roommates ๐Ÿ•ท morales

By getweIIsoon

48.5K 1.3K 233

"uh, why are you here?" "i live here too? and why are you dangling from the ceiling?" in which miles gets a n... More

one โ€ข visions
two โ€ข spider-man
three โ€ข the window
four โ€ข a hero
five โ€ข midnight
six โ€ข secret's out
seven โ€ข backup
eight โ€ข cindy moon
ten โ€ข olivia
eleven โ€ข vengeance
twelve โ€ข gone
thirteen โ€ข what's up danger
fourteen โ€ข the truth
fifteen โ€ข parting ways

nine โ€ข homecoming

1.6K 63 14
By getweIIsoon

8 hours until the dance
12:14 p.m.

All everyone could talk about was the dance that night. Everyone had their dresses or formal outfits picked out and a date to accompany them if they had one. The DJ they had was also really good and well known so the music wouldn't be a problem. This was one of the few nights where some students weren't going to be in their rooms stressing over homework or doing any school related. The ones that didn't go probably were though. Almost the majority of the school would be attending so it was going to be pretty packed in the auditorium where it was held.

Ganke was currently in his room with Miles and his roommate. They would be meeting up with Isaac, Camila, Gwen, and Olivia later on. All of them had plans to go out to eat afterwards if they weren't too tired and if they were they'd just do it the next day. Ganke and Miles were playing a new video game Ganke just got which was something they did every now and then.

"Dude you're so bad today!" Ganke laughed.

Miles kicked his friend's leg. "It's new! I still don't know how it works!"

"It's been out for like a month."

"You've been playing it longer than me! This is my first time!"

Ganke scoffed. "Excuses excuses."

Miles rolled his eyes at his friend while Ganke's roommate laughed from his bunk. Miles and Ganke were always picking at each other no matter what the conversation was. People that listened in on their conversation would just shake their heads at the two boys trying to insult the other one but failing. It showed how close they were.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Ganke asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

"We meet up at the auditorium about ten minutes before it starts to take pictures then possibly eat afterwards. That's what I understand anyways."

He nodded. "Sounds good to me. Where should we eat at?"

"Probably at Beth's Diner again because Olivia mentioned it and Gwen was down for it."

"Wait, Beth's?"

Miles knew what was coming. "Yeah."

"Yes! I can get some red velvet cake!"

"Is that all you think about?"

When Ganke didn't answer Miles started laughing. They finished playing the game and was busy talking. About two hours had passed which Miles didn't even realize till he looked at his phone. A news update popped up on his screen which would he clicked on immediately. He had notifications for the news app on his phone turned on in case there was one and he needed to report to the scene.

He panicked. Something was happening in the middle of town, it was Carnage. He had apparently caused a wreck to happen and injured some policemen. He was making a scene on purpose.

Cindy texted him. Miles knew she would.

C: Are you going?

M: I have to.

C: Do I need to come and help?

M: As of right now I think I can handle it. If that changes I'll let you know.

C: Be careful. Don't let him win.

He stood up and told Ganke he had to go. Said he forgot he needed to go see his parents before the dance. Ganke looked confused but let him go anyways. Miles said goodbye and frantically went back to his room.

He was about to change into his suit when Olivia walked in. Thankfully he was still in his clothes.

"What are you doing?"

Miles got his suit out. "I have to go."

"Is something happening?"

"Something already did."

You could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to ask more questions but decided not to. She left the room so he could change and when she went back in a few minutes later he was gone. When she got to the window she was able to see him swinging off in the distance. Sometimes she had a hard time believing she knew who Spider-Man really was, she was literally living with him and didn't even know. Her and Miles had gotten closer and she considered them more than just roommates that shared a room. With time she'd consider him her best friend.

Miles was on top of a taxi. He could see Carnage down the street causing a traffic jam and flipping cars over. The police couldn't get close enough because he'd just knock them down. He was trying to make a scene so he could get the attention of everyone. It's all he wanted. Bullets didn't seem to do anything. He got closer to where Carnage was, now standing on top of a flipped over car. Everyone turned to face him when he landed, a glimmer of hope flickered through the middle of Brooklyn at the sight of their hero.

"Carnage!" His voice boomed. Miles sounded older whenever he was in his suit.

Carnage cracked a smile that creeped him out. "Ah, Spider-Man! Just who I was dying to see!"

"You did all of this just to get me to come here?"

"Yes of course. It's the only way I can get your attention."

Miles gestured to what was happening around him. "Well you have it. What do you want? Stop causing all of this!"

Carnage stood up straight, his posture menacing. "I want this city. You run it like it's yours but it's not. It's always been mine, Spider-Man."

"You can't have it. I know what you'll do if you're the only thing they have. If you want to get rid of me so bad..."

Carnage threw an extremely damaged car at Miles, so quick the people around him didn't realize what was happening until Miles webbed the car, swung it around, and threw it right back. It hit Carnage full force and knocked him to the ground.

"You're gonna have to do better than that."

The scene around him was getting worse. It was getting out of hand. Everyone was panicking and running away.

"Get these people out! Get them out!" Miles yelled to the police.

The battle between them was more intense then the last one. Every time Miles went invisible it infuriated Carnage. He kept turning round and round trying to find him but couldn't do anything. He kept getting tangled up in webs, then something incredible happened.

Electricity flowed through the webs. It travelled in wave lengths and it went into the other webs. It electrocuted Carnage, making him fall to the ground. That had never happened before but now was not the time to be in awe.

"Leave this city alone." Miles said.

"Not until you're dead."

He grabbed Miles' feet and threw him towards a brick wall. A web latched onto a light pole and he swung to it before he made contact with the wall. Perched on top of the light, he was breathing heavy.

"It's take a lot to kill me. I'm kinda stubborn."

"Does it really?"

Miles went invisible again. He had to stop Carnage before he disappeared again. Every time he managed to get away. This was yet again one of those times.

Carnage was about to disappear into the sewers, the only escape he had. "Stop being so scared! Fight me!" Miles yelled.

"I'll end you when we don't have such a crowd. It'd be more special."

Miles shot a web to try and get him to stop before he dropped down into the sewer through the opening in the street but he was too late. He was gone yet again.

Miles was upset. Angry. Every single time no matter what he did Carnage got away. It made Spider-Man look like he couldn't do his job. He failed every time. In other people's eyes though, he wasn't failing at all.


It was his dad. He was in a panic. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, officer. How many casualties do we have?"

"Only two. A few are injured."

Two lives were lost. Miles could've prevented it. You couldn't save everyone though, not in a job like this.

A day would come when Carnage would be stopped for good.

That day should've been today.

1 hour until the homecoming dance
Olivia and Miles's room

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Olivia was sitting in the chair in front of the computer, watching Miles with a concerned look on his face. He was laying in his bunk staring at Olivia's bunk above him. He had been like that for a few hours now.

"I guess so."

"You're such a bad liar oh my god."

He looked over at her, his lips twitching into a smile. "I just don't know how I'm feeling right now. I feel like I failed everyone."

Whenever things like this went wrong he always felt responsible. "Miles.." She said. "Stop beating yourself up. You can only do so much."

"I have a job, Liv. I have to protect the city from him. From everything. Why does he kept disappearing right when I almost have him? Why is he running away?"

"He doesn't want to admit that you're stronger than him. It makes him feel weak."

"If I'm so strong why can't I just stop him and make him pay for what he's doing?"

Olivia got up and sat on the bed next to Miles. He propped himself up on his arms. "One of the most important things you can do Miles is continue to be strong. You've always been able to catch the bad guy. This one just keeps making things difficult for you. No matter what happens, always have faith in yourself."

They stared at each other. It made Miles feel better knowing he had someone that so strongly believed in him. Ganke did too but that was just him being a fanboy. Before Miles could say anything there was a knock on the door.

"Miles! Olivia! Are you guys in there?" It was Camila.

Olivia got up and answered the door. "Hey!"

"What? You're not even dressed! We have to take pictures in twenty minutes!"

She already had her makeup done but hadn't changed into her dress. She grabbed it from a nearby chair and turned to Miles. "I'll be back!"

Miles had to get changed too. He went to the bathroom and changed as quickly as he could. Ganke met him outside.

"There you are! You ready?"

"Let me do a few more things and we can meet up for pictures. Where's everyone else?"

"Gwen is waiting in the lounge and Camila is helping Olivia with her dress. I don't know where Isaac and everyone else is. Meet me in the lounge."

Miles finished getting ready, fixing his hair and spraying some cologne. He wore a maroon long sleeve dress shirt, khaki pants, and some nice shoes. The watch his parents got him last Christmas was on his wrist. He was busy fixing his sleeve and didn't see Olivia walk in.

"Am I late?"

He looked up, his jaw dropping slightly. Olivia's dress was a two piece sky blue dress. The skirt was flowing and the top was sleeveless and fitted nicely. Her heels were white and sparkly, her hair loose down her back.

"Right on time! You look great!" Gwen said with a smile.

Olivia stared at Miles, giggling. "Something wrong?"

He snapped out of his daze. "N-No sorry. You look great Liv."

A blush was faint on her face. She was looking at Miles the same way he was looking at her. The only friend that noticed was Ganke. "Dude, you good?" He elbowed Miles in the side.

"Yeah. Let's go."

They went to the spot they picked out to take pictures at. It was a fun time taking that many pictures with all of the friends together at once. It took about ten minutes then they had to leave to get to the auditorium. By the time they got there the dance had just started and they went inside.

The music was amazing. The DJ was really good, playing all of the best new songs. Along with some of the classic dance songs that made everyone get up even if you didn't like to dance. About an hour and a half went by and everything was going great. A slow song came on which made all the couples gravitate to the floor.


Olivia walked up to him smiling. "Wanna dance?"

The only thing he could do was nod. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to a spot on the floor. Their friends watched from afar.

"No way." Gwen said.

"They're just dancing!"

"Slow dancing!"

"Oh let them be." Isaac said. "Let them have a moment."

The song played through the speakers making the couples sway to the beat. It was a nice song that most of them had heard before. Miles had his hands on her waist, her arms wrapped around his neck. They were close but not too close.

"Have you been having a good time?" She asked him.

"Yeah.. have you?"

Her smile was shining due to the lights coming down on them. "Definitely. It's been a night to remember."

They continued to dance. The song ended which made them separate. Miles was feeling different now. Camila and another girl ran up and pulled Olivia away. The same thing happened to Miles with Isaac and Ganke.

When the dance ended everyone was tired. It was late now, after eleven. They were walking down the sidewalk back to their dorms now. Other students were either ahead of them or behind them. They decided to wait till tomorrow to eat since they were too tired.

"My feet hurt!" Camila groaned.

"Same! I hate heels!" Gwen agreed.

Right as they were about to walk into their dormitory Olivia gasped. Everyone turned around and looked at her.

"I left my wallet!" She was panicking a little.

"Get it tomorrow it's late."

"No I got important stuff in there! I'll be right back!"

She handed Gwen her heels and took off back towards the school. "Wait!" Miles said. "Don't go back by yourself!"

"I'll follow her and make sure she's good. You guys go to bed." Gwen said.

Miles reluctantly went back to his room. By the time he showered and changed he was exhausted. He didn't even know he fell asleep until someone was shaking him.

"Miles get up." It was Isaac.

"Isaac? What time is it?"

"After one. You need to come with me."

"Why? What's wrong."

Miles got a good look at Isaac. He looked upset and scared. Ganke and Camila were standing in the doorway to his room. Something was wrong.

"It's Olivia."

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