Twisted Fate (UN-EDITED)

By sjshrksprincess

69.2K 1.5K 66

Hey guys this is my first story i have ever written so please be patient with me. Any comments and feedback t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 15

1.5K 38 0
By sjshrksprincess

Aria’s POV:

As soon as we are all situated in the Limo and the guys tell the diver to go to the Olive Garden. I smile at Nick and Cole knowing they told everyone that it was my favorite place. It takes us about 15 minutes to get to the restaurant. I walk in to put our names on the list seeing we have a large group.

“The wait will be about 20 minutes” the hosts says.

“That’s fine thank you” I say taking the little buzzer thingy. I walk back out and it’s a little chilly. Conner has Jade wrapped in his arms keeping her warm. I smile at Jade and she pulls away from Conner and gives me a hug.

“He was douch anyway okay. We will get drunk and have fun tonight k” she says trying to comfort me. I smile at her and nod. I know we weren’t together or anything yet but it still made me feel like shit. I mean I fell for his stupid charm and what is worse I thought he actually cared. I guess I was lost in my own little world because the next thing I know I’m wrapped in someone’s arms. I look up and see that Chase is the one hugging me. I smile and hug him back.

“You remember how earlier you asked me what is wrong” Chase asks me.

“Yeah, but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” I say.

“But I want to.” I look up at him and nod. He pulls me to sit beside him on the wall outside of the restaurant. He nodded to everyone else and they came over to listen as well.

“Well earlier I was thinking about my mate.” I look at him with wide eyes. “She led me on, a little like what Max just did to you. Don’t get me wrong she wanted to be with me, but she also wanted to be the man she is betrothed to.”

“Why would she want to be with him and with you not just with you” Jade asks.

“In my opinion she is stupid. No offence Chase” I add quickly seeing his eyes change at my insult of his mate.

“I know I still feel protective over her because she never fully rejected me to let me go. And Jade she wanted me because I’m her mate but her betrothed is a Prince’s guard and she wants to be as close to royalty as she can, she wants power and things I could never give her. The only funny thing is, is that the guard doesn’t want to be with her he wants his true mate and keeps putting off the wedding” he ends with a small chuckle.

“Well I can’t say I feel bad for the girl but she gets what she gives” Jade says. Chase smiles at her.

“Well now you have us as family and we will try to make up for what she put you through” I say smiling at him.

“Hell yeah you are now our brother and stuck with us. Ever since you joined this pack you screwed yourself” Cole laughs. We all laugh at that.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way brothers and sisters” we all smile.

“Group hug” Sam and I scream and tackle Chase. Soon everyone is hugging and we all pull away laughing. Just then the buzzard goes off and we all get up and walk into the restaurant. We are taken to our table and we order our drinks. Once we are settled and order our food we talk about past memories. We learn that Chad and chase have been friends since they were practically born and that Chad’s mate rejected him because she was in love with someone else and wanted to stay with that person. So he is looking for a second chance mate. I hope he finds her he deserves to be happy.

After about 2 hours at the restaurant we finally decide it is time to go to the club. I pull out the credit card and paid.

“You guys can buy me drinks later” I say when I notice the looks on some of the guys faces. Seeming to appease them we all walk out to the Limo.

“To Club Motif diver” Chad says to the diver. He nods his head and drives to the club. We all see the bar in the back with us and decide to take advantage of it, getting a little buzzed before we get there. Pulling up to the club the driver opens the door and instead of waiting in line we get to go right in because the guys got us on the VIP list.

Walking into the club it was like we were transported into a completely different world. The lights were low and the music loud. We went to go find a table and Chad went to order us shots. As we find a table and all slide into the booth I scan the dance floor. I see a pretty girl dancing with a very and I mean very sexy guy. As if she can feel me looking at her, her head snaps up and looks at me. Her eyes then drift to Nick and I look at him. That’s when I see the look in his eyes. He has just found his mate and I smile. She pulls away from the guy after whispering something in his ear to make him smile. They walk over to our table and Nick stands up right in front of her and reaches for her. She smiles at him and grabs onto his shirt and pulls him closer until their lips meet and start a heavy make out session.

“Get a room guys” Chad complains bring the shots. We all laugh as they pull apart blushing. Chad looks up at the girl and guy and his eyes go wide.

“What’s wrong Chad” Chase asks and he looks to see what Chad is staring at and his eyes go wide just the same. “Alex, Crissy is that you” he askes still shocked.

“Yeah it’s us man” the guy named Alex says.

“Holy shit, what are you doing here” Chad says breaking out of his daze.

“Looking for our mates and looks like Crissy found hers” he says nodding his head to Nick and the girl.

“Sweet” Chase says smiling at her. “Congrats” he says to Nick and Crissy.

“Thanks” they both say still blushing.

“Well since we are not needed here Jade come dance with me” I say getting up taking two shots and dragging Jade onto the dance floor.

Nick’s POV:

As we enter the club I smell the sweetest smell I have ever smelled before. It smelled like white chocolate and roses. I scoot into the booth next to Aria and scan the dance floor. All of a sudden I lock eyes with the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. She has beautifully tan skin, blonde hair that reaches just past her shoulders and the most gorgeous blue green eyes I have ever laid eyes on. She leans over and whispers something in the ear of the guy she was dancing with and he smiles. I can’t help but feel jealous until they walk over to us and I stand up in front of her. She pulls me to her until we are locked in a heated make out session. My animal side is happy and saying mate while my demon and vampire side seem to be content and agreeing with my animal.

“Get a room guys” I hear chad say and pull back reluctantly. My cheeks turn red and so do hers. She looks so cute when she blushes. I look at Chad and see he is staring at my mate and the guy she was with, with wide eyes.

“What’s wrong Chad” Chase asks and he looks to see what Chad is staring at and his eyes go wide just the same. “Alex, Crissy is that you” he askes still shocked. I pull my mate closer and smile when she snuggles closer.

“Yeah it’s us man” the guy named Alex says.

“Holy shit, what are you doing here” Chad says breaking out of his daze.

“Looking for our mates and looks like Crissy found hers” he says nodding his head to Nick and the girl.

“Sweet” Chase says smiling at her. “Congrats” he says to Nick and Crissy.

“Thanks” we both say still blushing.

“Well since we are not needed here Jade come dance with me” Aria say getting up taking two shots and dragging Jade onto the dance floor.

I look at my mate “Crissy is a very pretty name” I tell her.

“Thank you but I don’t even know your name” she says smiling at me.

“My name is Nick.”

“Nice to finally find you Nick” she says pulling mew closer making me feel like she never wants to let me go. I hug her and I’m not complaining I never want to let her go either.

“So who are you” I ask the guy she was with.

“I’m Alex, I was Crissy betrothed till she found you. I’m glad too I really didn’t want to marry someone who wasn’t my mate. No offence Crissy” he says.

“None taken Alex I didn’t want to marry you either and now that I found Nick we won’t have to” my mate says.

“Well why don’t I introduce you to everyone” I say turning back to the table. “You already know Chad and Chase. Next to Chase is my brother Cole and his mate Sam. Then next to them is Conner and the two girls that left are my sister Aria and Jade who is Conner’s mate.”

“Nice to meet you” they both say.

“Hey Conner nice to see you again man” Alex says doing a hand shake with him.

“Likewise, but if you’ll excuse me I’m going to steal back my mate from her best friend” he says while getting up.

“I’ll go with you to keep Aria company” Chad said.

“Do not try and corrupt my sister Chad” I warn him.

“I would never” he says trying to look innocent.

“We will go and make sure he doesn’t” Cole says grabbing Sam’s hand and following Chad to the dance floor. As the guys get there and start dancing I hear a low growl come from Alex and look to see him staring at Chad’s hand on Aria’s hip.

“You’re my sisters mate” I say looking at him.

He looks at me before he speaks. “Yes she is my mate but you can’t tell her yet there are something that you won’t understand yet, but it will all come out in time ok. And I want her to like me for me not because I am her mate.”

“I understand I won’t say anything but you should tell the other guys just so they know.”

“Alright I’ll tell them later.”

“I can do it now through our mind link if you want and Aria won’t know” I offer.

“That would be great thanks man” he says still not taking his eyes off of Aria.

‘Hey guys Alex is Aria’s mate but doesn’t want her to know yet so don’t tell her but back off’ I warn them. As soon as I finish Chad drops his hand and steps back before making a bee line to the bar and I chuckle.

“If you can mind link them then you are part of a pack” my mate asks.

“Yeah we just formed our pack about a week ago” I reply.

“Who is your Alpha then” Alex asks.

“Aria” I say with a smile as both their eyes go wide and I think I see a flash of pride go through Alex’s eyes.

“You think she would let me join” my mate asks looking worried.

“You mean us” Alex says with determination.

“Of course but we will ask her tomorrow I think she plans on getting wasted after what happened earlier today” I say solemnly.

“What happened” Alex growls.

“She was supposed to have been on a date with Max another pack member but she got back to the hotel from shopping, she walked in on him and a woman in a compromising position. They were making out on their bed with her straddling him and no shirt on. To say the least Aria was upset and she keeps beating herself up saying she was stupid to fall for his charms. To say the least we all wanted to beat his ass is an understatement but Aria just wanted to come out and have a good time. So that is what we are doing” I finish. As I look at Alex he looks beyond pissed.

“Excuse me I need to make a phone call” and with that he got up and walked away.

Alex’s POV:

“Excuse me I need to make a phone call” I say getting up and walking away from Crissy and Nick. I get outside and dial Xavier’s number.

“Hello, did you find her” he asks after the first ring.

“Well hello to you too and yes I have finally found her and she is more beautiful than we could’ve ever imagined.”

“Well what does she look like?”

“She has sun-kissed skin, with light brown hair that has natural blond highlights, and the most gorgouse turquoise eyes” I say smiling as I think about her. “And she smells like rain and cherries.”

“Take a picture of her and send it please” he begs.

“Of course I will” I say chuckling.

“Finally once she excepts the both of us we can get out of our arranged marriges” Xavier says happily.

“Well I’m already out of mine Crissy found her mate and he is Aria’s brother.”

“What you lucky bastard.” I chuckle at my best friend and blood brother.

“Well I’m going to go get back to our mate I’ll send you a picture later, see you soon.”

“Yeah go keep our mate safe and let me know where you all are going.”

“Will do” and with that I hang up and go back into the club. I scan the crowd and see her on the dance floor with some guy dancing all on her. Getting pissed I stalk over to her and if she can sense me her eyes meet mine and she pulls away from the guy and walks to meet me. I know she can feel the pull but she doesn’t know what it is because I’ve blocked all the other things that would tell her I was her mate.

Meeting in the middle of the dance floor I pull her to me roughly and we start dancing.

Aria’s POV:

After I left dragging Jade to the dance floor we started dancing. It was even 10 minutes later before we were all joined by the guys. I start dancing and grinding with Chad. A few seconds later and he drops his hands and says he’s going to get a drink and walks off. I brush off the sudden change in him and keep dancing. Soon a guy comes up behind me, I look at him and he isn’t really that bad looking so I start to dance with him. After dancing with him for 2 songs I feel someone watching me. I look up and my eyes lock with Alex’s. I don’t know why but I feel this pull toward him. I pull away from the guy and meet Alex in the middle of the dance floor and he pulls me roughly to him. Holding on to me tightly we begin to dance. I pull back just enough to look him over and he has black short spiky hair, with these deep forest green eyes that I get lost in, and he is very muscular with a nice tanned body, from what I can tell. As we dance I act on impulse, I’m not sure if it’s the alcohol or the pull I feel but I pull him to me and smash my lips to his. He instantly responds and pulls me close licking my bottom lip asking for entrance and I grant it to him. After about a 5 minute make out session he reluctantly pulls away from me making my whimper. He rest his forehead on mine and we both try to catch our breaths.

“Not her and not yet princess” he whispers pulling me to him. I rest my head on his chest seeing that he looms over my 5’2 frame. I look up at him and think he must me 6’.

“Actually I am 6’3” he says.

“Oh my god I said that out loud” I say knowing I’m blushing from embarrassment. I put my face in his chest so he can’t see my face.

“Yes you did and don’t ever hide your face from me you look sexy when you blush” he says lifting my face to look at him. When he said that my face grew hotter and I giggled.

“Come on let’s go sit down and get drinks” he says holding my hand and leading me back to the table where everyone is at.

“Awe look Aria is blushing” Sam says picking on me.

“Shut up Sam” I say hiding my face in Alex’s side.

“What are we doing tomorrow” Jade asks.

“Well I want to go to the Sharks game tomorrow night against the Ducks but that starts at 7:30. Anybody want to go with me” I ask. I get a yes from everyone. “Okay I will go buy all the tickets tomorrow.”

After another few hours of dancing and drinking we all pile into the Limo along with Crissy and Alex. When we get back to the hotel Alex goes and gets a room and then Crissy gets one for her and Nick. Going up the elevator and getting off on our floor everyone says goodnight. I walk to the room I was sharing with Nick and Max. Thinking about Max makes me want to cry I can’t believe I fell for it. As I open the door and turn on the lights I freeze. I look at the bed and see the woman is still there and is naked under the sheets and Max is also naked.

“Well isn’t this a sight for sore eyes” I say pissed off.

Max jumps up and looks at me like a deer caught in heed lights.

“Who are you” the woman asks.

“A friend of Max’s” I say not taking my eyes off of Max.

“Aria it’s not what it looks like” Max pleads.

“Oh really you and a woman naked in the bed we sleep in and it’s not what it looks like? You discust me Max” I yell turning and walking out of the room and I fell a hand grab my arm. I look down and see it’s Max’s hand.

“Please just let me explain”

“GET. YOUR. HAND. OFF. ME!” I say through clinched teeth. When he doesn’t let go I turn around and slap him across his face leaving a hand print. “Just stay away from me. Not only did i catch you earlier making out with her but you don’t even notice you miss our date and then I come back and find you naked in OUR bed with HER! I don’t even want to hear you pathetic excuses. Goodnight Max and tomorrow night the pack is going to the hockey game and you will be there.”

Max looks defeated and just nods his head. I walk out the room and realize I don’t even care anymore. As I enter the hallway I see Alex standing in his doorway looking at me. He opens his arms to me and run into them burying my head in his chest loving the way he makes me feel. I haven’t even known him for long yet I feel safe and loved.

“Come Princess you can sleep with me tonight” he whispers in my hair. I look at him not sure I want to sleep with this stranger it makes me feel like a slut because I did that with Max even though we didn’t do anything and I wasn’t planning on doing anything with Alex either but you know. “I promise to behave and all we will do is sleep” he says noticing my hesitation. I nod my head and let him pull me into his room. He hands me his shirt for me to wear and he strips down to his boxers and climbs into bed. I walk into the bathroom to change and slip out of my dress and shoes. I pull on his shirt and breath in his scent it reminds me of the woods on a fall night with a hint of honey. Realizing what I am doing I quickly walk out of the bathroom and stand by the bed. I feel a hand grab me and pull me onto the bed making me squeal.

“Let’s go to sleep Princess we will talk tomorrow okay and I promise I will never hurt you” he whispers in my ear making my shiver and cuddle closer to him. With those words and his promise I drift off to sleep.

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