Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 67

18.8K 480 188
By niallsbabe_xx

"Khloe, let's go!" I am not going out there. Not like this.

It's been a week since we left for West Virginia. During that weekend, we ended up winning two out of the three games, regarding us in getting a trophy.

Also during that time, Niall and I went on a hike through a few trails, and then at night we'd all go out on nightly walks. It was fun being able to just hang out and have fun without the worries or stress that school brings. Even though it was just a weekend, it seemed like so much longer. It was a wonderful little break.

Today, was Friday, meaning halloween. Now, like planned, Niall and I were supposed to be going as Christof and Anna from the movie Frozen, however one stupid little bet with Louis screwed that up completely. I don't even know why I was stupid enough to make it.

I don't even know how to play soccer. When he asked me to hit the ball into the net how he did, which he had showed me, then I thought it'd be pretty easy. He could do it, then so could I, right? Wrong. Instead I tripped on the ball itself, falling backwards onto my bum and that counted as my shot since the ball rolled forward.. I guess I just wanted to see him dressed up as a penis. That was the deal.

If I could do it, then Louis had to dress up like giant dick and sing this song about erections that we'd found on YouTube. If Louis made it and I didn't, then I would have to dress up as a slutty model football player, and I would have to pose every time someone took a picture. To stay I was stupid for accepting the challenge was by far an understatement.

I was happy when Louis decided to down grade my outfit a bit, allowing me to just wear black spandex rather than the feathery, booty shorts that had originally came with the outfit.

My hair was blow dried and combed through to the side. I had black smudges under my eyes, and a smokey eye look. Most people would say I actually looked good, but I hated this. I was never, ever going to do this again.

"Khloe, babe." Niall leant against the bathroom frame, staring down at his phone.

"Niall, I'm not going in this..." he glanced up, his jaw immediately hanging open as he stared down at me. "I know, it's horrible." I whined, feeling more insecure now than ever. My stomach was too big for this belly shirt, and my legs did not fit in these pants right.

"What are you talking about? You look so fucking sexy right now." he smiled wide, putting his phone into his pocket as he walked towards me and grabbed my waist.

"Niall.." I whined, pushing him off of me.

"What?" I didn't want to say that I didn't want him touching my stomach, but it was true. I haven't been this insecure in a while, but for some reason, I was. It was horrible. He suddenly got the picture when I looked down bashfully and placed my hands over my stomach.

I looked up a bit as I noticed him on his knees in front of me. "What are you-"

I cut myself off as he gently tugged my hands to the side and pulled my waist to his lips. he started leaving kisses all over my stomach causing me to laugh a lot and grab onto his hair.

"Niall, stop." I giggled, pulling him away. He looked up to me with a crooked smile, his eyes a crazy blue. I could stare at them forever.

"Are you ready now, princess? You look hot as hell." he commented making me blush.

"You don't look to bad either." I smiled as he stood up. He was dressed as a soccer player from Madrid; and let's just say that even though it wasn't a scary or creative costume, it suited him very well. He looked like the real deal. It only made my heart heavy when I realized that he would have looked like that all the time if his father wasn't such a dickhead. So I quickly put that thought aside and grabbed his arm, feeling a little better that Niall at least liked me how I was.

He slipped into his neon yellow tennis shoes, whereas I put on my black ones. I had to laugh a little when I alomst fell, tumbling into him. He didn't mind though, instead just laughed as he pulled my face to his, leaving a kiss on my nose before he wrapped his arm around my waist and lead us out.

We met Gemma, Eleanor, Perrie, Liz, Audrey, and this other red headed girl down in the lobby. My cheeks grew about 100 degrees hotter as they started whistling towards us. I smiled and looked each of them over.

Gemma was a more 'slutty' version of Little Red Riding Hood. Eleanor was black and cheetah print cat, and Perrie was dressed as a slutty devil. The the other three were all dressed as the little minions from Despicable Me.

I smiled as we made our way towards them, all walking out together. We all just decided to walk since it wasn't far at all. It looked as if others were walking that way in their costumes as well.

I still felt a bit self conscious about myself, but I tried to just push it away. We were taking pictures on our way there and I felt even more like an idiot as I had to actually pose for everyone. I couldn't take an actual funny one and it kind of irritated me because I felt like people were staring, and I didn't want to be that girl. I would have much rather been Anna or something.

About ten minutes later, Niall and I were walking hand in hand into the large party house. We, well more I, haven't been to a party in a while. They have one every Friday and it's been like a month and a half since I've been.

I was a little nervous as I stepped in, sudden images and horrible flashbacks coming to me, but for the most part, I tried to push it away and just enjoy that Niall was now here with me, and he and I were in a relationship. Everything was going to be okay because I know that he wouldn't let anything happen to me.

We walked into the kitchen, hearing the whole house bellow in mixes of Skrillix and David Guetta. Strobe lights flashed all around, lighting over the people dancing for a blink of a second before it moved to new faces.

"Hey, Lou." Niall spoke loudly so he could hear him. Louis turned around, smiling wide.

"Guys! My mates!" he started laughing and I couldn't help but to giggle at his drunken state. He was dressed as Superman, the hair an all. He actually pulled it off quite well. He pulled us each into a hug, squeezing tightly, which caused me to laugh with delight. I kid you not, it felt like I just got squeezed by a bear. "Have a drink!" he slurred, pushing a cup towards Niall.

Niall glanced to me and I shrugged so he took the cup, staring down at it for a second before swirling it around then tipping his head back to take a drink.

He shook his head then smiled. "Is it bad?" I asked.

"Not bad just strong." I nodded, staring at him as he began to drink. I wonder what it's like to be able to drink and have fun without worries. What is it like, getting drunk and losing yourself for a couple hours? Is it fun, or do they just do it because they can? I bit my lip before walking over to the sink to fill up an empty glass with water.

Niall smiled and walked up behind me, trapping me between the counter and the side out the sink counter. "Your ass looks so good in those." He purred into my ear, grinding into me from behind. I whimpered a little as I felt his hard rub against my bum. He began sucking on my neck, biting and licking and just everything to drive me absolutely nuts. I was thankful that all of my other bruises that he'd left had gone away, but now once again, he's gotta leave another.

I sighed and relaxed into his arms as he chuckled, kissing my temple. "Come dance." I nodded and turned around to grab his hand. I led us into the living room, pushing pat drunkards who were just there to take up space and get drunk. Everyone was dressed in different kids of costumes, some people being creative, others not so much. Niall ended up dressing up to fit in a group of five other guys. There were in their mid twenties maybe a little older, but Niall happened to know them from his brother.

We found a spot in the center, next to Louis who was grinding with El, although no offense, but he looked a little bored. Then there was Liam and Sophia next to us, and Harry and Audrey beside them. We were all just dancing, grinding, and having fun. Us girls would talk as the guys would all drink and laugh together.

Harry was dressed as Miley Cyrus, Liam as the Joker, and Sophia as Maleficent. They all looked good to be honest.

Niall pulled me closer to him as I became his focus again. I giggled as all the other girls shot me smirks, grinding back into their guys. Niall's hands made a spot on my inner thighs, holding me into him. My mind instantly flashed back to the very first dance I gave him. I was overly confident and I just wanted him to feel good so I could leave. As I moved my hips I wanted to do that again, so I pushed my hips back more, moving to run my bum over him more smoothly. Since he was only wearing white gym shorts, I could feel his lower region so much better than when he was in jeans. I liked it better.

I moved down then back up, my back sliding along his chest, gliding my hand along his arm as I brought it up to his neck. I heard his breath hitch before I rubbed back up against him, feeling his hands glide up and down my curves. He moved my hair to one side again as he started to kiss my neck, whimpering against my skin as I continued to grind into him. I felt him getting hard again and I moved my bum in a circle around him, causing him to moan into my ear.

God, how I love that sound.

I smiled as I got the reaction I was looking for before I turned around in his arms. I wrapped my hands around his neck, continuing to move my body for him. He wrapped his tighter around my waist, pulling me closer so now I was directly rubbing against his whole body. My lips attached themselves to his neck, sucking on his skin. I wanted to leave a mark, just like the ones he'd left on me. I wanted them to be dark and deep. I wanted them to last for days on end before they even start turning the faintest yellow. I wanted payback.

He groaned as I came upon his sweet spot. I smiled and latched myself onto him, sucking hard. I bit down and began to suck again. He groaned louder grabbing ahold of my ass before he squeezed it. "Baby." he groaned. I bit down one last time, pulling it between my teeth before it slid out, hitting back into its original position on his neck. "God, Khloe." he purred. I smiled and pulled away.

"I'm thirsty" I started to walk away before he gripped tightly into my arm, pulling me back into him. "What?"

"Try this."

"Oh, no." I smiled, pushing his cup away.

"Please, there's only a couple sips left. Just try it."

"Niall, you know that I don't drink." I frowned.

He brought his fingers up to my face, smoothing out the lines on my forehead. "Please just try it? I've been drinking it and it's perfectly fine. Do you trust me?"

"I'll always trust you, Niall. It's just that..."

"I know, babe, but please just try one little sip? I promise it's good. It tastes like those RedBulls you drank a few days ago." I bit my lip, glancing to the cup. Was I really debating doing this? I haven't drank in two years and I don't even remember what alcohol tastes like. I don't want to end back up in the hospital. That was really my biggest fear.

"I don't know, Niall." I mumbled, looking back up to him. Just then, someone knocked into me causing me to stumble. Niall placed his arm around me, moving me over more.

"Please? For me? I wouldn't ever give you something if I knew it was going to harm you in any way." He stated. "Here, I'll even drink a sip right now." he brought the plastic to his lip before tilting his head back, swallowing the liquor mixture.

He smiled and handed it over to me. I looked at it wearily before taking it into my hand. I bit my lip debating this. It may not turn out as bad as I'm making it to be, or it could turn out just completely disastrous.

"Just taste it, babe. I'm right here, nothing's going to happen." I nodded and looked to him once before my shaky hands brought the cup to my lips. I swallowed hard before opening my mouth the slightest. The cold liquid poured smoothly into my mouth and I almost gagged as I held the drink inside before finally swallowing. I started to cough directly after, feeling my mouth burn as if it was on fire. I felt like I was holding ten little fireballs on my tongue.

"Niall, it's hot. It's burning." He giggled as I handed him back his cup. "I'm going to get water."

He followed me into the kitchen where I pulled out a cup and filled it, downing the large glass. It helped relieve the fire feeling on my tongue as well as in my throat.

"Look at that, you did it." he smiled. "You actually drank something." I gave a faint smile still nervous though as to if anything would happen. I trust that he'd never drug my drink, and seeing as he drank it too, but that didn't stop the paranoia.

"Yeah, I guess so. But it was only a little sip."

"Well, a little sip is a start." he kissed my cheek. "Do you want anything else?" I shook my head.

"No, but can we go dance again before I get bored?" I laughed.

"Of course." he kissed me again, slipping his tongue through my lips. I opened further allowing our lips to move in sync. I could taste the drink on his tongue, but it didn't have the same burning like I had, instead, just his breath was hot.

I wrapped my hands around his shoulders, tangling them in his messy hair. I felt my top rise more as I did this, but I ignored it, just focusing in this kiss and how his hands felt like flames on my skin around my stomach and back. Everywhere they trailed, so did the feeling. My skin accumulated goosebumps which felt like little needles pricking at my flesh as Niall slid his hands from my hips to my waist, down my arms, and into my neck. He pushed me into the counter, gripping onto the back of my neck as he kissed me so hard I almost forgot whose air I was breathing. My knees grew week, and I had to hold onto him for support.

One of his hands moved to my cheek, softening out the rough kiss just the slightest. He smushed my body between his and the wooden surface, sucking the life out of me. I was surprised a bit as a groggy moan erupted from the back of my throat, reeling one out of him as well.

We weren't the only ones in the kitchen, but I was thankful that it was dark and that everyone else was drunk. It helped me not feel so embarrassed about this scene.

Niall ground into my causing me to moan again. I pulled away, kissing down his neck breathlessly as I tried to regain my oxygen. My heart was a lambeg drum in my chest, pounding so hard against my rising and falling ribcage, that I felt like it was going to fall out. Niall's eyes fluttered closed as I lightly bit and tugged at his skin.

"Khlo." his raspy voice made my heart stop. I looked up to him, seeing his eyes dilated. I smirked, kissing his jaw. "Come do shots with me."

"Niall, you know I don't drink. I had a sip, I'm not doing more."

"Please, babe! I'll pour 'em an you can even watch me." I sighed. Was I really going to do this? I really do trust him, but could I trust him enough to do this?

Why am I even asking myself that?

"Three. That's it. I refuse to do more." I mumbled.

"Oh my fuckin' gosh, are you serious!?" I blushed and nodded. He pulled away. "We're going to make these good then."

Oh shit.

He pulled me over to the counter full of alcohol. He told me he'd start me off easy because I've never really drank before.

I bit my lip, butterflies swirling inside my stomach as I watched the clear liquid being poured into the little glass.

"Okay, now don't let it sit in your mouth like you did with that drink. Just let it go straight down your throat or it will burn like hell." I took a deep breath and released it, nodded as I picked the glass up. Niall and I stared at each other for a minute before he counted down.

I trust you, Niall. I trust you.

On one, I let the liquid slide down into my stomach leaving a weirdly numb feeling after. I coughed a bit, swallowing again to wash it fully down. It wasn't near as bad as his mixed drink earlier.

"See, not bad." I bit my lip and nodded. "Okay, have you ever seen or experienced a tequila lime shot?"


"Well, we're doing one." He smiled. I started to feel nervous again as Niall searched through the fridge for something. He pulled out a full lime, then grabbed a knife, cutting it into six slices. He grabbed one, dipping it into the alcohol and then smiled at me before squeezing the juice along my neck.

I squealed, backing away. "Niall!" I shrieked. "What the hell!"

"Chill babe." He pulled me back into him, immediately sucking the juice off my neck. I melted into him, holding onto his arms for support. He shoved the lime sideways into my mouth before taking a shot, instantly attaching his lips to mine. We both sucked the juice out of the lime as we kissed at the same time. It was different, but I kind of oddly like it.

Niall pulled away, smiling. "Okay, your turn."

I smiled and carefully took a lime into my hands, dipped in in the tequila like he'd showed me before I drained the juice on his neck. I began to lick it off his skin, sucking and pulling on it as I left sloppy kisses up to his jaw. I could taste the tequila and I hated it. It made my tongue feel numb. I wasn't sure how I was going to take this shot.

I actually couldn't believe that he had me drinking. I don't drink. I'm scared and I'm paranoid and I don't know how he did it, but as I pulled away, I brought the glass to my lips, downing the dreadful liquid.

Niall then opened his mouth for the lime, but I tossed it to the side, not wanting that barrier. I really just wanted his lips.

He looked at me confused before I lunged towards him, pressing my lips onto his. I pushed us back towards the corner, taking dominance as I plunged my tongue into Niall's mouth.

Even though he's normally the one who likes to hold his place, he wasn't fighting this one. He was letting me take control and I liked that.

Niall sunk to the ground against the cupboards, bringing me with him. I smiled as I held onto his face, straddling his lap. I rubbed into him, running my hands through his fluffy blonde hair, ruffling it more. "I want another one of those." I said, suddenly standing up. I grabbed my shot glass, filling it up more.

Niall watched me from his sitting position, looking up at me as I smiled and downed that glass. His eyes were big and very bright, and his mouth was opened just the slightest. I put the glass back on the counter and I don't know why, but I shot him a wink, laughing after.

I grabbed a lime slice, sitting back down onto his lap. He stared at me with wide eyes as I took the lime and sucked on it before sticking it into his mouth this time. He smiled and brought our faces closer, sealing the gap between our lips. They moved together, sucking and biting on the lime barrier- creating the feeling of desperation for each other- between us that neither of us would break.

My head was starting to get light and I was actually feeling good. I was getting drunk and I could feel it, not that I really minded anymore. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all.

I pulled away and smiled as I heard the tune of the Monster Mash start to play. "Niall, come on! We're going to dance."

He laughed and stood up with me as he walked into the living room. People were going crazy but everyone was just having fun. Niall grabbed my hands, swinging me around a bit. I laughed, just enjoying my time. It was fun. I was having fun, and it was really all thanks to Niall.

"This is fun!" I screamed over the music.

"It is." he yelled back.

"Hey, I'm gonna use the restroom, I'll be back." I smiled. He nodded. I started to walk, only the stumble before I caught myself. I turned around to see if Niall had seen, and sure enough he had. I blushed as he laughed, and I continued my way. I went to the one upstairs since it was quieter and not many people were up there.

I quickly did my business and washed my hands. I glanced in the mirror only to see that the black was smudged under my tinted red eyes. I cursed and cleaned them up a bit, fixing my hair at the same time. I honestly looked like a mess.

Deciding that I was as good as I could get, I tugged my shirt down more and exited, just about bumping into a man.

I screamed as he turned to face me and was dressed as that freaking clown from American Horror Story. I won't watch that show because of this fucking clown, but Niall absolutely loves it.

He just kept staring at me and I didn't know what to do. I was frozen just staring at him. I started to turn and fastly walk away before I was grabbed by my arm and whipped around to see him again.

"Get off of me!" I yelled, feeling tears start to build. I know that he's not real, but can he at least take the damn mask off? And why is he pulling on me!?

"Khloe, stop it, now, before you start a scene." The blood in my body froze and suddenly my heart has stopped. I kept my gaze straight a head, my eyes big.

Oh my fucking... no.

What's a halloween chapter with out a little spook? ;)

Love you guys! I'm going to try to update again today because I know I've been slacking badly. Xx

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