The Masquerade Queen

By Bri_Tomlinson_Cutie

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18 2 0
By Bri_Tomlinson_Cutie

-1 month later-

I haven't talked to Max for a month now. I still can't get close to him but we've been talking. He's already said that his parents have been talking about him settling down and to find a girl to call his wife soon and he would want it to be his own kind.

My parents have also been trying to get me to go out with Max again and to trust him more. My mother keeps saying that I need to get friends and go out and have fun but how? what if something happens? something bad?

I walk outside and watch my skin sparkle in the moonlight as I sit down by the small lake.

"Hey." a boy's voice says from behind.

I turn around and look at him. Max.
"Oh hi." I say back at him and turn around again.

"Why haven't we talked?" he asks sitting next to me.

"I don't know." I say quietly and putting my knees up and my head on them.

"Are you sure?" he asks still looking at me.


"Then tell me."

"The wife thing and how your parents keep trying to get you to settle down. My parents want me to get out more and not be in the house. To get more friends. To not be alone.... I like being alone though. I like reading and not causing problems.."

"You don't cause problems Rosemary. If anything you help people with their problems. My parents don't have to worry about me finding a wife to call my own and make her into our kind so we can get married and everything. That's just not how I wanna grow up. I don't think anyone would want to grow up like that. I don't think you would." he says looking at me.

"They said I need to go date someone... I don't want to. I'm scared the boy will be scared of me and that he won't accept me for me or the way I am and I can't change now. I'm not gonna age and he's soon gonna find out something is up..." I whisper quietly and look at him.

"It's okay. Nobody can change The only thing that can change is your soul and that's the inside of you." He reassured me and I smile up at him.

"Max even though your my ex. I wouldn't mind dating you again. I can finally trust you and that's good enough for me..." I say kissing his cheek lightly and running to my house and up to my room.

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