
Oleh SC_Miller

425 24 1

He was the last thing she wanted. All it took was one encounter for Vincent to immediately be drawn to Emily... Lebih Banyak



83 7 0
Oleh SC_Miller

"Are you sure here's where you exactly tracked them?" I asked Nathan as I eyed the sketchy area I was in. The buildings in this part of New York were vacant and rundown. It was the perfect place for people to host wild parties, the homeless to squat, and for vampires to lurk. It was pretty much an open buffet for them throughout the week. A body could easily be found here and ruled out drug-related. A small breath escaped my lips, becoming visible in the cool, crisp air.

"That's the exact coordinates that are coming up on my screen. What do you see?" Nathan's deep voice came through the phone once more. I lick my slightly chapped lips and scanned my surroundings once more. There wasn't a single car in sight on the street. Dogs could be heard barking off in the distance but so could the sound of honking cars. No one really drove through this part of the city at night. People were scared their cars would get hijacked if they stopped at a stop sign.

I glance back at my car and give it a contemplative look. Should I even be here right now?

"A couple abandoned buildings and an empty street. You definitely—" I pause when I hear the sound of something falling over. I look towards the alleyway next to the building I was standing in front of. Someone or something was over there. I slowly began to walk that direction, coming to stand in the entrance of the dimly lit alleyway.

"Emily?" I slowly began to walk towards the alleyway. "What's going on?" Nate asks, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I gotta go." I ended the call and put my phone away. I move my hand to the inside of my jacket, letting my fingers wrap around the wooden stake I had tucked away in a pocket. I enter the alleyway, my eyes scanning each area that was viable to the naked eye. There, in the center of the alleyway, was a knocked over trash can. I walk around it, going deeper into the alley. "Hello?" I called out as if someone would answer me. A small huff escapes my lips as I put my stake back on the inside of my jacket.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to go snooping in dark alleyways?" A velvety voice spoke up through the silence suddenly. I quickly spun around to face the direction of the voice. No one was there. I furrowed my brows before turning around to resume investigating the area thoroughly. When I turned, my eyes found the chest of a tall figure. "Boo." I look up at the source of the smooth voice, my strong demeanor faltering slightly.

The man that stood before me was gorgeous. The golden light from the single street light closest to us lit half of his face, giving me a chance to look him over. His blonde hair laid messily on his head as if it was intentionally styled that way. His cheekbones we're slightly sunken in but complimented his bone structure. The mystery man wore a grin on his face as he stared down at me with what looked like crystal blue eyes. "Well, hello there." He greeted, his grin turning into a smirk as he spoke.

I remained silent as I began to take steps back, carefully sliding my hand back into my jacket to get my stake. "I take it you're looking for this?" He held up my stake, wiggling it with three fingers before snapping it in half. "I'm starting to think the Council does this on purpose." He mutters to himself before acknowledging my existence again. A wicked grin grew onto his face as he began to walk towards me. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Vincent Monroe."

I turned on my heels to run, but he appeared in front of me, causing my body to collide with his. "So tell me, how does someone as beautiful as you get pulled into the Guardians?" He asks, studying me just as I had done him previously. Vincent lightly ran his fingers over my left cheek, causing me to flinch from the coldness. If there were any question as to if he was a vampire, they were definitely answered now.

I slapped his hand away and took a step back. "Don't touch me." I snap, earning an amused noise from him.

"Feisty. I like that." He confesses, stepping towards me again.

"Stay back!" I warn, taking another step back.

"Or what?" He challenged, closing the gap once more. I had no other weapons to defend myself. My stake was destroyed thanks to him. The only thing I had left was combat.

So that's what I went with.

My leg went up and connected with his crotch in a low blow. The blonde vampire yelled out in pain, gifting me the opportunity to run for my car. I moved around him quickly, not looking back as I did so. This was the first time I've ever had to run from a vampire. Then again, it was a first I had my stake broken and a vampire come onto me.

Suddenly, I was pinned against the wall of a building by my throat. I gasped for air as I tried to pry Vincent's hand from my throat. He growled at me as I struggled to get free. "Is that how you treat people you just met?" He tossed me to the side and I yelped as I hit the ground. Immediately, I started to cough for air. Vincent kneeled beside me, a sigh escaping his lips. "I'm sorry about that. How rude was that of me?" He begins to reach out to touch me again, but I pushed his hand away once more.

"Just kill me already." I glared up at his smiling face. He tilted his head to the side and touched the side of my face. I winced at the coolness of his fingers once more.

"Giving up so easily, Emily?" He asks. I furrowed my brows as I watched him. How did he know my name? "I overheard your phone call." He answered as he stood to his feet. "You should go home. You never know who or what you'll run into this late at night." He flashed me a large smile before turning on his heels and walking away.

I stared in a daze with a dumbfounded expression, taking in Vincent's last words before blinking suddenly. I look around to see where he could have possibly walked, but he was nowhere to be seen. I swore under my breath and slowly stood to my feet. I took my phone out of my pocket and proceeded to call Nathan. "Did you get him?" He asked as soon as he answered the phone.

"No, I lost him," I said as I walked back towards my car.

"What do you mean you lost him?" He practically yelled.

I sighed deeply and pushed my hair out of my face. "He was too quick, stronger than the usuals," I informed him. As I'm walking, I get an idea. "Do me a favor? Look up Vincent Monroe in the database." I request, getting to my car. I take my keys out of my pocket and put it in the ignition.

"That's who you ran into?" Nate asked in a surprised tone. "And you survived?" He continues to press. You could hear the surprise in his voice.

"You know him?" I ask, shifting the car into drive.

"Heard of him? He's one of the oldest vampires in America." Nathan informs me. "He's one of the reasons the Council has lost some of their best hunters. How the hell did you escape?" He asks.

"He told me to go home—after tossing me around," I mumble, rolling the shoulder I had landed on when he dropped me. It was sore, but not to the point of concern. I put the car into drive and sped away from the area I was in.

"That's not like him." He said. I stayed quiet and thought to myself as I drove. "Em?" I blinked a few times and then sighed.

"I'll talk to you later. I think I'm gonna turn in for tonight." I said quietly as I watched the road.

I heard silence on the other end before movement. "Alright. Be safe." I chuckle softly.

"Aren't I always?" I ended the call and tossed my phone to the side. I glanced down at the rose in the seat and then back to the road. Was this rose from him? I let my window down, grabbing the rose and tossing it out the window.

I knew nothing about Vincent, never even heard of him from the Council. Why would they send me after something that they've not been successful in eliminating? Vincent could've done more to me tonight instead of showing me mercy. He played mind games, showing little interest in killing me. But why? Did I catch him on a good night? Was he in a hurry to get somewhere? Why did he spare me?

I reached up and touched my cheek. His cool touch was still lingering as if his hand was still there. I rubbed it gently, trying to erase that feeling from my skin. I needed to find out more about this old vampire. I needed answers from the Council.


I enter my house, tossing the keys onto the coffee table in the center of the living room. The television was still on just as I had left it before heading out earlier. I lived alone. I had two siblings, both lived with their significant others. I didn't mind being alone. I actually preferred it that way. In my line of work, it was safer I did anyways. There was way too much chaos in my life to allow anyone in here.

I made my way into my kitchen, walking to the refrigerator. I opened it, studying the food I had in there. There wasn't much, but amongst the things that were there was Chinese takeout. I reach down and grab the white carton, opening the top of it to see what was in it. A sour smell crept into my nose, causing my face to twist in disgust. "Oh, God no." I said to myself, tossing the old food into the garbage. I can't remember the last time I actually touched anything inside of here.

Pizza it is. I shut the refrigerator and exit the kitchen, shrugging out of my jacket as I did so. I drop the leather jacket onto the couch arm nearest to me before lifting my hands to remove the scrunchie that tied my hair away from my face. Soft brown hair dropped to frame my face, tickling my neck a little in the process. I reached into my back pocket to grab my phone, only to discover it not being there.

It had to be out in the car. I stood still for a second, staring at the door. New York in November this year wasn't exactly fall-like. Winter seemed to had come earlier than expected and the air was definitely not being kind to me. Did I really need my phone? I had a laptop in the other room I could order from. Ordering online was a lot easier than talking to some asshole having a bad night over the phone. A faint pain struck my shoulder once more as I make my way to my bedroom. There on the black comforter that covered my bed laid my MacBook. I grabbed it, tucking it under my uninjured arm while I rolled the one I had fallen on.

I go to lay down on the couch, opening the computer. On the television was what appeared to be a romance movie. Netflix autoplayed movies they recommended if you watched something similar to what they put out. I had a soft spot for romantic movies. I didn't have it in my life so I used the genre to fill the void. Something about watching people get the guy or girl made me smile like an idiot. Tears might have been shed as well, but who am I to tell? I lacked in that department—romance that is. I didn't have time for it honestly. It wasn't the easiest to explain on a date.

What do you do for a living? Oh, I hunt vampires. Although it sounded cooler than saying I'm in extermination, it definitely wouldn't be fun to see a person gawk at me like I grew two extra heads. That was the exact reason why most Guardians dated each other. It saved them the hassle of having to explain this other world that no one knows exists. It saved them the pain of watching a person they like run for the hills because of everything they were told.

I haven't tried to date for quite a bit now. My job was one of the reasons, but not the main. I had...issues. Nothing too crazy, of course. Due to past events, I had developed trust issues and lost patience. I was forced to grow up before my time as a child. I experienced things no one deserves to ever go through as a child. Men saw me as 'Hard to please' instead of trying to figure out why I was like this. It was disappointing at first, but now I just expect nothing.

I began to order my dinner for the night, pepperoni pizza with spinach.

"You can't just do this!" The actress on the television yelled at her love interest. My eyes flickered up to the screen and I began to watch. Tears filled her eyes, her skin red with emotion.

Her love interest stared at her in confusion, his blue eyes scanning her face. "Do what?"

"Barge into my life and make me feel things I didn't want to feel!" She exclaims. The man reaches for her and she tries to fight him off. All he wanted was to comfort her from the looks of it. He grabs her face and holds it still so she can look at him.

"I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to do, Lana. You wanted this just as much as I did. You can't blame me without blaming yourself as well." The man explained. I twisted my lips to the side as I watched the movie. What was this even about? I reached over and grabbed the remote, pressing a button to trigger the title and summary of the movie.

I began to read the summary of the movie, pushing my bottom lip up into my top lip as I did. An interested hum came from my lips and I went to start it over from the beginning. It wasn't a movie that came out in the theaters, but it looked good.

The movie began to play from the beginning, the opening credits rolling. I turned my attention to my laptop and studied the screen for a bit. I really needed my phone. A sigh escaped my lips as I looked to the door. I stared at it for a second, still dreading the cool air biting at my skin for a second time tonight.

I stand to my feet and grab my jacket from the couch across from me. I slip on the shoes I was wearing previously, allowing my heels to crush in the back of the shoes. I open the door and stare out into the dimly lit street. There, in the driveway of my house, was my car. My fingers wrap around the cool metal of my security door and pushes it down. The door clicks and pops open, allowing me to open it wider.

"Shit." I swear beneath my breath as the cool air hit my face like a bunch of bricks. I quickly walk off of my steps and over to my car. I reach for the car door and quickly pull it open. Was it this cold when I first was out here?

The lights of my car turned on, allowing me to easily spot my black cell phone. I grabbed the cool phone and exit the car. I slam the door shut and quickly make my way back into the house. I'm not going back out there tonight. I almost felt bad for ordering a pizza and having the driver out in this cold weather.

I look down at my phone, tapping the screen to see the notification board that lined it. There at the top was a text message from Nathan. I swiped to view the message. It was the file on Vincent.

I airdropped the file to my laptop, kicked off my shoes, once again removed my jacket from my body, and sat down on the couch. There on the screen were images of the vampire I had ran into earlier that night. In each image, it was like he was unaware he was being filmed. He was turned away from the camera slightly, leaving only half of his face visible to the camera. What he was doing in those images were unknown to me, but by the looks of it he was minding his own business.

"Vincent Monroe, age and creation date unknown." I read aloud as I scrolled the screen. "Well, he's definitely made a living being a mystery." The vampire belonged to no clan of any sort. He was a loner. He had no mate or anyone tied to him romantically through the years either. "He's very strong and fast—is considered very dangerous. No known special gifts or if he's royalty." I continued reading.

I scrolled further down and found myself reading off the lengthy list of Guardians that he's killed through the years. What the fuck have I gotten myself into? I scrolled more and find more images of him, these were older ones, images taken throughout the years. The hidden face was now in complete view for studying.

I could barely see him in the dim lighting that was in the alleyway, but seeing him now proved my claims of the inhuman vampire being beautiful. His eyebrows were thick and slightly darker than his blonde hair. His eyes were a striking blue with a slight dark blue ring around the outer part of the iris. His facial structure was somewhat otherworldly—it resembled that of a model.

Overall, there was something about him that almost made me pity him. Maybe because I too was alone, both of us by choice.

A knock at the door pulled my attention from the laptop and to the door. My eyes went back down the the clock on the computer screen before quickly returning to the door. I stand to my feet and make my way over to the door. "Who is it?" I say loudly.

"Randy from Marco's Pizza! I have a delivery for an Emily Adams!" He replies. I open the door to the sight of a young boy in a red and yellow hat and matching work shirt. In his hands was a pizza box with a receipt attached to it. I unlock the security door and opened it. "Have a good night, miss." Randy says politely as he passes off the warm pizza box to me. He turns on his heels and make his way down the sidewalk towards his car.

I close the door after knowing he was safely back in his car and on the road again. I turn to face my living room, a small sigh escaping my lips as i looked around. "A few slices of pizza and off to bed you go, Em." I say to myself as I make my way over to couch again.

It's been a long night. I was ready to unwind. I close my laptop, but not without giving the image of Vincent one more look-over. I'll just get back to figuring out who the vampire was in the morning.

This story was actually my first one on here before I removed it. I never finished it and I felt like it wasn't good enough yet. I hope you like the pilot chapter.

Give me feedback? Thanks.

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