A Gifted Bunch (Danganronpa V...

By Andraix

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How are you going to fair against a class with Astronauts, Inventors, Robots, Magicians and Supreme Leaders... More

Chapter 1: Lucky... Not so Lucky
Chapter 2: Second Times a Charm. Or is it the Third?
Chapter 3: A Slight Mistake
Chapter 4: The Annoying Inventor
Chapter 5: The Invention
Chapter 6: Now you See it, Now you Don't
Chapter 7: Bad, Bad Bears
Chapter 8: Raining on your Parade
Chapter 9: Recital Prep
Chapter 10: The Night
Chapter 11: Secret's Out
Chapter 12: Lets Talk
Chapter 13: Virtual World
Chapter 14: Level Up

Chapter 15: D.I.C.E is Nice Pt. 1

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By Andraix

(Chapter 15)

(3rd P.O.V)

"What's their fuckin' problem?" Miu was venting to Y/N while they walked back home. For the life of her, she couldn't get why her fellow classmates were so peeved.

"We got them trapped in a weird video game with annoying NPC's, of course they're pissed" Y/N groaned feeling quite drained.

Miu rolled her eyes. "Psh, it ain't my fuckin' fault that none of know how to play it and screwed everything up."

Y/N sighed, knowing that if he argued with her too much it'd shatter her ego. "All I'm saying is that... that..." Y/N stopped when in the distance ahead of them, heading in the opposite direction to them was Maki.

"Hey! Y/N! What the hell where you gonna say?" Miu asked while putting her hands on her hips.

Y/N, kind of ignoring her question. "Yeah, games great, um hey Miu I'll see you later. There's just something I gotta do." With that said, Y/N ran ahead without her, away from their usual route.

Miu got all flustered as she watched him go off. "H-huh? What the hell? Y-you just gonna leave me." She looked around frantically and muttered. "Eeeee, what if Lost Potential come..." she began scuttling back to her place hoping to not have any strange encounters.


Maki reached into her large bag, about to pull out her coat but stopped when she heard some erratic footsteps running up to her. She sighed and look back to see the class "luckster" heading her way. Y/N panted as he sprinted over. "W-wait... I ... need to ask something!"

Maki just stood there, unimpressed as he finally caught up. He bent over resting his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. "... what do you want?" Maki asked.

Y/N stood himself back up so he was at her eye level. "Ok about this whole.... assassin thing and you trying to stop Lost Potential... I want to help." Maki just stared at him blankly. She then turned around and started walking away. "H-hey wait up."

Maki growled. "Can you please just leave me alone. You've already screwed things up enough."

"Exactly. Look, I'm sorry about what happened that night I messed things up for you and I wanna help... though I think... maybe we can do this without killing."

This caught Mali's attention. She turned around. "... what?"

"Yeah I just thought-" Maki suddenly grabbed the collar of Y/N's shirt and pulled him close.

She started to whispers quietly but firmly. "You don't get it do you? This isn't a joke. This isn't t just some fun mission where I'm gonna be acting like some hero. I'm just here to do what I'm told and right now, that's find the head of Lost Potential and kill him and if I have to kill others that come in the way that's it. I don't need or want your help! Just stay out of my way and keep quiet about this!"

Maki then pushed Y/N back causing him to almost loose his footing. Y/N sighed. "Jeez. What was I thinking." he started to head back in the direction where he left Miu, hoping she wasn't too far away.

While Maki walked to her destination she looked back at where Y/N was. She thought about his offer before shaking her head and continuing.


(Moments Later)

After Y/N's rather miserable trip through a virtual reality game and his failed attempt to get through to Maki he was feeling a little bit down. However he felt that things weren't quite through yet, since as he eventually caught up to Miu, he could see that she was talking to Kokichi and as usual he seemed to be really getting in her nerves. Y/N sighed and started to walk closer.

"And I already fuckin' told ya, that's not the way it's supposed to be!" Miu yelled

Kokichi just fiddled his some of his hair and casually said "If that's the best you can do, why do they call you the ultimate inventor."

Y/N walked next to her. "Uh, Miu, what's going on here?"

Kokichi smilled. "And theeeeres the guy I was actually looking for, Y/N where've ya been?"

"It doesn't matter. Why are you here?"

"Neeheehee. Weeeelllll, after the little experience you created within that game today, I thought I'd invite you to come hang out with me and my group of eeeevil followers."

Miu scoffed. "That he created? Hold the damn phone, I'm the one that created that game."

Kokichi dismissively waves his hand at Miu. "Yeeeeeah, but if it weren't for Y/N screwing things up like he usually does, it would've been boooooring."

Y/N's eye twitched. "Let's go Miu."

"Whoa, whoa hoooooold it." Kokichi saud while standing in front of Y/N with big puppy eyes. "Pleeeeeeeease, Y/N I promise it'll be fuuuuun. My followers will make you super comfy, you can get all the food you want, and if you're feeling suuuuuper hungry, they can provide you with se-"

"Oooook! Thanks I got the idea." Y/N said while covering his ears.

Miu was blushing and fiddling with some of her hair. "J-just how kinky are you fuckers?"

Y/N sighed. "Are you just gonna keep bugging me until say yes?"

Kokichi just grinned. "Yyyyup."

"Ok, ok I'll go.... Miu do you wanna-"

"Noooo way. You won't catch me hanging out with this lil' abortion any time soon."

"Nihihihi, it's cool, I don't need an ugly sow like you there anyway." Miu mumbled at Kokichi's insult and started to make her way back.

Y/N looked down at Kokichi. "Ok, take me to your... 'evil followers.'"

Kokichi held up a white bit of cloth. "Ima put this, over your eyes. Can't have you finding out the secret to our hide out." Y/N groaned and knelt down to Kokichi's level. Kokichi wrapped the cloth around his head complete obscuring his vision. Whatever this was, he figured he would just get it over with quick,


Y/N had been blindly walking around what felt like ages. Kokichi was just tugging him by the end of his hoodie arm hole, guiding him to the destination. Y/N groaned. "Are we there yet?"

"Almost." Y/N felt Kokichi pull them into a sharp right. The ground felt a little unstable as they continued. Eventually Kokichi let go and Y/N causing him to almost stumble over.

"Whoa! Are we here?" Kokichi didn't answer. "Kokichi?" Y/N was about to remove the cloth but suddenly some pushed him forward causing him to trip and fall. He could feel himself sliding down a slippery plastic surface. "Whaaaaaaaa!!"

Y/N finally felt the surface of the plastic disappear as he could feel himself falling. He hit the ground with a thud on top of something that he was sure was a bean bag. Y/N slowly sat up and removed his mask. He was met face to face with a familiar little girl, wearing a creepy clown mask. Y/N yelped and fell backwards. Wherever he was it was dark and dimly lit. He was soon face to face with all the creepy clown faced individuals that ambushed him and Miu a while back.

He gulped and started to scurry backwards and pressed himself against a wall. "Who are you?! What did you do to Kokichi?!"

The clown who had two wild pig tails smiled. Her lips were visible unlike the others due to mask only covering her eyes and nose. "Weeeeee want to play a game." she pointed to her right.

Y/N looked and saw a small person wearing a similar mask come running up to him with a knife. Y/N once again yelled and fell backwards.

As this happened all the clown faced hoodlums started to laugh. "Haaaaaaah! We got him again!" one of them said.

Y/N just sat there in disbelief, he can't believe he let himself get pranked again despite being tricked by them already. The one holding the knife removed his mask revealing it to be Kokichi. "Nihi, ok guys we got him."

"Y-you... you!" If Y/N wasn't regretting his decision to come along with him, he definitely was now.

"Yep, Y/N these guys are all with me." Kokichi walked into the centre of them all. "Allow me to introduce them all."

The biggest of them all, who had large puffy red hair, took off his mask. Showing his face, he had quite the intimidating appearance. "This is Ichi." Kokichi said. Ichi just grunted and eyeballed Y/N. "He has such a way with words."

Next was the girl with the rather revealing suit on she removed her mask. She had generally very beautiful features. "Hi there luckster~" she said with a wink.

"This is Ni. She's quite the planner around here and-"

Ni had already strutted over to Y/N knelt down to his level pressing real close to him. "Tell me, do you think your luck is hereditary or just chance?" She purposely pressed closer to him while asking.

Y/N felt himself heat up. "I well, I uh...."

"Tends to be curious?" Continued Kokichi. "And this is San."

A boy with long wavy hair covering the left side of his face. He brushed his hair while taking a good look of Y/N. "He still doesn't look like much to me."

Y/N was still overwhelmed by all this, not helping the fact he had a rather attractive girl so close to him, something he typically wasn't used to. Before he could ask, a rather large and round member stoped right before him and looked down. Y/N gulped, the man picked him up and hugged tight. "Gah!" Y/N nearly choked.

"Nihihi, that's Yon, he's a hugger."

Y/N coughed out some air. "I can tell." You eventually put him down without saying a word. Before he could rest someone wrapped their arm around him and noogied his head. This particular individual removed their mask showing his goatee and rather scarred face. "Heh, I hope you're ready to take a walk in the wild side string bean." Y/N once again choked.

"That's Go. He's a little, nihi, overzealous. Oh and this is-"

"Hiiiii!" The girl with the pig tails skipped over to Y/N and pulled him out of Go's grip. She moved removed her mask and smiled at him brightly. "Hi! Hi! I'm Roku! It's like sooooo cool seeing, and ultimate up close." She started to poke his face. "Whooooooa, I'm touching greatness."

Y/N took a step back from her. "Nihi, Roku's reeeally excited to be hanging out with you." said Kokichi.

The smallest of the bunch who appeared to be a little girl walked up to Y/N. She removed her mask and just looked up at him with her big eyes. "Uhhh... hello." he said

The girl just stared at him for a little longer before running off. "Awww Nana's just a little shy." said Roku

Y/N felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked and saw nothing. He felt another one tap on his other shoulder and looked once again seeing nothing. "Oh for-" two boys suddenly jumped before him. They both snickered and removed their masks.

"Hachi" said one with brown hair.

"Juuku." said the other who had blonde spiked hair. "Great to pra- meet you." they said in unison.

Y/N looked around at all of them, a little overwhelmed at all of this. "Right, Uhh well it was very nice to meet you all and your..." he briefly looked around the dimly lit room. "Weird place but I Uh..." he saw a door which he assumed was an exit and started to slowly inch toward it. "I've got homework and stuff to do real busy, so I'm just gonna-"

Ichi slammed his hand against the door and blocked his way. Kokichi just laughed. "I didn't just bring you here to meet gang Y/N. You're gonna be coming with us." Kokichi along with the sone of the rest of the group creepily smiled.

Y/N just stood there feeling like whether he should make a run for it on not. No once again closed the distance between them and hugged his arm, making sure his arm was between her cleavage. "Easy, Y/N, we're gonna have some fun~".

Roku went up to Y/N's other side and hoped up and down while holding his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah this is gonna be fun."

Y/N once again heated up at the closeness of the girls. "Maybe this wont be so ba- what the hell am I saying?!" he thought.

Ichi lowered himself down to Kokichi's level and whispered. "You sure about this boss?"

"Nihihii, trust me, if I know Y/N he'll make things fun and too easy at the same time."


(If you had a hard time visualising them without there masks, here's some pins by a person called TaySamey)

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