It Hurts:Kpop GxG

By LeeChaebear

191K 6.3K 4.1K

When you love them so much, but in the end you just hurt yourself -Heart book cover by kookoocash! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Face Reveal!!
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Im bored
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Sana oil
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Yes or No?
Im crying😭
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
sooo what now...
Characters(Book 2)
Prologue/Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
hi guys

Chapter 24

3.7K 143 47
By LeeChaebear

SANA ALL!(╥ω╥')

Y/N's Pov:

As i was walking towards the parking lot,some students are just looking at me while whispering at each other.

But you know what?HA!I DON'T CARE!

I felt happy when i saw Lisa.

I ran to her while waving "Hey Lisa!" I jumped at her while clinging like a koala.

I heard her soft laugh,she sounded like an angel.

"You sure you didn't miss me Princess?" She asked while laughing,i scoff and jump out of her.

"Tch,I didn't miss you Manoban!" I said and glare at her.

She start to laugh,but died down soon when she saw what im wearing.She furrows her eyebrow.

"What are you wearing?" She ask but with hint of annoyance?

"My P.E Uniform?why is it bad?" I mean i have no time to get change.

"No,that jacke-WAIT!turn around!"i look at her confused before turning around.

Is my ear clean?cause i heard a low growl?

"What's the problem Lisa?"

Lisa's Pov:

Those bitches!I see they're started to make a move!

I growl,thinking about them winning on Y/N..My Y/N.

When Y/N turned around,there's something written on the back of the jacket.

It's say 'TWICE PROPERTY,TOUCH HER AND YOU'RE DEAD.' Tch it would be nice if it say 'LISA'S PROPERTY,BACK OFF!' I would complain anymore.

"What's the problem Lisa?"My thoughts cut off,When Y/N called me

I shook my head " It's nothing,uhm you got a nice jacket there"i mentally gagged when i said that.

I suddenly remember our dat-

"YOW LISA!" I almost face palm when i heard my name being called.

I groaned and look at the person.

"WHAT!?" I shout

"Woah easy tiger,where you going?" She ask

"None of your business Jennie" I said and open the shotgun door before letting Y/N sit.GentleWoman.

"Jisoo Unnie is pissed,becaus-" I cut her off

"Whatever Jennie,tell Unnie I'll be back.Call me if something happened" I said,she nod.I walked in to my car and start the engine

"So where are we going?" Y/N ask,i shrug

"Han River"

Y/N's Pov:

Lisa have been driving like an hour.An hour she doesn't talk not even a peep.

"Hey Lisa,are you alright?" I asked her
(A/N:Oof- insert British accent lol)

I saw her nod,i look like her worried gf.

Suddenly the car stop,Lisa hop off and help me get out.

"Well this is it,the Han River" She said while grabbing my hand,holding it tightly.

I look down at our hand,before blushing.

"Let's go" She cheerfully said and drag me.

Well that's nice,she's happy now.

-half an hour of walking-

We're so tired,so we decided to take a sit.

"Y/N im gonna bye some ice cream,what do you want?" She ask

"I want a Vanilla ice cream" I said and smile at her,she nod and walk towards the ice cream vendor
(A/N:sorry if u don't like vanilla,just change it lol)

I'm looking the beautiful view.But i felt a tap at my shoulder,I know it's Lisa

"Lisa you're fa-" I stop on my sentence when i saw it's not Lisa.

"Hi,can i sit besides you?" The person ask,i nod

"I'm Wheein,Jung Wheein"she introduced herself.

I didn't say anything but stare at her beautiful face.

"Uhm Hello~" I snapped on my thoughts when she's calling me.

I think i stare at her too much.i cough and smile slyly

"Y/N,Kim Y/N.16yrs old"When i said that she look surprise

"Oh!you're too young!?" She exclaimed,i laugh slightly

"What's the problem?"Is my age is too young Lol

"I'm already 21 yrs old,so im older than you" She explain.

"Wow,Nice to meet you Unnie" I stand up amd bow to give her some manners

She smile,so i take a sit.

"Are you single?"before i can answer her question,Lisa came

She look annoyed.

"Y/N!Who is she?" She ask

"Her name is Jung Wheein,Unnie she's Lisa my friend" I introduce them to each other.

Lisa rolled her eyes before giving me my ice cream.

"Y/N lets go,Yeri texted me" She said and start to walk.

I look at Wheein Unnie.

"Unnie lets meet someday" I said and ready to leave

"WAIT!Here take this,byee Y/N"She gave me her calling card?

Wow,is she a kind of CEO!Lol that's crazy.

"Y/N LETS GO!"I heard Lisa yell.

"Coming!" I yelled and ran.

Fast forward

"Thanks for the day Lisa" I said and wave at her goodbye,before going inside

"Y/N!" I shriek when Yeri popped out of nowhere.

"Yah!Don't scare me like that" I said at her,before heading to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Your brothers!" I stop on my track and look at her

"What about them?" I nervously ask

"Jin and Jungkook got shot!" I almost faint when i heard that.

I run to her and shake her shoulder.

"What!?WHAT HAPPENED!?"I asked her while shaking her

No!my brothers.

"First,stop shaking me you dumbass!" I want to complain about her cussing me,but my brothers is more important

"Answer me!"I yell at her face.

"Shut up!Let just head to Hospital!" She said and drag me to her car.

I just got home and now im going out again?JK!

Fast forward

I literally push Yeri out when we reach the Hospital.

"Hello,what is Kim Seokjin and Kim Jungkook Room number!?" I yelled,Yeri look amused.

"They're still in the ICU" When the nurse said that i ran to ICU and saw few of my brothers sitting looking so problematic.

"Oppa" They'll look at me.

"Princess!" They said and run to me,giving me a bear hug.

Thinking about my two brothers...all i can do is cry.

"What happened to them?" I asked RM Oppa while crying on Jiminie shoulder.

"It's too complicated princess,don't worry they will fight" RM Oppa said trying to stop me on crying.

"Guys,Im gonna call Irene Unnie to tell what's happening" Yeri said before walking out.

Jiminie let me sit while im resting my head to his shoulder.

-2 hours later-

The door opened,revealing the doctor.

He walk towards us while taking off his mask.

"Are you the Kim's?" Doc ask,we nod and waiting for him to explain.

"Your brothers will be find,they loss a lot of blood.But don't worry we took the bullet out,you'll can visit them later" We all thanked the Doc and smile.

We all hug,because our Two brothers is ok.

"Y/N!"I turned around and saw Seulrene,Joyri and Wenderp.

"Unnie!" I ran to them,they give a bone crashing hug.

I slightly tap their shoulder,signaling them to full off.

Thank god they did.

"How are they?"Seulgi Unnie ask.

"Doc said they will be ok,we can visit them later" I cheerfully said,Irene Unnie smile and pat my head.

"Jimin!" Seulgi Unnie called Jiminie

Jiminie look at her confused.

"Guys lets talk,Yeri stay here with Y/N" I whined,i wanna go with them

"Come on,let me come Unnie,oppa" I said.

They shook their heads,i scoffed and sit.

"Stay here,this is important" Suga Oppa said,of course i can't's Suga Oppa.

They all left and Yeri is busy to her phone.I suddenly got an idea.

"Hey Yeri,i need to use the restroom" I said,i didn't let her talk and run

I followed the pat Unnie and Oppa take,bingo!

I saw them at the garden looking so serious.A little of listening wont hurt.Right?

"RM tell her the truth!" Irene Unnie yell at him.

"But,her life will be in danger!" RM Oppa yelled back,well this is intense.

"Just tell her that you'll are fucking Mafia!"

I froze...Mafia..

I slowly walk towards them.

"Mafia?" They all stiffened.

"Princess!why are yo-" I cut off Taehyung Oppa

"You'll lie to me!?" I yelled at them.

"Y/N let the-"

"SHUT UP!" They'll ducked their head

"Even you Unnies!" I heard Seulgi Unnie mumbled 'Sorry'

"How long?" They all look at me

"HOW LONG DID YOU LIE!" I shouted,my breathing start to slow.

"ANSWER ME!"J-Hope Oppa step in.

"It's all started when Mom and Dad died,Dad is a Mafia so was Mom they don't want to tell you because you're the only one Daughter,We need to protect you.So we all thought hiding it from you is the best thing to do,but i guess we're wrong"

I clenched my fist while glaring at them.

"I need time" I said before storming off the Hospital.

I need someone who can help me.

I took my phone and dialed the number.

Waiting for a minute,FINALLY SHE PICKED IT UP!

"Hello Sunmi Unnie?I need your help"

Sorry about the mafia thingy..

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