Warriors: The Six Clans (EDIT...

By niqiuwoess

37.9K 722 155

From the story: With a paw on Petalpaw, Leaftail aimed for her throat, getting ready for a killing bite... More

Prologue Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (Last Chapter)
Author's Note

Chapter 20

865 28 6
By niqiuwoess

Leaftail had just finished her squirrel with Dawnfur when it was almost sunhigh. She then told Dawnfur that she was going to chat with Ruthpelt. And if I have the time, I'll confront Blossompaw, she thought silently.

As she padded towards Ruthpelt, she glanced at the elders. They looked healthy and were sharing tongues to each other. Leaftail purred. At least the elders are not that grumpy to the enemy clan.

Then she was taken aback when she saw Ruthpelt sharing a rather plump rabbit with Waveleg. Was that Love in her eyes that I see? Leaftail thought.

She decided to let Ruthpelt finished her meal with Waveleg first. She then bounded to Brumblewing who was nearby cleaning himself.

"Hi Leaftail!" Brumblewing called as he saw Leaftail approach him.

Leaftail went out a loud purr as she sat beside him. "What do you think of the journey?" She queried.

"Bit tiring, but it's okay. Hope there are no foxes or badgers here though," Brumblewing replied, his cream-coloured pelt prickling with anxiety.

"Yeah, but the patrols the two leaders sends should be able to scent any foxes before it could attack us," Leaftail comforted him.

Brumblewing licked her paw and said, "Hope so." Then his voice dwindled, "Why did we have this journey? There is plenty of prey and no danger. "

"Well, it was Starclan who told us that we need to travel!" Leaftail retorted.

"But what if Starclan is wrong?" Brumblewing replied, his eyes narrowed with anxiety.

"Starclan is never wrong," Leaftail replied.

"What if they are this time? They are still cats."

"Are you doubting the powers of Starclan?" Leaftail growled, her neck fur blistering.

"Leaftail, calm down!" Brumblewing hissed angrily when several cats stared at them curiously, though as Leaftail could see, Ruthpelt was too engrossed with Waveleg.

"So I care!" Leaftail snarled before padding away from him, tail high, towards Ruthpelt.

When she was about to sit beside Ruthpelt, Ruthpelt stared at her and snapped, "Can't you see that I'm busy, mouse-brain?"

Leaftail's heart almost shattered. Ruthpelt had never insulted her before. It must be Waveleg! She glared at Waveleg, her lips curled into the beginning of a snarl, before padding away.

When she was a little far from the group of cats, she bumped into a fur of orange. It was Hollypelt.

"Mom..?" Leaftail stammered, not knowing what to say. It had been a while since she had spoken to her mother.

"Leaftail, dear, I see that something is bothering you," Hollypelt mewed, her voice wise. "Care to tell me your problems?"

"Oh mom! Ruthpelt insulted me for the first time! It's like, I have just lost her to that mangy Waveleg!" Leaftail blurted out. "What can I do?"

"She must have her reasons, Leaftail, and don't worry, we have lost beloved ones too," Hollypelt replied, licking Leaftail's ear.

Leaftail immediately thought of her sister, Petalpaw and tears whelmed up inside her eyes. She lowered her head and mumbled, "Don't mention her, please. It's too... sad."

As Hollypelt's pelt brushed her pelt, Leaftail sensed a deep feeling of motherly love, and wished that she was still a kit, her only problem was whether if she could go outside and play.

"All cats please gather! It's time to go!" The two cats tears the yowling from Splashstar.

"Congratulations for the role of leading the clans, dear," Hollypelt purred, before Leaftail padded to the front of the clans.


Leaftail was leading the clans east again, with Dawnfur, Ruthpelt and Lionpelt beside her. She used extra attention to prevent her from speaking with Ruthpelt.

Just then, she scented something strange. Dogs!

"Dogs!" She yowled. Dawnfur, Lionpelt and Ruthpelt froze. Then the other cats behind them froze, too.

"A-woo!" A terrifying howl confirmed Leaftail's doubts. They had to hide, now!

"Everyone, climb up the trees!" Greenstar shouted. All the Plantclan cats, including Leaftail, immediately climbed up the nearest trees, the senior warriors helping the apprentices. But the Waterclan cats stood frozen to the ground, their pelts standing up.

"Waterclan cats can't climb!" Splashstar shrieked. "What are we suppose to do?" The warriors then surrounded Crowpelt and Icefeather and their kits.

Greenstar immediately ordered Logfur, Flowerclaw and Rosetail to help the Waterclan cats with him. They jumped down and helped pushed the Waterclan cats up the trees: Kits, Queens, Elders, Apprentices, then Warriors.

Leaftail could see that pushing up the kits were easy and Woodpool and Cinderleg helped them get hold of the kits when Flowerclaw pushed them up.

The queens, with the help of Rosetail and Logfur, climbed up easily.

The elders, Grayfur, was the hardest.

"Come on! Get hold of a branch!" Greenstar mewed as Grayfur jumped on his back.

"The branches are too thin! They will definitely break and I'll break my back!" Grayfur complained.

"Look, there are dogs coming to kill us, and you are bothered by some stupid branch?" Leaftail growled from above.

"Where are your manners, young cat?" Grayfur meowed loudly, but he still climbed up the tree.

Pouncetail, retired because he lost a leg, was shocked. "How can I climb a tree?"

"It's okay, even if you only have three legs," Logfur said. Then, he pushed Pouncetail up safety.

By then, the dogs' bark were loud and clear. Leaftail's fur stood at their end.

"Unsheathe your claws and sink them into the bark!" Greenstar instructed. "Then climb up like you are walking!"

One by one the warriors climbed up the trees timidly. They almost fell down but all of them got up safety, even the apprentices- except for Ashpaw-.

He was still climbing up the tree when they appeared -the dogs. There were two of them, one black, one white. They were almost as tall as two cats. They bared their teeth and saliva dripped down from their mouths.

"Ashpaw, faster!" Ashpaw's mentor, Rainpool, urged. But the black dog jumped, and got hold of Ashpaw's tail with its sharp and yellow teeth.

"Help me!" Ashpaw yowled as the dog tried to pull him down. Splishclaw jumped down to the branch next to him and unsheathed his claws. With a snarl, he clawed the dog's muzzle.

The black dog whimpered in pain and let go. It then went squealing home.

Splishclaw was about to let out a victory yowl when Ripplefoot yelled, "Watch out!"

Before Splishclaw could react, the white dog jumped up and bit hold of Splishclaw with its canines and dragged him down. Splishclaw struggled but the dog did not let go.

But anyone could help Splishclaw, there was a sickening 'crunch'. All the cats' eyes widened. The dogs had just crushed Splishclaw's spine!

As Splishclaw dangled limpy in the dog's mouth, Leaftail gasped. The Waterclan deputy was dead!

"This is for Splishclaw!" Ashpaw yelled and he jumped onto the dog. Splashstar, Rainpool and Ripplefoot jumped too and began slashing the dog's back.

Shocked by the sudden weight and slashing claws, the dog let out surprised yelp and let go of Splishclaw's limp body. It then ran off.

Knowing that the coast was clear, the are jumped off the trees one by one. Each of them looked at Splishclaw's limp body in shock.

"Splishclaw had been a great and loyal warrior," Splashstar said sadly. "It is Waterclan's lost. May he hunt well in Starclan. We shall sit vigil for him tonight before the elders bury them."

The cats bowed their heads in respect and one by one pay their last respect for Splishclaw.


"Let all cats gather!" Splashstar yowled, with Greenstar next to him.

"It is moonhigh, and time to name the next deputy," Splashstar meowed sadly. "I say these words before the body of Splishclaw, so that his spirit may hear and approve my choice."

"Mistfur will be the next deputy," Splashstar said after taking in a deep breath.

"Mistfur! Mistfur!" the cats cheered, though it was halfhearted as they were mourning for Splishclaw.

"Splishclaw will be buried by the elders tomorrow. Those closest to him shall sit vigil. The rest can sleep. We will travel tomorrow," Splashstar declared.

Leaftail went to a grassy area before falling into deep sleep.


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Both will make my day! ;D

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