The Demonic Uchiha of the Sco...

By Lizardboy22

1.7K 39 2

I will let you figure out the combination of anime shows I am doing, I do not own anything except the charact... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

95 3 0
By Lizardboy22

I was running alongside Olou the tongue biting idiot who was scaring Eren. As I watched he bit his tongue. I laughed and said,"Dumbass." He glared at me and I grinned  while flipping him off. I jumped into a tree and jumped from tree to tree easily keeping up with them. I saw the castle and flickered to it and waited. They soon arrived. I spoke,"Hey Levi are you going to make everything spotless again." He glared at me and said," Screw you Hunter." I grinned and we all started to clean up the castle. I spoke,"Captain we have to go right now meeting for the commanders, captain, and the ace of the scouts and sadly the high ranked bastards in the interior are there. Eld you are in charge." He nodded. I spoke,"Captain I will flicker us there." He nodded and I put my hand on his shoulder and flickered to the capital. We reappeared in the meeting room and I growled," What the Fuck is this meeting for." All four of them looked at me and one of them said,"Shut up slave." My eyebrow twitched as I activate my sharingan. I spoke,"What exactly did you call me you fat bastard?" Everyone in the scouts all had matching expressions like they are so fucked. I released my chakra and the ground started to crack. He stammered,"A-a slave and who are you." I cracked my neck and drew my sword slashing my sword in the air and growled," I am an Uchiha you fat ugly bastards. Do you know how many lives we have lost in battle against the damn titans. Maybe you should experience the loss of a love one or be the to fight the titans yourself. You guys are smug bastards. Don't think I didn't see you three years ago when that expedition took place to rid the world of over a third of the population." They all paled. I activated my Mangekyō as I stalked toward them. One of the military police tried to stop me but I simply stabbed him with my sword killing him without a second thought. I sheathed my sword as One of them tried to punch me but I grabbed his fist and formed handsigns created a Chidori and punched it through the table shattering it. I redrew my sword and sliced it across his side. I spoke,"Experience the pain bastard. Blood was coming out of the wound  rapidly. The other three men tried to punch me. I jumped up and kicked two in the face before landing on the middle guys head. I leaped off wards and hit him in the pressure point knocking him out. I proceeded to do that with the other two. The fat guy with the sword wound looked at me scared. I spoke,"Know this the next time you piss me off I will slit your throats or torture you guys to death." The one that was conscious paled. I punched the door and it splintered into pieces. My Mangekyō was spinning rapidly and anyone who walked in front of me moved away in fear of what I would do to them. People noticed who I was and I walked through the street relaxing. I noticed a crowd of people behind me. I turned around and spoke,"What do you guys want exactly?" I studied every single person and I saw there were no kids and they all had weapons in hand. I spoke,"Well the answer is obvious you guys want to attack you." One man spoke," Time to die demon." I snorted,"You guys think you can even touch me." I drew both of my swords. MP came running in the middle of us and one of the villagers threw a pitchfork at me and I grabbed one of the points with two fingers. The MP decided to side with the villagers. I spoke,"Are you guys sure you want to do this because you will be leaving your family forever because I don't show mercy." They all readied there weapons anyways and one arrogant man said,"You cannot take out all of us." I flickered and reappeared in front of him. I stabbed him in the chest with a kunai. I spoke in his ear,"Die bitch." I jumped back and everyone who watched what happened to the man. I smirked and spoke,"If you want to fight against an Uchiha then come at at me Mother Fuckers." I became a blur and with only kenjutsu I had killed the whole mob except for the MP they all charged at me and with no hesitation I cut them down. Blood was all over the place. Except on me. I released my chakra and the ground started to shake from the pressure. Letting my chakra go I walked off and flickered ouy to the unknown alone. Titans immediately surrounded me and in minutes bodies surrounded. I kept fighting. Days and nights kept going through as I fought. I had somehow managed to keep track of all the titans I had killed.

I was currently in the giant forest wiping out titans when I heard the sounds of horses running. My titan kill count was almost five hundred in thirty days. I saw Commander Erwin and I jumped down and spoke,"Hello Commander." He turned to me seeing I was still alive. He spoke,"You're alive. I replied,"Yes I am have you not seen all the skeletons laying around who do you think wiped them out. Also you regarding I was dead I am hard to kill." I was running along side him. He spoke,"What is your kill count exactly now?" I replied," Four hundred ninety five." He spoke,"Well this definitely makes it easier to give the position lieutenant of the scouts." I replied,"Alright I guess that is me tell me the ceremony is later." He nodded. I jumped into the trees and watched as a titan ran after me pursuing Eren, I activated Chidori with no handsigns and I shot right at the female titan severing the leg in one blow. I stood in front of the titan and I heard the Levi squad gasp. Seeing me alive. I drew one of my blades and activated my sharingan to see who it was. I smirked,"Well well well looks like I know who you are. Annie Leonheart." She tried to grab me and I simply dodged and slashed her arm off. I spoke,"Maybe I should kill you now." She tried to stand but I already had made sure to release Senjutsu chakra so her wounds cannot heal. I made a tsk sound,"Poor you Annie I have acquired some abilities that not even titans can fight back from how do you think I have lasted out here for so long." I released the flow of senjutsu chakra causing her injuries to heal. I flickered and allowed her to chase after Eren again. I smirked seeing all the traps Erwin set up already. As soon as she  was in the center harpoons came outwards and trapped her. Captain Levi jumped on her head and started to stomp on her head. She started screaming and titans soon came in every directions. I sensed them as Michi (correct me on his name spelling) smelled them and all of us attacked. I smirked as I jumped at them taking them out at the same pace as captain Levi's

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