Once in a Million

By cactusrgr8

26.4K 661 154

[This is a Dabi x Male Reader] You grew up with Toya, you saw his life, he never really saw yours. You've se... More

where it started
toya todoroki
info: y/n
we became friends
new years special
《Chapter 4 - Honest 》
please read <3!

《Chapter 5 - Help Me 》

1.2K 36 1
By cactusrgr8


Memory 6



Toya's POV

After everything settled down, I avoided my dad as I made my way back to my room. Shutting and locking the door behind, I still felt paranoid.

Going to rub my arms in comfort, I forgot about the deep mark on my arm.

It had no definite shape, only covering the side of my arm, barely reaching the other end.

The burn would most likely leave a scar, it being redder in the center and only fading to a more lighter color near its edge.

My skin around it seemed to look like it was cut my scissors irregularly, erratically.

I held in a sharp cry, as I quickly retracted my hand.

"Fuck," I hissed out silently, not wanting to draw any more attention from the day on.

As I cradled my arm carefully, or more like hovering, too scared to make any sudden actions, I suddenly remembered (Y/n) was waiting for my reply.

Slowly making my way back over to my desk, I noticed the swivel chair was on the floor now, its wheels long stopped beforehand.

Carefully leaning down, letting my burnt hand just swing as gravity took its toll, I used my 'good' hand to pick up the chair from its head.

Setting it upright, I watched it turn a bit and then stop, its wheels waiting for a sudden movement upon it.

Sitting down as I rest my scarred hand in my lap, I take out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

I felt the hot stains from my tears on my cheeks still.

Rubbing against them to just try to get rid of this awful sticky feeling, I felt my cheek start to hurt at my every move.

Stopping, I just let both my hands fall to the side, staring out my window, looking out at the dark sky that littered with stars.

Stars were so free, just so carefree.

Stars made me think of my mom, my mom.

Not the one they took away, not the one who hurt Shoto, not the one who dealt with harsh hits every day and still acted like everything was fine.

The mother who would be here.

The one who would always sing to me when I was little.

The one who would laugh.

Laugh like she wasn't caged.

She isn't a monster, I know that.

'It's all his fault'

'All his fault...'

My thoughts got uncontrollable, as I continued to stare out at the dense black sky.

'He's no hero'

'No fucking hero at all..'

I could feel the tears coming back and my heart accelerate.

'If they knew, he would fall, fall into nothingness...

getting everything he deserves..'

The voices were so loud.

'You're just like him, pathetic.'

"No.. no no.."

They continued and spiraled, losing control.

'You're worthless, you can't even save them.'

" I do... I do! I'm NOT worthless!"

Crying, sobbing, a new fresh pair of tears rolled down the old ones.



Useless child


Sobbing got louder and louder.

'Y O U  A R E  W O R T H L E S S'

After that, there was silence except for the sound of his sobs echoing the room.

Wanting to shout out loud, to the stars as if they were at fault for my unfortunate, but I kept it in.

The voices have stopped.

But they were still there.

Cradling my head in my hands, I put my elbows on my desk as my head slid down until it hit its cold, wooden surface.

I felt my tears stop at the end of my chin and drop onto the desk, creating a tiny puddle, each earning a 'plop' sound.

I let my eyes close, and try to just calm down until I felt sleep itch at me.

Submitting to it, my eyes kept closed but my consciousness still there, awake.

I started to feel a vibration, low and calming at the back of mind.

Letting it go, I put it away, but it got louder and louder until it was ringing in my ears.

Snapping my eyes awake, I noticed that it was now pitch-black with only the moon and the stars glittering in the sky.

My arm was excruciatingly throbbing, as I lifted my head off of it.

Wincing as I forced my strength to move it, I adjusted my eyes blinking multiple times.

Drowsily raising my head, I wiped away the leftover tears and snot, including the forming drool, of my face.

Reaching over to my vibrating phone, I turned it to face me, the bright light blinding me as I winced, shutting my eyes.

Trying to readjust the brightness, I noticed (Y/n) had texted me.

Swiping up, I stared at his text. Skimming through them, they were mostly him being weird and probably acting like everything was fine, like he always does...

'God, he worries too much' I think, chuckling a bit.

Scrolling down to the past 5 texts, he read them over.

They seemed petty serious, so he tried sitting up straighter in his chair, his neck and back responding as he groaned in pain.


Hey, Toya.

Can we talk?

Mostly about everything..

Please text me when you can..

Toya, you awake?

Even thought it was about 10 o'clock, he decided to respond anyways, mostly of his own selfishness, and knowing, of course, (Y/n) would still be awake.

Ya, I'm fine...
Sorry for leaving you there, I had stuff.

Waiting a few minutes, he saw his friend typing.

Hey Toya, it's alright.
What happened?

Watching those texts, he contemplated whether on telling him or not.

Wanting to save the outburst for tomorrow, he gave in.

It's my dad...

That bastard!
What did he do now?
Need me to beat his ass?!

Lol no...
He just

Toya stopped typing when he saw what (Y/n) said next.

Wanna come over, I can wait for you at the gate?

Deleting what he was gonna say, he typed a quick response.


(continued next chapter :)


Ok, hey guys, I know it's been a while and I'm really sorry and this chapter is kinda shitty.

I don't have m y computer right now since it's not working and I'm visiting my cousins and Im using my iPad,  but I'll review this later.

I know I haven't been posting much, mostly because I'm kinda bored of my hero academia tbh...

I've gotten into Haikyuu more and probably start writing about that instead

I will finish this book though, hopefully lol

I'll try to make it like this

The childhood: about 4 chapters (completed)

Middle School: about 5 chapters (in progress)

Teenage: about maybe 4-5

Adult: about 3-4

End: 1 chapter

And yeah I didn't do the load thing like I do all the time but I'll review this later

I'm sorry once again, have a wonderful weekend :)

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