorts and take out the note. In beautiful cursive was single sentence that made me feel as if I was stripped from my innocence.

   You look so sexy, I wish I could taste you.


   The fuck is wrong with him?! I ball the paper in my fist and threw on my clothes quickly. I rush downstairs scaring the boys as I enter the room. I didn't hide the anger and hurt that spread to my features.

   Before they could say anything I pull out the paper and threw it as hard as I could to the otherside of the room. Hot tears flow down my cheeks as I go to the basement. The bag was already up and a pair of boxing gloves laid out from out last practice.

  I started doing some push ups and when they began to get to easy I switched to one hand. I hear the footsteps descend down the stairs but I keep pushing myself.

   "Emily take it easy you just got better." Tyler says coming to my side.

   "Ty leave me alone. I need to take my anger out on something and it's not going to be you guys." I pull myself off the ground and jump to catch the beam. I pull myself up to where my chin touched the cool metal.

   "Ok since you prefer to work out what weapon would you like? I can order it."

   "A bow." I breath

  "A bow?" The trio ask. 

   "I took archery and gymnastics practice when I was ten." Tyler face froze.

  "That's when you left. You escaped when you were ten." He mutters lowly as if remembering. I jumped down and start warming up to see if I still had my flexibility.

   "And that my dear brother is why I'm going to not only kill Thomas but Seth as well. Oh btw I need dual blades." I drop into a split and smiled when Dustin held his area as I was paining him.

   "Dude that looks so fucking painful!" Dustin squirms while looking away. I get up and tie my hair back.

   "So how do I kill him?" Christian steps forward.

   "Easy tiger. You can't kill nobody until you learn the basics. Tyler will teach you how to fight, Max will teach you how to shoot, Dustin will teach you how to throw and I'll be your test dummy." I nod

  "So what's today, test dummy?" I smirk.

  "We'll do Ty until I get your weapons." Dustin leaves guessing to go get my weapons from the 'storage house'. Tyler runs out to grab his speaker because he always complains when he can't work out to music. 

   Christian does a quick look around and pressed his lips on mine eagerly. I kiss him back with a small smirk. He pulls away leaving me breathless.

   "So is this a daily routine? When we're alone we kiss?" He chuckles deeply.

   "Maybe. That split you did was kind of hot and I'm kind of eager to see your archery skills." I leaned in his ear and smirked as he tensed.

   "Then get me a bow and arrow." I whisper before he had a chance to answer Tyler came running in.

   "FOUND IT!"

  "Ty can my code name be Cupid?"

   "Of course. That's pretty clever actually." He began to hook it up to the computer and Christian stood there blushing. 

   "I...i..i'm gonna go help Dustin get the stuff." Chris turns to leave quickly.

   "Ok later Chris." Th called over his shoulder. I smile and wave a kiss and he pretends to catch it. I force my face to go hard as Ty turns around to face me.

   "Since you already warmed up sit on the table and I'll wrap your hands." I sit down as Tyler begins to pull out the bandages and wrap my hands. His eyes scrunch together as he thinks.

   "Ty whats wrong?"

   "I just… I can't believe ive missed so much. I missed you going to middle school, all your birthdays, you growing up. I missed it all." His eyes filled with sorrow and I began to miss his cheerful smile. I lift my wrapped hand and placed it on his cheek.

   "You're here now and that's all that matters."

   "If I wasn't so scared of this fucker…."

   "Ty stop. You're working yourself up. Breathe." He inhaler slowly and relaxes. I run his arm in a calming way and pulled him into a hug.

   "You aren't the only one who is scared. I'm terrified. He cut us and hurt us and I never want to see you in that type of pain again."

  He gently brushes my hair without saying a word, just steadily breathing. We held each other for a good five minutes before he cleared his throat.

   "I love you too Em."


    I sat on the couch upside down and stared at the wall.  Letting a single question roll around you head can make you do crazy things.

   The fighting lesson was decent. It doesn't feel challenging and thats how its going to be when it's finally time to fight. A challenge.

   Dustin and Christian left hours ago to go get Max and Zachary. Chris said something about going over another mission. Honestly after the last mission I don't want to even leave the house.

   Which brings me to my question, how did Thomas get in last night and how sick can he be to even undress me in my sleep? Ty came downstairs with water dripping from his smooth black hair to his chest.

   "Hey did you plan on going somewhere?" He asked turning his head sideways.

   "No, why?" I pull myself up but end up tumbling to the floor.

  "One, your room door is wide open. Two, there's clothes laid out. Three, there is a phone number on your bed." I didn't plan on going out and it couldn't be Sam's number because I already put it in my phone.

   "Oh yeah I forgot Sam and I were going to go eat tonight." The lies slipped out easily, almost too much.

   "Who is Sam?" He crosses his arms in a parental way and tapped his foot.

  "A girl for one and two a friend. Dustin and I met her at the mall. Dustin ran a background check. She's clean." He stared at me long and hard before shrugging.

   "Be back before ten, take my car and be safe." I nod and sprinted upstairs. When I turned on the hallway I stopped.

  My door was wide open and a black cloth laid out on the bed. I walk slowly into the room. The window is cracked and a warm wisp of air entered. 

   The dress was very short and had white straps running down the black fabric. I picked up the paper and a series of numbers were scribbled on the face. I turned it over and and address was on the back.

  He wanted me to meet him? Why? I put his number in as Sam's other phone and texted his number.

Why do you want to meet?

I see you found my little note~ T

Cut the bullshit. What do you want?

I want to see you beautiful. Meet me at the address and we'll discuss more~ T

Fuck you pervert

  I didn't bother waiting for his text. I got dressed and left my black hair out. I slip on black vans and grab my cell along with the paper.

   "Tyler Ray where are you keys!?" I yelled as I was coming down the stairs.

  "You know where it is and Emily." I looked back, my hand on the door handle.

  "Be safe sissy. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." I run back and kissed him lightly on his cheek.

  "I'll be safe bubby. Dont worry I'll fix this." I muttered the last part and walked out the door. I climbed into the car and plugged in the address on my GPS.

  "Alright you fucker lets get this over with." I flipped down the mirror and the keys fall into my lap. I crank the car and peel out the driveway.

   I drove down the quiet main Street in search for this dinner. When the turn came up I turned into a small parking lot with a bland café.

 I climbed out and turned off my phone as I walked through the door. A bell rang above my head and all eyes were on me. Face flushed before I met the eyes of a revolting pest.

  I walked up to him and sat across from him. He was eating a pizza and had coffee. His smile was wide and it was nearly sickening.

  "I'm surprised your brother let you come. Especially Christian."

   "I lied. Now what do you want?"

   "You were talking in your sleep. You Said something about a deal you wanted to make to save your brother." He arched an eyebrow and a shaky sigh leaves my throat.

   "I didn't appreciate you undressing me by the way."

  "It was all a tease hun. Now about this deal?"

I fiddle with my hands avoiding his gaze.

   "I'll let you...take me if you cut your deal with Seth and kill him." I say lowly. His eyes bulge as he takes in my features.

   "What did you say?" His voice almost grew deeper.

   "If you let Tyler live and kill Seth...i'll go with you. I won't contact anyone, I'll listen, and whatever else."

   "You would really give your freedom to keep your brother alive?"

   "Yes. He saved me and helped me escape from Seth. Seth abused us, mostly me." Thomas' eyes grew a shade darker. He grabbed my hand with force and I whimper.

  "I'll do your deal since Seth hurt you but you must promise me to do exactly as I ask and follow my rules." Her toned implied for authority and nearly had me shaking.

  "I will I promise. Please let go." I begged. He lets go and I clutch my hand to my chest. He sits silently and eats his food while thinking.

  "You have a month. Pack your stuff. I'll pick you up so you better come up with something. I will not be turned down on this offer."

  "Bring me proof of Seth dead."

  "Do want the picture or video or his corpse." 

  "Video." He nods and checks the time. 

   "You should go home. You have a month to say goodbye Emily. Until then I won't bother you anymore."

   "Ok." I stand to leave but he shackles my wrist.

   "A goodbye kiss? Where ever you like." I hesitate but kiss him on the cheek. I sped walk to Tyler's car and wasted no time in getting home. Tears began to pour down my cheeks. When I pulled in the driveway I put the keys back and grabbed my phone.

   I walked up to the door and shut it quietly behind me. The kitchen lights were dimmed and the boys were watching a movie in the living room.

  "You're home early, how was your dinner?" Tyler asked. Max and Zachary were laying on the couch. Ty and Dustin were sharing a couch and Chris was sitting in the arm chair.

  "Yeah it was good. I'm just really tired from earlier. I'm going to head to bed." I climb the steps and head to my old room. I pull all my clothes from the closet and set them on the bed.

   I pulled out a huge duffle bag and folded my clothes neatly into it. Once all my clothes were done I packed all my essentials in my school bookbag. Id probably have to take online classes so I could get a job.

   I carry the bags into Christian's room and place them in the far corner. A cough echoed through the room and met my handsome lover.

   "Hey what's all that for?"

  "I'm just moving in fully. I just cant be in that room any longer." He nods in understanding and plops down on the bed.

  "Lets watch a movie."

   "I'm tired Chris I just want to go to sleep." I avoid his gaze and head towards the bathroom. I jerk to holt and my body turns into Christian's chest.

   "Have you been crying Emily?" His voice was laced with concern.

   "No Christian. Now let me go." I try to yank my hand out of his hold. 

   "Emily stop and look at me." 

   "Let go of me please!" I pull harder. My breathing begins to grow rapid

   "Emily!" I pull harder but stop and begin to cry. He pulls me into his chest and I hold him dearly. His cologne fills my nose and I savor every last breath.

   "What's wrong? What happened?" I shook my head and sobbed harder.

   "You have to tell me something Emily." 

   "If I tell you, you won't let me do what I have to do." I cry

  "What do you have to do?" He pulls me back arms length. I look at my feet and wiggle my toes to get the feeling of his gaze off of me.

  "What do you have to do Emily?" His voice I stern and hold my head down lower.

   "Emily Salvator you aren't going to do what I think you're going to do."

   "What do you think I'm going to do?" I whisper.

   "You aren't going to get a job are you?" My eyes bulge and I look at Chris questionably


   "You feel as if you're using all our money so you want to earn money for your own." His face held all seriousness and I almost burst into laughter. I nod my instead and looked away from his eyes.

   He pulls me closer to his body and uses his fingers to forcefully hold my chin up. Once my head was where he wanted it, he swept his thumb across my cheek.

  "Baby girl, I'm a mafia boss. My father and his father were mafia bosses. We have all the money in the world baby." I nod and stare into his hazel eyes as they twinkled.

   "Go wash up and we'll just relax okay." I smile and kiss the corner of his lips. When u vlose the bathroom door behind a sigh of relief escaped my lips. I thought he figured it out and it would ruin my plan.

  I slip out my outfit and put my hair into a high messy bun. The perm is slowly fading and my hair now comes out wavy instead of straight. 

   As the warm water of the shower cascades down my skin my mind slips to Thomas. He has this weird fantasy with me so he's more than likely going to make me his wife and ask me to bare his children.

  The meat thought of him taking my virginity made me want to shoot myself in my head with a caliber. The only person I could remotely give myself to would be Christian but if he rejects me I'll be broken.

   Oh hell. Id take the risk, I'm not losing my prized possession to some psychopath. I shave every part of my body and make a mental note to lotion my legs and arms.

   I wrap the wool towel around my chest, lotion, applied body spray, brushed my teeth and redo my bun. I grabbed the door handle and pulled it open gently.

   Christian was on his phone playing a game and Haden noticed me. I walk to my duffle bag and turned around. I mentally tell myself that this idea is dumb. I bend over and reached for my clothes.

   The room is silent and bet he's not even paying me attention. I grabbed my shorts and baggy t-shirt. When I stand up firm hands grip my waist and goosebumps cover my arms.

   "You're making it harder for me to not pleasure you hun." His breath tickles my jaw.

   "I...i...i was just getting my clothes." I stuttered.

   "No you were teasing princess." He turns me around and I see the lust filled in his eyes. I clutched my towel tighter as he leans closer to my ear.

   "You look so beautiful." He kisses my shoulder all the way to my neck. My free hand grips his shirt in a ball and my breath becomes heavier.

   "Chris stop teasing and do it." I pant. He looks at me with shock and stands fully up so he can tower me.

  "Are you sure? I mean Tyler would kill me. Your parents will kill me. God you can't just say things like that." He whisper yells and tugs his hair.

   "I'll be quiet. I want to do this and I want to do this with you." I hold his cheek and left my hand slide down his chest. His eyes follow my hand before he looks at me.

   "Emily we can't. Not with everything going on ...i mean Thomas could be anywhere." I sigh loudly and pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back passionately and quietly pressed me up against the wall. His kisses roam down my neck and to the hem of the towel.

   "Tell me if it's too much." He breathes in my ear. I nod snagging my lower lip in between my teeth. He sucks in a breath and pulls my head forward. His lips melted onto mine and a flutter fills my stomach.

  I flush red when he pulls my towel away leaving me exposed. My heart hammered against my chest and praying to God he doesn't see the fear in my eyes. His lips kiss my collar and I stand absolutely still fearing I might do something wrong.

   He senses my uneasiness and grabs my wrist forcing them under shirt. He uses my hands to slowly peal of his shirt and my eyes widen at his toned chest. He smirks evily and pins both of my wrist with one of his hands. My eyes close as I can feel his hand drape across my mouth.


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