Hetalia: Neko!GermanyxReader

By BlueMoonSamurai

646 34 4

And for my 7th fanfic; A NEKO STORY! Enjoy~ Hetalia and characters belong to Hidekaz Himaruya and his cat (if... More

Hetalia: Neko!GermanyxReader

646 34 4
By BlueMoonSamurai

"Why did it have to rain now?" It was a nice day and you decided to walk to the store. You spot a cat on the sidewalk and approach it. "Aw, poor kitty." You decided to take the cat home for now.

~Time Skip brought to you by Gilbird~

"There you go, all cleaned up!" you say to the cat. You noticed it had a ribbon in the colors of the German flag around its neck. "Looks like you got out somehow. I'll look for your owner tomorrow."


"Hello, Gilbert." you say blandly. (Still holding the cat) "That is unawesome! That is not how to address the Awesome Gilbert!" "Hello, Awesome Gilbert." you say unenthusiastic while rolling your eyes. "We'll work on it. I didn't know you had a cat!" he said reaching out to pet the cat. Hiss! "Hmph!" Gilbert said walking inside. "Welcome in." you say sarcastically. "I found him on the streets." "Hmm. I dare you to kiss that cat on the lips!" "Why? I don't think cats have lips either." "Because I dared you!" "That's not an explanation, but I accept your challenge!" you say raising the cat's face to yours. You kissed the cat on the mouth then POOF!

You were now kissing a human. "Ludwig?" "This is awesome! But not as awesome as me." "Shut up, Gil. It's a long story." "Oh. AHHHH! Um, uh." You were frantically looking around for something. "I-I'll be back, just...just cover up with something!" You dashed up the stairs for when Ludwig changed back, he was nude. You came back sown with some male clothes you found. "H-here..." You handed Ludwig the clothes.

After putting on the clothes, he came out of the bathroom. "Sorry for causing so much trouble." "It's okay. Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" "The one you gave me was a girl's." he said handing you the shirt. "Oh, sorry." "Keskeskes!" "Shut up Gilbert! Go home!" "Bye!" "What about me?" "You'll have to stay here till the rain stops. I don't want you to catch a cold."

~Awesome Bonus Ending~

"Wait, you don't care if awesome me gets a cold?!" Gilbert said poking his 'awesome' head through the door. "Get out!" you shouted throwing a shoe at him. "YOU ARE NOT AWESOME!" he said before fleeing.

~Unawesome Story~

"Arthur was practicing magic and turned me into a cat. Let's just say that his face will be covered in scratches for a while."

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